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  •  notwithstanding
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despite anything to the contrary

  • superintendence
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management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group

  • vested
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fixed and absolute and without contingency

  • wield
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handle effectively

  • deliberative
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involved in or relating to close analysis and discussion

  •  ordinance
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an authoritative rule

  • vice
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a specific form of evildoing

  • lamentable
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bad; unfortunate

  • dyarchy
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a form of government having two joint rulers

  • impair
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make worse or less effective

  • devolution
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the process of declining from a higher to a lower level

  • edifice
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a structure that has a roof and walls

  • purse
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a container used for carrying money and small personal items

  •  insurmountable
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not capable of being overcome

  • ecclesiastical
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of or associated with a church

  • discretion
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power of making choices unconstrained by external agencies

  • promulgate
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state or announce

  • recess
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a state when work or action are paused

  •  repugnant
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offensive to the mind

  • fetter
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a shackle for the ankles or feet

  • arbitration
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giving authoritative judgment

  • enumerate
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specify individually

  • residuary
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relating to or indicating a remainder

  •  confer
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  • infer
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conclude by reasoning

  • courteous
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characterized by politeness and gracious good manners

  • ratification
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making something valid by formally confirming it

  • commonwealth
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a political system in which power lies in a body of citizens

  • reconcile
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come to terms

  •  contention
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the act of competing as for profit or a prize

  •  referendum
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a legislative act referred for approval to a popular vote

  • foregone
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well in the past; former

  • append
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fix to; attach

  • solemn
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dignified and somber in manner or character

  •  enforceable
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(of a law, rule, etc.) capable of being made to obey

  • allegiance
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the act of binding yourself to a course of action

  • sever
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set or keep apart

  • relic
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an antiquity that has survived from the distant past

  •  subjugation
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forced submission to control by others

  • precedence
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status established in order of importance or urgency

  • magnanimity
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nobility and generosity of spirit

  • fortitude
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strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity

  • upsurge
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a sudden or abrupt strong increase

  • imperialistic
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of a powerful country gaining control over weaker countries

  • arbitration
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giving authoritative judgment

  • lofty
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of imposing height; especially standing out above others

  • jingoism
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fanatical patriotism

  • suffrage
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a legal right to vote

  •  creed
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any system of principles or beliefs

  • affliction
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a cause of great suffering and distress

  • expropriation
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taking out of an owner's hands

  • civic
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of or relating or belonging to a city

  • franchise
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a statutory right or privilege granted by a government

  • asunder
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into parts or pieces

  • buttressed
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held up by braces or buttresses

  • countervail
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oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions

  •  incrimination
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an accusation that you are responsible for some lapse or misdeed

  •  ransack
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search thoroughly

  • pervert
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corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality

  • surreptitious
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marked by quiet and caution and secrecy

  • subversion
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the act of overthrowing or destroying, as a government

  • jeopardise
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pose a threat to; present a danger to

  • approbation
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official acceptance or agreement

  • couplet
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a stanza consisting of two successive lines of verse

  • embody
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represent in physical form

  • exaltation
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the elevation of a person, as to the status of a god

  • detraction
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a petty disparagement

  • tyrannical
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characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule

  • frailty
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the state of being weak in health or body

  • concomitant
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following or accompanying as a consequence

  • ensue
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take place or happen afterward or as a result

  • sentinel
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a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event

  • epithet
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descriptive word or phrase

  • obtrusive
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sticking out; protruding

  • repeal
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cancel officially

  • atomistic
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divided into separate and often disparate elements

  • propound
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put forward, as of an idea

  •  suffrage
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a legal right to vote

  • eloquent
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expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively

  •  formidable
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extremely impressive in strength or excellence

  • suzerainty
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the position or authority of a suzerain

  • paramount
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more important than anything else; supreme

  • accession
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the act of attaining a new office or right or position

  • proclaim
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declare formally

  •  culminate
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end, especially to reach a final or climactic stage

  • secede
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withdraw from an organization or polity

  • insomuch
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to such an extent or degree; so

  • secession
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formal separation from an alliance or federation

  • partake
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  • subsidiary
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functioning in a supporting capacity

  • assertion
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a declaration that is made emphatically

  • anticipate
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regard something as probable or likely

  • revoke
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cancel officially

  • confederation
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the state of being allied

  • aforesaid
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being the one previously mentioned or spoken of

  • resort
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have recourse to

  •  paramountcy
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the state of being paramount; the highest rank or authority

  • residuary
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relating to or indicating a remainder

  • embody
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represent in physical form

  • covenant
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an agreement between a god and the people

  • repugnant
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offensive to the mind

  • novel
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an extended fictional work in prose

  • endow
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give qualities or abilities to

  •  exigency
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a pressing or urgent situation

  • contingency
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the state of being dependent on something

  • emergency
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a sudden unforeseen crisis that requires immediate action

  • impede
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be a hindrance or obstacle to

  • anomalous
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deviating from the general or common order or type

  • coercive
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serving or intended to force

  • entrench
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fix firmly or securely

  • accentuate
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stress or single out as important

  • smarting
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a kind of pain such as that caused by a wound or a burn or a sore

  • conclusive
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forming a decisive end or resolution

  • confer
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  • crusader
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someone who is a diligent and ardent advocate of a cause

  • concede
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give over

  • palliative
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moderating pain or sorrow by making it easier to bear

  • fissiparous
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reproducing by fission

  • resent
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feel bitter or indignant about

  • prejudice
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a partiality preventing objective consideration of an issue

  • consular
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having to do with a consul or his office or duties

  • inroad
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an encroachment or intrusion

  • enjoin
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give instructions to or direct somebody to do something

  • vis-a-vis
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a person or thing having the same characteristics as another

  •  embody
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represent in physical form

  • fiat
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a legally binding command or decision

  • construe
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make sense of; assign a meaning to

  • intercourse
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the act of engaging in sexual intercourse

  •  conferment
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the act of conferring an honor or presenting a gift

  • fortuitous
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lucky; occurring by happy chance

  • discretion
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power of making choices unconstrained by external agencies

  • substantive
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having a firm basis in reality and therefore important

  • largesse
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liberality in bestowing gifts

  • nepotism
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favoritism shown to relatives or friends by those in power

  • eschew
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avoid and stay away from deliberately

  •  litigant
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a party to a lawsuit

  • annul
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cancel officially

  • furtherance
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encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance of something

  • arbitrariness
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the trait of acting unpredictably and from whim or caprice

  • countenance
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the appearance conveyed by a person's face

  • ally
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a friendly nation

  • malignant
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dangerous to health

  • adultery
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extramarital sexual relations

  • abet
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assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing

  • abettor
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one who helps, encourages, incites another

  • patronage
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the business given to an establishment by its customers

  • patron
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someone who supports or champions something

  • denominate
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assign a name or title to

  • denomination
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identifying word by which someone or something is called

  • forbid
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command against

  • connote
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express or state indirectly

  • unheeded
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  • internment
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the act of confining someone in a prison

  • proposition
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a suggestion offered for acceptance or rejection

  • punitive
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inflicting punishment

  • apprehension
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fearful expectation or anticipation

  • apprehend
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anticipate with dread or anxiety

  • colossal
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so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe

  • anarchist
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an advocate of the abolition of governments

  • adjunct
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something added to another thing but not essential to it

  • rampant
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occurring or increasing in an unrestrained way

  • trafficker
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someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money

  • traffic
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vehicles or pedestrians traveling in a particular locality

  • cripple
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deprive of the use of a limb, especially a leg

  • profess
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confess one's faith in, or allegiance to

  • appertain
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be a part or attribute of

  • observance
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conformity with law, custom, or practice

  • astounding
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bewildering or striking dumb with wonder

  • allurement
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the power to entice or attract through personal charm

  • allure
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the power to entice or attract

  • rely
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have confidence or faith in

  • coercion
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using force to cause something to occur

  • denounce
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speak out against

  • insular
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relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island

  • consular
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having to do with a consul or his office or duties

  • vestige
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an indication that something has been present

  • solarium
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a room enclosed largely with glass to allow sunlight in

  • pertinent
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being of striking appropriateness

  • inviolate
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not injured physically or mentally

  • cornerstone
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the basic or fundamental part on which something depends

  • edifice
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a structure that has a roof and walls

  • edify
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make understand

  • futile
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producing no result or effect

  • nugatory
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of no real value

  • illusory
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having the nature of something unreal or deceptive

  • illusionist
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someone who performs magic tricks

  • extraneous
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not belonging to that in which it is contained

  • vitiate
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make imperfect

  • vex
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disturb, especially by minor irritations

  • vexatious
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causing irritation or annoyance

  • indemnify
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secure against future loss, damage, or liability

  • fabian
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using cautious slow strategy to wear down opposition

  • accentuate
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stress or single out as important

  • endeavour
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a purposeful or industrious undertaking

  •  unequivocal
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admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding

  • recalcitrant
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stubbornly resistant to authority or control

  • percept
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the representation of what is perceived

  • precept
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a rule of personal conduct

  • surplusage
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a quantity much larger than is needed

  • homily
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a sermon on a moral or religious topic

  • agrarian
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relating to rural matters

  • promulgation
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a public statement containing information about an event

  • impetus
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a force that makes something happen

  • impetuous
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characterized by undue haste and lack of thought

  • staunch
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firm and dependable especially in loyalty

  • loco
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informal or slang terms for mentally irregular

  • vocation
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the particular occupation for which you are trained

  • avocation
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an auxiliary activity

  • contravention
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coming into conflict with

  • foil
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hinder or prevent, as an effort, plan, or desire

  • exclusion
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a deliberate act of omission

  • appropriation
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a deliberate act of acquisition, often without permission

  • appropriate
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suitable for a particular person, place, or situation

  • overarch
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be central or dominant

  • surveillance
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close observation of a person or group

  • combat
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the act of fighting; any contest or struggle

  • chequered
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patterned with alternating squares of color

  • pale
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very light in color or highly diluted with white

  • percussion
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the act of exploding a detonator that explodes when struck

  • repercussion
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a remote or indirect consequence of some action

  • quintessence
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the most typical example or representative of a type

  • sovereign
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a nation's ruler usually by hereditary right

  • democratic
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based upon the principles of social equality

  • republic
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a form of government whose head of state is not a monarch

  • foreclose
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keep from happening or arising; make impossible

  • substantive
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having a firm basis in reality and therefore important

  • adjunct
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something added to another thing but not essential to it

  • inviolable
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incapable of being transgressed or dishonored

  • imply
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express or state indirectly

  • preclude
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make impossible, especially beforehand

  • tantamount
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being essentially equal to something

  • purview
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the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated

  • nugatory
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of no real value

  • reconciliation
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the reestablishment of cordial relations

  • facile
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arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth

  • paucity
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an insufficient quantity or number

  • staunch
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firm and dependable especially in loyalty

  • surveillance
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close observation of a person or group

  • precedent
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an example that is used to justify similar occurrences

  • quorum
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a gathering of the minimal number of members of a group

  • endorse
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give support or one's approval to

  • sine qua non
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a prerequisite

  • consolidated
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joined together into a whole

  • prorogation
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discontinuation of the meeting without dissolving it

  • sine die
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without a date fixed (as of an adjournment)

  • adjournment
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the termination of a meeting

  • censure
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harsh criticism or disapproval

  • privilege
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a special advantage or benefit not enjoyed by all

  • ascertain
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learn or determine by making an inquiry or other effort

  • motion
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a formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly

  • cognizance
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the state or act of having knowledge of

  • elucidation
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an act of explaining that serves to cast light on

  • acquaint
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cause to come to know personally

  • pursuance
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a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria

  • statute book
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a record of the whole body of legislation in a given jurisdiction

  • scrutiny
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the act of examining something closely, as for mistakes

  • deem
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judge or regard in a particular way

  • pecuniary
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relating to or involving money

  • wither
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lose freshness, vigor, or vitality

  • reckoning
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problem solving that involves numbers or quantities

  • enactment
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the passing of a law by a legislative body

  • embodied
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possessing or existing in bodily form

  • ventilate
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give expression or utterance to

  • defamatory
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harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign

  • amount
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develop into

  • guillotine
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closure imposed on the debate of specific sections of a bill

  • enumerate
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determine the number or amount of

  • delegate
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a person appointed or elected to represent others

  • extravagance
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the quality of exceeding appropriate limits

  • deliberative
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involved in or relating to close analysis and discussion

  • sporadic
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recurring in scattered or unpredictable instances

  • discontinuance
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the act of discontinuing or breaking off; an interruption

  • prudent
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marked by sound judgment

  • invariably
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without change, in every case

  • reprimand
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an act or expression of criticism and censure

  • admonition
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a firm rebuke

  •  prescient
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perceiving the significance of events before they occur

  • breach
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act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises

  • disburse
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expend, as from a fund

  • accountability
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responsibility to someone or for some activity

  • disbursement
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the act of spending money

  • undertaking
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any piece of work that is attempted

  • appropriation
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a deliberate act of acquisition, often without permission

  • remittance
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a payment of money sent to a person in another place

  • bulwark
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an embankment built around a space for defensive purposes

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FAQs on Polity Related Vocabulary - Course for UPPSC Preparation - UPPSC (UP)

1. What is UPPSC (UP) and what is its role in the polity?
Ans. UPPSC (UP) stands for Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission and it is responsible for conducting civil service examinations and recruitment for various government posts in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It plays a crucial role in the polity by selecting and recommending suitable candidates for administrative positions, thereby ensuring efficient governance and implementation of policies.
2. How can one prepare for the UPPSC (UP) polity exam?
Ans. To prepare for the UPPSC (UP) polity exam, candidates should focus on studying the Indian Constitution, political system, governance, and current affairs related to the state of Uttar Pradesh. They can refer to books and study materials specifically designed for UPPSC exams, solve previous year question papers, and take mock tests to assess their preparation level.
3. What are the important topics to study for the UPPSC (UP) polity exam?
Ans. Some important topics to study for the UPPSC (UP) polity exam include the Indian Constitution, fundamental rights and duties, parliament and state legislatures, executive and judiciary, electoral system, local governance in Uttar Pradesh, and current affairs related to politics and governance.
4. Are there any specific eligibility criteria to appear for the UPPSC (UP) polity exam?
Ans. Yes, there are specific eligibility criteria to appear for the UPPSC (UP) polity exam. The candidate must be a citizen of India and should possess a bachelor's degree from a recognized university. The age limit varies depending on the category, with relaxation provided for reserved categories as per government norms.
5. What is the selection process for the UPPSC (UP) polity exam?
Ans. The selection process for the UPPSC (UP) polity exam consists of two stages: the preliminary examination and the main examination. The preliminary exam is an objective type test consisting of multiple-choice questions. Candidates who qualify the preliminary exam are then eligible to appear for the main exam, which is a descriptive type test. The final selection is based on the candidate's performance in the main exam and the interview round.
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