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Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams PDF Download

Cauchy’s Condensation Test

Statement: For a non-increasing sequence {an} of non-negative real numbers, the series ∑an converges if and only if the series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges.
Proof: Observe that since {an} is decreasing:
a1 + (a2 + a3) + (a4 + a5 + a6 + a7) +...+ aN ≤ a1 + 2a2 + 4a4 + ... + Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams = a2 + (a2 + a3) + (a3 + 2a4 + a5) + (a5 + 2a6 + 2a7 + 2a8 + a9) +... + 2aN ≥ a2 + 2a4 + 4a8 + 8a16 + .....+ Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Thus proved.

Example 1: Discuss convergence of Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is monotone decreasing as log n is increasing.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Thus, the series converges iff p > 1.

Statements of two important tests for series with arbitrary terms :
Abel's test : If {(xn)} is a convergent monotone sequence and the series ∑yn is convergent, then the series ∑xnyn is also convergent.
Dirichlet's test: If {(xn)} is a decreasing sequence with lim xn = 0, and if the partial sums {(sn)} of ∑yare bounded, then the series ∑xnyn is convergent.

Alternating Series

A series of the form u1 - u2 + u3 - u4 + ..., where un > 0 ∀ n ∈ N is called an alternating series and is denoted bySeries of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
We have Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams = u1 - u2 + u3 - u4 + ... + (-1)n-1 un + ...

Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Leibnitz Test
If an alternating series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams satisfies
(i) Each term is numerically less than the proceeding term i.e.
un ≤ un-1 ∀ n,
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
then the series ∑(-1)n-1 un converges.
Proof : In order to prove that the given series converges, we shall show that its sequence 〈Sn〉 of partial sums converges. For this we shall first prove that the subsequences 〈Sn〉 and 〈S2n + 1〉 both converge to the same limit.
Now = S2n = u1 - u2 + u3 - u4 + .... + u2n - 1 -  u2n,
and S2n+2 = u1 - u2 + u3 - u4 +  .... + u2n-1 - u2n + u2n+1 - u2n +2.
∴ S2n+2 - S2n + u2n + 1 - u2n + 2 ≥ 0.     (∵ Un+1 ≤ un < ∀ n )
Thus 〈S2n〉 is a monotonically increasing sequence.
Again S2n = u1 - u2 + u3 - u4 + u5 - u6 + ... + u2n-1, - u2n 
= u1 - [(u2 - u3) + (u4 - u5) + ... + (U2n-2 - u2n-2) + u2n]
Now each term within the bracket is positive, since
un+1 ≤ un ∀ n and u2n > 0.
∴ S2n < u1 ∀ n and so 〈S2n〉 is bounded above.
Since 〈S2n〉 is monotonically increasing and bounded above, therefore 〈S2n〉 is convergent.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams  ....(iii)
We shall now show that 〈S2n + 1〉 converges to l. We have
 S2n + 1 = u1 - u2 + u3 - u4 + .... + u2n - 1 , - u2n + u2n + 1
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
From (iii), (iv), it follows that for any ε > 0, there exists positive integers m1 and m2 such that
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ...(v)
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   ....(vi)
Let m = max (m1, m2) so that m ≥ m1, m ≥ m2,     .....(vii)
From (v), (vi), (vii) ;
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
⇒ 〈Sn〉 converges to l.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Remark: The alternating series ∑(-1)n-1 un will not be convergent if either Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

For Example 
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
This is an alternating series
So we can check the convergence by applying leibnitz test
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
and so on
i.e. Each term of an is decreasing
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So by Leibnitz test the given series converges. 

Example 1: Test for convergence the series
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

We have
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(i) un+1 < un ∀ n,
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence, by Leibnitz’s Test, the given series is convergent.
(b) The proof of similar. The given series is convergent.

Example 2: Using the Alternating Series Test
Determine the convergence or divergence of Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Note that Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams So, the first condition of Theorem is satisfied. Also note that the second condition of Theorem satisfied because
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
for all n. So, applying the Alternating Series Test, you can conclude the series converges. 

Example 3: Using the Alternating Series Test
Determine the convergence or divergence of Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

To apply the Alternating Series Test, note that, for n ≥ 1,
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So, an+1 = (n + 1)/2n ≤ n/2n - 1 = an for all n. Furthermore, by L’Hopital's Rule,
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Therefore, by the Alternating Series Test, the series converges.

Example: When the Alternating Series Test Does Not Apply
a. The alternating series
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
passes the second condition of the Alternating Series Test because an + 1 ≤ an for all n. You cannot apply the Alternating. Series Test, however, because the series does not pass the first condition. In fact, the series diverges.
b. The alternating series
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
passes the first condition because an approaches 0 as n → ∞. You cannot apply the Alternating Series Test, however, because the series does not pass the second condition. To conclude that the series diverges, you can argue that S2N equals the Nth partial sum of the divergent harmonic series. This implies that the sequence of partial sums diverges. So, the series diverges.

Example: The alternating harmonic series
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(i) bn+1 < bn because Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So the series is convergent by the Alternating Series Test.

Absolute and Conditional Convergence

Sometimes series have both positive and negative terms but they are not perfectly alternating like those in the previous section. For example
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
is not alternating but does have both positive and negative terms.
So how do we deal with such series? The answer is to take the absolute value of the terms. This turns the sequence into a non-negative series and now we can apply many of our previous convergence tests. For example if we take the absolute value of the terms in the series above, we get
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since Isin nl ≤ 1, then
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
But Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges by the p-series test (p = 2 > 1), so Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges by comparison.
But what about the original series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams The next theorem provides the answer: The series does converge.
Theorem: (The Absolute Convergence Test). If Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges so does Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Proof. Given Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges. Define a new series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams where
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So 0 ≤ bn = an + lanl < lanl + lanl = 2lanl. ButSeries of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges, hence by direct comparison Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges. Therefore

Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
converges since it is the difference of two convergent series.

Important Note: The converse is not true. If Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges,Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams may or may not converge.
For example, the alternating harmonic series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges, but if we take the absolute value of the terms, the harmonic series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
This leads to the following definition.

Absolute Convergence 
A series ∑un is said to be absolutely convergent if the series ∑ I un I is convergent.

Example: The series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is absolutely convergent, since Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams being a geometric series with common ratio r = 1/2 < 1, is convergent.

Example 1: Determine whether Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges absolutely, conditionally, or not at all.

Notice that this series is not positive nor is it alternating since the first few terms are approximately
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
First we check absolute convergence. Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams looks a lot like the p-series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams with P = 2 > 1. We can use the direct comparison test. Since 0 ≤ Icos nl ≤ 1,Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams for all n. Since the p-series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges, so does Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams by the direct comparison test (Theorem). So the series of absolute values converges. The original series is absolutely convergent. We need to check further.

Conditional Convergence 
A series ∑un is said to be conditionally convergent, if
(i) ∑un is convergent and
(ii) ∑un is not absolutely convergent.
Example: The series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is conditionally convergent, since the given series is convergent (by Leibnitz Test) and Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is not convergent, i.e., ∑un is not absolutely convergent.

Example 1: Determine whether Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges absolutely, conditionally, or not at all.

First we check absolute convergence.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Notice that Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams So let’s use the limit comparison test. The terms of the series are positive and
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since the harmonic series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams diverges (p-series with p = 1), then Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams diverges by the limit comparison test. So the series does not converge absolutely.
Since the series is alternating and not absolutely convergent, we check for conditional convergence using the alternating series test with Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Check the two conditions.

  1. Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
  2. Further an+1 ≤ an is decreasing becauseSeries of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams (You could also show the derivative is negative.) Since the two conditions of the alternating series test are satisfied, Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is conditionally convergent by the alternating series test.

Example: Determine whether Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams  is aK  p-series withSeries of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams 
So the series of absolute values diverges. The original series is not absolutely convergent.
Since the series is alternating and not absolutely convergent, we check for conditional convergence using the alternating series test with Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Check the two conditions.

  1. Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
  2. Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Since the two conditions of the alternating series test are satisfied, Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is conditionally convergent by the alternating series test..

Theorem: Every absolutely convergent series is convergent. The converse need not be true.
Proof: Let ∑un be an absolutely convergent series.
Then ∑ I un I is convergent.
By cauchy’s General Principle of Convergence, for any ε > 0, there exists a positive integer m s.t.
I I um + 1 I + I um + 2 I + ... + I un I I < ε, ∀ n ≥ m
⇒ I um + 1 I + I um + 2 I + ... + I un I < ε, ∀ n ≥ m.
Now I um + 1 + um + 2 + ... + un I ≤ I um + 1 I + I um + 2 I + ... + I un I < ε ∀ n ≥ m.
Hence ∑ un is convergent (by Cauchy’s Principle of Convergence).
(ii) The converse of the theorem is not true i.e.,
A convergent series may not be absolutely convergent.
Consider the series
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
We have seen that the given series is convergent, by Leibnitz’s Test but Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams s not convergent i.e. ∑ un is not absolutely convergent.

Example 1: Determine whether Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges absolutely, conditionally, or not at all.

First we check absolute convergence.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Notice that Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams So let’s use the limit comparison test. The terms of the series are postive and
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges (p-series with p = 5 > 1), then Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges by the limit comparison test. So the series converges absolutely.

Example 2: Determine whether Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges absolutely, conditionally, or not at all. 

First we check absolute convergence. Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams We use the direct comparison test with Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Notice that Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams because n > 1. Next Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams (To check that Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams diverges, use the integral test and u = substitution with u = In x. Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams In lln bl - ln(ln 2) = +∞. Consequently Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams diverges by the direct comparison test. So the series does not converges absolutely.
Since the series is alternating and not absolutely convergent, we check for conditional convergence using the alternating series test with Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Check the two conditions.

  1. Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
  2. Further an is decreasing since
    Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Since the two conditions of the alternating series test are satisfied,Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is conditionally convergent by the alternating series test.

Example 3: Determine whether Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges absolutely, conditionally, or not at all.

First we check absolute convergence. Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams Use the nth term test:
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since limn→∞ an ≠ 0 the series automatically diverges and cannot converge absolutely or conditionally.
When we test for absolute convergence using the ratio test, we can say more. If the ratio r is actually greater than 1, the series will diverge. We don’t even need to check conditional convergence.

Theorem (The Ratio Test Extension): 
Assume that Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is a series with non-zero terms and let Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

  1. If r < 1, then the series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges absolutely.
  2. If r > 1 (including ∞) , then the series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams diverges.
  3. If r = 1, then the test is inconclusive. The series may converge or diverge.
    This is most helpful when the series diverges. It says we can check for absolute convergence and if we find the absolute value series diverges, then the original series diverges. We don’t have to check for conditional convergence.

Example 1: Determine whether Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams conver ges absolutely, conditionally, or not at all.

Here’s a perfect place to use the ratio test because there is a factorial.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The (original) series diverges by the ratio test. The ratio test says we don’t have to check for conditional convergence.

Example 2: Determine whether Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges absolutely, conditionally, or not at all.

First we check absolute convergence using the ratio test because of the factorial.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The (original) series diverges by the ratio test extension.

Example 3: Determine whether Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams converges absolutely, conditionally, or not at all.

Check absolute convergence using the ratio test extension.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The (original) series converges absolutely by the ratio test extension.

Example 4: Does the following series converge absolutely, converge conditionally, or diverge?

Let us look at the positive term series for this given series.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
This is a geometric series with ratio, r = 4/5, which is less than 1.
Therefore this series converges, and the given series converges absolutely.

Example 5: Does the following series converge absolutely, converge conditionally, or diverge?
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Let us look at the positive term series for the given series.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
This is the harmonic series and it diverges, so the given series will not converge absolutely. Now we must determine if the given series will converge conditionally or diverge. To do this, we will have to look at the alternating series. To do this, we must use the alternating series test.
Let un = 1/n.
un > 0 for all n ≥ 1, so the first condition of this test is satisfied.
Now we must determine if the second condition is satisfied. This is easy to see. As n gets larger, the fraction 1/n gets smaller. So un ≥ un+1 and the second condition is true. Now let us determine if the third condition is satisfied.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The third condition holds, so the alternating series converges, and the given series converges conditionally.
So here the steps you will need to follow when determining absolute convergence, conditional convergence or divergence of a series. Look at the positive term series first. If the positive term
A. If it converges, then the given series converges absolutely.
B. If the positive terms series diverges, use the alternating series test to determine if the alternating series converges. If this alternating series diverges, then the given series diverges.

Example 6: Does the following series converge absolutely, converges conditionally, or diverges?
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Here is the positive term series.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
we are going to use the ratio test to determine the convergence of this series.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
So the positive term series diverges by the ratio test, and the given series does not converge absolutely. Therefore, we will have to look at the alternating series to determine if it converges or not.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
un is positive for n ≥ 1, so the first condition is satisfied. Now to determine it the second condition is holds. To help me determine this, we will plot the first 5 term of this sequence.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive ExamsTherefore, the third condition is not satisfied because the terms of this sequence are increasing. In fact 4n grows faster than n2. So the alternating series diverges, and the given series also diverges. 

Example 7: Does the following series converge absolutely, converge conditionally, or diverge?
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Since the cos nπ is the alternating term, the positive term series is the harmonic series. Remember that the harmonic series diverges, so the given series does not converge absolutely. Now to determine the convergence of the alternating series.
Let un = 1/n.
un > 0 for all n ≥ 1, so the first condition of this test satisfied.
Now we must determine if the second condition is satisfied. This is easy to see. As n gets larger, the fraction 1/n gets smaller. So un ≥ un + 1 and the second condition is true. Now let us determine if the third condition is satisfied.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The third condition holds, so the alternating series converges, and the given series converges conditionally.

Example 8: Does the following series converge absolutely, converge conditionally, or diverge?
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Here is the positive term series.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Since nth term is raised to the nth power, we will use the nth-root test to determine convergence or divergence of this series.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The positive term series converges by the nth-root test. Therefore, the given series converges absolutely.

Convergence of the Infinite Integral
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Definition: The infinite integralSeries of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is said to be convergent (divergent), if Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is finite (infinite).
We state a result without proof:

Theorem: If f(x) ≥ 0 ∀ x ≥ 1, then Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent iff there exists a positive number k such that for Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Example 1: Examine the convergence and divergence of
(i) Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

 (i) We have
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Definition: Let f(x) be a real valued function with domain [1, ∞[.
The function f(x) is said to be non-negative, if f(x) ≥ 0 ∀ x ≥ 1.
The function f(x) is said to be monotonically decreasing, if x ≤ y ⇒ f(x) ≥ f(y) ; x, y ∈ [1, ∞[.
For example, f(x) = 1/x2 is non-negative and monotonically decreasing ∀ x ≥ 1.

Cauchy’s Integral Test 
If u(x) is a non-negative, monotonically decreasing and integrable function such that u(n) = un ∀ n ∈ N, then the series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent if and only if Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent.
Proof : Since u(x) is monotonically decreasing, so
u(n) ≥ u(x) ≥ u(n + 1), when n ≤ x ≤ n + 1.
Since u(x) is non-negative and integrable, so
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   ....(1)
Putting n = 1, 2, n - 1 in (1) and adding, we get
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams  where Sn = u1 + u2 + ... + un-1 + un 
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    ....(2)
The condition is necessary.
Suppose the series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent.
Then there exists a positive number K such that
Sn ≤ K ∀ n.   ......(3)
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
The condition is sufficient.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Then there exists a positive number k such that
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams   ....(4)

From (2) and (4),
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
or Sn ≤ k + u1 ∀ n, so that 〈Sn〉 is bounded above.
Hence the series ∑ un is convergent.

Example 1: Show that the series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent if p > 1 and divergent if p ≤ 1.

Let un = 1/np and u(x) = 1/xp , so that u(n) = un ∀ n ∈ N.
Clearly, for x ≥ 1, u(x) is non-negative, integrable and a decreasing function of x. Now 

Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
= (log t - log 1), if p = 1.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams    (∵ log 1 = 0)
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
If Follows that the improper integralSeries of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent if p > 1 and divergent if p ≤ 1. Hence, by Cauchy’s integral test, Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent if p > 1 and divergent if p ≤ 1.

Example 2: Show that the series Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent if p > 1 and divergent if 0 < p ≤ 1.

Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Then for x ≥ 2, u(x) is non-negative, monotonically decreasing and integrable function. Also u(n) = un ∀ n ∈ N.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Thus Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent if p > 1 and divergent if 0 < p ≤ 1. Hence, by Cauchy’s Integral Test, the given series is convergent if p > 1 and divergent if 0 < p ≤ 1.

Example 3: Test for convergence the series
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

consider the case p = 1.
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Hence the given series diverges.

Example 4: Apply Cauchy’s Integral Test to examine the convergence of the following series:
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams so that u(n) = un ∀ n ∈ N.
For x ≥ 1, u(x) is non-negative, monotonically decreasing and integrable function. Now
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Thus Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent and soSeries of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent.
(By Cauchy’s Integral Test)
(ii) Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams so that u(n) = un ∀ n ∈ N.
For x ≥ 1, u(x) is non-negative, monotonically decreasing and integrable function. Now
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Thus Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams dx is a convergent and so by Cauchy’s Integral Test, the given series is convergent.

Example 5: Test the convergent of
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams

Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
For x ≥ 3, u(x) is non-negative , monotonically decreasing and integrable function. Now
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
where y = log log x,
y1 = log log 3, y2 = log log t
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams
Thus Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is convergent if p > 1 and divergent if 0 < p ≤ 1.
Hence, by Cauchy’s Integral Test, the given series is convergent if p > 1 and divergent if 0 < p ≤ 1.

The document Series of Real Numbers- II | Mathematics for Competitive Exams is a part of the Mathematics Course Mathematics for Competitive Exams.
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FAQs on Series of Real Numbers- II - Mathematics for Competitive Exams

1. What is Cauchy's Condensation Test and how is it used to determine the convergence of a series?
Ans. Cauchy's Condensation Test is a method used to determine the convergence of a series. It states that if the terms of a series are positive and non-increasing, then the series and its condensed series have the same convergence behavior. The condensed series is obtained by summing the terms whose indices are powers of 2. If the condensed series converges, then the original series also converges, and vice versa.
2. What is an alternating series and how can we test its convergence?
Ans. An alternating series is a series in which the signs of the terms alternate between positive and negative. To test the convergence of an alternating series, we can use the Alternating Series Test. This test states that if the absolute values of the terms of the series form a decreasing sequence and approach zero, then the series converges. Additionally, the error bound can be estimated by taking the absolute value of the first neglected term.
3. What is the difference between absolute and conditional convergence of a series?
Ans. Absolute convergence and conditional convergence are two different types of convergence for series. Absolute convergence refers to the convergence of a series when the sum of the absolute values of its terms converges. If a series converges absolutely, it will also converge when the signs of the terms are changed or rearranged. Conditional convergence, on the other hand, refers to the convergence of a series when the sum of its terms converges, but the sum of the absolute values of its terms diverges. Unlike absolute convergence, the convergence of a conditionally convergent series can change if the signs of the terms are changed or rearranged.
4. How can we determine the convergence of an infinite integral series?
Ans. To determine the convergence of an infinite integral series, we can use the Integral Test. This test states that if the terms of a series are positive, continuous, and decreasing for all values greater than or equal to some positive constant, and if the corresponding integral converges, then the series also converges. Conversely, if the integral diverges, then the series also diverges.
5. What are some important properties of the series of real numbers?
Ans. Some important properties of the series of real numbers include: - Summation: The sum of a series is the result obtained by adding up all the terms of the series. - Convergence: A series is said to converge if the sequence of partial sums approaches a finite limit as the number of terms increases. - Divergence: A series is said to diverge if the sequence of partial sums does not approach a finite limit as the number of terms increases. - Absolute Convergence: A series is said to converge absolutely if the sum of the absolute values of its terms converges. - Conditional Convergence: A series is said to converge conditionally if the sum of its terms converges, but the sum of the absolute values of its terms diverges.
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