Dine in: dine at home.
Example: We’re dining in tonight.
Dine out: dine at a restaurant.
Example: We’re dining out tonight.
Fussy eater: someone who is very picky about the food and doesn’t eat everything.
Example: My husband is a fussy eater, and he’s never pleased with my cooking.
Home-cooked food: food cooked at home, usually implies that food is healthy.
Example: Preparing home-cooked food is a good way to make a balanced meal.
In a walking distance of: close to.
Example: I usually dine at a restaurant that’s in a walking distance of my home.
Italian cuisine: traditional Italian food. You can also say French cuisine, Russian cuisine, Chinese cuisine and so on.
Example: I adore pasta, pizza and Italian cuisine in general.
More of a chore than a pleasure: something you do rather unwillingly.
Example: I think that cooking is more of a chore than a pleasure.
Mouth–watering: delicious, appetizing.
My mouth is watering: that is to say you find something very appetizing. People use this expression when they see/smell food that looks very delicious.
Example: My mouth is watering every time I think about my grandmother’s apple pie.
Nutritious products: products rich in calories.
Example: A nutricious breakfast is a great way to start the day, as it gives your body the nutrients and you get enough energy.
Processed food: food that has been modified in an undesirable or unhealthy way to achieve its current state.
Example: Try to avoid processed foods like flavored nuts and cereal bars. It is much healthier to eat organic food.
Quality justifies the bill: when a product is worth buying due its good quality, even if it’s expensive.
Example: I first thought those strawberries were too expensive, but when I tasted them I understood that their quality justified the bill.
Quick snack: a light and quick meal, usually unhealthy.
Example: Eating quick snack instead of main meal can be harmful for stomach.
Ready meal: a meal that you buy already cooked, which only requires reheating to be eaten.
Example: I had no desire to cook, so I bought a ready meal in a nearby supermarket.
Restrain one’s hunger: to avoid eating when you really want to. Usually practiced during diets.
Example: John couldn’t restrain his hunger anymore and went to the nearest fast-food restaurant.
Slap-up meal: a quick and fatty meal. To slap up means to cook something very quickly.
Example: I feel like making a slap-up meal tonight.
Starving hungry: to be extremely hungry.
Example: I woke up starving hungry yesterday and ate the whole roast chicken.
Take-away: a meal prepared in a café/restaurant and eaten at home.
Example: I’m going to ring the Japanese restaurant and order a takeaway.
The main meal: the most important meal of the day.
To be dying of hunger: an exaggerated way of saying you are really hungry.
Example: I haven’t eaten all day. I’m dying of hunger!
To be full-up: to eat to the point that you can’t eat anymore.
Example: Would you like more chips? – No, thank you, I’m already full-up!
To be ravenous (to have ravenous appetite): to be really hungry, starving, voracious.
Example: After working all day, I had a ravenous appetite.
To be starving hungry: an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry.
To bolt something down: to eat a large amount of food very quickly.
Example: Don’t bolt your food down like that, it’s very rude!
To catch a snack: to eat a little portion of food very quickly.
To eat a balanced diet: to eat correctly and in time.
To eat like a horse: to always eat a lot.
Example: She’s so thin, yet she eats like a horse.
To follow a recipe: to cook a meal using instructions.
Example: Although she had never cooked a jugged hare before, she followed a recipe and made a fantastic meal.
To foot the bill: to pay the bill.
Example: You paid for dinner last time. Let me foot the bill for lunch today.
To grab a bite to eat: to eat something quickly.
Example: I won’t eat the whole cake, just let me grab a bite to eat.
To have a sweet tooth: to enjoy eating sweet food.
Example: Dave eats candy all the time. He must have a sweet tooth.
To overeat oneself: eat too much, eat immodestly.
Example: If you overeat, you’re bound to get fat.
To play with your food: to push food around the plate without eating it.
To spoil your appetite: to do something that would hinder your desire to eat.
Example: Stop talking about the snails, you’re spoiling my appetite!
To tuck into: to eat something greadily and with pleasure.
Example: After not eating the whole day, he tucked into the ham like a savage.
To wine and dine: to banquet, to “entertain with good food”. If you wine and dine someone, you usually take him out to dinner at a fancy restaurant.
Example: The company wined and dined us, hoping to convince us we should accept the job.
To work up an appetite: to do something that will lead to hunger.
Example: He must have worked up an appetite in the gym.
33 videos|167 docs
1. What are the benefits of eating a balanced diet? | ![]() |
2. How can I incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet? | ![]() |
3. What are some alternatives to unhealthy snacks? | ![]() |
4. How can I reduce my sugar intake? | ![]() |
5. Is it important to drink enough water? | ![]() |