Q1: How to find Profit and loss?
Ans: Profit = SP-CP, Loss=CP-SP
Q2: What is C.P?
Ans: The price paid by the shopkeeper to buy the goods from manufacturer is called CP (cost price)
Q3: How to find C.P?
Ans: In case of profit, CP=SP – profit and in case of loss CP = Loss + SP
Q4: How to find S.P?
Ans: In case of profit, SP=CP +profit and in case of loss SP = CP – Loss
Q5: Find the Profit or Loss –
(i) S.P=600, C.P=398
Ans: Profit = 600-398 = 202
(ii) S.P=998, C.P=789
Ans: Profit = 998-789 = 209
(iii) S.P= 113000, C.P=11300
Ans: Neither profit nor loss
Q6: Find the profit or loss percentage:
(i) C.p = 700, s.p = 459
Ans: C.p = 700, s.p = 459, loss = ((CP-SP)/CP) X100 = 34.43%
(ii) C.p = 1999, s.p = 1990
Ans: C.p = 1999, s.p = 1990, loss = 0.45%
(iii) C.p = 2890, s.p = 2900
Ans: C.p = 2890, s.p = 2900 , profit = 0.346%
(iv) C.p = 6392, s.p = 7392
Ans: C.p = 6392, s.p = 7392 , profit = 15.64%
(v) C.p = 6382, s.p = 2638
Ans: C.p = 6382, s.p = 2638 , loss = 58.66%
Q7: Ram bought a scooter worth rupees 19000, spent 6000 on repair. Then he sold the scooter at rupees 26000. How much he gain or loss(in percent)?
Ans: Gain percent = ((SP-CP)/CP) X100 = 4%
Q8: Nidhi bought 19 pens at rupees 11/piece, and sells at rupees 13/piece. Find her the percent of loss or profit.
Ans: Gain percent = ((SP-CP)/CP) X100=18.18%
Q9: Ronny bought a mirror at rupees 900, and sells at 1900. Find the percent of profit.
Ans: The percent of profit = 111.11%
Q10: Ram and Rimi bought 4 chocolates each at rupees 900 each. If Ram only sells his chocolate at the price of 1100 each. Then find their percent of profit.
Ans: Price of 4 chocolates = 4X900 = 3600, Sp = 4X1100 = 4400 profit percent = 22.22%
Q11: Rakesh bought a car worth rupees 450000 and sell it at rupees 505000. Find his percent of profit and loss.
Ans: His percent of profit = 12.22%
Q12: Ram bought a scooter worth rupees 19800, spent 6000 on repair. Then he sold the scooter at rupees 22000. How much he gain or loss(in percent)?
Ans: Loss (in percent) = 14.73%
Q13: Nidhi bought 19 pens at rupees 19/piece, and sells at rupees 13/piece. Find her the percent of loss or profit.
Ans: percent of loss = 31.58%
Q14: Ronny bought a mirror at rupees 800, and sells at 1100. Find the percent of profit.
Ans: The percent of profit= 37.5%
Q15: Ram and Rimi bought 4 chocolates each at rupees 900 each. If Ram only sells his chocolate at the price of 1300 e. Then find their percent of profit.
Ans: Price of 4 chocolates = 4X900 = 3600, Sp = 4X1300 = 5200 profit percent = 44.44%
Q16: Rakesh bought a car worth rupees 4508000 and sell it at rupees 5058000. Find his percent of profit and loss.
Ans: percent of profit = 12.2%
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