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Letter Writing | English Grammar Class 7 PDF Download

Letter writing is one of the very effective modes of communication. Letters can be:

  • Personal — to friends or relatives.
  • Business — placing and receiving orders, complaints etc.
  • Official — to different government or public offices.
  • Invitations — formal and informal.

The form or Structure

Each type of letter has its own particular form, but there are certain features common to all  types. These are:

1. The Heading

This consists of the writer’s address and the date which should be written at the top left-hand comer of the letter. For example:
58, Roypeta
28 March, 2016
Notes: The heading may not be written in formal invitation.

2. The Date
Always write the date below the sender’s address. The students can choose any of the following ways of writing the date.
10 March 2016
10 March, 2016
10th March, 2016
March 10, 2016
Unless mentioned in the question, students should write the same date on which they are taking the examination.

3. Greeting or Salutation
The salutation should be written below the address and date after leaving the space of a line or so. The form of salutation will vary according to the type of letter you write.
A. Personal Letter
(a) To members of the family, the salutation will be :
My dear Father, My dear Mother, My dear Sister, My dear Brother, etc.
To uncles, aunts, cousins, etc, you may use either ‘My dear’ or ‘Dear’ depending upon your intimacy with them.

(b) To friends, the salutation will be :

Dear Mr. Sharma (not very intimate)

Dear Mohan (intimate)

My dear Mohani (very intimate and affectionate)

(c) To strangers the salutation will be just formal. If they are men, it will be ‘Dear Sir’, if women, it will be
‘Dear Madam’.

4. The Address on the Envelope or Superscription
The address should be written very clearly in this manner :
Mrs Anamika Raj
58, Mount Road


  • When you write a letter in an examination paper, don’t write your real name or address. You may use a fictitious name.
  • Remember that the style of a personal letter is quite different from business, official or any other type of letters. These are intimate and long whereas the others are brief and to the point.

To Friends and Relatives

Q.1. Inviting a Friend on Marriage
Write a letter to your friend for inviting him on the marriage ceremony of your brother.

27, Sector – 15,
20 June, 2016
15, ABC Colony,
Sub : Marriage invitation
Dear Friend
How are you ? You will be glad to know that my younger brother Mohan’s marriage is taking place on 30th of this month. My would be sister-in-law is a government teacher. The name of her school is Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Panipat. As you know we have invited very few persons and you are one of them. Try to reach two days before the marriage. I assure you that we will have a very nice time throughout the wedding celebrations.
Please give your family members my regards and invitation.
Yours affectionately

Q.2. Describing how you celebrated your last birthday
You are Suresh of 25, Nehru Nagar, Hyderabad. Write a letter to your friend Vinaya describing your birthday party.

25, Nehru Nagar
10 June, 2016
My dear Vinaya
Thank you for the good-wishes card sent by you on my birthday. The card was really beautiful. However, I missed you.
Any way, my parents held a party on the occasion. All my relatives and friends came to wish me a happy birthday.
Everybody liked the birthday cake. There was a special programme of dance and music. We enjoyed ourselves till late in the evening.
My uncle from England gave us a surprise visit. My parents were very glad at it. My uncle brought with him a special gift from London. I will show you the same when you come here.
With love.
Yours affectionately
M. Suresh

Q.3. To father for replacement of watch
Your father has sent you a watch as a present on your birthday, but it is not keeping correct time. Write a letter informing him of this fact and requesting him to get it replaced. You are

Miranda Hostel

ABC School

New Delhi

March 1, 2017

Dear Father

Thank you very much for sending the beautiful wrist watch on my birthday. However, the watch has some defect. It loses about five minutes in every twenty- four hours. It has one year’s guarantee. So kindly get it replaced. Kindly tell me whom to send it to.

I shall wait for your letter. I am quite well here. I hope that everything is fine there at home.

With regards

Yours lovingly


Q.4. To uncle thanking him for a nice birthday gift
Your Uncle has presented a book to you on your birthday. It is related with the art of living. Pointing out the usefulness of the book in life, write a letter in about 100 words thanking your uncle for sending this valuable gift. You are Navin/ Nalini living at 250, Rqjdhani Enclave Baroda.

250 Rajdhani Enclave


July 10, 2016

My dear Uncle

It is always a pleasure to hear from you. Last Friday was my 11th birthday. The same day I received your gift of a book along with your blessings.
Thank you very much for this valuable gift. I have not read the entire book. But the little that I have read is highly useful and entertaining. I feel that these are the things that matter most. I am sure the book will remain with me all my life.
I thank you once again for the kind and useful gift.
Yours affectionately

Q.5. To a friend inviting him to the Book Fair
Your friend, Kunal is fond of reading good books. Write a letter to him inviting him to visit the Book Fair which is going to be held in your city in December. You are Rajiv Mittal, living at H-15, Ballabh Colony, New Delhi

H-15, Ballabh Colony
New Delhi
2 December, 2016
My dear Kunal
Thank you very much for your letter. I am glad that everybody is fine.
Our city is holding a Book Fair in the third week of December. All the major publishers of the country and from abroad are taking part. It is an opportunity for book-lovers. You are very fond of reading good books. So I invite you to visit this Book Fair in our city. When are you coming to us for this purpose ?
Yours sincerely .

Business Letters

1. Business letters should be short and to the point. Businessmen are always busy. They have no time to read long and confusing letters.
2. The style is always very formal. Certain terms of polite expressions are used, such as—
“I shall be much obliged if you send me,”
“Please despatch at your earliest convenience,” etc.
3. Business jargon should be avoided.
4. Avoid abbreviations as far as possible.
5. While ordering goods, care should be taken to give clear and exact descriptions of the articles wanted. If you are making a complaint, it should also be very clear though polite.

See the following examples of business letters:

Q.1. From head boy to the publishers ordering books for school library
You are David, Head Boy of Christian Model School, Emakulam Write a letter to United Publishers, Emakulam, asking them to send some popular science books for your school library.

Head Boy
Christian Model School
10 September, 2016
The United Publishers
Dear Sir
You have been supplying books to our school library on different subjects. However, it is found that our library does not have many popular science books.
You are, therefore, requested to send the following books at your earliest.

Letter Writing | English Grammar Class 7

As usual, kindly grant 20% discount on these books as you do on all the books supplied to the library. Please send the bill with the parcel of the books. The payment will be made through cheque within three weeks.
With thanks
Yours faithfully

Q.2. To publishers complaining about a damaged parcel
Write te the Ramanathan Publishers, 23 Mount Road, Chennai, complaining about the parcel of books which you have received in a damaged state. You are Anshul Reddy living at 26, Anand Nilayam, Hyderabad.

26, Anand Nilayam
19th March, 2017
Ramanathan Publishers
23 Mount Road
Dear Sir
We are thankful for your sending the books as per our order dated 11 March, 2017.

However, on opening the parcel, we have found that the books are damaged. The title pages of almost all the books are badly tom.
The poor quality of packing paper seems to be the cause. The despatch clerk also left the parcel loose. The books need to be replaced. I am sending them back at your cost.
Prompt action is requested.
Anshul Reddy

Q.3. To T.V. dealer complaining about Television
You are Ankur, of 16, Vivek Vihar, New Delhi You purchased a colour T.V. from Better Deals T.V., Karol Bagh New Delhi Write a letter to the Sales Manager complaining about the T.V., which is not functioning properly. Ask for the replacement of the T.V. Set.

16, Vivek Vihar
New Delhi
20 May, 2016
Sales Manager
M/s Better Deals T.V.
Karol Bagh
New Delhi

Subject : Complaint about the T.V.
Dear Sir
It is to bring to your kind notice that I purchased a Crown T.V. vide cash Memo BD 1507 dated 10 February 2016. For three months it functioned satisfactorily. Thereafter, it developed some technical defects. It got blacked out The picture became vague. The sound also became unclear. Your technical engineer inspected it. But he could not remove these faults. Now the T.V. has stopped giving satisfactory performance.
The T.V. is under warranty period. You are requested to replace the set immediately.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Q.4. To shoe dealer complaining about shoes
You are Purohit of 50, Nishant Lok, Vijaywada Last fortnight you bought a pair of the best quality shoes from the Liberty Shoe House, K. Bagh, Vijaywada, But after a week, the shoes developed cracks in the sole. Write a letter to the Sales Manager, asking for the replacement of the shoes or the refund of the price paid.

50, Nishant Lok
8 November, 2016
The Sales Manager
M/s Liberty Shoe House
K. Bagh
Dear Sir
Last fortnight I bought a pah of the best quality shoes from you. The cash memo no. is LS 1509 dated 25 October, 2016. The shoes developed cracks after a week. I can hardly believe these cracks but these are there.
I request you to replace these shoes or refund the money paid for them.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

To Officers (Complaints)

Q.1. Reporting about a Missing Boy
Rama Rao’s son Anup did not return home from school. So he decided to report the matter to the police. Write a letter from Rama Rao to the Police’.

20, Prem Colony,
The Inspector of Police Warangal
20th March, 2017
Sub : Report about a missing boy.
This Is to Inform you that my son Anup is missing from 18th of this month. He went to school as usual but has not returned till now. His principal said that he was there till 2 p.m. I request you to do your best to trace him. His particulars are as follows:
Letter Writing | English Grammar Class 7
Please find attached his recent photograph along with this letter.
With Thanks
Rama Rao
Encl. : A photograph

Q.2. To Police Commissioner complaining against crime
You are Amit/Anu Pillai of C-43, Maya Enclave, Bengaluru. Everyday you read newspaper reports about a number of crimes and murders. Write a letter to the Commissioner of Police, Bengaluru, complaining about the rising rate of crime in the city.

C-43, Maya Enclave
15th December, 2016
The Commissioner of Police Bengaluru
I want to invite your kind attention towards the rising rate of crime in the city. Everyday we read in the newspapers about crimes and murders here and there. The old men and women are murdered. Their valuables are stolen. Crime graph against women is rising high. Women and young girls fear to go out alone during evenings. Rapes, chain snatchings etc, occur daily. Anti-social elements move freely without any fear. They strike when they see a lonely woman or a girl. Life has become very fearful due to the high rate of crime.
Under the circumstances, I request you to look into the matter without delay. Please take a strict action against the criminals. The policemen not discharging their duties should also be punished. I hope these steps shall help in bringing down the crime.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Amit/Anu Pillai

Q.3. To the Chairman, District Board, complaining about the insanitary conditions of your locality

Suppose you are a resident of a place in Meerut district. Write in about 100 words a letter to the Chairman, District Board, Meerut, complaining about the conditions in your town. Sign yourself as Gulshan Chopra

Bhagwan Pur
20 October, 2016
The Chairman
District Board
Dear Sir
You will agree that our locality is, perhaps, the dirtiest in the district. The reason is simple. It is the locality which has kaccha roads. These roads become muddy when a little rain falls. The water stays on the roads almost all through the year. There is no drainage. The stagnant water creates pits and pools. There occur many fatal accidents due to these potholes.
There is a small dispensary in the locality. It is too small to do anything worthwhile for the people. Here too the doctor is generally absent.
While the streets are full of water, the water-taps are generally dry. The electricity plays hide and seek all the time. The conditions are so bad that many people have already left this locality.

Please do something to solve these problems of this locality.
Yours faithfully
Gulshan Chopra

Letter to the Editor

Q.1. Complaint about Breakdown of Electricity
You are Praveen of 23 Civil Lines, Lucknow. Write a letter to the Editor of Bharat Times Lucknow about frequent breakdown of electricity. You can use the following points—
— Irregular and erratic supply ‘
— Affects water-supply
— Dark streets invite accidents
— Any other point

23, Civil Lines
January 25, 2017
The Editor
Bharat Times
Dear Sir
Please permit me some space in your newspaper. I wish to draw the attention of the government towards the electricity supply in Lucknow.
The lack of electricity supply is causing much trouble to this city. The supply we get is not only short but also highly irregular. We do not know about the hours of cut.
It has also affected the supply of water. If there is no light in the morning, there is no water either. The local water board also depends on the supply of electricity. Streets are dark in the night. It causes accidents. The students cannot study well.
I wish to make an urgent appeal to every person concerned to help.
With thanks
Yours faithfully

Q.2. Complaint about encroachment on Roads and Parks
Write a letter to the editor, The Times of India, New Delhi, showing concern about unauthorised construction of shops on the pavement

50, Anand Lok
New Delhi
10 April, 2017
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Dear Sir
Through your newspaper, I wish to raise my voice against the misuse of public property. There is large scale encroachment on the pavements and public parks. The roads have shrunk because shopkeepers have occupied the pavements. Some daring shopkeepers have occupied the public parks also.
I appeal to the authorities to use force against such people. If the roads become free from encroachment, there will be no traffic-jam.
Yours faithfully
S. Kumar

The document Letter Writing | English Grammar Class 7 is a part of the Class 7 Course English Grammar Class 7.
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FAQs on Letter Writing - English Grammar Class 7

1. What is the importance of letter writing in class 7?
Ans. Letter writing is important in class 7 as it helps students develop their communication and writing skills. It also teaches them the proper format and structure of a letter, which is a valuable skill for future correspondence.
2. How can letter writing benefit students in their exams?
Ans. Letter writing can benefit students in their exams by helping them improve their language skills, grammar, and vocabulary. It also enhances their ability to express themselves effectively, which is essential for scoring well in exams that require written communication.
3. What are the different types of letters that students learn in class 7?
Ans. In class 7, students learn various types of letters such as formal letters, informal letters, business letters, and personal letters. Each type has its own specific format and purpose, and students are taught how to differentiate between them.
4. How can students improve their letter writing skills in class 7?
Ans. Students can improve their letter writing skills in class 7 by practicing regularly. They can start by understanding the format and structure of different types of letters, and then gradually work on their grammar, vocabulary, and sentence construction. Seeking feedback from teachers and peers can also be helpful in identifying areas for improvement.
5. Are there any online resources available for students to learn letter writing in class 7?
Ans. Yes, there are several online resources available for students to learn letter writing in class 7. Websites and educational platforms offer tutorials, sample letters, and interactive exercises to help students understand the concepts better. Additionally, there are also online courses and video lessons specifically designed for letter writing skills development.
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