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Worksheet: Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm : Admission of a Partner | Accountancy Class 12 - Commerce PDF Download

MCQ Questions

Q1: A, B, C, and D are partners. A and B share 2/3rd of profits equally and C and D share remaining profits in the ratio of 3:2. Find the profit sharing ratio of A/ B, C and D.

Q2: X and Y are partners in a firm with capital of Rs.180000 and Rs.200000. Z was admitted for 1/3rd share in profits and brings Rs.340000 as capital. Calculate the amount of goodwill

Q3: Match the following with respect to journal entries for treatment of goodwill.
Worksheet: Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm : Admission of a Partner | Accountancy Class 12 - Commerce
(a) i- B, ii-C, iii-A, iv-D
(b) i- C, ii-D, iii-A, iv-B
(c) i- D, ii-C, iii-A, iv-B
(d) i- D, ii-C, iii-B, iv-A

Q4: General reserve at the time of admission of a partner is transferred to:
Revaluation a/c
Partners’ capital a/c
Neither of two
Profit and loss a/c

Q5: A and B are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5:3. On admission, C brings Rs.70000 as capital and Rs.43000 against goodwill. New profit ratio between A, B and C is 7:5:4. The sacrificing ratio of A and B is:

Q6: At the time of admission of a new partner, the balance of Workmen Compensation Reserve will be transferred to:
Old partners in the old profit sharing ratio
Sacrificing partners in the sacrificing ratio
Revaluation Account
All partners in the new profit sharing ratio

Q7: On the admission of a new partner:
Old partnership is dissolved
Both old partnership and firm are dissolved
Old firm is dissolved
None of the above

Q8: If at the of admission, some balance of profit and loss account appears in the books, it will be transferred to :
Profit and loss adjustment account
All partners’ capital account
Old partners’ capital account
Revaluation account

Q9: Premium brought by newly admitted partner should be:
Credited to sacrificing partners
Credited to all partners in the new profit sharing ratio
Credited to old partners in the old profit sharing ratio
Credited to only gaining partners

Q10: When a new partner brings his share of goodwill in cash, the amount is debited to:
Cash account
Capital accounts of the new partner
Goodwill account
Capital accounts of the old partner

Q11: The balance in the investment fluctuation fund after meeting the fall in book value of investment, at the time of admission of partner will be transferred to:
Revaluation account
Capital accounts of old partners
General reserve
Capital account of all partners

Q12: The proportion in which old partners make a sacrifice:
Ratio of capital
Ratio of sacrifice
Gaining ratio
Profit sharing ratio

Q13: If the new partner brings his share of goodwill in cash, it will be shared by old partners in:
Sacrificing ratio
Old profit sharing ratio
New ratio
Capital ratio

Q14: Which of the following is not the reconstitution of partnership?
Admission of a partner
Dissolution of Partnership
Change in Profit Sharing Ratio
Retirement of a partner

Q15: New partner may be admitted to partnership:
With the consent of all the old partners
With the consent of any one partner
With the consent of 2/3rd of the old partners
With the consent of 3/4th of the old partners

Q16: A, and B are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 2:3. Their balance sheet shows machinery at ₹2,00,000; stock ₹80,000, and debtors at ₹1,60,000. C is admitted and the new profit sharing ratio is 6:9:5. Machinery is revalued at ₹1,40,000 and a provision is made for doubtful debts @5%. A’s share in loss on revaluation amount to ₹20,000. Revalued value of stock will be:

Q17: Yash and Manan are partners sharing profits in the ratio of2:1. They admit Kushagra into partnership for 25% share of profit. Kushagra acquired the share from old partners in the ratio of 3:2. The new profit sharing ratio will be:

Q18: When goodwill is not recorded in the books at all on admission of a partner:
If paid privately
If brought in cash
If not brought in cash
If brought in kind

Q19: At the time of admission of a new partner, the entry for unrecorded investment will be:
Dr. Investment A/c and Cr. Revaluation A/c
Dr. Partners’ Capital A/c and Cr. Investment A/c
Dr. Revaluation A/c and Cr. Investment A/c
None of the above

Q20: Heena and Sudha share Profit & Loss equally. Their capitals were Rs.1,20,000 and Rs. 80,000 respectively. There was also a balance of Rs. 60,000 in General reserve and revaluation gain amounted to Rs. 15,000. They admit friend Teena with 1/5 share. Teena brings Rs.90,000 as capital. Calculate the amount of goodwill of the firm.
None of the above

True Or False

Q1: “Unless agreed otherwise, Sacrificing Ratio of the old partners will be the same as their Old Profit Sharing Ratio”.

Q2: Hidden goodwill arises when total capital is computed based on the new partner’s capital is less than total capitals of remaining partners after all adjustments.

Q3: New partner may or may not contribute capital at the time of admission.

Q4: New partner may bring his share of goodwill premium in kind.

Q5: Employee Provident Fund is a part of Accumulated profits and reserves.

Q6: The need for valuation of goodwill also arises when the firm is dissolved involving sale of business as a going concern.

Q7: New partner brings goodwill in the firm to get share in the past profits.

Q8: At the time of admission, reserves may be carried forwarded by the partners.

Q9: “As per Section 26 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, a person can be admitted as a new partner if it is agreed in the Partnership Deed”.

Q10: Claim of workmen compensation if more than workmen compensation reserve, is debited to revaluation account.

Fill in the blanks

Q1: In case of upward revaluation of a liability, revaluation account is____

Q2: A and B are partners sharing profits equally. They admit C for 1/3 share in profits. A debtor whose dues of Rs.5000 were written off as bad debts, paid Rs.4000 in full settlement. Bad debts recovered Rs.4000 will be debited to ____ and credited to ____

Q3: On the admission of a new partner, after revaluation has been done, the value of assets and liabilities appear in the books of the firm at ____

Q4: At the time of admission of a partner, new profit sharing is used for sharing future ____

Q5: when the value of goodwill of the firm is not given but has to be inferred on the basis of net worth of the firm, it is called ____

Q6: At the time of admission, it the book value and the market value of investment is same then investment fluctuation reserved is transferred to ____ account of the old partners in their ____ ratio.

Q7: At the time of admission, the assets are revalued and liabilities are reassessed. The increase or decrease in the values is debited or credited in ____

Q8: Revaluation account is a ____

Q9: The newly admitted partner brings his/ her share of capital for which he/she will get ____ in firm.

Q10: Goodwill appearing in the books oat the time of admission of a new partner is written off by debiting ____ and crediting ____

Q11: Why is it necessary to revalue assets and reassess liabilities of a firm in case of admission of a new partner?

Q12: What are the accumulated profit and accumulated losses?

Q13: Explain the treatment of goodwill in the books of a firm on the admission of a new Partner when goodwill already appears in the Balance sheet at its full value and the new partner brings his share of good will in cash.

Q14: Under what circumstances the premium for goodwill paid by the incoming Partner will not recorded in the books of Accounts?

The document Worksheet: Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm : Admission of a Partner | Accountancy Class 12 - Commerce is a part of the Commerce Course Accountancy Class 12.
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