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Short Answer Questions | Business Studies (BST) Class 12 - Commerce PDF Download

Q1:Which consumer right gives the business firms freedom to set up their own consumer service and grievance cells?
Right to representation.

Q2: Mention when as a consumer you are not in a position to resolve your grievance under consumer protection act.
As a consumer we are not in a position to resolve our grievances when we have not fulfilled the responsibilities of a consumer.

Q3: Sandeep purchased a diesel car for Rs. 7 lacs from an automobile company and found its  ngine defective. Despite many complaints the defect was not rectified .Suggest to him the  ppropriate authority where he could file a complaint under consumer protection Act.
District Forum.

Q4: A co. is using sub- slandered electric wiring in its coolers. Which consumer right is being violated?
right to safety.

Q5: Which document serves as an evidence of purchase?
“Cash Memo.”

Q6: Rita wants to buy a packet of juice .As an aware customer how can she be sure about the quality of juice she palns to buy?
Rita can check for FPO (Fruit product order 1955) certifications. She can check the date ofmanufacture and expiry and check the storage / display conditions.

Q7: Mr. Soni a consumer purchased medicines without noticing the date of expiry . He also did not obtain the cash memo. Do you think he will be able to protect himself by the loss caused due to expired medicines ? give reasons in support of your answer?
In the given case, Mr. soni as a consumer was not able to fulfill his responsibility at two fronts.
(i) He didn't go through the packing specifications mentioned on the product at the time of purchase.
(ii) Most importantly , he did not obtain the cash memo from the surer. A cash memo is a proof of purchase and it is must for filing any complaint. Hence , he will not be able to protect himself by the loss caused due to expired medicines.

Q8: Mr. Verma who was a vegetarian went to a snack bar for having French fries and later  ound out that it had non-vegetarian content. Neither the advertisement nor the packing of the product displayed that the product has non-vegetarian content. Will Mr. Verma be able to claim compensation which right of the consumer is violated here?
In the given case there is violation of the consumer right to know .Acc. to the amendment of the regulations in weight and measurement Act.(2000) every product should explicitly bear a green dot for vegetarian ingredients while brown reveals that non-vegetarian ingredients have been used.  t is also mandatory to show the dot on an advertisements electronic or press and all posters ,banners ,stunts etc. hence Mr. Bharti would be able to claim the compensation.

Q9: As a well informed consumer. what kind of quality certification marks you will. Look for before buying ‘products? Specify any 6.
Some of the quality certification marks are:
(1) FPO( Fruit Products Order 1955) – It contains specification and quality control requirements regarding the production and marketing of processed fruits and vegetables ,sweetened aerated water, vinegar and synthetic syrups.
(2) ISI- On consumer durable products.
(3) Hall mark- BIS certification scheme for gold jewellery items.
(4) Earthen Pitcher –For Labeling Environment friendly products.
(5) AGMARK – It is a grade standard for agricultural commodities and like stock products.
(6) Wool mark- It signifies 100% pure wool.

Q10: A shopkeeper sold you some spices, claiming that they were pure. Later a laboratory test formed that those were adulterated what precautions should you have taken before buying and what remedies are available to you for the wrong act?
We should have been conscious about quality and should obtain cash memo from the seller while purchasing goods. The remedies available are:
(1) Getting the product replaced
(2) Getting the refund of the price
(3) Compensation.

Q11: What is the quality mark provided to agricultural commodities and live stock products?

Q12: Name any two NGO’s engaged in protecting and promoting consumer’s interest.
(a) Consumer co ordination council ,Delhi
(b) Consumers Association, kolkata .

Q13: Saroj wants to file a complaint where the value of goods or services in question along with the compensation claimed amounts to 25 lakhs.
State Commission.

The document Short Answer Questions | Business Studies (BST) Class 12 - Commerce is a part of the Commerce Course Business Studies (BST) Class 12.
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