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Madhya Pradesh - Agriculture | Course for MPPSC Preparation - MPPSC (Madhya Pradesh) PDF Download

Madhya Pradesh Swayatta Sahkarita Adhiniyam

Madhya Pradesh has enacted a Parallel Act called Madhya Pradesh Swayatta Sahkarita Adhiniyam 1999. Cooperatives which have not received any government assistance in the form of share capital, loan or government guarantee can be registered in it and a registered cooperative society under the old Act can also be converted. The Parallel Act ensures that the cooperatives registered in it are fully member driven, member controlled, autonomous and democratic in character while imbibing the cooperative principles incorporated in the Act. 

Objectives for and cooperative society

  • Strengthening the process of organizing women cooperatives and cooperative societies for SC/ ST and weaker section of society. 
  • Credit, Marketing Processing Consumer Housing and Cooperative Education and training sectors are also proposed to be strengthened so that they become financially viable to render efficient services fulfilling their objectives. 
  • Strengthening primary marketing cooperatives societies to arrange share capital and loan for their activities. 
  • Strengthening the primary marketing cooperative societies for giving platform to farmers for yield maximum return of their crops. 
  • To provide short term agriculture loan at the rate of 1% to the farmers of the state.
  • Enhancement of storage capacity in the state to augment warehousing and post harvest infrastructure by way of having network of god owns at grass root level. 
  • Enhancement of activities of seed federation. 

Agriculture Sector

  • Inconsistence performance of Agriculture sector (including Animal Husbandry), on which rural population depends, is due to its more dependence on monsoon. 9.28% annual growth has been observed during first four years of XI plan period on 2004-05 base at constant prices. The enhanced rate of growth in agriculture sector is necessary to reduce rural distress and improve their living conditions of around 70% of state population which is engaged in agriculture & allied activities. The growth in the sector also serves development objectives of employment generation, higher incomes, balanced regional development, sustained poverty alleviation and improved quality of life. In addition, this serves as catalyst of growth for Industrial and Service sector as large proportion of domestic demand for industrial goods and services is generated by rural population because of its number. 
  • The reducing share of primary or agriculture (including animal husbandry) in gross domestic product indicates positive sign provided dependence on agriculture is reduced, rural population’s participation in non-agriculture activities has increased, rural habitats being employed in private and public services and employment in agriculture related industries such as food processing etc in rural areas has increased. for increasing production of wheat only alternative is to increase area under the crop through more creation of more irrigation facilities. So, greater central support is needed in the irrigation sector to increase food grain production. Madhya Pradesh is major producer of oilseeds and pulses in the country which is only because of  higher acreage under crops. 
  • In absence of any significant technological breakthrough in the major crops like pulses, oilseeds and minor millets production can’t be increased. Thus more emphasis has to be put on development of improved and high yielding varieties of these crops keeping in view agro-climatic condition of the state. Increasing inequalities in urban rural area and between people dependent on agriculture and those dependent on industry and services can be overcome only  through creating non-farm employment opportunities in rural area, for which  skill development of rural youths has to be taken up in mission mode. 

Employment Generation

  • Madhya Pradesh has been able to implement effectively the employment guarantee scheme namely Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act. The twin objective of income and employment generation of the scheme in rural areas are being met by creating assets which are helpful in rural development through improving farm productivity etc. may result in reducing the number of unemployed youth. 
  • Under self employment and poverty alleviation programmes, it should be prudent to provide training to targeted beneficiaries for development of their skills. Thus development of skills should be made an integral component of these programmes to meet the demand of skill personnel for various activities in rural areas. 

Major crops of MP

The major kharif crops are Paddy, Jowar, Maize, Bajra, Tur, Urad, Moong, Soybean, Groundnut, Cotton and Major Rabi crops are Wheat, Gram, Peas, Mustard, Linseed, lentil and Sugarcane. Refer TMH underline portion for location of main crops producing areas. 

  • Rank 1: pulse , oilseed production, Gram production, Soyabean 
  • Rank 4: rape & mustard production 
  • Rank 5: wheat and Arhar production. 
  • Rank 7: cotton.

Tribal sub plan of MP: (T.S.P.)

Madhya Pradesh has more than 20% tribal population and more than 8% of country’s tribal population. Out of the total operational holdings, 20.58% holdings are owned by tribal’s  which is less than average size of holding of the state. Of the total holdings merely 25.85% are irrigated holdings among tribal . This indicates the quantum of disparity in availability of irrigation facilities and irrigated area to tribal. So under this plan Specific programme are formulated and implemented for these areas with the result substantial production has increased during XI plan period. 

Agri-Objectives of 12th FYP of MP

  • To achieve 6% annual growth in agricultural output by increasing 
  • encouraging use hybrid and improved seed varieties. 
  • balanced use of NPK fertilizers. 
  • crop diversification and the cultivation of cash crops 
  • making rain fed farming 
  • enhance the level of income of those entire dependent on the agriculture sector by promoting allied practices like dairying, poultry farming, horticulture, fisheries. 
  • sustainable agricultural by management of land and water resources and watershed development approaches. 
  • provide farmers with appropriate technology, provide easier access to agricultural credit and inputs, strengthen the Research and Education Infrastructure, Encouraging Public Private Partnership, Soil testing will be encouraged, promote agro-forestry and social forestry. promote Organic Farming. 

Haldhar Yojna (Centrally Sponsored Schemes for agri)

  • Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds,Oilpalm and Maize (ISOPOM): National Pulses Development Programme (NPDP) has become the part of NFSM, which is a cent percent Centrally Sponsored scheme. State is planning to take full advantages of these schemes in increasing the production Maize, Oilseed and Pluses to the extent possible. 
  • Oil Seeds Production Programme: cost-sharing pattern by Government of India and state is in the ratio 75:25. objectives of increasing production and productivity, is being implemented in all the Districts of the State and covers Soybean, Groundnut, Sesamum, Sunflower, Rapeseed, Mustard 
  • Accelerated Maize Development Programme: The Centrally Sponsored Scheme, with 75:25 sharing between centre and state, is under operation in the state for increasing the production and productivity of Maize crop. 
  • Support to State extension programme for extension reforms (ATMA): Technology development and Extension services to meet the special needs of farmers. Ninety Percent of costs of major activities, which are being covered in the project, are financed through Central finds. a KISAN CALL CENTER (KCC) Community Radio Station (CRS) : A community radio station has been established at the Sironj block of Vidisha district  ATMA Sandesh is published monthly and distributed to all the field offices. 

Major horticulture crops of MP

  • Horticulture crops being labour intensive and high valued has opportunities to generate employment and increased income. Of the 15 Agro-climatic zones, 11 are in Madhya Pradesh which is very helpful for Horticulture crops. Horticulture crops being suitable for cultivation on small and marginal holdings can prove as vehicle for increasing income of small and marginal farmers. The main fruits being grown in Madhya Pradesh are mango, guava, banana, citrus fruits and melons. 
  • The production of mangoes and guava is high. Among vegetables, potato, onion, tomato and green peas are the major crops in terms of area. Some of the vegetable crops have distinct identity like potato produced in Malwa region has gained a good reputation for production of potato chips. Cultivation of major spices like chilli, ginger, garlic and coriander is growing much faster in Madhya Pradesh during recent period. 

Horticulture 12th FYP plan of MP 

Strengthen the infrastructure for preservation and processing of horticulture products. Promote horticultural crops among small and marginal farmers. Providing improved variety of vegetable seeds to the cultivators and agricultural labour living below the poverty line. 

  • To promote the farmers towards Horticulture crops, organize seminars, workshops trainings, field visits and front line demonstrations. Promote the food Processing infrastructure facilities and industries in the state and encourage Public Private Partnership in the development of Horticulture. 
  • To promote micro irrigation technologies for irrigation
  • To reduce the cost of cultivation by promoting the Organic Farming.
  • Use of Information Technology for promoting good governance practices.
  • Encouraging farm forestry

Livestock overview

Madhya Pradesh accounts 11 % of total cattle population of the country and 8.67% of the buffalo as per Eighteenth Livestock Census 2007. in the state population of cattle, buffalo and goat is increasing while the number of sheep and pig and other animals is decreasing The productivity of eggs is 91eggs per bird per annum against country average of 86 eggs. Productivity of milk in case of goats is better than national average while in case of cows and buffalo productivity is much lower.

List of various cattle breeds

  • MP.—Max cattle of india.
  • Max animals in MP- Sidhi dist, min- Burhanpur
  • Animals density highest- Tikamgarah, min- hosangabad
  • Bullocks of Nimari, Kenkatha and Malvi breeds of Madhya Pradesh are known for their superior draught power.
  • Jamnapuri goat-à bhind
  • Kadaknath hen-à Jhabua , Malvi cowà Sajapur,,nimari cow–à Khandawa
  • Bhadavari Bull–à Bhind.

How to improve livestockà By

  • Animal Health care
  • Breed Improvement
  • Preservation and development of the superior indigenous germ plasma.
  • Employment generation through investment in Animal Husbandry sector.
  • Improvement of indigenous cattle, Rural backyard poultry using improved birds like Vanraja, Grampriya and CARI Priya may be promoted for enhancing egg production over indigenous birds.

Inland fisheries potential of MP

  • Inland fishery is an integral component of rural development activities of the State. Fishery, due to its potential for generation of employment and income, especially for socioeconomically weaker and backward communities of fishermen belonging to scheduled tribes and scheduled castes which constitute the poorest section of the society. The inland fisheries resources of M.P. are vast and varied, may be one of the richest in India. It includes great river system and extensive network of irrigation canal, manmade reservoirs, ponds and tanks. 
  • Narmada Valley Development Corporation is constructing a number of reservoirs for major and medium irrigation projects which will be also available for development of fish culture. For management of fisheries in the state there are two main agencies namely Department of fisheries and M.P Fisheries federation. Department of fisheries  caters the needs of fishermen in form of their co-operative development, extension, management and development of fisheries activity in small water bodies up to 1000 hectares M.P Fisheries federation perform the same activities as of the Department but in those reservoirs having average water area of more than 1000 hectare.

Sericulture potential in MP

  • Sericulture is a gainful land use activity with agro-forestry base, which generate avenues of employment in rural areas. Its organizational set-up is industrial in nature, leading to the promotion of many subsidiary cottage and village industries which provide supplementary employment in the rural areas during the lean agriculture period.

Mulberry Sector

  • Ownership of mulberry plantations raised on Govt. land being given to rural women @ 1 acre each.
  • Six thrust districts Hoshangabad, Mandlla, Balaghat, Betul, Harda and Narsinghpur have been darmarked as per highly production of for Mulberry Sericulture activities. 

Tasar Sector

  • Tasar schemes has been implemented into the 31 districts of M.P. viz Hoshangabad, Mandlla, Balaghat, Seoni, Jhabua,Shidhi, Shahdol and Narsingpur. Self help group of tasar readers are provided plantations raised in theforest, for tasar cocoon production.2. Silkworm seed are provided to these beneficiaries on subsidized rate.3. All cocoon growers are provided 100% purchase guarantee. 

Eri Sector

  • In lack of adequate irrigation potential and water scarcity due to low water level keeping in view these objectives Ericulture development project has been taken up in the year 2005-06. With the object of utilizing degraded land in rain fed areas because it- 
    • Does not require irrigation.
    • Does not require much rainfall.
    • Does not require electricity. 
    • Grows in low rainfall areas.
    • Grows in degraded soils.
    • Resistance to different temperature.
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