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Reading Comprehension for GRE: Tips and Strategies | Verbal Reasoning for GRE PDF Download


To begin with, it's important to acknowledge that many test-takers find Reading Comprehension to be a challenging aspect of the GRE. While there are essential tips and strategies to enhance performance, achieving a high score requires dedicated effort rather than seeking shortcuts. The encouraging news is that with sufficient time investment, success is attainable.

A quick note of caution: some individuals assume that their ability to read newspapers implies ease in tackling Reading Comprehension passages and questions. However, there is a distinction between casual reading and critical reading.

What sets them apart? Well, as you'll quickly realize, GRE Reading Comprehension content may be unfamiliar, questions can be perplexing, and adherence to pacing is stringent. Consequently, Reading Comprehension tends to pose the greatest time challenge among GRE verbal question types. Developing efficiency is paramount for success in this section, and proficiency can be cultivated through consistent practice.

Efficiency = Speed + Accuracy

GRE Reading Comprehension Strategies for Passages

For the briefer paragraph-based argument questions, the reading approach is relatively straightforward: thoroughly read the paragraph from the beginning or end, paying close attention to each word. Be ready for a careful reread after reviewing the question.

With longer passages, the reading approach must be more cautious and strategic. While it's essential to manage your reading pace for efficient completion of Reading Comprehension (RC), success in RC goes beyond mere speed. Reading quickly is pointless if questions are answered incorrectly. A scenario where the initial Reading Comp questions are mastered but time runs out for the rest of the section does little for overall scoring.

Therefore, a strategy is needed to balance speed and accuracy. We've developed a GRE Reading Comprehension strategy for you!

Given the consistent construction of passages by ETS (GRE test maker) and the somewhat predictable nature of the ensuing questions, a strategy can be devised to meet these expectations.

There are four reading and information processing methods: skimming, scanning, speed-reading, and critical reading.

Method 1: Skimming

The technique employed here is skimming, a method of rapidly grasping the primary concepts and ideas of a passage, especially when time is limited or when dealing with unfamiliar subject matter.

Our approach to skimming is a direct and distinct technique, unlike other forms of skimming that serve less-focused purposes.

Skimming, essentially a type of speed-reading, entails swiftly scanning sentences and paragraphs for cues to comprehension, primarily utilized to gain an overall sense of the context.

In skimming you should:

  • Contemplate:
    • The meaning or purpose of the passage
    • The information provided in the passage
  • Ascertain:
    • The central theme(s)
    • The main idea(s)
  • Separate:
    • The main ideas from supporting ideas
  • Test:
    • The relevance and strength of the supporting ideas

When skimming, you should ask yourself:

  • What’s an appropriate title for this passage?
  • How can I summarize this excerpt?
  • Where might this passage have appeared — a newspaper, scientific journal?
  • For what reason was this piece written?

Method 2: Read the Passage

As you read, make some notes (using scratch paper or other material provided by your friendly test proctor) on:

  • main ideas (used in answering main idea questions)
  • key points and information (used in answering hunt and peck and inference questions)
  • transitions (used in answering inference and style/tone/organization questions)

Method 3: Sum up the Piece and Pinpoint Information

Attempt to condense the passage by capturing its main points and keeping tabs on the details as you progress through the material. These strategies are particularly effective if you have a tendency to lose focus while reading.

Keep in mind that this segment of the GRE essentially functions as an open-book test. As such, there's no need to record or memorize every detail and key point. The crucial aspect is knowing where to locate them.

Certain passages may include line numbers for easy reference, while others may not. In cases without line numbers, question stems might refer to information in the passage by paragraph number. Therefore, be mindful of the paragraph breaks as you read.

Method 4: Critical Reading

To be a critical reader you must think critically. A GRE critical reader:

  • reads with a purpose – and the purpose is to answer the questions correctly
  • recognizes each paragraph as an integrated whole
  • understands how each paragraph fits into the overall passage
  • evaluates arguments and supporting evidence

Approaching the Questions

Read and Rephrase the Question Stem

The question stem, located before the answer choices, plays a crucial role in guiding your approach to the available options. Identifying the question type helps you understand how to tackle the answer choices effectively. In this context, the stem indicates the nature of the question, directing you to the first paragraph and providing essential information to address the "where, when, who, and what" aspects.

A common occurrence is reading the question and then returning to the passage without a clear understanding of what the question is truly asking. In such situations, there's a tendency to latch onto words in the passage that appear significant and search for those words in the answer choices. To avoid falling into this trap, it's advisable to rephrase the question in your own words. A straightforward interpretation enhances your ability to navigate the passage when seeking the answer.

When dealing with the Koko and Chocolate passages, prioritize finding the correct answers over timing yourself. Save the timing considerations for later practice with sample passages and questions.

Review Each Answer Option

Carefully assess each answer choice to eliminate those lacking support from the passage. Pay attention to key words and articulate reasons for rejecting each option. (It's worth noting that answer choices that "contradict" the passage or are "not mentioned" or "not supported" in the passage are often used as distractors on the GRE.)

Once you believe you've identified the answer, attempt to express it in your own words. Avoid falling into a trap by immediately scanning the answer choices.

Respond to the Question Stem

Ensure that your selection addresses the question stem. Consult your notes and refrain from choosing an answer until you've located the evidence to substantiate it (or the absence of evidence to dismiss it).

When test writers formulate a multiple-choice question, they craft incorrect answer choices that fall into various categories. Familiarity with these categories can aid in accurately identifying and eliminating incorrect answers.

  • Too extreme
  • Assumes too much
  • Beyond the scope of the passage
  • Too broad/Too specific
  • True…but doesn’t answer the question

Once you’ve eliminated as many answers as you can (ideally, four), pick the best remaining choice and move on.

The Many Reading Comprehension Question Types

There are 11 prevalent question types in GRE Reading Comprehension. While this may seem like a considerable number, it's actually easier to remember than you might anticipate. Conveniently, the questions are categorized into two groups: question types for Paragraph Argument passages (formerly known as "Critical Reasoning" on the old GRE), and question types for passages that do not involve paragraph arguments.

Reading Comprehension questions for non-Paragraph Argument passages can vary in length, ranging from a single paragraph to several paragraphs. Regardless of the passage's length, the questions for regular RC passages are distinct from those related to paragraph arguments. Let's begin by examining the question types for these more general, non-PA passages.

The Four Most Common Question Types for Short, Medium, and Long GRE Reading Comprehension passages

Below is a list of the four most frequently encountered question types for standard GRE passages that do not involve Paragraph Arguments. Click on each item to access a comprehensive article dedicated to that specific question type. Alternatively, for a concise overview, find a brief description of each question type just below the list.

  • Main Idea
  • Inference
  • Meaning in Context
  • Highlight the Sentence

1. Main Idea Question Type

Main idea questions are precisely as they appear. Your task is to recognize and determine the main idea, prevailing theme, or principal purpose of the entire passage.

2. Inference Question Type

This is arguably the most prevalent type of GRE question. As anticipated, this question format necessitates that test-takers draw conclusions from the information presented in the passage. What might be unexpected is the stringent criteria for identifying the correct inference.

On the GRE, inferences must be solely derived from the passage. Any inference based on personal knowledge of the topic is not permissible; focus exclusively on the passage content. Additionally, refrain from making inferences reliant on possibilities rather than certainties explicitly stated in the passage. If you catch yourself thinking, "this inference is true if...", you are not formulating a valid GRE RC inference. GRE inferences are deemed correct solely due to information concretely stated in the passage, with no room for conditional considerations.

3. Meaning in Context Question Type

If you have some familiarity with GRE Verbal, you're likely aware of its heavy reliance on vocabulary. While the Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence sections of the GRE primarily emphasize vocabulary, its significance extends to RC, particularly in meaning in context questions.

Similar to Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence, RC meaning in context assesses your grasp of advanced academic vocabulary, often concentrating on uncommon or less frequently used definitions of words.

In contrast to TC or SE, RC Meaning in Context questions provide a more extensive context (hence the name). You are given an entire passage of context that aids in deducing the meanings of the words in question. However, the entire passage is usually not necessary. Start by focusing on the sentence where the word is located. If that proves insufficient, examine the immediately surrounding sentences.

If you still struggle to discern the word's meaning, continue to explore further within the paragraph and passage. Nevertheless, in most cases, the immediate sentence or sentences should offer adequate context.

4. “Highlight the Sentence” Question Type

Questions of the "Highlight the Sentence" type task you with identifying and highlighting a specific sentence within the passage. However, the more crucial aspects involve understanding why you are required to highlight a sentence and how to pinpoint the correct one. Let's delve into this question type with a more detailed examination.

Within GRE Reading Comprehension, "highlight the sentence" questions prompt you to choose the sentence in a paragraph that serves a particular purpose. For instance, you might be tasked with locating the sentence that evaluates and critiques an approach to the scientific method or distinguishes between two different Baroque styles of writing.

To gain a better understanding of the "highlight the sentence" GRE RC question type, let's start with an overview. Given that this is one of the more challenging GRE Reading Comprehension question types, it may also be beneficial to explore a sample "highlight the sentence" question.

Example of "Highlight the Sentence

Charles Darwin, the famed originator of the theory of evolution, was the first scientist to posit that certain human facial expressions are innate and exist in all cultures. While Darwin’s theories of innate psychology were overshadowed by his theory of evolution, his suggestion that some facial expressions are universally human was never entirely forgotten. In the 1970s, nearly a century after Charles Darwin’s death, a group of researchers lead by psychologist Paul Ekman set out to investigate the validity of Darwin’s belief in culturally universal non-verbal face expressions. Ekman and his research team used a modern technology that had not been available to Charles Darwin: videotape.

Ekman and other psychologists reviewed hundreds of hours of footage of psychoanalysis sessions with patients from various cultures, searching patients’ faces for expressions that may be universal. Ultimately, the new research revealed a number of important discoveries. First, the researchers determined that there are seven major culturally universal face expressions: ones that represent disgust, anger, fear, sadness, happiness, contempt, and surprise. Second, the research revealed that these face expressions were involuntary; even subjects who were trying to hide their emotions would make a universal “microexpression” for a fraction of a second, disclosing their true feelings whether they intended to or not.

Q: Select the sentence that introduces an important fact about the minimum duration of a type of nonverbal language.
The correct sentence to highlight is:

  • Second, the research revealed that these face expressions were involuntary; even subjects who were trying to hide their emotions would make a universal “microexpression” for a fraction of a second, disclosing their true feelings whether they intended to or not.

This is the correct sentence because it explains the minimum amount of time (a fraction of a second) that a certain type of nonverbal speech (universal “microexpressions”) lasts.

Factual Detail Questions

Factual detail questions are a common occurrence in undergraduate university admission exams such as the ACT, SAT, and TOEFL. (Although the TOEFL is also required for graduate schools, it has primarily been designed for undergraduate admissions by ETS!) In this question type, test-takers are tasked with accurately identifying a fact explicitly stated in the exam, and the correct answer choice will present a paraphrased version of this fact.

While this question type is also prevalent on the GRE, it is not as predominant as in other exams. On test day, it is anticipated that approximately one-third of the Reading Comprehension (RC) questions will be factual detail questions.

Although factual detail questions are nearly as frequent as inference questions, they are straightforward. Hence, there's no need to overly stress about them in your preparations. Ensure that you choose the answer choice that accurately reflects the passage's truth. The key is to read the passage first, correctly identifying the meaning and location of the pertinent factual information for each detail question. By doing so, you should be able to steer clear of trap answers that may "sound" correct but distort the genuine meaning in the passage.


Marsupials and placentals, the two largest divisions of mammals on the earth today, are distinct from each other primarily due to the way their young are gestated. Marsupials have comparatively short gestation periods, after which minimally developed offspring are born and promptly move into a protective pocket outside the the uterus where they can develop further. Placental mammals demonstrate longer gestation periods, with young that are born more fully developed; placental newborns nurse at mammary glands outside of the mother’s body and experience prolonged periods where they have no physical contact with their mother.

Differences between the prehistoric ancestors of these two divisions of mammal are discenred through study of the fossil record rather than examination of life cycle. Scientists theorize that the ancestors of marsupials, known as metatherians, probably split from those of the eutherians, placental mammals’ ancestors, during the mid-Jurassic period. Fossil metatherians differ from eutherians in their dental morphology. Fossilized metatherians show four pairs of molars in each jaw, whereas eutherian mammals never have more than three pairs. Per this criterion, the earliest known metatherian is Sinodelphys szalayi, which lived in China around 125 million years ago. It seems that Sinodelphys szalayi lived alongside some early eutherian species, fossils of which which have been found in the same area.

Sample Question:

According to the passage, scientists distinguished between the evolutionary forbearers of marsupials by seeing whether or not fossil remains indicated

A) minimal fetal development
B) prehensile tails
C) a specific number of teeth
D) indications of a pouch
E) origins in East Asia

The correct answer is (C) because the passage mentions that the ancestors of marsupials had four sets of molars, while the ancestors of mammals had three sets or fewer. (A) is incorrect because the passage says that fetal development is a distinguishing trait of modern marsupials and placentals, not their ancestors. (B) is wrong because the passage doesn’t even mention tails. (C) is wrong for the same reason as (A): (C) mentions a distinguishing trait of modern mammals, not prehistoric ones. (D) is wrong because both marsupial and placental ancestors were found in ancient China; this does not distinguish one group from the other.

Reading Comprehension Paragraph Arguments (Critical Reasoning) 

The Six Most Common Question Types:
There are six frequently encountered question types for Paragraph Argument Passages in the GRE. You should anticipate encountering all six of the following types of GRE Reading Comprehension (RC) Paragraph Argument Questions on your test day:

  • Weaken/Strengthen
  • Evaluate Argument
  • Paradox
  • Assumption
  • Bold-Faced
  • Fill-in-the-Blank

When distinguishing between these question types, it's crucial to bear in mind that the underlying task for Paragraph Argument questions remains consistent irrespective of the question type. In all instances, you are tasked with reading and thoroughly analyzing a concise, paragraph-length argument. Bearing this in mind, here is a succinct overview of the six question types commonly linked to paragraph arguments in GRE Reading Comprehension:

For this question type, the answer choices consistently introduce new facts not present in the original passage. Test takers may be tasked with choosing a new fact that, if true, would undermine the main claim of the argument, or they may be required to select a new fact that, if true, would enhance the argument's strength.

2. Evaluate Argument 
This question type is employed for arguments featuring a "gap" — a logical leap or missing information making it challenging to determine the argument's correctness. An "evaluate the argument" question prompts test takers to identify the additional information necessary to assess the argument's validity.

3. Paradox 
This question type arises when the initial passage presents seemingly contradictory statements. For instance, a passage might assert that climate change has led to an increase in average atmospheric temperatures while also subjecting the majority of the earth's population to greater cold extremes each year. Following such a passage, a paradox question typically follows, tasking test takers with choosing an additional fact (not found in the original passage) that would resolve the contradiction in the passage.

4. Assumption 
Assumption questions share similarities with evaluate argument questions. A passage preceding an assumption question will exhibit a leap in logic or an information gap, akin to an evaluate the argument question. However, for assumption questions, test-takers are required to identify the assumption the author is making but not explicitly stating.

5. Bold Faced 
Bold-faced Paragraph Argument questions resemble the "highlight sentence" questions linked with general RC passages. Nevertheless, boldfaced questions involve two sentences rather than one, and the sentences will already be highlighted. In this question type, your task is to accurately identify the purpose these two sentences serve and the relationship they have to each other.

6. Fill-in-the-Blank 
This is the least frequent Paragraph Argument question type, but it could still potentially appear once or twice on test day. As expected, you must choose an answer that completes a blank space at the end of the argument. The answer choices will always be potential conclusions to the argument. In this question type, test-takers will need to select the best, most appropriate conclusion.

The document Reading Comprehension for GRE: Tips and Strategies | Verbal Reasoning for GRE is a part of the GRE Course Verbal Reasoning for GRE.
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FAQs on Reading Comprehension for GRE: Tips and Strategies - Verbal Reasoning for GRE

1. What are some strategies for approaching GRE Reading Comprehension passages?
Ans. Some strategies for approaching GRE Reading Comprehension passages include skimming the passage before reading the questions, underlining or highlighting key information, and identifying the main idea and structure of the passage.
2. What are the different types of questions in GRE Reading Comprehension?
Ans. The different types of questions in GRE Reading Comprehension include factual detail questions, main idea questions, inference questions, vocabulary-in-context questions, and paragraph argument questions.
3. How can I effectively answer factual detail questions in GRE Reading Comprehension?
Ans. To effectively answer factual detail questions in GRE Reading Comprehension, carefully read the relevant part of the passage, look for specific details, and avoid making assumptions or adding unrelated information.
4. What does it mean to analyze the paragraph argument in GRE Reading Comprehension?
Ans. Analyzing the paragraph argument in GRE Reading Comprehension means identifying the main claim or thesis of the passage, understanding the supporting evidence and reasoning, and evaluating the overall logical structure of the argument.
5. What are some tips and strategies for improving reading comprehension skills for the GRE?
Ans. Some tips and strategies for improving reading comprehension skills for the GRE include practicing with GRE-style passages, actively engaging with the material by asking questions and making connections, and developing time management techniques to ensure sufficient time for reading and answering questions.
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