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Solved Questions - 1 | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10 PDF Download


  • In English grammar, an omission refers to leaving out certain words or parts of a sentence that are not necessary for the sentence to be understood. This can occur in various contexts, including speech, writing, and within grammatical structures. Omissions can make sentences more concise and are often used in informal communication or literary styles.
  • Omissions in English grammar are an essential aspect of creating clarity and conciseness in communication. They involve the deliberate exclusion of words or phrases that are implied by the context, making the language more streamlined and efficient. Omissions can occur at various levels of sentence structure, from individual words to entire clauses, and are often guided by the need to avoid redundancy or overly complex expressions.

Solved Questions - 1 | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10

Types of Omissions

There are three main types of omissions that students need to be aware of:

  • Missing Words: Sometimes, a sentence may be incomplete due to the omission of a word. For example, "I am going store" should be corrected to "I am going to the store."
  • Missing Punctuation: Punctuation marks such as commas, periods, and question marks are often omitted in sentences. For example, "Where are you going" should be corrected to "Where are you going?"
  • Missing Capitalization: Proper nouns and the first letter of a sentence should always be capitalized. For example, "the taj mahal is in india" should be corrected to "The Taj Mahal is in India."

Steps to Solve Omission Exercises

  • Read the Entire Passage: Begin by reading the entire passage or sentence to understand the context and overall meaning. This will help you identify where words might be missing.
  • Identify the Gaps: Look for any part of the sentence that seems incomplete or awkward. These are potential spots where a word might be missing.
  • Understand the Context: Consider the context of the sentence. What is the sentence trying to convey? Understanding this will guide you in determining the type of word that is missing (e.g., noun, verb, preposition).
  • Check for Grammatical Clues: Pay attention to grammatical structures. For instance, if there is a subject but no verb, a verb might be missing. If two ideas are being connected without a conjunction, a conjunction might be missing.
  • Consider Common Errors: Some common omissions include:
    • Articles (a, an, the)
    • Prepositions (in, on, at, by)
    • Conjunctions (and, but, or)
    • Auxiliary verbs (is, are, was, were)
    • Pronouns (he, she, it, they)
  • Use Logic and Syntax: Use logical reasoning and syntax rules to determine the most appropriate word. The sentence should make sense and follow grammatical rules after inserting the word.
  • Re-read the Corrected Sentence: After filling in the missing word, re-read the sentence to ensure it makes sense and fits grammatically and contextually.

Solved Questions 

Q1: In the given paragraph, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before the word and the word that comes after it in the space provided as shown.
Tears are produced tear glands which keep the eye    e.g.    produced by tears
moist and are normally drained the (a) ________
nose. Onions a number of water-soluble volatile (b) ________
substances containing sulfur, cutting the onion (c) ________
these spread the air and cause irritation in the eyes. (d) ________
The tear glands start secreting more and more tears wash out the
irritants. (e) ________
The tears are produced fast that they cannot be drained out (f) ________
through nose and so run  (g) ________
down the eyes thus making cry. (h) ________

The Answers to the following question before, missing words, and after are as follows:
(a) drained through the
(b) onions  have a number
(c) sulfur while cutting
(d) spread in the
(e) tears to wash
(f ) produced so fast
(g) through the nose
(h) down through the eye

Q2: There is an error in each of the following lines. Write the incorrect word and the correct word in the given space. The first one has been done as an example:
Intelligence is praised to one and all.
We say that intelligence means (a) ________________
being able to solve problems. Some animal (b) ________________
seem abled to do this. For ex. cats often (c) ________________
find her way home from long distances. (d) ________________
To do this they had to remember and think. (e) ________________
Young birds are also able to made long (f) ________________
journeys. They are borne with this ability. (g) ________________
This is not intelligence. We call these instinct. (h) _______________

Incorrect – Correction
(a) mean – means
(b) animal – animals
(c) abled – able
(d) her – their
(e) had – have
(f) made – make
(g) borne – born
(h) these – this

Q3: The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the blank spaces. The first one has been done as an example.
The next day during an break
when all the teacher and students (a) ________________
was eating their snacks, the mother (b) ________________
left the school building hurrily. (c) ________________
The boy saw him walking (d) ________________
quickly from of the school gate (e) ________________
when he was drank water after (f) ________________
his meal and wonder where (g) ________________
his mother is going. (h) ________________

Incorrect – Correct
(a) teacher – teachers
(b) was – were
(c) hurrily – hurriedly
(d) him – her
(e) from – out
(f) drank – drinking
(g) wonder – wondered
(h) is – was

Q4: The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number.
Although, their is no direct evidence that (a) _________ _________ 
salt is a cause of highly blood pressure (b)_________ _________ 
or hypertension, there were studies which (c)__________ _________ 
indicate that reducing salt intake lower (d)__________ _________ 
blood pressure. Some scientist are also (e)_________ __________ 
concern that excessive use of salt may (f)__________ __________ 
caused asthma and kidney disease. (g)_________ __________ 
Asthma should not be deal lightly. (h) _________ ___________

Incorrect                           Correct
(a)  their                               there                          
(b)  highly                            high
(c)  were                               are
(d)  lower                             lowers
(e)  scientist                       scientists
(f)   concern                       concerned
(g)  caused                          cause
(h)  deal                                dealt

Q5: The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number.
Mamta lost hey father when she is still (a) _________ _________ 
a child. Her uncle looked at all the property (b) _________ _________ 
that she inherit from her father. (c) _________ _________ 
Since a few years her. uncle worked very (d) _________ _________ 
sincerely. Afterwards he thinks, “This (e) _________ _________ 
property should make me rich. How long (f) _________ _________ 
should I kept serving my niece? (g) _________ _________ 
I must do anything. (h) _________ _________ 

Incorrect – Correction
(a) is – was
(b) at – after
(c) inherit – had inherited
(d) since – for
(e) thinks – thought
(f) should – can
(g) kept – keep
(h) anything – something

Q6: The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Underline the error and write the correct word in front of it in your answer sheet.
It has been said that anyone lives by (a) _________ _________ 
sell something or the other. In the light of (b) _________ _________ 
this statement, teachers live off selling (c) _________ _________ 
knowledge, philosophers by selling wise (d) _________ _________ 
and priests by selling spiritual comforts. (e) _________ _________ 
It is extreme difficult to estimate the (f) _________ _________ 
true value for the service (g) _________ _________ 
which people perform to us. (h) _________ _________

Incorrect  –  Correction
(a) anyone – everyone
(b) sell – selling
(c) off – by
(d) wise – wisdom
(e) comforts – comfort
(f) extreme – extremely
(g) for – of
(h) to – for

The document Solved Questions - 1 | English Grammar Advanced - Class 10 is a part of the Class 10 Course English Grammar Advanced.
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FAQs on Solved Questions - 1 - English Grammar Advanced - Class 10

1. What are the common types of omissions in English grammar?
Ans. The common types of omissions in English grammar include article omissions, preposition omissions, verb omissions, pronoun omissions, and conjunction omissions.
2. How can one effectively solve omission exercises in English?
Ans. To solve omission exercises in English, one should carefully read the given passage, identify the missing words, understand the context, and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
3. What are the steps recommended to tackle omission questions in exams?
Ans. The steps recommended to tackle omission questions in exams include reading the passage carefully, identifying the missing words, understanding the context, selecting suitable words, and ensuring grammatical accuracy.
4. Can you provide an example of a solved omission question for Grade 11 students?
Ans. Example: The small child was crying _________ his mother. (a) about (b) to (c) for (d) with Answer: The correct answer is (c) for.
5. How important is it to practice omission exercises for English language proficiency?
Ans. Practicing omission exercises is essential for improving English language proficiency as it helps in understanding grammar rules, enhancing vocabulary, and developing comprehension skills.
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