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Reading Comprehension (Unseen Passages) | English Grammar for Class 6 PDF Download


Reading comprehension is the ability to understand, interpret, and analyze a text. It is an essential skill in the English language, as it helps students to identify the main ideas, themes, and details in a text. In this chapter, we will explore various strategies and tips to enhance reading comprehension for students.

Types of Reading Comprehension Questions

There are four main types of reading comprehension questions that students may encounter:

A. Literal Questions

  • These questions require students to find the answers directly from the text.
  • Examples: Who, What, When, Where, and How questions.

B. Inferential Questions

  • These questions require students to make inferences or draw conclusions based on the information provided in the text.
  • Examples: Why and What if questions.

C. Evaluative Questions

  • These questions require students to evaluate the text and make judgments about its content or the author's intent.
  • Examples: Do you agree or disagree, and What is your opinion questions.

D. Vocabulary Questions

  • These questions require students to understand the meaning of words and phrases used in the text.
  • Examples: What does the word "_____ " mean in this context?

II. Reading Comprehension Strategies

To improve reading comprehension, students should focus on developing the following strategies:

A. Previewing the Text

  • Look at the title, headings, and illustrations to get a sense of what the text is about.

B. Making Predictions

  • Based on the preview, make predictions about what will happen in the text.

C. Reading Actively

  • Read the text carefully and underline or highlight important points, keywords, and phrases.

D. Asking Questions

  • As you read, ask questions about the text to deepen your understanding.

E. Summarizing and Paraphrasing

  • After reading a section of the text, summarize the main points and paraphrase important details.

F. Visualizing

  • Create mental images of the events, characters, or concepts described in the text to enhance comprehension.

G. Making Connections

  • Relate the text to your own experiences, other texts, or the world around you.

H. Identifying the Main Idea and Supporting Details

  • Determine the main idea of the text and identify the details that support it.

Tips for Enhancing Reading Comprehension

To further improve reading comprehension, students should consider the following tips:

  • Read a variety of texts, including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
  • Practice reading aloud to improve fluency and expression.
  • Increase vocabulary by learning new words and their meanings.
  • Discuss the text with a teacher, parent, or peer to gain a deeper understanding.
  • Use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
  • Reread difficult or confusing passages to clarify understanding.
  • Write a summary or reflection after reading to reinforce understanding and retention.

Examples for Unseen Passages

Unseen Passage 1

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Every morning, Sarah would walk to the nearby park with her pet dog, Buddy. Buddy was a playful and friendly dog who loved to chase squirrels and play fetch. Sarah enjoyed spending time with Buddy, watching him run and play in the open space of the park. One day, as they were walking to the park, Sarah noticed something unusual.
Sarah saw a little puppy sitting alone near the park gate. The puppy looked scared and hungry. Sarah approached the puppy slowly and noticed that it had a collar with a tag that said "Lost." She realized that the puppy was lost and decided to help.
(i) What does Sarah do every morning?
(a) Walks to the nearby park with her pet dog
(b) Goes to school
(c) Plays fetch with Buddy
(d) Chases squirrels

Correct Answer is Option (a)

(ii) What does Buddy like to do in the park?
(a) Play fetch
(b) Chase squirrels
(c) Sit alone
(d) Wear a collar with a tag

Correct Answer is Option (a)

(iii) What does Sarah notice near the park gate?
(a) A little puppy
(b) A squirrel
(c) A tag that says "Lost"
(d) A scary dog

Correct Answer is Option (a)

(iv) How does Sarah feel about the lost puppy?
(a) Scared
(b) Hungry
(c) Excited
(d) Willing to help

Correct Answer is Option (d)

(v) What does Sarah decide to do when she realizes the puppy is lost?
(a) Ignore the puppy
(b) Leave the park
(c) Help the puppy
(d) Call the police

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Unseen Passage 2

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
The sun was shining brightly as Emily and her friends decided to go for a picnic in the park. They packed sandwiches, fruits, and drinks in a picnic basket and set off towards the park. When they reached the park, they spread a colorful mat on the grass and sat down to enjoy their meal. They laughed, talked, and played games all afternoon, having a wonderful time in the company of nature.

(i) What did Emily and her friends pack for the picnic?
(a) Toys
(b) Books
(c) Food and drinks
(d) Clothes

Correct Answer is Option (c)

(ii) Where did Emily and her friends go for the picnic?
(a) Beach
(b) Park
(c) Mall
(d) Movie theater

Correct Answer is Option (b)

(iii) What did Emily and her friends do after spreading the mat?
(a) Played games
(b) Read books
(c) Took a nap
(d) Went for a swim

Correct Answer is Option (a)

(iii) How did Emily and her friends spend their afternoon?
(a) Laughing, talking, and playing games
(b) Sleeping
(c) Studying
(d) Cleaning the park

Correct Answer is Option (a)

(iv) What kind of weather was it during the picnic?
(a) Rainy
(b) Snowy
(c) Sunny
(d) Cloudy

Correct Answer is Option (c)

Unseen Passage 3

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a poor farmer named Ram. Ram had a big heart and was always ready to help others. He had a small piece of land where he grew crops to feed his family. One day, while working in his field, Ram found a magic lamp. When he rubbed the lamp, a genie appeared and said, "I am the genie of this lamp. I will grant you three wishes. Use them wisely."
Ram was very surprised and happy. He thought about his wishes carefully. He wished for a big, beautiful house for his family, plenty of food to feed the village, and good health for everyone. The genie granted all his wishes, and the villagers were very happy.
Soon, news of Ram's magic lamp spread throughout the land. People from far and wide came to him with their problems. Ram helped everyone who came to him, but he never used the lamp for his own personal gain. He selflessly used the genie's powers to help others and became a hero in his village.

(i) Who is the main character in the story?

The main character in the story is Ram, a poor farmer.

(ii) What did Ram find in his field one day?

Ram found a magic lamp in his field one day.

(iii) How many wishes did the genie grant Ram?

The genie granted Ram three wishes.

(iv) What were Ram's three wishes?

Ram's three wishes were a big, beautiful house for his family, plenty of food to feed the village, and good health for everyone.

(v) How did Ram use the genie's powers?

Ram used the genie's powers to help others and never for his own personal gain.

Unseen Passage 4

In a dense forest, there was a beautiful waterfall. Animals from all around the forest came to the waterfall to drink water and enjoy the cool breeze. One day, a thirsty crow arrived at the waterfall to drink some water. He noticed that the water level was too low, and he could not reach it.
The crow thought of a clever idea. He collected small pebbles nearby and started dropping them into the water. As he added more pebbles, the water level started rising. Eventually, the water level was high enough for the crow to drink from it. All the other animals in the forest were impressed by the crow's intelligence and praised him for his smart thinking.
The crow's story spread throughout the forest, and all the animals learned the importance of problem-solving and using their intelligence to overcome challenges.

(i) Where did the animals in the forest go to drink water?

The animals in the forest went to the beautiful waterfall to drink water.

(ii) What problem did the crow face when he arrived at the waterfall?

The crow faced the problem of not being able to reach the water because the water level was too low.

(iii) How did the crow solve the problem?

The crow solved the problem by collecting small pebbles and dropping them into the water, causing the water level to rise.

(iv) What did the other animals think of the crow's actions?

The other animals were impressed by the crow's intelligence and praised him for his smart thinking.

(v) What lesson did the animals in the forest learn from the crow's story?

The animals in the forest learned the importance of problem-solving and using their intelligence to overcome challenges from the crow's story.

Unseen Passage 5

Long ago, in a small village, there lived a poor farmer named John. He had a small piece of land where he grew vegetables for his family. One day, John found a small, shiny object in his field. It was a golden egg! He couldn't believe his luck! He took the egg home and showed it to his wife, Mary.
The next day, John went back to his field and found another golden egg. This continued for many days, and soon, John and Mary became very rich. However, they became greedy and wanted more golden eggs. They decided to find the hen that laid the golden eggs and take her home so that they could get all the eggs at once.
After searching for days, they finally found the hen. They took her home, but soon realized that the hen only laid one golden egg per day. John and Mary were very disappointed and decided to kill the hen to get all the eggs at once. However, when they killed the hen, they found that there were no more golden eggs inside her. John and Mary had lost their golden opportunity.
A. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions:
(i) What did John find in his field one day?

John found a golden egg in his field one day.

(ii) How did John and Mary become rich?

John and Mary became rich by collecting and selling the golden eggs.

(iii) What did they decide to do to get more golden eggs?

They decided to find the hen that laid the golden eggs and take her home.

(iv) What happened when they killed the hen?

When they killed the hen, they found that there were no more golden eggs inside her.

B. Find word or phrases from the passage that mean the same as the following:
(i) Shiny 

small, shiny object

C. True/False:
(i) John and Mary were happy with the one golden egg they found each day.

False - John and Mary became greedy and wanted more golden eggs.

(ii) The hen laid more than one golden egg per day. (False)

False - The hen only laid one golden egg per day.

Unseen Passage 6

In the dense forest, there lived a family of elephants. The leader of the group, Raja, was a wise and experienced elephant. One day, a young elephant named Gopi got separated from the group. He was scared and felt lost. Raja, realizing that Gopi was missing, called the group together and led them in search of the young elephant. They found Gopi near a river, crying for help. Raja comforted Gopi and brought him back to the group. The other elephants were relieved and grateful for Raja's leadership.
A. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions:
(i) Who was the leader of the group of elephants?

Raja was the leader of the group of elephants.

(ii) What happened to Gopi?

Gopi got separated from the group and was scared and lost.

(iii) How did Raja find out that Gopi was missing?

Raja realized that Gopi was missing when he called the group together.

(iv) What did Raja do to bring Gopi back to the group?

Raja led the group in search of Gopi, comforted him, and brought him back to the group.

B. Find words or phrases from the passage that mean the same as the following:
(i) Dense


(ii) Experienced


C. True/False:
(i) The elephants lived in a desert.


(ii) Gopi got separated from the group.


Unseen Passage 7

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a poor farmer named Ram. He had a small piece of land and a cow named Gauri. Ram and his wife Lata worked hard day and night to make ends meet. One day, while plowing the field, Ram found a golden egg. He was surprised and took it home to show his wife. They decided to sell the golden egg to a goldsmith and buy some food and clothes. The next day, Ram found another golden egg in the field. This went on for several days, and Ram and Lata became rich.
However, Ram's greed grew with his wealth. He thought that if he could find the source of the golden eggs, he would become the richest man in the village. So he dug up the entire field but found nothing. Tired and frustrated, Ram threw his spade in anger, which accidentally hit Gauri, and she died on the spot.
From that day on, there were no more golden eggs. Ram and Lata were left with nothing but regret for their greediness. They realized that they had lost their most valuable possession in their quest for more wealth.

A. MCQs:
(i) What did Ram find in the field one day?

(a) A silver coin
(b) A golden egg
(c) A diamond
(d) A treasure chest

Correct Answer is Option (b)

(ii) What did Ram and Lata decide to do with the golden egg?
(a) Keep it as a souvenir
(b) Sell it to a goldsmith
(c) Bury it in the field
(d) Give it to their neighbors

Correct Answer is Option (b)

(iii) How did Gauri, the cow, die?
(a) She fell into a pit
(b) She was hit by Ram's spade
(c) She was attacked by a wild animal
(d) She died of old age

Correct Answer is Option (b)

B. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions:
(i) Why did Ram and Lata work hard day and night?

Ram and Lata worked hard day and night to make ends meet.

(ii) What made Ram and Lata rich?

Ram and Lata became rich by selling the golden eggs that they found in the field.

(iii) What did Ram do in his quest to find the source of the golden eggs?

Ram dug up the entire field in his quest to find the source of the golden eggs.

C. Find words or phrases from the passage that mean the same as the following:
(i) Surprised (paragraph 1)


(ii) Wealthy (paragraph 2)


(iii) Valuable (paragraph 3)

most precious

D. True/False:
(i) Ram and Lata were rich from the beginning.


(ii) Ram accidentally killed Gauri.


(iii) Ram and Lata learned their lesson in the end.


Unseen Passage 8

In a dense forest, there lived a community of animals. The king of the forest was a wise old lion named Leo. He was fair and kind to all the animals. One day, a clever fox named Foxy came up with an idea to make life easier for the animals. He suggested that all the animals should work together and share the tasks and responsibilities.
Leo agreed with Foxy's idea and called a meeting of all the animals. They discussed and decided that each animal would perform a specific task according to their abilities. The elephants were responsible for lifting heavy objects, the monkeys for climbing trees and collecting fruits, the birds for keeping watch and sending messages, and the rabbits for digging holes and tunnels.
The animals worked together, and life in the forest became more organized and peaceful. They shared their food and helped each other in times of need. They were able to protect themselves from the dangers of the forest more effectively. This unity and cooperation among the animals made the forest a happy and safe place to live.

A. MCQs:
(i) Who was the king of the forest?
(a) A wise old lion
(b) A clever fox
(c) A strong elephant
(d) A brave eagle

Correct Answer is Option (a)

(ii) What was Foxy's idea?
(a) To divide the forest into territories
(b) To create a hierarchy among the animals
(c) To make all the animals work together and share tasks
(d) To build a fortress to protect the animals

Correct Answer is Option (c)

(iii) What task did the rabbits perform?
(a) Lifting heavy objects
(b) Climbing trees and collecting fruits
(c) Keeping watch and sending messages
(d) Digging holes and tunnels

Correct Answer is Option (d)

B. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions:
(i) Describe the character of Leo, the wise old lion.

Leo, the wise old lion, was fair and kind to all the animals.

(ii) How did the animals decide to work together?

The animals decided to work together by performing specific tasks according to their abilities.

(iii) What was the result of the unity and cooperation among the animals?

The result of the unity and cooperation among the animals was a happy and safe environment in the forest.

C. Find words or phrases from the passage that mean the same as the following:
(i) Dense (paragraph 1)


(ii) Suggested (paragraph 2)


(iii) Effectively (paragraph 3)


D. True/False
(i) The king of the forest was a cruel and selfish lion.


(ii) Foxy's idea led to a more organized and peaceful life in the forest.


(iii) The animals were not able to protect themselves from the dangers of the forest.


Unseen Passage 9

Millie was a young girl who loved to read books. Her favorite place was the library, where she would spend hours exploring the shelves and discovering new stories. One day, while searching for a book, Millie stumbled upon a dusty old book hidden behind the other books. The book was titled "The Magical World of Stories."
Curious, Millie opened the book and began to read. To her surprise, the words on the pages started to come alive, and the characters leaped out of the book. Millie was suddenly transported to a magical world where she could meet her favorite characters and experience their adventures firsthand.
In this magical world, Millie met characters like Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan from Neverland, and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. She had tea parties with the Mad Hatter, flew with Peter Pan, and followed the yellow brick road with Dorothy. Millie was amazed by the beautiful and enchanting world she had discovered.
Eventually, Millie had to return to her own world. However, she knew that she could always visit the magical world of stories whenever she opened a book. From that day on, Millie's love for reading grew even stronger, and books became her best friends.

A. MCQs:
(i) Where did Millie love to spend her time?
(a) At the park
(b) At the library
(c) At the movies
(d) At the beach

Correct Answer is Option (b)

(ii) What was the title of the dusty old book that Millie found?
(a) The Enchanted Forest
(b) The Secret Garden
(c) The Magical World of Stories
(d) The Book of Wonders

Correct Answer is Option (c)

(iii) Who did Millie meet in the magical world?
(a) Cinderella and Snow White
(b) Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
(c) Alice, Peter Pan, and Dorothy
(d) Harry Potter and Hermione Granger

Correct Answer is Option (c)

B. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions:
(i) What happened when Millie opened the dusty old book?

When Millie opened the dusty old book, the words on the pages came alive, and the characters leaped out of the book, transporting her to a magical world.

(ii) Describe Millie's adventures in the magical world.

In the magical world, Millie met characters like Alice, Peter Pan, and Dorothy. She had tea parties with the Mad Hatter, flew with Peter Pan, and followed the yellow brick road with Dorothy.

(iii) How did Millie's experience in the magical world affect her love for reading?

Millie's experience in the magical world made her love for reading grow even stronger, and books became her best friends.

C. Find words or phrases from the passage that mean the same as the following:
(i) Exploring (paragraph 1)


(ii) Curious (paragraph 2)


(iii) Enchanting (paragraph 3)


D. True/False:
(i) Millie disliked reading books.


(ii) The characters in the magical world were real people from history.


(iii) Millie's love for reading grew stronger after her experience in the magical world.


Unseen Passage 10

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a kind and generous king. He was loved by all his subjects. The king had a beautiful garden filled with various types of flowers and trees. The most beautiful flowers in the garden were the lovely roses. The king took great care of his garden and spent a lot of time nurturing the plants.
One day, an old woman visited the king and offered him a unique seed. She told the king that this seed would grow into a magical tree that would bear fruits of gold. The king was intrigued and planted the seed in his garden. He watered it and took care of it every day. Soon, a small sapling emerged from the ground, and it eventually grew into a tall and strong tree.
Just as the old woman had said, the tree bore fruits of gold. The king was overjoyed and decided to share his fortune with his people. He distributed the golden fruits among his subjects, making them all wealthy and happy.
The king's kindness and generosity became well-known, and people from all over the world came to visit his magical tree.

1. What type of flowers were the most beautiful in the king's garden?
(a) Roses
(b) Lilies
(c) Orchids
(d) Tulips

Correct Answer is Option (a)

2. What did the old woman give the king?
(a) A magical seed
(b) A golden fruit
(c) A beautiful flower
(d) A rare gem

Correct Answer is Option (a)

3. What did the tree bear when it grew up?
(a) Golden fruits
(b) Silver fruits
(c) Colorful flowers
(d) Rare gems

Correct Answer is Option (a)

4. On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions:
(i) Why was the king loved by all his subjects?

The king was loved by all his subjects because he was kind and generous.

(ii) How did the king share his fortune with his people?

The king shared his fortune with his people by distributing the golden fruits among them, making them all wealthy and happy.

5. Find words or phrases from the passage that mean the same as the following:
(i) Intrigued


(ii) Generous


6. Find words or phrases from the passage that mean the opposite as the following:
(i) Unkind


(ii) Displeased


7. True/False:
(i) The king distributed the golden fruits among his subjects, making them all sad.


(ii) The king's kindness and generosity became well-known, and people from all over the world came to visit his magical tree.


The document Reading Comprehension (Unseen Passages) | English Grammar for Class 6 is a part of the Class 6 Course English Grammar for Class 6.
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FAQs on Reading Comprehension (Unseen Passages) - English Grammar for Class 6

1. What is the purpose of reading comprehension passages in exams?
Ans. Reading comprehension passages are included in exams to assess a candidate's ability to understand and interpret written information. They test skills such as reading comprehension, critical thinking, inference-making, and logical reasoning.
2. How can I improve my reading comprehension skills?
Ans. To improve reading comprehension skills, it is important to practice regularly. Some strategies that can help include active reading, summarizing the main points, making predictions, and asking questions while reading. Additionally, building vocabulary and understanding different types of text structures can also enhance comprehension.
3. What are some effective techniques for answering reading comprehension questions?
Ans. Some effective techniques for answering reading comprehension questions include reading the passage thoroughly, identifying the main idea and supporting details, underlining or highlighting key information, and making notes. It is also important to understand the question types, such as inference-based, vocabulary-based, or tone-based questions, and to use process of elimination when selecting answers.
4. How can I manage my time effectively while attempting reading comprehension passages in exams?
Ans. Time management is crucial while attempting reading comprehension passages in exams. It is recommended to allocate a specific amount of time for reading and understanding the passage, and then divide the remaining time equally among the questions. Skimming the questions beforehand can help in identifying which parts of the passage to focus on. Practice and familiarity with different passage lengths and question types can also improve time management skills.
5. Are there any resources or practice materials available online to improve reading comprehension skills?
Ans. Yes, there are numerous online resources and practice materials available to improve reading comprehension skills. Websites, educational platforms, and online libraries provide a wide range of reading comprehension passages and exercises. Additionally, there are specific books and study guides dedicated to developing reading comprehension skills. It is advisable to choose materials that align with the level of difficulty expected in the exam and to practice regularly to enhance comprehension abilities.
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