(i) Farmers grow same grains and vegetables in all seasons.
Ans: False
(ii) The canal water was not enough for the new crop.
Ans: True
(iii) Hasmukh used electric motor to pump water.
Ans: True
(i) Damjibhai made a strong wooden box to store ________.
Ans: Seeds
(ii) _______ leaves protect seeds from insects.
Ans: Neem
(iii) A _______ could do in a day what the bullocks would take many days to do.
Ans: tractor
(iv) When the top layer of the soil becomes dry, the _______ leaves bend and become limp.
Ans: croton
(i) Are rotis made in your home? From which grain are they made?
Ans: Yes, rotis are made in my home. They are made from wheat flour.
(ii) In your house, what is done to protect grains and pulses from insects?
Ans: In my house, grains and pulses are stores with neem leaves in air-tight containers.
(iii) What is a canal? How does it help in farming?
Ans: A canal brings water from far away- where a dam had been built on a big river. It helps farmers to irrigate fields.
(iv) Why was Hasmukh forced to by expensive fertilizers?
Ans: Without cows and buffaloes, there was no cow dung to be used in the fields as fertilizer. Therefore, Hasmukh was forced to buy expensive fertilizers.
(v) What affects the soil badly?
Ans: Growing the same crop over and over, and using so many chemicals affects the soil badly.
(vi) How does croton plants help in farming?
Ans: Croton plant’s leaves bend and become limp, when the soil becomes dry. This signal tells farmer which part of his farm needs to be watered.
(vii) What is compost? How is it prepared?
Ans: Compost is a natural fertilizer. It is prepared by putting garden waste (dries leaves), kitchen waste (peels of vegetables and fruits, and leftover food) and earthworms in a pit.
(viii) What is technology?
Ans: A process or method is called technology. For example, making dough from dry atta (flour) is a technology, a special process.
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