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Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET


Complex numbers are defined as expressions of the form a + ib where a, b ∈ R & i = − 1. It is denoted by z i.e. z = a + ib. ‘a’ is called as real part of z (Re z) and ‘b’ is called as imaginary part of z (Im z).
Every Complex Number Can be Regarded as
Purely real if b = 0
Purely imaginary if a = 0
Imaginary if b ≠ 0
Note :
(a) The set R of real numbers is a proper subset of the Complex Numbers. Hence the  Complete Number system is  N ⊂ W ⊂ I ⊂ Q ⊂ R ⊂ C.
(b) Zero is both purely real as well as purely imaginary but not imaginary.
(c) i = −1 is called the imaginary unit. Also i2 = −1  ;  i3 = −i  ;   i4 = 1 etc.
(d) √a √b = √ab only if atleast one of either a or b is non-negative.

Conjugate Complex

If z = a + ib then its conjugate complex is obtained by changing the sign of its imaginary part & is denoted by Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET.
(i) Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET =  2 Re(z)
(ii) Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET =  2i Im(z)
(iii) Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET = a2 + b2 which is real
(iv) If z lies in the 1st quadrant then Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET in the 4th quadrant and Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET lies in the 2nd  quadrant.

Algebraic Operations

The algebraic operations on complex numbers are similiar to those on real numbers treating i as a polynomial. Inequalities in complex numbers are not defined. There is no validity if  we say that complex number is positive or negative.
e.g. z > 0, 4 + 2i < 2 + 4i are meaningless.
However in real numbers if a2 + b2 = 0 then a = 0 = b but in complex numbers, z12 + z22 = 0 does not imply z1 = z2 = 0.

Equality in Complex Numbers

Two complex numbers  z1 = a1 + ib1  &  z2 = a2 + ib2 are equal if and only if their real & imaginary parts coincide.

Representation of Complex Numbers in Various Forms

(a) Cartesian Form (Geometric Representation): Every complex number  z = x + iy can be represented by a point on the cartesian plane known as complex plane (Argand diagram) by the  ordered pair (x, y). length OP is called modulus of the complex number denoted  by |z| & θ is called the argument or amplitude
eg. Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET
θ = tan−1(y/x) (angle made by OP with positive x−axis)NOTE : (i) |z| is always non negative. Unlike real numbers |z| = Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET is not correct.
(ii) Argument of a complex number is a many valued function. If θ is the argument of a complex number then 2nπ + θ ; n ∈ I will also be the argument of that complex number. Any two arguments of a complex number differ by 2nπ.
(iii) The unique value of θ such that  – π < θ ≤ π is called the principal value of the argument.
(iv) Unless otherwise stated, amp z implies principal value of  the argument.
(v) By specifying the modulus & argument a complex number is defined completely. For the complex number 0 + 0 i the argument is not defined and this is the only complex number which is given by its modulus.
(vi) There exists a one-one correspondence between the points of the plane and the members of the set of complex numbers.(b) Trignometric / Polar  Representation :z = r (cos θ + i sin θ)  where |z| = r;   arg z = θ ; Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET (cosθ − i sinθ)
Note: cosθ + i sinθ is also written as CiS θ.
Also Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET are known as Euler's identities.(c) Exponential  Representation :z = re ; |z| = r ; arg z = θ ; Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

Properties of Conjugate/Moduli/Amplitude:
If z, z1, z2 ∈ C  then;
 Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET
 Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET
|z1 + z2|2 + |z1 – z2|2 = 2 [|z1|2 – |z2|2]
Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET  [TRIANGLE INEQUALITY]
(i) amp (z1 . z2) = amp z1 + amp z2 + 2 kπ. k ∈ I
(ii) amp Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET = amp z1 − amp z2 + 2 kπ ; k ∈ I
(iii) amp(zn) = n amp(z) + 2kπ.
where proper value of k must be chosen so that RHS lies in (−π, π].

Vectorial Representation of Complex Numbers

Every complex number can be considered as if it is the position vector of that point. If the point P represents the complex number z then, Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEETNOTE : (i) If Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET are of unequal magnitude then Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET
(ii) If  A, B, C & D  are four points representing the complex numbers  z1, z2, z3 & z4  then(iii) If z1, z2, z3 are the vertices of an equilateral triangle where z0 is its circumcentre then                                 (a)

Demoivre's Theorem
Statement : cos n θ + i sin n θ is the value or one of the values of (cos θ + i sin θ)n ¥ n ∈ Q. The theorem is very useful in determining the roots of any complex quantity
Note : Continued product of the roots of a complex quantity should be determined using theory of equations.

Cube Root of Unity 

(i) The cube roots of unity are 1,Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

(ii) If w is one of the imaginary cube roots of unity then 1 + w + w2 = 0. In general 1 + wr + w2r = 0 ; where r ∈ I but is not the multiple of 3.

(iii) In polar form the cube roots of unity are :

cos 0 + i sin 0 ;  cos Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

(iv) The three cube roots of unity when plotted on the argand plane constitute the verties of an equilateral triangle.

(v) The following factorisation should be remembered :

(a, b, c ∈ R & ω is the cube root of unity)

a3 − b3 = (a − b) (a − ωb) (a − ω2b) ; x2 + x + 1 = (x − ω) (x − ω2) ;

a3 + b3 = (a + b) (a + ωb) (a + ω2b) ; a3 + b3 + c3 − 3abc = (a + b + c) (a + ωb + ω2c) (a + ω2b + ωc)

nth Roots of Unity

If 1, α1, α2, α3 ..... αn − 1 are then, nth root of unity then :

(i) They are in G.P. with common ratio ei(2π/n) &

(ii) Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET if p is not an integral multiple of n = n if p is an integral multiple of n

(iii) (1 − α1) (1 − α2) ...... (1 − αn − 1) = n & (1 + α1) (1 + α2) ....... (1 + αn − 1) = 0 if n is even and 1 if n is odd.

(iv) 1. α1. α2. α3 ......... αn − 1 = 1 or −1 according as n is odd or even.

Sum of Series

(i) cosθ + cos2θ + cos3θ + ..... + cosnθ = Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

(ii) sinθ + sin2θ + sin3θ + ..... + sin n θ = Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEETNote: If θ = (2π/n) then the sum of the above series vanishes.

Straight Lines and Circles in terms of Complex Numbers

(A) If z1 & z2 are two complex numbers then the complex number z = Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET divides the joins of z1 & z2 in the ratio m : n.

Note: (i) If a, b, c are three real numbers such that az1 + bz2 + cz3 = 0 ; where a + b + c = 0 and a, b, c are not all simultaneously zero, then the complex numbers z1, z2 & z, are collinear.

(ii) If the vertices A, B, C of a ∆ represent the complex nos. z1, z2, z3 respectively, then :

(a) Centroid of the ∆ ABC = Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

(b) Orthocentre of the ∆ ABC = Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

(c) Incentre of the ∆ ABC = (az1 + bz2 + cz3) ÷ (a + b + c).

(d) Circumcentre of the ∆ABC = : (Z1 sin 2A + Z2 sin 2B + Z3 sin 2C) ÷ (sin 2A + sin 2B + sin 2C) .

(B) amp(z) = θ  is a ray emanating from the origin inclined at an angle θ to the x− axis.

(C) |z − a| = |z − b| is the perpendicular bisector of the line joining a to b.

(D) The equation of a line joining z1 & z2 is given by ;

z = z1 + t (z1 − z2)  where t is a perameter.

(E) z = z1(1 + it) where t is a real parameter is a line through the point z1 & perpendicular to oz1.

(F) The equation of a line passing through z1 & z2 can be expressed in the determinant form as Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET = 0. This is also the condition for three complex numbers to be collinear.

(G) Complex equation of a straight line through two given points z1 & z2 can be written as Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET which on manipulating takes the form as  Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET where r is real and α is a non zero complex constant.

(H) The equation of circle having centre z0 & radius ρ is : |z − z0| = ρ or Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET which is of the form  Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET r is real centre − α & radius Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET Circle will be real if Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

(I) The equation of the circle described on the line segment joining z1 & z2 as diameter is :

Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

(J) Condition for four given points z1, z2, z3 & z4 to be concyclic is, the number Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET is real. Hence the equation of a circle through 3 non collinear points z1, z2 & z3 can be taken as Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET is real ⇒ Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

(a) Reflection points for a straight line: Two given points P & Q are the reflection points for a given straight line if the given line is the right bisector of the segment PQ. Note that the two points denoted by the complex numbers z1 & z2 will be the reflection points for the straight line Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET if and only if; Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET where r is real and α is non zero complex constant.

(b) Inverse points w.r.t. a circle :
Two points P & Q are said to be inverse w.r.t. a circle with centre 'O' and radius ρ, if :
(i) the point O, P, Q are collinear and on the same side of O.
(ii) OP.OQ = ρ2.

Note that the two points z1 & z2 will be the inverse points w.r.t. the circle Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET if and only if Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

Ptolemy's Theorem

It states that the product of the lengths of the diagonals of a convex quadrilateral inscribed in a circle is equal to the sum of the lengths of the two pairs of its opposite sides.

i.e. |z1 − z3| |z2 − z4| = |z1 − z2| |z3 − z4| + |z1 − z4| |z2 − z3|.

Logarithm of a Complex Quantity

(i)(ii) ii represents a set of positive real numbers given by Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

Theory Of Equations(Quadratic Equations)

The general form of a quadratic equation in x is, ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, c ∈ R & a ≠ 0.


1. The solution of the quadratic equation, ax2 + bx + c = 0 is given by x = Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

The expression b2 – 4ac = D is called the discriminant of the quadratic equation.

2. If α & β are the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, then;
(i) α + β = – b/a
(ii) αβ = c/a
(iii) α – β = √D/a.

(A) Consider the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b, c ∈ R & a≠ 0 then
(i) D > 0 ⇔ roots are real & distinct (unequal).
(ii) D = 0 ⇔ roots are real & coincident (equal).
(iii) D < 0 ⇔ roots are imaginary.
(iv) If p + i q is one root of a quadratic equation, then the other must be the conjugate p − i q & vice versa. (p, q ∈ R & i =Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET
(B) Consider the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b, c ∈ Q & a ≠ 0 then;
(i) If D > 0 & is a perfect square, then roots are rational & unequal.
(ii) If α = p + q is one root in this case, (where p is rational & √q is a surd)  then the other root must be the conjugate of it i.e. β = p − √q & vice versa.

4. A quadratic equation whose roots are α & β is (x − α)(x − β) = 0  i.e. x2 − (α + β) x + αβ = 0 i.e. x2 − (sum of roots) x + product of roots = 0.

5. Remember that a quadratic equation cannot have three different roots & if it has, it becomes an  identity.

6. Consider the quadratic expression, y = ax2 + bx + c, a ≠ 0 &  a, b, c ∈ R then
(i) The graph between  x, y is always a parabola. If a > 0 then the shape of the parabola is concave upwards & if a < 0  then the shape of the parabola is concave downwards.
(ii) ∀ x ∈ R,  y > 0 only if a > 0 & b² − 4ac < 0 (figure 3).
(iii) ∀ x ∈ R,  y < 0 only if a < 0 & b² − 4ac < 0 (figure 6).
Carefully go through the 6 different shapes of the parabola given below.
Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET
Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

ax2 + bx + c > 0 (a ≠ 0).
(i) If D > 0, then the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 has two different roots x1 < x2.
Then a > 0  ⇒ x ∈ (−∞, x1) ∪ (x2, ∞)
a < 0 ⇒ x ∈ (x1, x2)
(ii) If D = 0, then roots are equal, i.e.  x1 = x2.
In that case a > 0 ⇒ x ∈ (−∞, x1) ∪ (x1, ∞)
a < 0 ⇒ x ∈ φ
(iii) Inequalities of the form Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET can be quickly solved using the method of intervals.

Maximum and Minimum value of y = ax² + bx + c occurs at  x = − (b/2a) according as ;  a < 0 or a > 0. Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

Let α be the common root of ax2 + bx + c = 0 & a′x2 + b′x + c′ = 0 Therefore a α2 + bα + c = 0; a′α2 + b′α + c′ = 0. By Cramer’s Rule Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET Therefore, α = 

Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET So the condition for a common root is (ca′ − c′a)2 = (ab′ − a′b)(bc′ − b′c).

The condition that a quadratic function f (x, y) = ax2 + 2 hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2 fy + c may be resolved into two linear factors is that ;
abc + 2 fgh − af2 − bg2 − ch2 = 0 OR Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

Theory of Equations

If  α1, α2, α3, ......αn are the roots of the equation; f(x) = a0xn + a1xn-1 + a2xn-2 + .... + an-1x + an = 0 where a0, a1, .... an are all real & a0 ≠ 0 then, ∑α1 = Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEETNote :

(i) If α is a root of the equation f(x) = 0, then the polynomial f(x) is exactly divisible by (x − α) or (x − α) is a factor of f(x) and conversely .

(ii) Every equation of nth degree (n ≥ 1) has exactly n roots & if the equation has more than n roots, it is an identity.

(iii) If the coefficients of the equation f(x) = 0 are all real and α + iβ is its root, then α − iβ is also a root. i.e. imaginary roots occur in conjugate pairs.

(iv) If the coefficients in the equation are all rational & α + √β is one of its roots, then α − √β is also a root where  α, β ∈ Q & β  is not a perfect square.

(v) If there be any two real numbers 'a' & 'b' such that f(a) & f(b) are of opposite signs,  then f(x) = 0 must have atleast one real root between 'a' and 'b'.

(vi) Every equation f(x) = 0 of degree odd has atleast one real root of a sign opposite to that of its last term.

Let f (x) = ax2 + bx + c, where  a > 0 & a, b, c ∈ R.
(i) Conditions for both the roots of f(x) = 0 to be greater than a specified number ‘d’ are b2 − 4ac ≥ 0;  f (d) > 0  &  (− b/2a) > d.
(ii) Conditions for both roots of f (x) = 0 to lie on either side of the number ‘d’ (in other words the number ‘d’ lies between the roots of f (x) = 0) is f (d) < 0.
(iii) Conditions for exactly one root of f (x) = 0 to lie in the interval (d, e) i.e. d < x < e are  b2 − 4ac > 0 & f (d). f (e) < 0.
(iv) Conditions that both roots of f (x) = 0 to be confined between the numbers p & q are (p < q). b2 − 4ac ≥ 0; f (p) > 0; f (q) > 0 & p < (− b/2a) < q.

Logarithmic Inequalities

(i) For a > 1 the inequality 0 < x < y & loga x < loga y are equivalent.
(ii) For 0 < a < 1 the inequality 0 < x < y & loga x > loga y are equivalent.
(iii) If a > 1 then loga x < p ⇒ 0 < x < ap 
(iv) If a > 1 then logx > p ⇒ x > ap 
(v) If 0 < a < 1 then loga x < p ⇒ x > ap 
(vi) If 0 < a < 1 then logx > p ⇒ 0 < x < ap

The document Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET is a part of the JEE Course Mathematics (Maths) for JEE Main & Advanced.
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FAQs on Important Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations Formulas for JEE and NEET

1. What are the different forms in which complex numbers can be represented?
Ans. Complex numbers can be represented in various forms such as rectangular form (a + bi), polar form (r(cosθ + isinθ)), and exponential form (re^(iθ)).
2. How can complex numbers be used to represent straight lines and circles?
Ans. In the complex plane, the equation of a straight line can be represented by a complex number in the form az + b = 0, and the equation of a circle can be represented by a complex number in the form |z - a| = r.
3. What is the cube root of unity and how is it related to complex numbers?
Ans. The cube roots of unity are the three complex numbers 1, ω, and ω^2, where ω = cos(2π/3) + i sin(2π/3). These roots are important in complex number theory and have applications in various fields.
4. How can complex numbers be used to find the nth roots of unity?
Ans. The nth roots of unity can be found using the formula ω = cos(2π/n) + i sin(2π/n), where ω represents each root. These roots play a crucial role in solving complex equations and have significance in mathematics and physics.
5. How can algebraic operations be performed on complex numbers?
Ans. Algebraic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can be performed on complex numbers by treating the real and imaginary parts separately. By following the rules of arithmetic, complex numbers can be manipulated to solve various mathematical problems.
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