Table of contents |
Introduction of Adjectives |
Types of Adjectives |
Rules Related to Adjectives |
Functions of Adjectives with Examples |
Solved Exercises |
Spotting Errors (Adjectives) |
Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns or pronouns. They provide more information about the qualities, characteristics, and features of the person, place, thing, or idea being referred to. In English, adjectives typically come before the noun they modify, while in Hindi, they generally come after the noun.
1. Descriptive Adjectives: These adjectives describe the qualities or characteristics of a noun.
2. Quantitative Adjectives: These adjectives describe the quantity or amount of a noun.
3. Numeral Adjective: These adjectives indicate the number or order of a noun.
4. Demonstrative Adjectives: These adjectives point out or demonstrate which noun is being referred to.
5. Possessive Adjectives: These adjectives show ownership or possession of a noun.
6. Interrogative Adjectives: These adjectives are used to ask questions about a noun.
7. Distributive Adjectives: These adjectives refer to individual things or people within a group.
8. Emphasizing Adjectives: These adjectives are used to emphasize the importance of a noun.
Examples of non-countable Adjectives in English and Hindi with sentences
Non-countable adjectives are used to describe nouns that cannot be counted or measured. Here are some examples of non-countable adjectives in English and Hindi along with sentences:
Note: Non-countable adjectives are also called uncountable or mass adjectives.
1. Describing a noun: Adjectives are used to provide more information about a noun by describing its characteristics, qualities, or state.
2. Comparing nouns: Adjectives are used to compare two or more nouns in terms of a specific quality or characteristic.
3. Expressing an opinion: Adjectives can be used to express an opinion or judgement about a noun.
4. Denoting quantity or amount: Adjectives can indicate the quantity or amount of a noun.
5. Describing a person's emotions or feelings: Adjectives can describe a person's emotions or feelings.
1. Identifying Adjectives in Sentences
The big, brown dog barked loudly.
"Big" and "brown" describe the noun "dog."
She wore a beautiful, long dress to the party.
"Beautiful" and "long" describe the noun "dress."
The old, wooden house creaked in the wind.
"Old" and "wooden" describe the noun "house."
I bought a pair of comfortable shoes for hiking.
"Comfortable" describes the noun "shoes."
2. Comparing Adjectives
Exercise: Choose the correct form of the adjective in parentheses.
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
We use the superlative form "highest" because we're comparing more than two mountains.
My new car is faster than my old one.
We use the comparative form "faster" because we're comparing two cars.
This is the best pizza I've ever had.
We use the superlative form "best" because we're comparing more than two pizzas.
She is taller than her sister.
We use the comparative form "taller" because we're comparing two people.
The water in the ocean is colder than the water in the pool.
We use the comparative form "colder" because we're comparing two sources of water.
3. Ordering Adjectives
Exercise: Rearrange the words to create a sentence with the correct order of adjectives.
red / the / car / new / shiny / fast
The fast, shiny, new, red car.
Adjectives are typically ordered in the following sequence: opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose. In this case, fast (opinion), shiny (size), new (age), and red (color) need to be in that order.
old / black / cat / small / sleepy
The sleepy, small, old, black cat.
Sleepy (opinion), small (size), old (age), and black (color).
book / thick / interesting / the / green
The interesting, thick, green book.
Interesting (opinion), thick (size), and green (color).
house / blue / the / big / haunted
The big, haunted, blue house.
Big (size), haunted (opinion), and blue (color).
Exercise 1: Identify the errors in the following sentences and correct them.
She is more taller than her sister.
She is taller than her sister.
"more" should not be used with "taller" as it is a comparative form of the adjective.)
This is the most unique painting I have ever seen.
"Unique" is an absolute adjective and should not be used with "most.")
The movie was so much interesting that I watched it twice.
The movie was so interesting that I watched it twice.
"much" is not needed before the adjective "interesting.")
The weather today is more better than yesterday.
The weather today is better than yesterday.
"more" should not be used with "better" as it is a comparative form of the adjective.)
He is the most cleverest student in our class.
He is the cleverest student in our class.
"most" should not be used with "cleverest" as it is a superlative form of the adjective.)
Exercise 2: Spot the errors in the following sentences and correct them.
My brother is elder than me by two years.
My brother is older than me by two years.
"elder" should be replaced with "older" when comparing age.)
Of the two options available, I chose the latter one.
Of the two options available, I chose the second one.
"latter" should be replaced with "second" when referring to two options.)
His car is more faster than mine.
His car is faster than mine.
"more" should not be used with "faster" as it is a comparative form of the adjective.)
This book is as much interesting as the other one.
This book is as interesting as the other one.
"much" is not needed before the adjective "interesting.")
The Eiffel Tower is the most tallest building in Paris.
The Eiffel Tower is the tallest building in Paris.
"most" should not be used with "tallest" as it is a superlative form of the adjective.)
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