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Class 5 EVS Chapter 16 HOTS Questions - Who will do this Work?

Q1: What kind of difficulties do they face in doing this work?
They have to face many difficulties while doing this work, such as:

  • They have to face excessively foul smelling garbage due to which they might suffer from much health related problems.
  • The other people look them with hatred and consider them as belonging to a low and backward community.
  • Even if they study, they do not get good jobs.

Q2: What are the differences kinds of work being done in this drawing? List any five of these.
Five different kinds of work that have been shown in the drawing are:
(i) Working as a labourer
(ii) Working as a road sweeper
(iii) Working as a doctor
(iv) Working as a teacher
(v) Vegetable/fruit seller.

Q3: So, who does this kind of work? Why do people do this kind of work that others do not want to do?
The poor people usually do this kind of work. This is because:

  • They do not have enough money to study and get a good job.
  • Even if they study and get a degree, they still do not get a good job.
  • They have been in this job since their great grandparents or even before that, thus they are forced to get into this job only.

Q4: What are the toilet arrangements in your house? Where is the toilet? Inside the house or outside? Who cleans the toilet?
In our house there is provision of a modern and concert toilet which is located inside the house. The toilet has a flush system. It has a small water tank with a button. On pushing the button the water rushes out with speed and flushes away the stool and urine. It is cleaned daily by a sweeper.

Q5: Which five jobs would you not choose? Why?
I will not choose the following jobs:
(i) Sweeper
(ii) Labourer
(iii) Fruit/Vegetable hawker
(iv) Painter
(v) Gatekeeper
I want to study hard and get a challenging job. I want to achieve a good name and respect in the society and also earn in a good income, so that I can live a happy life. But the jobs mentioned above are not very respectful and I will not be able to earn well by doing these jobs. Thus, I will not choose these jobs.

Q6: What kind of work or jobs do people not want to do? Why?
The work which does not require much brain are not challenging, for example, work of a sweeper, gatekeeper, doing white wash on building etc. People does not want to these jobs because by these jobs we cannot earn well, these are not challenging and these are not considered respectful.

Q7: Why did Gandhiji and his team start doing the job of cleaning? What do you think about this?
It was the usual practice that people from a particular community would do the job of cleaning. These people were considered as untouchable and were hosted by the other people. Gandhiji wanted to remove this practice of untouchability from the society and also wanted the people to respect each other. Thus, Gandhiji and his team started doing the job of cleaning themselves so that can learn from them.

Q8: Do you know any such people in your area who try to help others in solving their problems? Find out.
Yes, there is a lady in our colony who has started an NGO. This NGO is working for the cleanliness of the roads, drains etc. The people working in the NGO personally clean and sweep the roads and drains and thus they are helping others in solving their problems.

Q9: How did the man who was returning from the toilet behave with Mahadevbhai? Why did he behave like this?
The man those were returning from the toilet talked with Mahadevbhai in an insulting way and treated him feeling of hatred. He though that these people who clean the toilet are from a very low community and are untouchables. Thus, they should be treated like this.

Q10: How do people generally behave with those people who clean toilets and drains? Write.
People generally behave with those people who clean the toilets and drains in an insulating way as they consider them as untouchables and those belonging to a low community. They dislike and avoid touching them or allowing them to enter their kitchen or other rooms of the house expect the toilets.

Q11: Do all the children do all kinds of work?
No, all the children do not perform all kinds of work. Those who consider this work as a low status or insulting work and hate it, do not perform it or do it only superficially.

Q12: If all do not help, why not?
Some students of the class do not help of all. They are belonging to very rich families and they consider it as insulting to do cleaning work.

Q13: Who does the cleaning in your school? What all has to be cleaned?
The cleaning in our school is done by 3−4 sweepers. They have to clean the toilets, all the rooms, the terrace and the, grounds of the school.

Q14: Narayan and Gandhiji discussed all this many years ago. Have things changed now?
Yes, things have changed a lot now. Now a days, most of the people do not believe in untouchability. In fact, the government has also passed many rules in favour of these people according to which misbehaving with these people in punishable by law. Government has also reserved many seats for these people in educational institutions and government jobs.

Q15: Gandhiji's favorite song(bhajan) is given here. This bhajan is in Gujarati. Try to understand the meaning of these lines with the help of your elders. Think about these lines.
The meaning of these lines is as follows:
An ideal person is one who understands the pain of others. An ideal person is willing to bear insult to remove sorrow from other person's life. While doing all this, an ideal person should not have an iota of ego in his mind.

Q16: Gandhiji used to say that every person should do every kind of work. What do you feel about this? If everyone followed this, what are the things that would change?
If everyone will start doing all kinds of work then no work will be considered low or disrespectful. There will be equality among the people; no one will feel superior or inferior. No one will insult anyone. Everyone will become independent. Men will also help the women by doing some household work.

Q17: Do people look at different kinds of work in the same way? If not, why is this so? Why is it important to bring change?
No, even today people do not look at different kinds of work in the same way. Most of the road cleaners, toilet sweepers etc., are still from some particular communities only. The other people do not consider these jobs respectable and they hate these jobs and also treat these people in a derogatory manner.
This difference has been created because the rich people study well and get good jobs. Thus, they earn well and become richer. But the poor people can't even afford to eat, so, they can't spent on studying and are forced to take these kinds of jobs. This needs to be changed in order to bring equally among the people so that everyone should respect each other.

Q18: Do they sometimes have to miss classes to do this work?
No, they do not miss classes to do this work. They do it in just 5−10 minutes in between the classes.

Q19: Would you like to bring some change? What kind?
Yes, I would like to bring some changes in this. The girls and women should also be allowed to study so that they can get good jobs and become independent and self reliant. Moreover, the boys and men should also participate in some household works and help the women.

Q20: What would happen if nobody did this work? If nobody cleared the garbage lying outside your school or your house for one week, then what would happen? Think of same ways so that people would not to do the work they don't like to do. Draw a picture of what you thought.
If nobody would clear the garbage lying outside our school or our house, there would be:
(i) a lot of garbage accumulated here and there on the road.
(ii) the place would become very filthy and foul smelling.
(iii) a lot of mosquitoes and other germs would breed in these areas and spread diseases.
Some other ways for cleaning, so that the people would not have to do this work are:
(i) Crane: A crane can be used which carries huge amount of garbage at a time and does not require people to hold the garbage by hands.
(ii) Dalao: It is a special type of big dustbin in which the garbage is collected. When it gets filled up, a crane or truck is brought and it takes away the whole dust-bin as it is.

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