Table of contents |
Fill in the Blanks |
Assertion and Reason Based |
Very Short Answer Type Questions |
Short Answer Type Questions |
Long Answer Type Questions |
Q1: Weather refers to the momentary state of the atmosphere, while climate refers to the ________ of weather conditions over a longer period of time.
Ans: average
Climate represents long-term patterns of weather conditions, typically averaged over a 30-year period, while weather is the current state of the atmosphere at any given time.
Q2: The climate associated with seasonal reversal in the direction of winds is known as ________.
Ans: monsoon
A monsoon climate is characterized by seasonal changes in wind direction and associated weather patterns.
Q3: The state of Kerala and Tamil Nadu have a ________ climate.
Ans: tropical
These regions have a warm and humid climate typical of the tropical zone.
Q4: The temperature in Leh in winter can drop down to as low as minus ________.
Ans: 45°C
Leh, located in the high-altitude region of Ladakh, experiences extremely cold temperatures during the winter.
Q5: Cherrapunji and Mawsynram receive over ________ cm of rainfall in a year.
Ans: 1,080 cm
These places in Meghalaya, India, are known for receiving extremely high annual rainfall.
Q6: India is flanked by the Indian Ocean on ________ sides.
Ans: three
India is surrounded by the Indian Ocean to the south, west, and east, influencing its climate.
Q7: The difference in altitude affects temperature; it decreases with ________.
Ans: height
As elevation increases, the temperature typically decreases due to the lapse rate in the atmosphere.
Q8: The windward sides of Western Ghats receive ________ rainfall during June-September.
Ans: high
The Western Ghats intercept the moisture-laden monsoon winds, leading to heavy rainfall on the windward side.
Q9: The southwest monsoon sets in over the Kerala coast by ________.
Ans: 1st June
The onset of the southwest monsoon in India typically occurs around the beginning of June, starting in the state of Kerala.
Q10: El-Nino is a complex weather system that appears once every ________ years.
Ans: three to seven
El-Nino events are irregular and occur approximately every three to seven years, impacting global weather patterns.
Assertion and Reason Based
Q1: Assertion: The climate of Kerala and Tamil Nadu in the south is different from that of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in the north.
Reason: All of these regions have a monsoon type of climate.
(a) The assertion and reason are both correct, and the reason explains the assertion.
(b) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect.
(c) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct.
(d) Both the assertion and reason are incorrect.
Ans: (a)
The assertion is correct as it highlights the regional climate differences in India. The reason is correct because all these regions indeed experience a monsoon climate, but the assertion and reason together emphasize that despite having the same monsoon climate, there are significant variations in conditions.
Q2: Assertion: Temperature in the Himalayas is cooler than in the plains.
Reason: Altitude affects temperature, and places at higher altitudes are cooler.
(a) The assertion and reason are both correct, and the reason explains the assertion.
(b) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect.
(c) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct.
(d) Both the assertion and reason are incorrect.
Ans: (a)
The assertion is correct as the Himalayas are at higher altitudes, leading to cooler temperatures. The reason is correct because altitude inversely affects temperature - the higher the altitude, the cooler the temperature.
Q3: Assertion: India is flanked by the Indian Ocean on three sides in the south.
Reason: The differential heating of land and sea creates different air pressure zones.
(a) The assertion and reason are both correct, and the reason explains the assertion.
(b) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect.
(c) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct.
(d) Both the assertion and reason are incorrect.
Ans: (a)
The assertion correctly identifies the geographical position of India. The reason is accurate as differential heating of land and sea indeed results in varying air pressure zones, influencing India's climate.
Q4: Assertion: The southwest monsoon sets in over the Kerala coast by 1st June.
Reason: The intense heating of the landmass in the north of the Indian Ocean causes low pressure in the subcontinent.
(a) The assertion and reason are both correct, and the reason explains the assertion.
(b) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect.
(c) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct.
(d) Both the assertion and reason are incorrect.
Ans: (a)
The assertion accurately describes the onset of the southwest monsoon. The reason is also valid, as the intense heating of the landmass creates a low-pressure system that attracts the monsoon winds.
Q5: Assertion: Breaks in the monsoon are quite common during the rainy season.
Reason: The breaks in different regions are due to different reasons.
(a) The assertion and reason are both correct, and the reason explains the assertion.
(b) The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect.
(c) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct.
(d) Both the assertion and reason are incorrect.
Ans: (a)
The assertion accurately identifies the common occurrence of breaks in the monsoon. The reason is valid as it emphasizes that these breaks have diverse causes in different regions.
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Q1: Explain the main difference between weather and climate.
Ans: Weather refers to the momentary state of the atmosphere, including factors like temperature, precipitation, wind, and humidity, while climate represents the average of weather conditions over a longer period of time, typically spanning 30 years or more.
Q2: Name the factors related to location and relief that influence India's climate.
Ans: A monsoon climate is characterized by seasonal changes in the direction of winds, leading to distinct wet and dry seasons. Monsoons are typically associated with a change in wind patterns that bring heavy rains during a specific period.
Q3: How do the Himalayas affect India's climate?
Ans: The Himalayas act as a climatic barrier, shielding the Indian subcontinent from cold northern winds and influencing the behavior of monsoon winds. They also trap moisture, leading to variations in rainfall patterns.
Q4: Why do coastal areas in India have a more equable climate than the interior regions?
Ans: Coastal areas have a milder and more equable climate due to the moderating influence of the sea, which tends to stabilize temperatures, leading to fewer extreme temperature fluctuations. In contrast, interior regions are farther from the sea's moderating effect, resulting in more significant temperature variations.
Q5: What is the impact of altitude on temperature in India?
Ans: Temperature decreases with increasing altitude. As one ascends in altitude, the air becomes thinner, leading to lower temperatures due to the lapse rate in the atmosphere.
Q6: Describe the significance of the southwest monsoon in India.
Ans: The southwest monsoon is of great significance in India as it brings the bulk of the country's annual rainfall. It is crucial for agriculture, providing the necessary water for crop cultivation. The onset and behavior of the southwest monsoon are essential for India's economy and livelihoods.
Q7: What are the two branches of the monsoon in India, and what factors influence their distribution?
Ans: The two branches of the monsoon in India are the Bay of Bengal branch and the Arabian Sea branch. The distribution of rainfall from these branches is influenced by offshore meteorological conditions and the position of the equatorial jet stream along the eastern coast of Africa.
Q8: What is El-Nino, and how does it affect India's monsoon?
Ans: El-Nino is a complex weather phenomenon characterized by warm ocean currents off the coast of Peru in the Eastern Pacific. It disrupts equatorial atmospheric circulation, leading to irregularities in global weather patterns. In India, El-Nino can lead to droughts, erratic monsoons, and other extreme weather events, impacting the monsoon.
Q9: Define a "break in the monsoon." What are the possible reasons for it?
Ans: A "break in the monsoon" refers to a period during the monsoon season when there is a significant interruption in rainfall. It occurs when there are prolonged dry spells with little or no rain for one or more weeks. The possible reasons for breaks in the monsoon include infrequent rain-bearing storms, changes in wind patterns, and other meteorological factors.
Q10: Explain why dry spells on the west coast are associated with specific wind patterns.
Ans: Dry spells on the west coast are associated with days when winds blow parallel to the coast. These wind patterns prevent the moisture-laden monsoon winds from reaching the region, resulting in reduced rainfall and dry spells along the west coast of India.
Short Answer Type Questions
Q1: Explain the characteristics of the Cold Weather Season in India.
Ans: The Cold Weather Season in India occurs from November to February. It is characterized by the following features:
Q2: Describe the pressure and wind patterns during the Cold Weather Season.
Ans: During the Cold Weather Season in India:
Q3: Why do winter monsoons not bring rainfall to most parts of India?
Ans: Winter monsoons do not bring rainfall to most parts of India for the following reasons:
Q4: Explain the role of temperate cyclones from the Mediterranean Sea in winter rainfall.
Ans: Temperate cyclones from the Mediterranean Sea play a significant role in bringing winter rainfall to northwestern India.
These cyclones:
Q5: Describe the characteristics of the Hot Weather Season in India.
Ans: The Hot Weather Season in India, which occurs from March to June, is marked by the following characteristics:
Q6: What are the main features of the Southwest Monsoon Season in India?
Ans: The Southwest Monsoon Season in India is associated with the following main features:
Q7: Explain the characteristics of monsoonal rainfall in India.
Ans: Monsoonal rainfall in India has the following characteristics:
Q8: Describe the Season of Retreating Monsoon in India.
Ans: The Season of Retreating Monsoon occurs in October and November and is characterized by the following features:
Long Answer Type Questions
Q1: Discuss the distribution of rainfall in India and its variation in different regions.
Ans: The distribution of rainfall in India varies significantly across regions. Here are the main points of variation:
Q2: Explain the major climatic types of India based on Koeppen's scheme.
Ans: Koeppen's scheme classifies India into five major climatic types based on monthly values of temperature and precipitation:
Q3: Discuss the factors responsible for the climatic difference between Agra and Darjeeling.
Ans: The climatic difference between Agra and Darjeeling can be attributed to several factors:
Q4: Explain the factors influencing the onset and distribution of monsoonal rainfall in India.
Ans: The onset and distribution of monsoonal rainfall in India are influenced by several factors:
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