Q.1. You are Hemant/Harsha the Head boy/Head girl of your school. The following photo adverts caught your attention in a newspaper. You decide to make the school population aware of the pollution caused by plastic bags. Prepare a speech you intend to deliver in the morning assembly the next day giving useful suggestions and write it in not more than 200 words.
Hints for Help
Pollution By Plastic Bags
Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends!
Good morning to you all! While going through the morning newspaper today, I came across two photo advertisements. These highlight the major problem created by the steady use of harmful polybags made of recycled plastic. The government agencies as well as voluntary organizations have made a number of efforts to propagate the harmful effects of plastic bags. However, it seems that habit die hard.
Most of us still prefer to ignore the gravity of using plastic bags. Advertisements, it is said, are far more effective than the written speech. One of the advertisements reads “Kill the plastic bag before it kills your future.” It strikes the nail on the head. It clearly indicates the extreme harmfulness of these plastic bags. Let me elaborate the point further. The plastic bags are made of harmful and toxic chemicals that contaminate the environment. The things that we keep inside them become unhealthy. A single plastic bag is enough to choke the whole drainage system. If these bags are discarded carelessly, some animal may eat them. These get stuck in their bodies.
A little effort and awareness on our part now can save us from a lot of future problems. Let us start using cloth or gunny bags and completely boycott the use of plastic bags. Once we revert to the old cloth/gunny bags we can convince the shopkeepers not to use plastic bags. This step will enable us to keep our environment clean, green and healthy.
Thank you.
Q.2. National Literacy Day is being observed in a school. Prateek, a student of XI-A is requested to deliver a speech. He finds the following graph showing the educational attainments of small over the last twenty five years. Study the graph carefully :Using this information, together with your own ideas, draft a speech for the National Literacy Day, stressing the importance of education and making some practical suggestion. Write your speech in not more than 200 words.
National Literacy Day
Respected teachers and dear friends!
The population of our country is increasing at a tremendous speed and along with it the number of illiterates, especially in the rural areas, is shooting up. This tendency is a cause of concern for all the enlightened citizens who are busy in developmental activities or welfare programmes.
Knowledge or education makes a person civilized, cultured and self-dependent. Education is a medium to transmit knowledge from one person to another over time and space. Today the world is on the threshold of a revolution. National boundaries are breaking up and the nations of the world are coming closer. The world is becoming well-knit. The rich and developed countries are making rapid advances due to their advanced science and technology. The poor and undeveloped countries are lagging behind in this race of progress simply because their people are illiterates and uneducated. In order to convey one’s thoughts and feelings and to understand others, education is essential. Literacy is the first step in this direction.
Poverty and lack of opportunity have hindered majority of poor persons from attaining formal education. The percentage of illiterates is far higher than that of matriculates or graduates. Concerted efforts have been made during the last twenty-five years to take the lamp of knowledge to every nook and comer under the National Literacy mission.
School teachers, students, social workers and voluntary agencies have come forward to lend a helping hand in this noble mission. The Government of India has launched Adult Education Programmes. With the constant efforts of dedicated workers the pace of literacy has picked up. Students have adopted the slogan ‘Each one, teach one’ in its real meaning.
Q.3. You are Shishir/Swati. Write a speech to be delivered at the morning assembly in your school about the increase in violence and social unrest in your area, interpreting the data given below. Also give, suggestions to curb them. (Word limit-. 200)
Increase in Violence and Social Unrest
Respected Principal, teachers and students!
During the first decade of the millennium a disturbing trend was noticed in the society. The peace-loving citizens of locality were rocked by a spurt in cases of violence and social unrest. A close scrutiny of the ‘Violence’ graph reveals a hundred per cent increase during the year 2003-2004. The upward swing went on mounting higher steadily during the next year and showed no sign of abatement. It stuck to a steady level during 2006 as well. Perhaps it was due to some strict measures adopted by the law enforcing agencies. It might also be the proverbial lull before the storm as the violence graph touched the peak in 2007 and maintained the same level during 2008.
Violence against women and misbehaviour with them are manifestations of sexstarved male chauvinism to assert their Supermacy and dominance. The elimination of potential rivals during elections is the bane of politics. Apart from these murders or those committed by extremists to cause panic or by hardened criminals for extortions at the behest of their masters. The net result is the same heinous extermination of a particular individual/ group or section of society.
It is high time urgent steps were undertaken by the state as well as society to curb anti-social elements as well as propagators of violence. Deterrent punishment and speedy disposal of cases can be an effective curb on the nefarious designs of these offenders against state and society.
Thank you.
Q.4. Study the graph given giving information for ten years regarding tree-plantation, their preservation and extinction through cutting or withering in a north Indian hilly town:Using this information, together with your own ideas draft a speech for ‘Vana Mahotsava Day’ (Tree Plantation Day), stressing the importance of growing more trees and making some practical suggestions. Write your speech in not more than 200 words. You are Aditi/Adarsh.
Vana Mahotsava Day
Respected teachers and dear friends!
It is good that our school is celebrating the Vana Mahotsava Day. It is only recently that man has realized the importance of afforestation and growing more trees. In these days of ever-increasing pollution, trees are the best friends of human beings.
The importance of planting more and more tree lies in the fact that the number of trees preserved is quite low as compared to the number of trees planted. Some of the trees wither away due to lack of proper nourishment and care and some are cut down. Two random examples are sufficient to prove the point.
The number of trees planted in 2003 was 4000. Of these more than 1000 dried (withered) of the old trees about 2500 were cut. Thus the loss of trees was just 500 less than the plantation that year. However, due to preservation of the old trees the number of preserved trees stood around 1500. Let us consider another example. The highest number of trees 8000, were planted in the year 2007. But in the same year 3000 trees withered and 5000 were cut. Only 4000 trees survived. These figures clearly indicate that the loss of trees due to cutting or withering is almost equal to fresh plantation. This is not a healthy sign.
Hence our endeavour should be not only to plant more and more trees every year, but also to preserve them in greater number. Proper care and nourishment is as necessary for trees as for children. Let us look after these tender saplings as we look after our young brothers and sister and guard them from every danger—natural or man-made.
I am confident that the willing co-operation of all my young friends will certainly make this programme highly successful.
Thank you.
Q.5. The cartoon below makes fun of the government’s recent step of raising the prices of petroleum products. Using ideas from this cartoon together with your own ideas, write a short speech on ‘Hike in Prices of Petroleum Products’ to be delivered at the morning assembly. You are Hemant/Himani. (Word limit: 200)
Hike in Prices of Petroleum Products
Respected Chairperson and dear friends!
The cartoon given above reveals the cartoonist’s sense of humour at the recent hike in the prices of petroleum products. These prices are a gift of the new government to the already over-burdened common man. Though the price-rise varies from ₹ 2 per litre in case of petrol to ₹ 1.50 per litre of diesel, the consumers are adversely affected both directly as well as indirectly. The rise in the prices of diesel will lead to a hike in the bus fares and freight of goods. Everyday consumable articles will become costlier. The hike in LPG prices is enough to raise the ire of the harassed housewife who doesn’t know how to balance her meagre budget against this onslaught.
In fact, the effects of price-hike will percolate to all sections of society—commuters, transporters, farmers, traders, consumers, etc. Increase in cost of tariff will make goods dearer and people will face the shortage of essential items or they will have to shell out more. This will indirectly boost hoarding and black-marketing. Corruption and black money will increase and the means of the common man will shrink.
The government must reconsider this hike and roll back the increase on LPG and diesel. No one will protest if more tax is levied on luxury items such as big cars, air conditioners, supercomputers, air-travel, etc. Frequent rise in prices is not good governance.
Thank you.
Q.6. The state is celebrating tourism week. Sh Sunil Grover one of the leading citizens is requested to give a short speech on tourism in the state. Study the information below. Then, using this information, together with your own ideas, write a speech stressing the importance of tourism. Make a few practical suggestions to improve the tourism industry in the state. (Word limit: 200)
Importance of Tourism
Respected Chairperson and distinguished guests!
Tourism is a thriving business for earning valuable foreign exchange as well as providing an opportunity for cultural exchange and generating employment. India has a rich heritage of art, sculpture, music, dance and drama. Many European countries have promoted tourism as a trade. In some countries it is run like an industry. We, in India, are running it in a non-professional or amateurish manner as is evident from the troughs is the graph of domestic as well as foreign tourists.
It is high time we regarded travel and tourism as an industry and launched action plans to accelerate the growth of tourism. A nodal financial institution catering to the specific needs of tourism industry should be established.
The main stumbling blocks in the development of tourism at present are lack of infrastructure, inadequate ways of reaching hotels, tourist sites, gateways, etc., paucity in the number of coaches and cars (specially air-conditioned ones), ill-maintained roads. Conferences, cultured exchanges, tourism exchanges, leisure trips, education trips, holiday trips or business trips should be segregated and facilities available be publicized as an attractive package.
The need and aspirations of the various categories of tourists should be carefully analysed and adhered to in the sphere of accommodation, food, entertainment and guided tours. Last but not the least the hotel industry should adopt a business-like attitude in greeting and sending off the visitors with a smile. Give them a pleasant experience and prepare them to undertake a repeat visit soon.
Thank you.
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