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Uttar Pradesh Live Stock Scheme: National Artificial Insemination Programme | Course for UPPSC Preparation - UPPSC (UP) PDF Download

Updated Action Plan On Implementation of Nationwide Artificial Insemination Programme - Phase IV (NAIP IV) in Districts with less than 50% A.I Coverage  


"Rashtriya Gokul Mission" has been launched in Dec. 2014 with the aim of enhancing milk production and productivity of bovine population in the country along with focus on Conservation and Development of Indigenous breeds.
For enhancing the AI coverage, Nationwide Artificial Insemination Programme (NAIP) Phase I, II and III have been implemented during 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 in 604 districts having less than 50% A.I coverage. Under these programmes, a total of 3.48 Crore bovines had been inseminated with semen of high genetic merit bulls. Over 2.27 Crore farmers got benefitted through these programme.
Owing to the success of the programmes, it has been decided to continue the campaign mode NAIP Phase IV in districts with less than 50% AI coverage including Aspirational districts, covering all breeds of bovines through free of cost A.I at farmers doorstep.


A.I is one of the key strategies to increase the productivity of bovines by upgrading their genetic potential. At present, the average A.I coverage of the country is only 30%. Rest of the 70% are either left unbred or bred with scrub bulls of unknown genetic merit. Low AI coverage indicates the poor implementation of breeding programme.
Hence it has been decided to implement a campaign mode A.I programme in districts with less than 50% AI coverage which includes 112 Aspirational districts. The rationale behind choosing districts below 50% A.I coverage is that the districts performing above 50% coverage are expected to reach the targeted 70% coverage in next five years. However districts carrying out less than 50% A.I coverage are not expected to reach the targeted 70% A.I coverage within the same period. The advantage of campaign mode program is that the work that is generally done in an year can be carried out in a few months and it spreads awareness about the programme even in those villages which are not covered under AI programme thereby raising demand for AI in general.

The programme will be implemented with the following objectives.
(a) Providing doorstep reliable AI delivery in districts with less than 50% A.I coverage.
(b) Adoption of A.I technology by large number of farmers.
(c) Birth of genetically superior male and female bovine calves
(d) Increase in Milk Production
(e) Increase in Farmers' income

Area of Operation and Duration of the Project: 

The Programme will be implemented in 592 identified districts having less than 50% A.I coverage from 1st August 2022 to 31st May 2023 over a period of 10 months covering around 3 Crore breedable bovine female populations (List of 592 districts attached at annexure –I). In case of Hilly States, North Eastern States and Union Territories (Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh), the programme has been extended to all villages and all districts.

Selection of Villages:

All breedable bovines available in all the villages of the district shall be covered through free Artificial Insemination service thereby, ensuring complete saturation of the whole district under the programme. Special emphasis to be given to those villages, which were not covered so far under NAIP Phase I, II & III.
Selection of districts is based on the A.I Coverage data made available by the States during 2020-21. All breeds of cattle and buffaloes will be covered under this programme. List of 592 Districts with less than 50% AI coverage including 112 aspirational districts are given at Annexure-I. All the activities of the project will be completed over a period of 10 months. Monitoring of the project and follow-up of all the animals covered under the programme shall be continued till calves born.

Funding Pattern:

The component will be implemented as per the funding pattern approved under RGMth at is on 100 % grant in aid basis.

Implementing Agencies 

The programme will be implemented by State Implementing Agencies (SIAs)/ State Livestock Development Boards. In case where milk federations are major players in implementing breeding programmes/ having substantial AI infrastructure, they may also be roped in the implementation of the programme as implementing agency as decided by the State Government. Other agencies involved in A.I delivery may also be included under the programme. Funds have been released directly to the State Implementing Agency (SIA). Role of implementing agency is depicted in the following table.
Uttar Pradesh Live Stock Scheme: National Artificial Insemination Programme | Course for UPPSC Preparation - UPPSC (UP)
For better implementation of the scheme, the scheme shall also be included under District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee (DISHA).

ACTION PLAN: (1st August 2022 to 31st May 2023):

During the period all eligible breedable bovines available in the chosen district shall be covered through free artificial insemination services.
Participating farmers' low yielding Indigenous cows should be upgraded with the semen of High yielding bull of Indigenous Breeds (selective breeding) with the Minimum Standards (MS) of above 3000 Kgs.
Non-descript cows either may be upgraded with the semen of high yielding Indigenous breed (grading up) meeting above mentioned defined minimum standards or using semen of exotic breeds (Cross breeding) with minimum lactation yield above 10,000 kg in case of HF and 6,000 kg in case of Jersey
Crossbred cows may be upgraded with the use of semen of high yielding crossbred bulls ( inter se mating) limiting exotic inherence to 50% or upgraded with the semen of high yielding exotic bulls limiting exotic inheritance up to 75%, depending upon the State breeding policy. Further, indiscriminate cross breeding shall be avoided by adhering to the notified State breeding policy.
Non descript buffaloes should be upgraded with the semen of high yielding buffalo bulls like Murrah/Nili Ravi/ Mehsani/Jaffarabadi with minimum lactation yield above 3000 kgs as per the State breeding policy and descript buffaloes may be upgraded through selective breeding using HGM bulls of the particular breed.
In villages where co-operative societies are available, A.I shall preferably be done through Dairy Cooperative Societies (DCS)/ through cluster A.I centres of dairy cooperatives.
Though 2.5 A.I’s are allowed per animal, in case of animals conceived with a single/ double A.I, the rest of the semen doses shall be used for additional animals (Cattle and Buffalo).

Procurement of Breeding Inputs: 

The semen doses for the programme shall be procured by the concerned State Implementing Agency as per the Standards and specifications in the form of Minimum Standard Protocols (MSPs)/ Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) formulated by Government of India. Cost of A.I inclusive of semen dose, consumables and storage is Rs. 40/- A.I under NAIP–IV. States are permitted to procure 5% of additional semen doses of their requirement instead of 10%.
Standards for Selecting Semen: High Yielding Indigenous breed (HYIB) semen to be used should meet the standards and specifications prescribed in MSP for semen production and dams lactation yield should not be below 3000 Kgs/lactation. For semen of HF and Jersey, MSP shall be of 10,000 Kgs for HF and 6000 Kgs for Jersey respectively. For Buffaloes, in case of non- descript buffaloes, semen of Murrah/ Nili-Ravi with MSP of 3000 Kgs and above may be used, as it is easily available. For descript buffaloes, minimum MSP as decided by Government of India should be used. All purchases of semen should be from the 'A and B' graded Semen Stations accredited by Central Monitoring Unit (CMU) only. MSP of different breeds notified by GOI is attached at Annexure –III.
Sexed Semen - In States where establishment of sexed semen production has been sanctioned by GoI, the States may substitute sexed semen for normal semen and add Rs.40/- as GoI contribution on semen cost apart from the admissible cost under sanctioned programme.

Sire Directory or Details of Bulls whose semen is used for A.I – Concerned SIA/LDB/Service provider shall make relevant available copies of sire directory in regional languages to the A.I technician giving details of Bull identification number, Dam's lactation yield/ Breeding value, fat % including the photograph of the used bull. The A.I technician shall make this information available to the farmer and after performing A.I, the empty straw shall also be made available to the farmer.


Trainers' trainings on data uploading on INAPH data base have already been completed in the States. Training of all the A.I technicians shall be organized with the help of these TOT's again this year in every district, where District Animal Husbandry Officer (DAHO)/ District Veterinary Officer (DVO) should also update them on technical aspects of A.I.
A.I technicians village wise shall be ear marked by the District Coordination team and their name and mobile number shall be made public for use of farmers.
The AI technician shall perform AI following SOPs formulated by Government of India. Copy of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for A.I shall be made available to A.I technicians.


All the animals covered under the programme shall be identified using AUID and their data shall be uploaded on INAPH data base. After AI, the animal shall be followed up for pregnancy diagnosis till calf born and all the events shall be recorded by the AI technician on the data base.

Parentage Testing:

Parentage testing shall be done @ 10 calves/district for of the calves born under NAIP IV @ testing cost of Rs. 3400/- ( testing has to be done for both dam and calf @ Rs.1700/- as testing fee for each sample of dam and calf).

Data Uploading on Inaph:

The A.I technicians who have been given tablets under Pashu Sanjivani, (used for 20th Livestock Census) must use the tablet directly or use their mobile phone for uploading data on INAPH LITE application on INAPH data base managed by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). States should try to make all such tablets available to Government A.I technicians.

Procedure for uploading of data:
(i) The technician has to open the INAPH LITE application, on INAPH database.
(ii) He has to enter his user ID and password (provided by NDDB to SIA/State AHD).
(iii) He has to fill up the registration form on Animal Details. He has to fill all the fields compulsorily (Stepwise format attached at Annexure III). Wherever boxes are provided, he has to enter the numbers or √ marks or option to be chosen from dropdown list)
(iv) After filling up animal registration, he has to fill up details of the owner of the animal.
(v)Once registration of animal and owner is over, he has to fill up details on A.I under A.I transaction.
(vi) After 3 months of insemination, he has to fill up the result on pregnancy diagnosis whether the animal has become pregnant or not.
(vii) After an approximate period of 10 months, he has to enter the data on details of calving.
If tablets are not available, data entry sheets (Copy of data sheet for uploading data on INAPH is enclosed in guidelines at Annexure III) have to be printed and supplied to the A.I technicians by the concerned SIA's/SLDB's. AI technicians shall record information on the data sheet and shall either themselves upload the data through their mobiles or shall submit to the officer designated by District authorities for uploading of data on INAPH database.
Data uploaded by AI technicians / District/Block level with desktop facility on INAPH data base may be used for online monitoring of the project activity.

Data Entry/Reporting of progress on Inaph: 

Daily reporting of village wise and district wise progress on the No. of AI done shall be done by the concerned DAHO on INAPH data base so as to provide public scrutiny/ assessment of the programme. Reports on follow-up on the A.I done, that is Repeat A.I, Pregnancy diagnosis after a period of 3 months of A.I and calves born details after gestation period (280 days in case of cows and 310 days in case of buffaloes) of A.I shall also to be uploaded on INAPH. The DAHO shall ensure that the progress is uploaded for all activities related to A.I on INAPH immediately, to ensure that the data made available is on real time basis.
Regarding data entry, all District Veterinary Officers are allowed to hire two Data Entry Operators (DEO) on short term basis for uploading AI data on the portal. A consolidated remuneration @ Rs.10000/-(Rupees Ten Thousand only) per month for a period of 12 months is ear marked for data entry operator /data entry at district level. Besides uploading the progress on the portal, DEO's shall check up all the INAPH entries and ensure all entries have been done as per format.

Media and publicity 

At village level: Display board as 'NAIP Village' should be placed in every village indicating that all the eligible female bovines (cattle and Buffalo) in the village are covered under NAIP through free AI services at farmers doorstep. Intense publicity to be given in villages so far not covered under NAIP.
Banners should be displayed in prominent places and also at sites where A.I is done. Village wise details of AI technicians shall be shared by State and same detail will be displayed in each village through wall paintings, posters etc. Same details should be available as in para 9.1.
At district level: A fund of Rs.5 Lakhs per district has been made available for publicity at village and district level (wall writings, banners), storage and transportation of semen doses, AI consumables and monitoring. Leaflets in regional language should be prepared by the concerned DVO on the following and to be distributed compulsorily to all the farmers for creating awareness.

  • Benefits of A.I over natural service
  • Detection of heat
  • Regarding the information printed on the semen straw -bull No., Breed, MSP etc
  • Advantages of high yielding semen for enhancing the productivity.
  • Management of cryo containers and liquid nitrogen
  • Expected date of pregnancy diagnosis
  • Creating awareness among farmers

(a) To ask for the empty straw from the A.I technicians after A.I is performed, to know about the details of semen used for A.I and about the bulls.
(b) Economical Importance of attaining early maturity in heifers through feeding balanced diet (ration balancing).
(c) On adoption of "One calf every year" concept for sustainable income.
(d) Prevention of calf mortality by feeding colostrum immediately after birth, ideally within one hour, for maximum absorption of antibodies in the colostrum.
Public Participation: Member of Parliament along with Member of Legislative assembly shall be invited for the inauguration programme. The programme shall be organised to create wide publicity in a simple manner.
At State level: For creating awareness about the programme at State level, Rs.5.00 lakh has been made available for printing of A.I formats, preparing and broadcasting of Radio jingles on the importance of A.I, organising awareness camps and Publicity through Television.

Monitoring of the Programme:

  • District level: At the district level, scheme is being monitored by the District Monitoring committee headed by Collector/District Magistrate, Member secretary / DAHO and the Implementing agency, will hold weekly review meetings ascertaining the progress of the programme, with special reference to AI technicians in the selected villages and the media campaign launched in local language to make the farmers aware of the programme.
  • State level: State Animal Husbandry Department shall constitute a State Monitoring Committee headed by the Principal Secretary of the department and its members should be Stake holders involved in A.I. In each State, a nodal officer shall be nominated by the State for coordination with the centre. The State Monitoring Committee will meet weekly during the campaign. The State government may change the administrative arrangement of review but will ensure that the weekly review takes place at a level above District Animal Husbandry Officer/District Veterinary Officer and the minutes are shared with the District Collector and the Secretary In charge of Animal husbandry Department in the State.
  • Central Monitoring Committee: Central Monitoring Committee has been constituted in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (DAHD) and regular meetings of TMC will be held on monitoring of the programme. DAHD shall depute its officers for monitoring of the programme at State level. In this regard, 3 Veterinarians and 1 Management Consultant will be hired for monitoring the AI progress on short term contract basis for one year @ Rs.50,000/- per month. Three data entry operators will be hired on consolidated basis of Rs. 18000/-month on short time basis for one year for compiling of data.

Call Centre at Dahd

Call centre created under NADCP programme will be utilized for NAIP.


All Incentives shall be transferred through bank transaction by the State to AI technicians as per the guidelines issued by GoI.
Incentive for Tagging: An incentive of Rs.2.50 per animal will be given for tagging under NADCP.
Incentive for A.I and Calf born - Incentive will be made available to the private AI technician/ MAITRIs (Not getting salary by Government or Co-operatives) @ Rs 50/ per AI and Rs. 100/- per calf born. All incentives for private A.I technicians/ MAITRIs to be disbursed strictly based on the data uploaded on INAPH and verification of the data by the concerned District Animal Husbandry Officer (DAHO). No incentives shall be paid to government AI technicians or technicians drawing salary from Milk Federations engaged in the programme.
In case of North Eastern States and Hilly States/Union Territories ( Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh), the incentive for private A.I technicians (Not getting salary by Government or Co-operatives) shall be @ Rs.100/- per A.I.
In addition, incentives based on the conception rate shall be provided to A.I technicians (both Government and Private AIT's) @ Rs 200/- for achieving conception at first AI and Rs 100/- if conception is achieved at 2nd AI. No incentive shall be provided if animal conceives after 2nd AI.

Financial Implication:

Detailed State wise expenditure to be incurred is attached at Annexure IV for implementing the Nationwide AI programme in Bovines in 592 districts including aspirational districts with less than 50 % A.I coverage in from (1st August 2022 to 31st May 2023).

Measures to Ensure Quality of Goods and Services

Standards and specifications in the form of MSP's/SOP’s formulated by Government of India shall be implemented in letter and spirit.

Impact Analysis 

Third party evaluation will be under taken in districts covered under sub-scheme NAIP Phase IV, the term of references shall include a) constraints faced during implementation; b) success rate of AI; c) number of pregnancies reported; and d) different elements including UID and uploading data on Information Network for Animal Productivity & Health (INAPH) data base.
Third party evaluation will be conducted after one year of the programme in the districts covered under the sub scheme. The term of references shall include among others,
a) Number of female calves born
b) Performance of A.I technicians
c) Mortality rate among calves
Impact analysis will be undertaken centrally as per TOR approved by this Department.

Expected Project Outcome

  • Around 7.5 Crore number of AI's would result into birth of 3.00 Cr superior calves.
  • Due to this campaign mode approach, 1.35 Crore superior female calves will be produced which will yield 16.2 MMT of milk /annum after 3 years. Cows and buffaloes worth Rs. 54000 Crores (Rs. 40,000 per adult cow) will be added to the farmers household.
  • Through sale of milk, dairy farmers will earn an additional income of Rs. 55258 crores.
  • There will be improvement in the indigenous breed population by the addition of more milch animals to the national herd.
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