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Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics PDF Download

Condition for Principle Maxima

When the value of N is very large, one obtains intense maxima when sinβ = 0 . This condition arises when

β = ±nπ where n = 0,1,2,3.....

so sin Nβ = 0

Thus Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics (indeterminate form), thus

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Thus intensity

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Such maxima are most intense and are known as principal maxima. Physically, at these maxima the fields produced by each of the slits are in phase, and therefore, they add and

the resultant field is N times the field produced by each of the slits.

They are obtained in the direction given by β = ±nπ

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

(b + e)sinθ = ±nλ where n = 0,1,2...

This is the condition of maxima where for n = 0 , we get the zero order principle maximum. For n = ±1,+2 + 3..... we obtain the first, second, third- order principal maxima respectively. The ± sign show that there are two principal maxima for each order

lying on either side of the zero order maximum.

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Condition for Minima

The intensity is zero when sin Nβ = 0 but sinβ ≠ 0 thenPosition of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics = 0 

( sinβ = 0 gives maximum intensity). Thus minimum are obtained in the directions given by

sin Nβ = 0 ⇒ Nβ = ±m′π ⇒ Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Thus the condition of minimum intensity is

N (b + e)sinθ = ±m′λ

where m′ takes all integral values except 0, N,2N.... nN . Because these value of m′ makes sinβ = 0 , which gives principal maxima.

It is clear from above that m′ = 0 gives the principal maximum and m′ = 1, 2,3.. (N −1) give minima and then m′ = N give again a principal maximum. Thus there are (N −1) minima between two consecutive principal maxima.

Condition for Secondary Maxima

As there are (N −1)minima between two consecutive principal maxima, there must be (N − 2) other maxima between two principal maxima these are called secondary maxima.

Their positions are obtained by differentiating the formula of intensity I with respect to

β and equating it equal to zero. Thus

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics = 0

N cos nβ sinβ = sin Nβ cosβ ⇒ tan Nβ = N tanβ                              ----(1)

To find the value of Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics under the condition (1), we make use of the triangle shown

in figure (1), this gives

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

This gives Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

This shows that the intensity of the secondary maxima is proportional toPosition of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics, where the intensity of the principal maxima is proportional to N2 so,

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Hence greater the value of N , the weaker are secondary maxima. In an actual grating, N

is very large. Hence these secondary maxima are not visible in the grating spectrum.

Condition for absent spectra

A particular principal maximum may be absent if it corresponds to the angle which also determines the minimum of the single-slit diffraction pattern.

Principal maxima in the grating spectrum are obtained in the direction given by
(b + e)sinθ = nλ                                                          -----(1)

where n is the order of maximum.

The minima in a single slits pattern are obtained in the direction given by

bsinθ = mλ m =1,2,3...                                                -----(2)

If both (1) and (2) are satisfied simultaneously, a particular maximum of order n will be

missing in the grating spectrum.

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

this is the condition for the spectrum of the order n to be absent.

If e = b then n = 2m = 2,4,6... i.e. 2nd, 4th, 6th, order spectra will be absent

If e = 2b then n = 3m = 3,6,9... i.e. 3rd, 6th, 9th…… order spectra will be absent

Example 4: Monochromatic light beam a helium-neon laser (λ = 632.8 nm) is incident normally on a diffraction grating containing 6000 grooves per centimeter. Find the angles at which the 1st and 2nd order maxima are observed. What if we look for the 3rd order maxima? Do we find it?

First we must calculate the slit separation, which is equal to the inverse of the

number of grooves per centimeter.

d = 1/6000cm = 1.667 x 10-4 cm = 1667 nm

For the 1st order maximum (n =1) , we obtain

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics = 0.3796 ⇒ θ1 = 22.31o

For the 2nd order maximum (n = 2) , we find

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics = 0.7592 ⇒ θ2 = 49.39o

For 3rd order maximum (n = 3) , we find

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics= 1.139

because sinθ cannot exceed unity, this does not represent a realistic solution. Hence only zeroth 1st & 2nd order maxima are observed for this situation

Rayleigh Criterion of Resolution and Resolving Power

The resolving power of an optical instrument represents its ability to produce distinctly

separate spectral lines of light having two or more close wavelengths.

Rayleigh’s Criterion of Resolution

Lord Rayleigh proposed the following criterion for resolution which has been universally adopted. “Two spectral lines of equal intensities are just resolved by an optical instrument when the principal maximum of the diffraction pattern due to one falls on the first minimum of the diffraction pattern of the other.

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Resolving Power of a Grating

The resolving power of a grating represents its ability to form separate spectral lines for

wavelengths very close together. It is defined by R = λ/Δλ where Δλ is the separation of

the two wavelengths which the grating can just resolve; the smaller the value ofΔλ , larger the resolving power.

Let a parallel beam of light of two wavelengths of λ and λ + dλ be incident normally on the grating. If the nth principal maximum of λ is formed in the direction n θ, we have
(b + e)sinθn = nλ                                                                                    (1)

where (b + e) is the grating element. Let the first minimum adjacent to the

nth maximum be obtained in the direction (θn + dθn )

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

The equation for the minima is
N (b + e)sinθ = m′λ                                                                               (2)
here θ = θn + dθn 

where N is the total number of rulings on the grating and m′ takes all integral values except 0, N,2N,....n N because these values of m′ give 0th ,1st ,2nd ,....nth principal maximum respectively.

Clearly, the first minimum adjacent to the principal maximum in the direction of θ increasing will be obtained for m′ = (nN +1) . Therefore, if this minimum is obtained in

the direction θn + dθn , we have from equation (2)

N (b + e)sin(θn + dθn) = (nN +1)

N (b + e)sin(θn + dθn) = Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics                                                      (3)

By Rayleigh’s criterion, the wavelengths λ and (λ + dλ ) are just resolved by the grating

when the nth maximum of (λ + dλ ) is also obtained in the direction θn + dθn . Then, we

have from equation (1)

(b + e)sin(θn + dθn) = n λ + dλ                                                             (4)

Comparing equation (3) and (4), we get

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

n.Nλ +λ = Nnλ + +Nndλ

λ = Nndλ

λ/dλ = nN

But λ/dλ is the resolving power R of the grating.

Therefore, R = λ/dλ = nN

The above expression may be written as

R = nN = Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

But N (b + e) is the total width of the grating. Hence at a particular angle of diffraction θn, the Resolving Power is directly proportional to the total width of the ruled space on the grating.

Difference between Dispersive Power and Resolving Power

The dispersive power of a diffraction grating gives us an idea of the angular separation between the lines of a spectrum produced by a grating, it is measured by Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physicswhere dθ

is the angular separation between two spectral lines whose wavelengths differ by dλ .

The value of Dispersive Power is given by

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Thus, higher is the order n of the spectrum or closer are the rulings on the grating (i.e. smaller the value of (b + e) greater is the dispersive power.

The resolving power of the grating, on the other hand, expresses the degree of closeness

which the spectral lines can have and yet be distinguished as two. It is measured by λ/dλ,

where dλ is the smallest wavelength λ . The value of Resolving Power is given by

λ/dλ = nN

where, N is the total number of rulings on the grating and n is order of diffraction. Thus

greater is the width of the ruled surface, higher is the resolving power. The higher

resolving power results in sharp maxima.

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Resolving power is greater in case (a) than case (b).

Example 5: When a gaseous element is raised to a very high temperature, the atoms emit radiation having discrete wavelengths. Tow strong components in the atomic spectrum have wavelengths of 5890 A0 & 5896 A0 .
(a) What resolving power must a grating have if these wavelengths are to be distinguished?
(b) To resolve these lines in the second-order spectrum, how many slits of the grating must be illuminated?

(a) Resolving power is defined as

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics where λ = Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics= 5890 + 5896/2 = 5893 A0

Δλ = λ −λ = 5896 − 5890 = 6 A0

∴ R = Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics = 982 ⇒ R = 982

(b) Resolving power also defined as R = nN where n is the order of spectrum and N is number of slits

N = R/n = 982/2 = 491 slits

Example 6: A beam of light is incident normally on a diffraction grating of width 1 cm. It is found that at 30o, the nth order diffraction maximum for λ1 = 600 Ǻ is super-imposed on the (n+1)th order for λ2 = 500 Ǻ. How many lines per cm does the grating have? Find out whether the first order spectrum from such a grating can be used to resolve the wavelengths λ3 = 5800 Ǻ and λ4 = 5802 Ǻ?

Condition for diffraction maxima is

(b + e)sinθ = nλ

For given two wavelength the maxima condition can be written as

(b + e)sin 30o = nλ1 and (b + e) sin 30o = (n +1)λ2

Taking ration of the two, we get

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

The grating element is

(b + e) sin 30o = 5×500Α0 ⇒ b + e = 5×10−5cm

Number of grating is

N = Grating width/Grating element = W/(b + e) = 1/5 x 10-5 = 20000

Resolving power of this Grating is

R = λ/dλ = nN

For 1st order spectrum, the resolving power of the given grating is

R = nN = 20000

Whereas to resolve the wavelengths λ3 = 5800 Ǻ and λ4 = 5802 Ǻ the required resolving power is

Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

Resolving power of the given grating (20000) is more than required(2900) . Thus, given grating will resolve the wavelengths λ3 = 5800 A0 and λ4 = 5802 A0.

The document Position of Maxima & Minima | Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics is a part of the Physics Course Oscillations, Waves & Optics.
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FAQs on Position of Maxima & Minima - Oscillations, Waves & Optics - Physics

1. What are the conditions for minima in spectra?
Ans. The conditions for minima in spectra are related to interference patterns. They occur when two or more waves superpose destructively, resulting in a minimum intensity of light. The conditions for minima include the path difference being an odd multiple of half the wavelength and the waves being in phase.
2. How can secondary maxima be formed in spectra?
Ans. Secondary maxima in spectra are formed due to the interference of light waves. They occur when two or more waves superpose constructively, resulting in a maximum intensity of light. Secondary maxima are formed when the path difference between the waves is an odd multiple of the wavelength and the waves are out of phase.
3. What are the conditions for absent spectra?
Ans. Absent spectra refers to the absence of certain wavelengths or colors in the observed spectrum. This can occur when there is destructive interference between waves, causing certain wavelengths to cancel out. The conditions for absent spectra include the path difference being an even multiple of half the wavelength and the waves being out of phase.
4. What is the position of maxima and minima in spectra?
Ans. The position of maxima and minima in spectra depends on the nature of interference. In a double-slit experiment, for example, the central maximum (bright fringe) is located at the center of the screen, while the subsequent maxima and minima are alternately spaced on either side. The positions of the maxima and minima can be calculated using the formula: y = mλL / d, where y is the position of the fringe, m is the order of the fringe, λ is the wavelength, L is the distance between the screen and the slits, and d is the distance between the slits.
5. Can you provide some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to maxima and minima in IIT JAM Physics exam?
Ans. Sure! Here are five frequently asked questions related to maxima and minima in the IIT JAM Physics exam: 1. How do you determine the position of the first minimum in a double-slit experiment? 2. What is the difference between primary and secondary maxima in the interference pattern? 3. How does the distance between the slits affect the position of the fringes in a double-slit experiment? 4. Can you explain the concept of interference in terms of wavefronts and phase difference? 5. What happens to the interference pattern if the wavelength of light is increased?
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