Q.1. What are pathogens?
The microscopic organism that causes diseases is called pathogen.
Q.2. Which stage is called wriggler?
The II stage — Larva is called wriggler.
Q.3. Name the stage that is also called ‘Tumbler’.
Pupa III stage.
Q.4. Name the vector and pathogen that causes malaria.
Pathogen – Plasmodium Vector – Female Anopheles.
Q.5. Why do female mosquitoes feed on blood?
Female mosquitoes need proteins and iron to develop eggs hence, they feed on blood to fulfill their requirement.
Q.6. How do female mosquitoes detect their host?
Female mosquitoes detect their host by detecting carbon dioxide from a distance.
Q.7. What is the life span of male and female mosquitoes?
Male mosquitoes’ life span – A week.
Female mosquitoes’ life span – A month.
Q.8. Name the three stages of life cycle of mosquito where water is essential.
I stage – egg, II stage – larva, III stage – pupa.
All 3 stages occur in water.
Q.9. What is siphon in Larvae?
It is a tube like structure attached to the abdomen of larvae and helps in breathing oxygen from air.
Q.10. Suggest any two preventive measures for the control of spread of mosquito diseases.
- Do not allow water to stand in your locality, near house.
- Use mosquito repellants to keep them away.
- Get vaccinated.
Q.11. Name the family and phylum of mosquito.
Mosquitoes are from insect-family and Phylum is Arthropoda.
Q.12. Which animal blood do they feed on?
It feeds on blood of mammals.
Q.13. Name the stage where no feeding takes place in mosquitoes life cycle.
Pupa stage is hibernating, when no feeding takes place.
Q.14. What are vectors?
Pathogen carrying organisms are called vectors, e.g., Mosquitoes.
Q.15. Name any two diseases caused by mosquitoes.
Dengue and Yellow fever – by Aedes aegypti
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