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Worksheet Solutions: Antonyms | English Marigold Class 5 PDF Download

Q1: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

(a) agree
(b) tame
(c) dispute
(d) ignore
(a) The word debate means to argue or discuss. When two people disagree about something, they might debate it. The opposite of debate is to share the same view or ideas. Because agree means to have the same opinion, choice (A) is correct.
(b) is incorrect because tame means to make calmer or easier to control. This is not the opposite of debate.
(c) is incorrect because dispute means to challenge or argue. This is almost the same as debate, not the opposite of it.
(d) is incorrect because ignore means to not notice or pay attention to. This is not the opposite of debate, since arguing about something is not the same thing as paying attention to it.

(ii) HAVOC
(a) wonder
(b) peace
(c) chaos
(d) warfare
(b) The word havoc means widespread destruction or confusion. A great tragedy might lead to havoc. The opposite of havoc is calmness. Because peace is a calmness or freedom from disturbance, choice (B) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because wonder is a feeling of surprise. This is not the opposite of havoc.
(c) is incorrect because chaos is complete disorder and confusion. This is the same as havoc, not the opposite of it.
(c) is incorrect because warfare is violent conflict. This is not the opposite of havoc.

(a) scrape
(b) hollow
(c) bury
(c) mask
(c) The word excavate means to dig out. A dog might retrieve a bone from the backyard by excavating it. The opposite of excavate is to put into the ground. Because bury means to put or hide underground, choice (c) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because scrape means to rub a sharp object across something, such as the skin. This is not the opposite of excavate.
(b) is incorrect because hollow means to make a hole and remove the inner contents of something. This is not the opposite of excavate.
(d) is incorrect because mask means to cover up or disguise. This is not the opposite of excavate, because excavating is not the same as uncovering or revealing.

(a) batty
(b) sensible
(c) certain
(d) insane
(b) The word absurd means foolish, unreasonable, or unrealistic. An absurd idea is one that is completely ridiculous. The opposite of absurd is smart, reasonable, or realistic. Because sensible means wise and reasonable, choice (b) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because batty means crazy or insane. This is almost the same as absurd, not the opposite of it.
(c) is incorrect because certain means sure or known. This is not the opposite of absurd, since absurd is not the same as unsure.
(d) is incorrect because insane means crazy. This is almost the same thing as absurd, not the opposite of it.

(a) motorist
(b) hiker
(c) galloper
(d) sailor
(a) The word pedestrian means a person walking along a road. Anyone on foot in a city or town is a pedestrian. The opposite of a pedestrian is someone driving a car on a road. Because a motorist is someone driving a vehicle, choice (a) is correct.
(b) is incorrect because a hiker is someone who walks long distances. This is not the opposite of pedestrian, because a pedestrian does not only walk for short distances.
(c) is incorrect because a galloper is someone who walks at a very fast pace. This is not the opposite of pedestrian, since a pedestrian does not only walk slowly.
(d) is incorrect because a sailor is a person who works on a ship. This is not the opposite of pedestrian, because a sailor might not necessarily operate a motor-powered boat. For example, there are rowboats and sailboats.

(a) friendly
(b) lonely
(c) isolated
(d) together
(d) The word solitary means done or existing alone. In prison, if one is put in solitary confinement, he or she is completely alone in a prison cell. The opposite of solitary is with other people. Because together means with another person or people, choice (D) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because friendly means nice or sociable. This is not the opposite of solitary, since being alone is not the same as being mean or unfriendly.
(b) is incorrect because lonely means without companions. This is the same as solitary, not the opposite of it.
(c) is incorrect because isolated means having little contact with others. This is almost the same as solitary, not the opposite of it.

(vii) SOAR
(a) elevate
(b) float
(c) mount
(d) land
(d) The word soar means to fly high in the air. For example, jumbo jets soar from airport to airport. The opposite of soar is to be on the ground. Because land means to come down from the air and touch the ground, choice (d) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because elevate means to rise higher. This is not the opposite of soar.
(b) is incorrect because float means to hover or fly just above the surface. This is not the opposite of soar, since both floating and soaring are ways of flying.
(c) is incorrect because mount means to climb. This is not the opposite of soar.

(a) frail
(b) muscular
(c) energetic
(d) intelligent

Ans: (a)
(a)The word athletic means physically strong, fit, and active. Someone who is in good physical shape would be considered athletic. The opposite of athletic is weak or lazy. Because frail means weak and delicate, choice (a) is correct.
(b) is incorrect because muscular means strong or fit. This is almost the same as athletic, not the opposite of it.
(c) is incorrect because energetic means active or full of energy. This is nearly the same as athletic, not the opposite of it.
(d) is incorrect because intelligent means smart. This is not the opposite of athletic, since being athletic is not the same as being dumb.

(a) punish
(b) praise
(c) blame
(d) approve
(b) The word criticize means to indicate one’s faults in a negative way. One might criticize someone else for being lazy, for instance. The opposite of criticize is to indicate one’s good qualities in a positive way. Because praise means to express approval or admiration, choice (B) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because punish means to penalize someone for doing something bad. This is not the opposite of criticize.
(c) is incorrect because blame means to assign responsibility for a fault or wrongdoing. This is not the opposite of criticize.
(d) is incorrect because approve means to believe that something is good or satisfactory. This is not the opposite of criticize, because one could approve of something without mentioning it publicly.

(a) exhaust
(b) manage
(c) blunder
(d) cease
s: (c)
(c) The word bicker means to argue about unimportant matters. Siblings might bicker about unimportant things such as who The word accomplish means to achieve or complete something successfully. For example, if you have reached a goal, you have accomplished something. The opposite of accomplish is to fail. Because blunder means to fail or make a foolish mistake, choice (C) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because exhaust means to tire out. This is not the opposite of accomplish, since accomplish does not mean to energize.
(b) is incorrect because manage means to oversee. This is not the opposite of accomplish.
(d) is incorrect because cease means to come to an end or stop. This is not the opposite of accomplish, because stopping something is not the same as failing at something.

Q2: Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.

(a) liveliness
(b) exhaustion
(c) weakness
(d) excitement
(a) The word fatigue means extreme tiredness. Someone might experience fatigue after working hard for a long time. The opposite of fatigue is energy. Because liveliness is energy, choice (A) is correct.
(b) is incorrect because exhaustion is extreme tiredness. This is the same as fatigue, not the opposite of it.
(c) is incorrect because weakness is a lack of strength. This is not the opposite of fatigue.
(d) is incorrect because excitement is a feeling of enthusiasm. This is not the opposite of fatigue, because fatigue is not the same as boredom.

(a) conceal
(b) uncover
(c) distort
(d) display
(a) The word exhibit means to showcase or display. When a museum exhibits a work of art, it displays it for museum visitors to see. The opposite of exhibit is to hide. Because conceal means to hide or prevent from being seen, choice (A) is correct.
(b) is incorrect because uncover means to remove a cover or mask from something so that it can be seen. This is almost the same as exhibit, not the opposite of it.
(c) is incorrect because distort means to twist out of shape. This is not the opposite of exhibit, because distorting something does not make it invisible.
(d) is incorrect because display means to show. This is the same as exhibit, not the opposite of it.

(iii) MYTH
(a) story
(b) epic
(c) invention
(d) truth
(d) The word myth means a widely held but false belief. A myth is a story that is not factual. The opposite of myth is a fact. Because a truth is a fact, (D) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because a story is an account told for entertainment. This is not the opposite of myth, because a story can be either factual or fictional.
(b) is incorrect because an epic is a very long story. This is not the opposite of myth, because an epic can be either factual or fictional.
(c) is incorrect because an invention is something that is created. This is not the opposite of myth, because an invention is not the same as a fact.

(a) dull
(b) insignificant
(c) towering
(d) majestic
(b) The word impressive means grand, imposing, or awesome. Something is impressive if it causes someone to be in awe. The opposite of impressive is unimportant or unremarkable. Because insignificant means unimportant, choice (B) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because dull means boring. This is not the opposite of impressive, because impressive is not the same as exciting.
(c) is incorrect because towering means extremely tall. This is almost the same as impressive, since a towering structure could be impressive.
(d) is incorrect because majestic means grand or extremely beautiful. This is almost the same as impressive, not the opposite of it.

(a) acceptable
(b) accessible
(c) absent
(d) attainable
(c) The word available means able to be used or obtained. For instance, food is usually available at a restaurant. The opposite of available is not present or unable to be used or obtained easily. Because absent means not present or not available, choice (C) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because acceptable means able to be agreed on. This is not the opposite of available.
(b) is incorrect because accessible means able to be easily obtained or used. This is the same as available, not the opposite of it.
(d) is incorrect because attainable means able to be reached or achieved. This is not the opposite of available.

(a) spurt
(b) expand
(c) hydrate
(d) squeeze
(b) The word squash means to crush or squeeze something so that it becomes flatter or smaller. One might kill a spider by squashing it with a magazine. The opposite of squash is to increase in size. Because expand means to grow or increase in size, choice (B) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because spurt means to gush out in a stream. This is not the opposite of squash.
(c) is incorrect because hydrate means to cause to absorb water. This is not the opposite of squash.
(d) is incorrect because squeeze means to firmly press something. This is almost the same as squash, not the opposite of it.

(vii) SUMMIT
(a) bottom
(b) boundary
(c) endpoint
(d) peak
(a) The word summit means the top or peak of something. The highest point of a mountain is called its summit. The opposite of summit is the low point of something. Because a bottom is the lowest point or part of something, choice (A) is correct.
(b) is incorrect because a boundary is a line that marks the limits of an area. This is not the opposite of summit, because a boundary can be the lowest or highest point of something.
(c) is incorrect because an endpoint is the final stage of a process. This is not the opposite of summit, because a summit is not the beginning of something.
(d) is incorrect because a peak is the top of something. This is the same as summit, not the opposite of it.

(viii) TAUNT
(a) ridicule
(b) gratify
(c) abuse
(d) compliment
(d) The word taunt means to provoke or challenge someone with an insult. When a child makes fun of someone else in order to start a fight, the child is taunting him or her. The opposite of taunt is to praise. Because compliment means to flatter, praise, or congratulate, choice (D) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because ridicule means to mock or insult someone. This is almost the same as taunt, not the opposite of it.
(b) is incorrect because gratify means to give someone pleasure. This is not the opposite of taunt, since gratifying is not the same as praising.
(c) is incorrect because abuse means to treat with cruelty. This is almost the same as taunt, not the opposite of it.

(a) crumble
(b) revive
(c) construct
(d) destroy
(b) The word perish means to suffer ruin or destruction. A person who dies in a shipwreck has perished in the wreck. The opposite of perish is to save or recover from ruin. Because revive means to restore to life or give new strength or energy, choice (B) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because crumble means to break apart into small fragments. This is not the opposite of perish.
(c) is incorrect because construct means to build or erect. This is not the opposite of perish, because perishing is not the same as destroying.
(d) is incorrect because destroy means to cause the ruin of something. This is not the opposite of perish.

(a) tireless
(b) eager
(c) idle
(d) awkward
(c) The word industrious means hardworking. Somebody who works without tiring would be described as industrious. The opposite of industrious is lazy. Because idle means lazy or not working, choice (C) is correct.
(a) is incorrect because tireless means showing great effort or work. This is the same as industrious, not the opposite of it.
(b) is incorrect because eager means wanting to do something very much. This is not the opposite of industrious.
(d) is incorrect because awkward means causing difficulty or discomfort. This is not the opposite of industrious.

The document Worksheet Solutions: Antonyms | English Marigold Class 5 is a part of the Class 5 Course English Marigold Class 5.
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FAQs on Worksheet Solutions: Antonyms - English Marigold Class 5

1. What are antonyms?
Ans. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. They are used to express contrast or to provide a different perspective on a particular concept or idea. For example, the antonym of "hot" is "cold", and the antonym of "happy" is "sad".
2. How can antonyms be helpful in improving vocabulary?
Ans. Antonyms can be helpful in improving vocabulary as they provide the opportunity to learn new words and expand one's understanding of language. By studying and using antonyms, individuals can enhance their ability to express themselves clearly and effectively in both spoken and written forms.
3. Are antonyms the same in all languages?
Ans. No, antonyms may not be the same in all languages. Different languages have different word structures and cultural contexts, which can affect the existence and usage of antonyms. While some concepts may have direct opposites in one language, they may not have exact equivalents in another.
4. How can I find antonyms for a specific word?
Ans. There are several ways to find antonyms for a specific word. One way is to use a thesaurus, either in print or online, which provides lists of synonyms and antonyms for various words. Another way is to search online for the word along with the term "antonym" to find websites that specifically provide antonym information.
5. Can antonyms be used to create effective writing?
Ans. Yes, antonyms can be used to create effective writing. By incorporating antonyms, writers can add depth, contrast, and nuance to their work. Antonyms can help create a sense of tension or highlight opposing ideas, making the writing more engaging and thought-provoking for the readers.
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