Q.1. Which of the following is the most important criterion for healthy community living?
(a) Cooperative action
(b) Kindness
(c) Harmony
(d) Safety measures
The correct option is (a).
Q.2. Community participation is essential for:
(a) ecological restoration
(b) public hygiene and health
(c) social harmony
(d) All of the above
The correct option is (d).
Q.3. What is your vision of a healthy community? Give at least 3 examples.
(i) a good education
(ii) decent and secure housing
(iii) a good education
(iv) the ability to use public transit and participate in outdoor activities;
Q.4. Arrange a collage of pictures showing various activities in a Camping Trip.
(i) Camping's Olympic Games
(ii) It's simply a matter of telling stories.
(iii) You either catch or you don't.
Q.5. Give two suggestions for keeping your community healthy, both at the individual and collective level, based on the points enumerated below.
For example:
Record your suggestions regarding cleanliness drive within the community. The first one has been done for you.
I will ensure that I do not throw litter around.
We will ensure that there are no open garbage dumps in the community.
(i) Record your suggestions regarding rules and regulations within the community for safety measures.
I will ensure that________.
We will ensure that_______.
I will ensure that I do not throw litter around.
We will ensure that there are no open garbage dumps in the community.
(ii) Record your suggestions for ensuring equal access to public amenities to all members.
I will ensure that________.
We will ensure that_______.
I will ensure all members have fair access to public facilities.
We will ensure that almost all members receive fair access to public amenities
(iii) Record your suggestions for adopting effective waste management practices.
I will ensure that________.
We will ensure that_______.
I will ensure that Adoption of good waste management methods is suggested.
We will ensure that Deployment of appropriate waste management strategies is mentioned.
(iv) Record your suggestions for ecological restoration and conservation within your community.
I will ensure that________.
We will ensure that_______.
I will ensure that Within your environment, ecological restoration and conservation are significant.
We will ensure that Within your neighborhood, environmental management and conservation are necessary.
(v) Record your suggestions for ensuring kindness and consideration to the aged and differently-abled.
I will ensure that________.
We will ensure that_______.
I will ensure that Kindness and care for the poor and those of us with disabilities.
We will ensure that Kindness and concern for both the poor and anyone with disabilities.
(vi) Record your suggestions for counseling provisions for the youth, recreational facilities, etc.
I will ensure that________.
We will ensure that_______.
I will arrange for Youth counselling services, fitness centres, and many more.
We will arrange for Youth impact on organizational , university campuses, and so on.
Q.6. Imagine that you have been asked to prepare an activity schedule for a day in a camping trip. First, write down the location of the camping site and objectives of the camping trip and include other details in the following table
Location of the camping site________.
Objectives of the camping trip________.
Solang Valley in Manali, one of the best camping spots in India.
The goals of the camping trip are to increase individual knowledge of the environment's finite existence.
Q.7. A camping trip has been arranged by your school. Two girls from your community are not allowed to go for the trip. What are the points you would highlight to convince the parents on the importance of camping trip for girls.
(i) Camp enables children to develop a distinct interest.
(ii) Camp reinvents and eliminates categories
(iii) Camp provides an opportunity to immerse oneself in new skills.
Q.8. State whether True or false
(i) Maintenance of public hygiene is the sole responsibility of the government.
The given statement is true.
(ii) Camping is the only means for developing values of cooperative living.
The given statement is false.
(iii) Interpersonal relationships are as important as our physical environment.
The given statement is true.
(iv) Community health and individual health are closely interlinked.
The given statement is true.
(v) Overcrowding increases the risk to air borne diseases.
The given statement is false.
26 docs|13 tests