Q1: Why did the peddler think that the world was a rattrap?
Ans: The peddler considered the whole world as a big rattrap, its sole purpose being to set baits for people. The joys and riches of this world are nothing but tempting baits and anyone who is tempted by them was captured by the rattrap which completely closed in on him.
Q2: Which act of the crofter surprised the peddler? Why?
Ans: The peddler was always shunned away wherever he went. No one treated him with kindness and so he had lost all hope of being shown any kind of warmth. But when he approached the crofter’s roadside cottage he was surprised by the latter’s warm welcome and generous hospitality.
Q3: Why was the crofter so talkative and friendly with the peddler?
Ans: The crofter was lonely. He lived alone in his cottage without a wife, a child or any companion. Since he suffered from acute loneliness he was extremely happy when he got the peddler’s company. That is why he was so talkative and friendly with the peddler.
Q4: What made the peddler finally change his ways?
Ans: The peddler was touched by Edla’s kind treatment. She treated him like a Captain in spite of knowing his real identity. This awakened the latent goodness of his heart because he wanted to show Edla he was worthy of the honour she had given him. So he finally changed his ways.
Q5: Did the stranger agree to go to the ironmaster’s house? Why or why not?
Ans: Initially the stranger declined the ironmaster’s invitation. He had the stolen thirty kronors on him and thought it was like going into the lion’s den. But then he accepted the ironmaster’s invitation because Edla’s sympathy and compassion allayed his fears and her friendly manner made him to have confidence in her.
Q6: Why was the crofter so friendly and talkative with the peddler?
Ans: The crofter was lonely. He lived alone in his cottage without a wife, a child or any companion. Since he suffered from acute loneliness he was extremely happy when he got the peddler’s company. That is why he was so talkative and friendly with the peddler:
Q7: How did the ironmaster react on seeing the stranger lying close to the furnace?
Ans: When the iron master saw the stranger lying close to the furnace he walked up to him and looked him over carefully. Mistaking him for an old acquaintance, a comrade from his regiment, he got very excited and invited him to come to his cottage.
Q8: Why was the crofter happy when the peddler knocked on his door?
Ans: The crofter was very lonely. He lived alone in his cottage without a wife, a child or any companion. Since he was suffering from acute loneliness he felt very happy when the peddler knocked on his door. He treated the peddler in the most kind and hospitable manner.
Q9: What did the peddler do to keep his body and soul together?
Ans: The peddler made and sold rattraps but his business was not really profitable so he had to resort to both begging and petty thievery to keep his body and soul together.
Q10: Why did Edla plead with her father not to send the vagabond away?
Ans: Edla pleaded with her father not to send the vagabond away as it was Christmas eve and she wanted to keep the spirit of Christmas alive. She wanted to provide the vagabond with a day of comfort and solace. She justified that they had invited him against his will and since he was lonely she wanted to do something special for him on Christmas eve.
Q11: Give examples from the story, “The Rattrap” to show how the iron master is different from his daughter.
Ans: The character of Edla Willmansson and that of the iron master are in stark contrast to each other. Despite being young, the daughter displays a better sense of maturity than her father who acts impulsively and behaves . casually. He jumps to conclusions without thinking. First he mistakes the peddler to be an old regimental comrade and without confirming his identity he instantly invites him to the manor house and again on realising his mistake he refers the matter to the sheriff thoughtlessly. Edla, on the other hand, displays a keen sense of observation. She rightly judges that her guest is a tramp and has a sympathetic attitude towards him. She persuades her father to allow the guest to stay, leads him courteously to the dining table and makes him eat despite her father’s protest. It is because of her compassion and generosity that the peddler undergoes a change of heart and redeems himself from dishonesty. He leaves behind thirty kronors to be given back to the old crofter and a Christmas present for Edla.
Q12: Describe how the story, ‘The Rattrap’ shows that basic human goodness can be brought out by understanding and love.
Ans: The theme of the story ‘The Rattrap’ is that most human beings are prone to fall into the trap of material gains. However, love and understanding can transform a person and bring out his essential human goodness. The peddler had been treated very cruelly by the world. So even though the old crofter was kind and hospitable to him, he betrayed his trust and stole thirty kronors from him. He was not impressed by the ironmaster’s invitation also. But Edla Willmansson’s compassion and understanding brought about a transformation in his nature. Her human qualities helped in raising him to be a gentleman. He was easily able to overcome petty temptations. The peddler who always considered the whole world to be a rattrap finally felt released from this rattrap due to the sympathetic, kind, loving and generous treatment of Edla Willmansson that was able to bring out his basic human goodness.
Q13: Describe the peddler’s interaction with the ironmaster’s daughter. To what extent was he influenced by her?
Ans: The peddler first meets Edla Wilmansson, the ironmaster’s daughter when, on her fathers insistence, she comes to invite him to their manor house for Christmas. He was so touched by the sincerity in her voice that he could not refuse her invitation. Later, she comes to know of the peddler’s real identity but it does not change her warmth, friendliness and hospitality towards him. She continues to treat him like a Captain and the peddler quite spontaneously, starts behaving like a real Captain. He leaves a rattrap as a Christmas gift for Edla and encloses a letter of thanks and a note of confession in it. He leaves behind the stolen money to be restored to its rightful owner, the crofter, thus redeeming himself from his dishonest ways. Edla Wilmansson’s sympathy, compassion and understanding give the peddler an opportunity to redeem and reform himself.
Q14: Describe the crofter’s interaction with the peddler. How did the latter get tempted?
Ans: When the peddler knocked on the door of the crofter’s cottage he was greeted by the lonely old man who was just too happy to get someone to talk to. He served the peddler with extreme hospitality and even played cards with him. He also shared his confidences with the peddler telling him that he had been a crofter at Ramsjo Ironworks during his days of prosperity and now his cow supported him. Last month he had received thirty kronors in payment for the cow milk he had sold. He even showed the peddler the leather pouch on the window where he had kept the thirty kronors thus tempting the peddler. The next day the peddler after leaving the crofter’s cottage came back there again, smashed the window pane, stuck in his hand and got hold of the pouch that contained the thirty kronors. Then hanging the leather pouch back very carefully, he went away.
Q15: Given his temperament, Edla’s father would have failed in reforming the peddler. How did Edla succeed?
Ans: Unlike her father Edla is a compassionate, sympathetic and understanding girl and because of these virtues she succeeded in reforming the peddler. The ironmaster, on the other hand, is impulsive and whimsical. He invites the stranger to his house without confirming the latters identity and as soon as the peddler’s true identity is revealed he decides to refer the whole matter to the sheriff. But Edla continues to be nice and hospitable to him and does not turn him out of their house on Christmas eve. She treats the peddler like a real captain and he too behaves like one. She thus awakened the potential goodness of his heart and before leaving the manor house he leaves behind a rattrap as a Christmas gift for Edla and the money he had stolen from the crofter’s cottage alongwith a letter in which he confesses his crime and requests Edla to return the thirty kronors to the old crofter.
Q16: How did the peddler feel after robbing the crofter? What course did he adopt and how did he react to the new situation? What does his reaction reveal?
Ans: After robbing the crofter the peddler felt quite pleased with his smartness. He immediately realised that he could not dare to continue with his journey on the public highway so he turned off the road, into the woods. During the first few hours his decision caused him no difficulty but later it became worse for he had gotten into a big and confusing forest. He continued to walk and when he came to the end of the forest he realized that he had been walking around in the same part of the forest. Then he recalled his thoughts about the world and the rattrap and knew his own turn had come. He had let himself be fooled by a bait of thirty kronors and had been caught. His reaction reveals his gloom and despair as he realized the forest had closed in open upon him like an impenetrable prison from which he thought he could never escape. It also reveals that he was basically a good person at heart and was repentant of his folly.
Q17: The people we meet in life leave an impression on us. How is the rattrap peddler affected by meeting the crofter and Edla?
Ans: The good people we meet sometimes leave an impression on us. Compassion and understanding can transform a person and bring out his essential human goodness. As is the case with the rattrap peddler whose meeting with the crofter and Edla bring about a positive transformation in his nature. The lonely old crofter was extremely kind to the peddler. Despite his hospitality the peddler stole his money and committed a breach of trust. Edla too treated him nicely, even after she came to know his true identity. The peddler who had always considered the world to be a rattrap that enclosed upon people finally felt released from this rattrap due to the kind, generous and sympathetic treatment of the crofter and Edla. He leaves behind a letter of thanks for Edla with a Christmas gift and the money he had stolen from the crofter, to be restored to its rightful owner.
18 videos|275 docs|85 tests
1. What is the plot of the story "The Rattrap"? | ![]() |
2. Who is the protagonist of "The Rattrap"? | ![]() |
3. How does the protagonist get trapped in the rattrap? | ![]() |
4. What role does the character Edla play in the story? | ![]() |
5. What is the significance of the rattrap in the story? | ![]() |