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Notes: Approaches/Methods To Teach EVS | EVS & Pedagogy Paper 1 for CTET & TET Exams - CTET & State TET PDF Download

These the procedures to arrive at a particular decision, concepts are basically pathway to convert raw mind into finished mind. For example:- concepts are developed to help kids at the initial stage to learn Alphabet by showing images correlation is being made A for Apple by showing images of Apple, B for Ball by showing images of Ball so this is the basic way what does concept meant.

Notes: Approaches/Methods To Teach EVS | EVS & Pedagogy Paper 1 for CTET & TET Exams - CTET & State TET

Approaches to Present Concepts

  • Simple Approach:- At the initial stage approach should be simple in order to grasp things easily via joyful moments and happily. For example:- children asked to water the plants simultaneously they will be able to learn the name of flowers and develop the message in their minds not to pluck the flowers.
  • Play Way Approach:- Play is carefree, contended, jovial, delighted and interactive activity. It is the activity in which the child's all-round development takes place.  It is a method that follows the principle of learning by doing. For example:- During childhood children plays kitchen set game and get familiar with the utensils, gas and stove. Play way term was first used by Cadwed Cook and later on by his disciple Henry Frobel.
  • Project Approach:- Project approach is a self-centred method and involve detailed knowledge of a particular as a child perform all activity and task with little assistance from the teacher. For example:- To prepare a dictionary of animal's name, bird's name it will serve two purpose child will be able to learn the name of the animals and birds and also able to have an understanding of the arrangement of alphabets. 
  • Discovery Approach:- This is the approach basically to find out that is unknown to the child or beyond their imagination, this stage is particularly to let the child know something out of the box in order to develop divergent thinking rigorously. For example:- children are asked to sprout seeds. Sprouts are seeds that have germinated and become very young plants in order to make them understands the germination process.
  • Observation Approach:- In this approach, the child is being observed under the guidance of a  teacher. The child is being assigned topics and things to create something creative. This approach is useful to develop innate talent among children as some children are shy and not ready to projects their hidden talent and qualities. For example- topic like Diwali celebration, Dusherra, Christmas is given they are asked to draw and paint something related to it.
  • Calligraphy Approach:- In this approach, writing of the child is being considered the main centre of improvement, the child with not good handwriting given tips to write more neatly and attractive. For example:- Handwriting competition is being organised in schools for both English and Hindi medium.
  • Recitation Approach:- In this approach speaking skill is being considered in order to improve their spoken skill to develop soft skill communication, this approach helps in overcoming fear of speaking in front of the audience and improving stammering. For example:- poem recitation competition, singing competition, debate competition and extempore.
  • Question-Answer Approach:- In this approach reasoning and comprehensive skill is improved and convergent and divergent thinking is enhanced in order to develop answering skill among children. For example:- During the span of education a child needs to answer Multi Choice Question, Fill in the Blanks, One-word Answer and Long Answer Question.
    For example- Olympiad is being organised at School to enhance answering skills.

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Which approach focuses on improving a child's speaking skills and overcoming fear of speaking in front of an audience?
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  • Story Telling Approach:- In this approach concepts are the centre of learning, the story is used to develop critical thinking skill among children in order to improve their imagination skills sometimes facts are also given to complete them it totally depends on the imagination and thinking power of the child.
  • Co-curricular Approach:- In this approach, all the activities are combined to bring all-round development in the child so that child develops the feeling towards one another via sharing food, by organising trips, picnic, developing respect for parents and grandparents by organising Grand Parents Day Celebration. A small visit to historic places so that child comes to know about India Historic places i.e. India Gate, Red Fort, Taj Mahal etc.
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FAQs on Notes: Approaches/Methods To Teach EVS - EVS & Pedagogy Paper 1 for CTET & TET Exams - CTET & State TET

1. What are some effective approaches to teaching Environmental Studies for CTET & State TET exams?
Ans. Some effective approaches to teaching Environmental Studies for CTET & State TET exams include using hands-on activities, incorporating real-life examples, integrating technology, promoting critical thinking skills, and encouraging active student participation.
2. How can teachers utilize different methods to teach Environmental Studies for CTET & State TET exams?
Ans. Teachers can utilize methods such as inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, cooperative learning, role-playing, field trips, and using multimedia resources to teach Environmental Studies effectively for CTET & State TET exams.
3. What are some common challenges faced by teachers when teaching Environmental Studies for CTET & State TET exams?
Ans. Some common challenges faced by teachers when teaching Environmental Studies for CTET & State TET exams include a lack of resources, difficulty in making the subject engaging, addressing diverse learning needs of students, integrating cross-curricular topics, and assessing student understanding effectively.
4. How important is the integration of environmental issues in teaching Environmental Studies for CTET & State TET exams?
Ans. The integration of environmental issues in teaching Environmental Studies for CTET & State TET exams is crucial as it helps students develop a holistic understanding of environmental concepts, fosters environmental awareness, promotes sustainable practices, and encourages active citizenship.
5. How can teachers prepare students for the Environmental Studies section of CTET & State TET exams effectively?
Ans. Teachers can prepare students for the Environmental Studies section of CTET & State TET exams effectively by providing regular practice tests, organizing group discussions on environmental topics, revising key concepts through interactive activities, and encouraging students to stay updated on current environmental issues.
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Notes: Approaches/Methods To Teach EVS | EVS & Pedagogy Paper 1 for CTET & TET Exams - CTET & State TET




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