Non-finite Verbs are of three types:
An infinitive: is a non-finite verb that expresses an action. It is mostly preceded by the preposition to are not preceded by “to”. All infinitive such infinitive are known as “bow” infinitive. A gerund is a verb noun. It is a verb used as a noun, as objector object. A participle is a verb-adjective. It is a verb used as a participle, as a part of a subject or object.
Participle is of three kinds:
The root form of the verb is called Infinitive. It is not limited by the number and person of the subject. Such as be, have, go or sleep etc. It is often used with to before it.
Kinds of Infinitive: Infinitives are of two kinds:
(a) The Noun Infinitive
(b) Gerundial Infinitive
The Noun Infinitive: The Noun Infinitive or Simple Infinitive is used
Gerundial Infinitive or Qualifying Infinitive
Infinitive Without “to” or “bare” Infinitive is Used:
But in passive voice to infinitive is used (to be + to infinitive) as,
After Modals and some Auxiliary verbs (do, does, did) as,
After would rather, had better, had rather, rather than, sooner than, than, but as,
A Gerund is that form of verb which ends in “ing” and has the force of a Noun and a Verb. So, it is called a Verbal Noun.
Use of the Gerund
Subject of a Verb
Object of a verb
Object of a preposition
Complement of a verb
As case in Apposition
A participle is a non-finite verb-form that is used in compound forms of verbs or as an adjective. So, participles are called Verbal Adjectives also.
(a) The Present Participle
Present Participle is formed by adding ‘ing’ to the first form of a verb. It is used:
For forming continuous Tenses
As an Adjective
As a complement of a subject after a verb
(b) The Past Participles
The Past Participle is another name of verb. It expresses a perfect action as an Adjective. It is always passive in form.
(C) Perfect Participle
We use Perfect Participle to express that the first action is complete and the second action starts only after the completion of the first one; as,
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