Multiple Choice Questions
Q1: What population of India is engaged in agricultural activities?
(a) Two-Third
(b) Three-Fourth
(c) One-Fourth
(d) Two-Fourth
Q2: What is ‘Boro’?
(a) Kharif crop
(b) Zaid crop
(c) Rabi crop
(d) None of these
Q3: Which out of the following is a Zaid crop?
(a) Moong
(b) Mustard
(c) Urad
(d) Watermelon
Q4: Which of the following farming practice depends upon monsoon, natural fertility of the soil and suitability of other environmental conditions?
(a) Commercial farming
(b) Intensive subsistence farming
(c) Primitive subsistence farming
(d) Plantation
Q5: Tick the characteristics of commercial farming.
(a) Plots of land are fragmented.
(b) Transport and communication plays an important role.
(c) The yield is usually low.
(d) The pressure of population is high on land.
Q6: Watermelon, muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops are the types of
(a) Zaid crop
(b) Kharif crop
(c) Rabi crop
(d) None of these
Q7: Which of the following is the staple food crop of a majority of the people in India?
(a) Jowar
(b) Bajra
(c) Wheat
(d) Rice
Q8: Which type of agriculture practice is famous in North-Eastern states like Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland?
(a) Jhumming
(b) Slash and burn farming
(c) Commercial farming
(d) Subsistence farming
Q9: The crop that is used both, as food and fodder.
(a) ragi
(b) jowar
(c) maize
(d) none of these
Q10: Aus, aman and boro are types of which crop?
(a) Maize
(b) Paddy
(c) Jowar
(d) Bajra
Fill in the Blank
Q1: Agriculture provides livelihood to more than 63 percent of India’s .......... .
Q2: The three types of tea are .......... , .......... , .......... .
Q3: India has three cropping seasons: .......... , .......... and .......... .
Q4: .......... is a name given to ‘slash and burn’ agriculture in North-Eastern States of India.
Q5: Millets are also called .......... .
Q1: Intensive subsistence farming is a bush or tree farming.
Q2: Kharif crop requires temperature between 21cC to 27cC.
Q3: Agriculture is an age-old and a primary economic activity.
Q4: Coffee plantations are located in Odisha, Bengal and Bihar.
Q5: Crops grown between March and June are known as ‘Zaid’ crops.
Assertion and Reason Type Questions
Direction: In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. Mark the correct choice as :
Q1: Assertion : Biochemical inputs and irrigation are used for obtaining higher production.
Reason : Doses of biochemical input are used to grow crops rapidly.
(a) If Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If Both assertion and reason are false.
Q2: Assertion : Tea cultivation, is a labour - intensive industry.
Reason : Cultivation can be done throughout the year .Tea bushes require warm and moist frost- free climate.
(a) If Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If Both assertion and reason are false.
Q3: Assertion : Crops are grown depending upon the variations in soil, climate and cultivation practices.
Reason : Crops are also grown according to availability of water.
(a) If Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If Both assertion and reason are false.
Q4: Assertion : Plantation has an interface of agriculture and industry.
Reason : Plantation is a type of commercial farming, a single crop is grown on a large area.
(a) If Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If Both assertion and reason are false.
Q5: Assertion : Organic farming is much in vogue.
Reason : In organic forming, crops are grown using high doses to increase production.
(a) If Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If Both assertion and reason are false.
Q6: Assertion : India’s primary activity is Agriculture.
Reason : Two-thirds of its population is engaged in agricultural activities.
(a) If Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If Both assertion and reason are false.
Q7: Assertion : Pulses are not considered as a major source of protein in a vegetarian diet.
Reason : Rice is a rabi crop and requires lot of rain to grow.
(a) If Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If Both assertion and reason are false.
Q8: Assertion : Agriculture is not an old economic activity.
Reason : Farming varies from subsistence to commercial type.
(a) If Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If Both assertion and reason are false.
Q9: Assertion : apple food crop in India is rice and requires less rain.
Reason : Our country is the fourth largest producer of rice in the world.
(a) If Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If Both assertion and reason are false.
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Q1: Name the crops for which India is the largest producer in the world.
Q2: Describe ‘Jhumming cultivation’ in one sentence.
Q3: In which states three crops of paddy are grown ? Which are they ?
Q4: What type of crop is wheat ?
Q5: When does the zaid season fall ?
Q6: Mention India’s cropping seasons.
Q7: In the areas of less rainfall how does rice grow ?
Q8: What is other name of primitive subsistence farming ?
Q9: Which are important wheat-growing zones in India ?
Q10: Which are important kharif crops ?
Q11: By which other name is ‘slash and burn’ agriculture known?
Q12: Hoe, dao, digging sticks are associated with which type of farming?
Q13: Which crop is the major crop of rabi?
Q14: Name the two important wheat growing zones in India.
Q15: Name some plantation crops.
Q16: Which two areas of India produce oranges mainly?
Q17: India is the largest producer as well as consumer of which agricultural product in the world?
Q18: Which crop is known as golden fibre?
Q19: In which type of soil does maize grow well?
Q20: What type of soil is suited for cultivation of tea?
Q21: Mention two characteristics of commercial farming.
Q22: Which price is announced by the government in support of a crop?
Q23: Name four major wheat producing states in India.
Short Answer Type Questions
Q1: Define plantation farming. What are its main characteristics? Name any five plantation crops of India.
Q2: Give the characteristics of commercial farming?
Q3: What is slash and burn agriculture?
Q4: Define subsistence farming and give its main characteristics.
Q5: What are the different types of farming / agriculture practiced in India?
Q6: Describe the geographical conditions required for the growth of rice.
Q7: How have technological and institutional reforms been able to improve the conditions of Indian farmers?
Q8: What is the importance of agriculture on Indian economy? Name 3 features of Indian agriculture.
Q9: Describe various technological and institutional reforms, which led to Green and White revolutions in India.
The solutions of the worksheet "Worksheet Solutions: Agriculture"
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