Q.1. The Internet began in the Eighties. Today it has grown to become a major means of communication. Websites and emails, things that were unheard of just two decades ago, are quickly gaining popularity and usage. Write an article in not more than 100 – 120 words. The Internet – Boon and Bane’.
The Internet – Boon and Bane
A person can access the Internet and numerous websites on the computer. There are websites on just about anything one can think of. Information, files, photographs, video clips, computer software, games, etc. can often be obtained free or for a fee from some websites. Online shopping, banking, and other services make it an ease for an ordinary person to perform regular chores from the comfort of home or office. A very popular feature of the Internet is the use of email. Using email, people from any part of the world can communicate with one other in an instant.
The cost of sending an email is almost nothing. On top of that, files and pictures can be attached and sent together with the email. Despite its obvious usefulness, negative things are also present on the Internet. Viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other harmful programs wait to strike at the unwary user. Accessing the Internet without the protection of an anti-virus program or firewall is a sure way of getting infected.
The result of infection varies from a simple obscene message on the screen to the complete corruption of the files and records in the computer. Then there are sites that promote pornography, anarchy, terrorism, satanism, black magic and other threats to the well–being of our world. Using the Internet is no different from dealing with our daily living in the physical world. We use it but we must take precautions to avoid the obvious dangers and negative elements related to it.
Q.2. Water is one of the most precious gifts of nature. But it is unfortunate that we don’t understand its worth and over-exploit this resource for our selfish purposes. It is a matter of serious attention that water must be conserved at all costs. Write an article for your school magazine, urging fellow students to save water. You are Mohit/Mohita.
Save Water, Save Life
Water is that Amrita which daily sustains our life on the earth. We need water for daily use at home and for agriculture. Drinking water is however limited. We get it mainly from the cloucls and glaciers. If this resource is used wisely, then there will be no problem. But unfortunately, it is being over-exploited. Our ever-increasing popu¬lation has created scarcity of water. It is predicted that by 2025, nearly two billion people will live in absolute water scarcity. This is a signal to be cautious enough in the use of water. Every drop of water is precious and it must not go in vain. Water shortage is a grim reality for the cities as well as villages. We need to wake up to it now than be sorry later. We must think about the ways to conserve this precious resource. We must conserve water in ponds and tanks. We should be rationale to¬wards using it. We should try our best to use water cautiously for our sale. If we continue to use it recklessly, we will have to face dire consequences. By saving water we will save ourselves.
Q.3. The Increase of the population of our country has led to the shrinking of forest cover. The cutting of the forest causes what is called MThe Green House Effect”. It results in the heating of the earth’s surface which has serious consequences. Write an article on the topic ‘The Importance of Tree Plantation.
Importance of Tree Plantation
Trees are important to us. They give us innumerable things. They purify air without which we cannot imagine existing. But man has thoughtlessly cut down forests and other trees for his selfish needs. This has resulted in an imbalance of the environment. Lack of trees makes air impure. Hence, it is high time to understand the worth of our forests and avoid cutting them. We should also encourage tree plantation. ‘Grow more trees’ should be our motto. We can save our life from dangerous consequences by planting more and more trees. It is also necessary to spread awareness among common people. People should be motivated to realise the importance of tree plantation. Let us take a pledge to plant trees in more and more numbers and promote others for this noble cause.
Q.4. Recently CBSE has introduced a new pattern of assessment of students’ performance in schools. This system aims at overall growth of students personality. Do you think this system is comfortable with the students of your class? Write an article on the issue ‘CCE : A way to New Education’. You are Ruchi.
CCE : A way to New Education
CBSE has announced a new pattern of education from class VI onwards. This system – – includes two methods of evaluation-Summative Assessment and Formative Assessment. Summative Assessment evaluates the academic performance of a student. Formative Assessment is an assessment of the non-academic performance of a Student. Summative Assessment is simple but Formative Assessment has a large scope of assessment. A teacher has to count the personality, behaviour, activities, attitude, and other extracurricular activities of a student. As I think, it promotes a tendency ‘ of being perfect throughout the year. It helps in personality building. The pattern of questions in Summative Assessment does not put any pressure on us but it sharpens our intelligence. So I think, the new assessment is very helpful for us.
Q.5. Education is a boon to humanity. It builds up our confidence. But it is shocking that in our country a lot of children don’t get even basic education. Prepare an article on the topic ‘Need of Education for All’. You are Rahul.
Need of Education for All
It is education that differentiates men from animals. In other words, we can say that a man without an education is no more than an animal. Education brings perfection ‘ in man’s life. Hence, it is necessary to educate one and all. The world today is full of competition. Only a man with a good education can be able to face any competition. But it is unfortunate that thousands of our small children remain deprived of even basic education. They are seen engaged in various activities such as rag picking, collecting garbage from households, doing work as domestic help. These children don’t know what is meant by going to school. These children should be saved at all costs. They must be sent to school so that they may get at least basic education. Awareness should be spread in the country in order to highlight the importance of education for all. Each and every boy and girl is entitled to go to school.
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