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Class 5 EVS Chapter 19 Question Answers - Chapter 19 - A seed tells a Farmer`s Story

Q1: What did Damjibhai use to store seeds in earlier times?
Ans: Dried gourd coated with mud.

Q2: How was the wooden box prepared for storing seeds?
Ans: Strong wooden box.

Q3: What did Damjibhai put in the wooden box to protect the seeds from insects?
Ans: Neem leaves.

Q4: How was undhiya cooked in the winter?
Ans: In a clay pot between hot coals, placed upside down.

Q5: What did farmers in the past grow besides grains?
Ans: Vegetables.

Q6: What changed in farming as time passed?
Ans: Farmers began buying seeds from the market.

Q7: What did Hasmukh buy for farming to replace bullocks?
Ans: Tractor.

Q8: How did farmers get water for their crops in modern times?
Ans: Using pumps to lift water from the ground.

Q9: Why did Hasmukh have to buy expensive fertilizer for his crops?
Ans: Lack of cow dung due to the absence of domestic animals.

Q10: How did Bhaskarbhai know when to water his farm?
Ans: Croton leaves becoming limp.

Q11: What did Bhaskarbhai use to make his soil fertile?
Ans: Dried leaves and earthworms.

Q12: What did Bhaskarbhai use to make natural fertilizer?
Ans: Dried leaves, kitchen waste, and earthworms.

Q13: What was affecting the soil on Hasmukh's farm?
Ans: Overuse of chemicals and growing the same crop repeatedly.

Q14: Why did Paresh choose not to do farming?
Ans: He preferred working as a truck driver.

Q15: How did Bhaskarbhai's farm differ from others?
Ans: Fertile soil with natural fertilization and presence of earthworms.

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