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Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education Chapter Notes | Physical Education Class 11 (XI) - CBSE and NCERT Curriculum PDF Download

Table of contents
Understanding Physical Education
Main Objectives of Physical Education
Objectives of Physical Education
Career Options in Physical Education
Job Opportunities in Physical Education
Coaching Career Opportunities
Health-Related Careers in Physical Education
Health-Related Careers
Administration-Related Careers
Overview of Careers in Physical Education
Role of Senior Teacher in Department
Sports Department Opportunities
Industrial Recreation
Sports Facilities Management
Sports Career Opportunities
Officiating Careers in Sports
Careers in Sports Communication
Sports Sociology in Sports Photography
Courses and Experience for Sports Photography
Book Publishing in Sports and Physical Education
Sports Broadcasting Career
Marketing in Sports Industry
Careers in Physical Education and Sports Industry
Main Athletic Championships and Competitions
Basketball Tournaments
Badminton Tournaments
Sudirman Cup and Badminton Tournaments
Badminton Tournament Explanations
Cricket Tournaments
Sports Tournaments in India
Football Tournaments
Hockey Tournaments
Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education
Sports Tournaments and Championships
Swimming Championships
Tennis Tournaments
Volleyball Tournaments
Khelo India Programme Overview
Initiation of Khelo India Programme
Key Components of Khelo India Programme


  • 1.1 Meaning and Definitions of Physical Education
  • 1.2 Aim and Objectives of Physical Education
  • 1.3 Career Options in Physical Education
  • 1.4 Competitions in Various Sports at National and International Level
  • 1.5 Khelo India Programme

Meaning and Definitions of Physical Education

  • Physical education has deep roots going back to ancient times.
  • The term 'Physical Education' has evolved across different civilizations.
  • Initially, it was primarily about physical activities necessary for survival.
  • Ancient Greek philosophers emphasized the importance of physical training for youth.
  • In India too, physical activities were integral in ancient life.
  • Over time, physical education has been misunderstood and confused with various terms like physical training, play, games, physical culture, health education, and recreation.

Changing Trends in Physical Education

  • Different people have defined physical education in diverse ways.
  • H C Buck viewed physical education as an essential part of the general education program.
  • Physical education encompasses more than just physical activities and is a vital component of overall education.
  • It has been misconstrued at times, being equated with physical training, play, games, physical culture, health education, and recreation.

Understanding Physical Education

  • Definition of Physical Education

    • Physical education focuses on the growth, development, and education of children through big muscle activities.
    • In essence, it educates the whole child using physical activities as tools to impact every aspect of a child's life - physical, mental, emotional, and moral.
    • Various scholars like CA Bucher, D Oberteuffer, Cassidy, R J B Nash, J F Williams, C L Brownell, C C Cowell, and the Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Recreation have defined physical education from different perspectives, all emphasizing its role in developing physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially fit individuals through carefully selected physical activities.
    • It is not just about engaging in physical activities but is a form of education that nurtures the body through the body, contributing to overall growth and development. Research indicates that individuals participating in physical education programs tend to achieve higher success in life compared to those who do not engage in physical activities.
  • Aim and Objectives of Physical Education

    • The primary aim of physical education is the holistic development of an individual, aiming for complete living.
    • While the aim may seem like an ultimate goal, the objectives of physical education act as incremental steps towards achieving this aim.
    • These objectives, which are multiple in number, work towards the wholesome development of an individual, ensuring progress is made step by step.
    • Physical education is not just about physical growth but also contributes to mental, social, and emotional development, enabling individuals to lead happy and prosperous lives.

Main Objectives of Physical Education

  • Physical Development:

Physical development is the primary goal of physical education. It involves the growth and enhancement of various organ systems like the circulatory, respiratory, nervous, muscular, and digestive systems. Through engaging in physical activities, these systems experience improvements in size, shape, and efficiency. Sound physical development contributes to overall health, making individuals valuable assets to society. When our systems are healthy, they function effectively.

  • Mental Development:

Mental development is focused on enhancing an individual's cognitive abilities. The physical activities in physical education programs play a crucial role in mental growth. For instance, activities that require problem-solving or strategic thinking can improve mental acuity. Engaging in such activities can enhance concentration, memory, and overall cognitive functions.

  • Social Development:

Social development aims to cultivate social skills and interactions among individuals. Participating in team sports or group activities fosters teamwork, communication, and cooperation. These experiences help individuals develop empathy, leadership skills, and a sense of community. Social development in physical education contributes to building well-rounded individuals who can effectively engage with others.

  • Emotional Development:

Emotional development focuses on understanding and managing one's emotions. Physical education provides opportunities for individuals to regulate their emotions through physical activities. For example, engaging in exercises or sports can help reduce stress and improve mood. By promoting emotional well-being, physical education contributes to overall mental health and resilience.

  • Intellectual Development:

Intellectual development aims to enhance cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills. Physical education activities that involve problem-solving, decision-making, and creativity stimulate intellectual growth. By challenging the mind through physical activities, individuals can improve their cognitive functions, such as reasoning, analysis, and innovation.

Objectives of Physical Education

  • Mental Development:

    Physical activities enhance mental sharpness and are essential for various tasks. Physical education, like other subjects, covers rules of games, body studies, diet, health, and hygiene. Participation in activities fosters decision-making skills and mental growth.

  • Social Development:

    Physical education cultivates social qualities crucial for life adaptation. It encourages traits like leadership, cooperation, fair play, and tolerance through interactions in various programs, fostering a healthy social environment.

  • Neuro-muscular Coordination:

    Activities improve coordination between the nervous and muscular systems, essential for efficient movement. Good coordination aids in energy management, reduces fatigue, and enhances body functionality, enabling smoother body movements.

  • Emotional Development:

    Physical education targets emotional growth by helping individuals control their emotions. Programs assist in managing a range of emotions and teach emotional regulation, ensuring individuals develop a healthy emotional balance.

  • Development of Health:

    Physical education focuses on health development by educating on disease prevention and stress reduction. It emphasizes healthy living through recreational programs, reducing anxiety and promoting overall well-being.

Career Options in Physical Education

  • Mainly, there are two types of career options in the field of physical education:

    • Teaching and coaching physical education (traditional careers)
    • Emerging careers in physical education:

      • Health-related careers
      • Administration-related careers
      • Sports performance-related careers
      • Media-related careers

Teaching Career in Physical Education

  • Traditionally, physical education has been viewed as a field suitable for those interested in teaching and coaching.
  • Benefits of a teaching career in physical education:

    • Respect and contribution to society
    • Internal satisfaction
    • Job security

Teaching Opportunities at Different Levels

  • Elementary School:

    • Physical education is crucial in elementary schools for the overall development of children.
    • Activities like running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching, kicking, and striking play a significant role.
    • Importance of specialized physical education teachers in elementary schools for nurturing talent and promoting sports at a global level.
  • Middle School:

    • Career opportunities for physical education teachers are more prevalent in big city schools.
    • In government middle schools, opportunities for physical education teachers are limited.
    • Challenges faced by physical education teachers in some schools where they are required to teach multiple subjects.

Job Opportunities in Physical Education

  • Middle Schools

    • In middle schools, job opportunities in physical education are limited.
  • High School

    • Both government and private/public high schools offer opportunities for specialized physical education teachers.
    • These teachers are responsible for teaching both theoretical and practical aspects of physical education.
    • They prepare sports teams for inter-school competitions.
  • Senior Secondary School

    • Special physical education teachers are commonly employed in senior secondary schools.
    • In some schools, physical education lecturers teach theory.
    • Discipline maintenance and team preparation for inter-school tournaments are part of their roles.
    • There are abundant job opportunities in these schools.
  • College and University

    • Colleges and universities provide numerous teaching opportunities in physical education.
    • Various professional courses are available such as CPEd, DPEd, BPEd, Yoga Certification, BSc, MPEd, MPhil, and PhD.
    • PhD qualification is preferred for university-level teaching.
    • Teachers at this level may also cover subjects like Research Methodology, Sports Psychology, etc.
  • Teaching in Non-School Settings

    • Opportunities exist in sports clubs, community organizations, centers for elders, resorts, etc.
    • In India, fewer job opportunities are available compared to other countries like the USA, UK, etc.
  • Coaching Career

    • Coaching is a traditional career path in physical education.
    • Many educators opt for coaching alongside teaching.
    • Coaching opportunities exist in both school and non-school settings.

Coaching Career Opportunities

  • School Level Coaching

    Coaches are required in schools, especially in private and public schools, to teach physical education and coach teams.

    In private and public schools, coaches may be appointed solely to coach a team.

  • College and University Level Coaching

    Coaches are appointed to coach various teams for inter-collegiate and inter-university competitions.

    Job opportunities exist in state sports departments, Sports Authority of India, professional teams, commercial sports clubs, hotels, private enterprises, and the government sector.

  • Advantages and Disadvantages

    Coaching offers intrinsic rewards like respect and excitement of winning but involves long hours and pressure to achieve results.

    Differences in salaries exist, and coaches must motivate players, teach, and plan for practices and matches.

  • Qualifications and Skills

    A prospective coach should obtain a diploma or Master of Sports degree for higher-level coaching.

    Coaches must be good teachers, attend coaching courses, and stay updated on the latest trends and rules of the game.

  • Increasing Awareness of Health

    There has been a rapid increase in health awareness over the past two decades.

    People are more health-conscious, aiming to prevent diseases and lead healthy lifestyles.

  • Expanded Career Opportunities

    Career opportunities in health-related fields within physical education have expanded due to the growing emphasis on health and fitness.

  • Concentration in Health and Weight Control Clubs
    • The rise in the number of health and weight control clubs in the past decade reflects the growing emphasis on physical fitness and slimness.
    • These clubs, often run by owners or as franchises, cater to individuals seeking physical fitness and a trim figure.
    • While some clubs prioritize collecting money over service quality, others focus on providing excellent facilities and services.
    • Activities at these clubs include various games like squash and tennis, along with steam rooms, massages, and dietary guidance.
    • Physical educators can find job opportunities in these clubs, evaluating clients' habits to help them achieve fitness goals.
  • Athletic Training
    • In India, athletic training careers primarily exist at the national level, working with national sports teams.
    • Athletic trainers focus on preventing sports injuries, rehabilitating athletes, and designing conditioning programs.
    • While job opportunities for athletic trainers are limited in India, Western countries offer more extensive options in schools and colleges.

  • Sports Management
    • As sports participation and related businesses grow, the demand for sports management professionals increases.
    • Opportunities exist in sports administration, sports club management, sports marketing, and promotion.
    • In Western countries, degrees in sports management are common, while India is still developing in this field.
  • Careers in Physical Education Administration
    • Physical education departments in universities and colleges require administrators to oversee teaching activities.
    • Administrators manage teaching staff and clerical operations within these departments.

Overview of Careers in Physical Education

  • Role of Senior Teacher in Department

    The senior teacher typically acts as the chairman in the department, with appointment based on seniority rather than separate management qualifications.

  • Sports Department Opportunities

    The sports department offers various administrative roles like Director of Sports at university level, responsible for managing sports programs, competitions, and budgets.

    • Roles within Sports Department

      Positions like AEO (sports), ADEO (sports), and Assistant Director of Sports assist the Director in overseeing sports activities and coaching staff.

    • State Sports Departments

      Roles like District Sports Officer exist at the district level, overseeing coaches and officials involved in various sports and games.

    • Intramural Programs

      Intramural or campus recreation programs in western countries involve promoting sports participation among students, faculty, and staff, managed by Directors of Intramurals or Campus Recreation.

  • Industrial Recreation

    Many companies offer recreational activities for employees to enhance health and productivity, requiring qualified professionals like Directors of Industrial Recreation to organize fitness programs and competitions.

  • Sports Facilities Management

    Organizations often seek sports facilities managers to oversee gymnasiums, stadiums, and fitness centers, with more demand in western countries than in India.

Sports Career Opportunities

  • Performance-related Careers

    Sports careers involve ensuring the safety of individuals in sports facilities, maintaining equipment as per standards, and overseeing the well-being of spectators and participants in stadiums. Job opportunities in this field are rapidly increasing.

  • Competitive Sports Participation

    Sportspersons engage in various levels of competition, from district to international levels. Only highly skilled performers reach the top tier. Successful athletes often pursue sports careers, with limited opportunities in professional sports in some countries.

  • Job Opportunities in Sports

    Career options for sportspersons include roles in government and private sectors like defense services, banks, companies, railways, etc. Professional players in certain sports can earn significantly higher than average workers.

  • Transition to Officiating

    After their playing careers, some sportspersons become officials for sports tournaments, utilizing their experience and knowledge of the game. Various officiating roles such as referee, timekeeper, and scorer offer part-time or full-time opportunities.

Officiating Careers in Sports

  • Role of Officials

    Officials play a crucial role in ensuring fair play and the smooth conduct of sports tournaments. Former sportspersons often transition to officiating roles, leveraging their understanding of the game.

  • Types of Officiating Roles

    Officiating roles include referee/umpire, timekeeper, recorder, and scorer, with opportunities for both part-time and full-time positions based on tournament requirements.

  • Qualifications and Skills

    To excel as an official, individuals need not only a deep understanding of the rules but also proficient officiating mechanics. Good officials can transition from playing to officiating with proper training and experience.

Careers in Sports Communication

  • Sports Journalism

    Sports journalism offers exciting career opportunities for individuals with a passion for both sports and writing. Sports journalists work with newspapers and sports magazines, covering live events, writing feature articles, and conducting interviews with athletes and coaches. They play a crucial role in reporting on sports news and events, requiring a solid background in physical education to understand the intricacies of sports dynamics. For instance, a sports journalist well-versed in sports psychology can offer insights into why some athletes struggle under pressure while others excel. Similarly, knowledge of exercise physiology enables journalists to explain the physiological effects of athletic performance, such as during a marathon race.

  • Book Writing

    The field of book writing in physical education and sports presents ample career opportunities, especially in India where there is a shortage of literature in this domain. Physical educators knowledgeable in various subdisciplines of physical education, such as sports biomechanics, sports psychology, and sports management, can author textbooks as a part-time endeavor. Successful book writing in this field demands a deep interest, focus, and writing proficiency.

  • Sports Photography

    Sports photography is a rewarding career path for physical educators with a passion for photography and a desire to capture the essence of sports through images. Sports photographers collaborate with newspapers and sports magazines to visually communicate the spirit of sports. Proficiency in photography is essential for success in this field, with knowledge of biomechanics aiding photographers in capturing the perfect shots. Publications like Sports Week and Khel Khiladi offer numerous opportunities for sports photographers to showcase their talent.

Sports Sociology in Sports Photography

  • The significance of sports in society can be portrayed through sports photography.

Courses and Experience for Sports Photography

  • Essential elements for becoming a good sports photographer include courses in photography and practical experience in capturing sports moments.

Book Publishing in Sports and Physical Education

  • Publishers require individuals knowledgeable in physical education and related fields for producing sports and physical education books.

  • Editorial roles necessitate familiarity with the demands of publications in physical education and sports.

  • Sales positions involve understanding the market for physical education publications and require sales ability.

Sports Broadcasting Career

  • Sports broadcasting offers career opportunities at various levels in radio, television, and cable stations.

  • Skills required include knowledge of the game, clear communication ability, and understanding of sports training and physiology.

  • Reporters need expertise in various sports, player information, and the ability to communicate effectively on camera or microphone.

Marketing in Sports Industry

  • Increased public interest in sports, health, and fitness drives the sales of sports goods, creating job opportunities in marketing.

Careers in Physical Education and Sports Industry

  • Sales and Marketing in Sports Equipment Industry

    • Increasing demand for sports equipment sales and marketing roles.
    • Skills required: knowledge of sports equipment, changing demands, business management, and accounting.
    • Opportunities as salespersons, marketing managers, and manufacturer's representatives.
    • Salaries dependent on product sales; expertise and skillfulness crucial for salespersons.
    • Identifying customer needs and offering appropriate products is essential.
    • Potential job growth with rising interest in sports and physical activities.
  • Careers in Sports Industry

    • Requirements: knowledge of physical education, sports, research, and design.
    • Possibilities include establishing sports industry focusing on specific products like apparel or footwear.
    • Importance of research and design for creating innovative sports equipment and apparel.
    • Example: Evolution from loose to skin-tight sports gear for better performance.
  • Expanding Career Options in Physical Education

    • Definition of physical education can influence career opportunities.
    • Consider broadening the definition to explore diverse career paths.
    • Potential careers: sports biomechanics, sports medicine, sports nutrition, sports sociology, sports psychology, sports history, motor learning, etc.
  • Competitions in Sports at National and International Levels

    • Athletics: National Athletic Championship organized annually by Athletics Federation of India at various locations.

Main Athletic Championships and Competitions

  • World Athletic Championship: Also known as the World Cup of Athletics, this event is hosted by the International Association of Athletic Federations (IAAF).
  • Inter State Athletic Championship: Organized by the Athletics Federation of India, this championship involves athletes from various state athletic associations affiliated with the Athletics Federation of India.
  • Asian Games: Considered a significant competition for athletics, the Asian Games are held every four years in a different Asian country, with the host nation chosen by the Asian Games Federation. The inaugural Asian Games took place in Delhi in 1951.
  • Olympic Games: The Olympics feature athletic competitions as a major highlight. The International Olympic Committee determines the location of each edition, which occurs every four years, except in 1916, 1940, and 1944 when the games were cancelled due to World Wars.
  • National School Games: This annual event, organized by the School Games Federation of India, includes athletic competitions for schoolchildren from various Indian states and Union Territories.
  • State Athletic Championship: Held annually in different states, this championship involves athletes representing their respective states and is organized by the State Athletic Associations.
  • Inter University Athletic Championship: A national-level competition organized yearly for students from different universities across India in various athletic disciplines.

Other Athletic Competitions

  • European Cup
  • Jesse Owens Trophy
  • Charminar Trophy
  • World Marathon Cup
  • Marshall Tito Trophy
  • Junior National Athletic Championships
  • Federation Cup
  • World Indoor Championships
  • World Cross Country Championships
  • World Race Walking Cup
  • Continental Cup
  • World Road Running Championships
World Athletic ChampionshipGlobal event organized by IAAF.
Asian GamesMajor Asian multi-sport event with athletics as a key component.
Olympic GamesInternational multi-sport event featuring prominent athletic competitions.
National School GamesAn annual competition for schoolchildren across India.
State Athletic ChampionshipYearly state-level competition for athletes.
Inter University Athletic ChampionshipNational-level competition for university students.

Basketball Tournaments

  • European Cup
  • America Cup
  • Asia Cup
  • Services Trophy
  • Prince Basalat Jha Trophy (National for Women)
  • B.C. Gupta Trophy
  • Federation Cup
  • Bangalore Blues Cup
  • C. Munni Swami Cup
  • All India Ramu Memorial Trophy
  • World Cup
  • Olympic Games
  • Junior National Basketball Championships
  • Sub-junior National Basketball Championships
  • William Jones Cup
  • S.M. Arjun Raja Trophy

Basketball Tournament Descriptions

(a) Olympic GamesIn 1936, basketball was introduced in the Olympic Games and has since been a regular event at the summer Olympics.
(b) Asian GamesSince 1951, basketball has been included as a part of the Asian Games.
(c) National Basketball ChampionshipThe first national championship was held in New Delhi in 1934, organized by the Basketball Federation of India for both men and women.
(d) Prince Basalat Jha TrophyThis is a national championship specifically for women's basketball.

Badminton Tournaments

  • Thomas Cup (World Team Men)
  • Uber Cup (World Team Women)
  • Wills World Cup
  • European Cup
  • Konika Cup
  • Yonex Cup
  • Olympic Challenge Cup (National Women)
  • Naarang Cup (National Junior Team Men)
  • Shafi Qureshi Cup (National Junior Team Women)
  • Mayors Cup
  • 555 World Cup
  • China Cup
  • Olympic Games in Cooperation with I.O.C.
  • World Junior Championships

Badminton Tournament Descriptions

(a) Olympic Games in Cooperation with I.O.C.Badminton events are organized in collaboration with the International Olympic Committee during the Olympic Games.
(b) World Junior ChampionshipsThese championships are specifically for junior players, providing a platform for young talent in the sport.

Sudirman Cup and Badminton Tournaments

  • Sudirman Cup

    The Sudirman Cup is a prestigious international badminton mixed team championship that takes place every two years.

  • Super Series Premier

    The Super Series Premier is a series of top-tier badminton tournaments organized by the Badminton World Federation.

  • Grand Prix Gold

    The Grand Prix Gold tournaments are part of the Badminton World Federation's competition structure, offering lower prize money compared to the Super Series events.

  • International Challenge

    The International Challenge events are mid-level badminton tournaments that provide opportunities for players to compete at an international level.

  • Senior National Badminton Championships

    The Senior National Badminton Championships are prestigious tournaments where top players from a country compete to win the national title.

  • All England Badminton Championships

    The All England Badminton Championships are one of the oldest and most prestigious badminton tournaments globally, first held in 1899.

Badminton Tournament Explanations

  • Thomas Cup

    The Thomas Cup is an international men's badminton championship established in 1948, occurring triennially.

  • Uber Cup

    The Uber Cup is the women's equivalent of the Thomas Cup, inaugurated in 1956 and also held every three years.

  • All England Championship

    The All England Championship, originating in 1899, was historically one of the most prestigious badminton tournaments globally.

  • World Cup

    The World Cup tournament, beginning in 1981, aimed to provide top badminton players with increased earning opportunities.

  • Asian Games

    Badminton competition was introduced at the Asian Games in 1962, showcasing talent from across the continent.

  • National Badminton Championship

    The National Badminton Championship in India is a key event where both men and women compete for top honors.

  • Inter State Badminton Championship

    The Inter State Badminton Championship is a national-level event where state associations send their teams to compete.

Cricket Tournaments

  • Ashes Cup

    The Ashes Cup is a test series played between Australia and England, steeped in historic rivalry.

  • World Cup

    The Cricket World Cup is a premier one-day international competition held every four years, starting in 1975.

  • Rohinton Baria Trophy

    The Rohinton Baria Trophy is a national-level cricket tournament conducted as part of the inter-university sports calendar.

  • C.K. Naidu Trophy

    The C.K. Naidu Trophy is awarded in inter-state schools' cricket competitions, promoting talent at a grassroots level.

  • Ranji Trophy

    The Ranji Trophy, established in 1934, is a prestigious domestic cricket competition in India.

  • Irani Trophy

    The Irani Trophy, introduced in 1959-60, commemorates the 25th year of the Ranji Trophy and honors Z.R. Irani's contributions to Indian cricket.

  • Duleep Trophy

    The Duleep Trophy, named after Kumar Shri Duleepsinghji, is a tournament designed to enhance competition and aid national selectors in evaluating players' form.

Sports Tournaments in India

  • Deodhar Trophy: The Deodhar Trophy, initiated in 1973-74, mirrors the Ranji Tournament in a one-day format. It honors Prof. D. Deodhar, a significant figure in Indian cricket. This tournament involves the North, South, East, West, and Central Zones.
  • Challenger Trophy: Originating in 1994-95 and later renamed N.K.P. Salve Challenger Trophy in 1998-99, it commemorates N.K.P. Salve for his role in bringing the World Cup to India in 1987. This competition includes the Indian national team, India A, and India B, showcasing promising domestic cricket talents.
  • Indian Premier League (IPL): Launched in 2008 post India's victory in the first T20 World Cup, IPL, managed by BCCI, stands as a major breakthrough in Indian cricket. It offers a platform for budding cricketers to excel alongside international stars.

Football Tournaments

  • FIFA Cup: Established by the "Federation of International Football Association" on May 21, 1904, this global tournament is a pinnacle in football.
  • Durand Cup: Commencing in 1888, the Durand Cup holds the distinction of being India's inaugural football tournament.
  • DCM Football Tournament: Started in 1945 for the DCM Trophy.
  • Federation Cup: Inaugurated in 1977.
  • Subroto Cup: An inter-school football tournament.
  • Begum Hajrat Mahal Cup: A national-level women's football tournament.
  • Rajiv Gandhi Gold Cup: A national-level football tournament for boys under 21 years.
  • Santosh Trophy: A prestigious national-level football tournament in India.
  • Olympic Games: Football became an Olympic sport in 1908, becoming a staple ever since.

Hockey Tournaments

  • Agha Khan Cup: Hosted in Mumbai.
  • Beighton Cup: Founded in Kolkata in 1895.
  • Lady Ratan Tata Trophy: A national-level women's hockey tournament.
  • Rangaswami Cup: A national championship started in 1928.
  • Champions Trophy: An international hockey tournament for top six men's and women's teams, initiated in Lahore, Pakistan in 1978.
  • Bombay Gold Cup: A national-level hockey tournament.
  • World Cup: Men's competition began in 1971, followed by the women's tournament in 1974.

Paraphrasing the information, here are the key points:

  • Table Tennis: Table tennis is a popular indoor sport played on a table divided by a net. It involves quick reflexes, coordination, and strategy. Matches can be played as singles or doubles.
  • Badminton: Badminton is a racket sport played with a shuttlecock. It can be played in singles or doubles. The sport requires agility, speed, and precision.
  • Squash: Squash is a high-intensity racquet sport played in an enclosed court. Players take turns hitting a small rubber ball against the walls. It demands agility, speed, and strategic thinking.

Sports Tournaments and Championships

  • Azlan Shah Cup

    It is an international hockey tournament.

  • Asian Hockey Federation Cup

    An international hockey tournament for girls under 18 years of age.

Swimming Championships

  • Olympic Swimming Championship

    The Olympic Swimming Championship occurs every four years. It started for men in 1896 in Athens Olympics and for women in 1912.

  • Asian Games Swimming Championship

    Held every four years for both men and women, with swimming introduced in 1951 in the games held in New Delhi.

  • World Cup Swimming Championship

    An event organized for both men and women, with the first edition held in 1973.

  • National Swimming Championship

    The national championship for men and women began in 1944, with the first event held in Bombay. It is not held at regular intervals.

Tennis Tournaments

  • National Lawn Tennis Championship

    One of the prominent national tennis tournaments.

  • Wimbledon (All England Championship)

    A prestigious tennis tournament held in England.

  • U.S. Open

    One of the Grand Slam tournaments held in the United States.

  • Australian Open

    Major tournament held in Australia.

  • Davis Cup

    A men's international tennis event.

  • Olympic Tennis Championship

    Tennis competition held during the Olympic Games.

  • French Open Tennis Championship

    One of the Grand Slam tournaments held in France.

Tennis Tournaments

  • Volvo Tennis Cup
  • Henken Trophy
  • Family Circles Cup
  • Canadian Open
  • Kremlin Cup
  • Shanghai Cup
  • C.A. Trophy
  • Hong Kong Open
  • President Cup
  • Hopman Cup (Men and Women)
  • Osaka Mayor's Cup
  • Barcelona Open
  • Princess Cup
  • Rogers Cup
  • Fed Cup (Women)
  • Atlanta Tennis Championships

All England Championship (Wimbledon):

  • Started in 1877 for men and in 1884 for women

Australian Open:

  • Held in Australia for men and women

Olympic Tennis Championship:

  • Restarted in 1988 in Seoul Olympics

Volleyball Tournaments

  • Canada Cup
  • Italian Open
  • Hamburg Open
  • New Zealand Open
  • Junior National Volleyball Championship
  • Poornima Trophy (National Women)
  • Canadian Open Volleyball Championships
  • India Gold Cup
  • Super Challenge Cup

National Volleyball Championship:

  • First held in Madras (Chennai) in 1952
  • Organized annually by Volleyball Federation of India

World Cup Championship:

  • First held in 1949 in Prague

Olympic Volleyball Championship:

  • Included in Olympic Games in 1964 in Tokyo

Asian Games Volleyball Championship:

  • Included in Asian Games in 1958 in Tokyo

Commonwealth Volleyball Championship:

  • First held in 1981 in England

Khelo India Programme Overview


  • Khelo India Programme emphasizes the importance of sports and fitness in individual lives.
  • Sports and games contribute to team spirit, strategic thinking, leadership skills, goal setting, and risk-taking.
  • Healthy individuals foster a healthy society and nation, making sports a valuable component for national development.

Initiation of Khelo India Programme

  • Launched during 2017-2018 by the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs.
  • Aims to revive the sports culture in India at the grassroots level.

Key Components of Khelo India Programme

  1. Playfield Development

    • Development of playfields at state and district levels to provide basic facilities to sportspersons.
  2. Community Coaching Development

    • Focuses on skill development and certification for sports coaching.
    • Identifies and trains physical education teachers as master trainers.
  3. State Level Khelo India Centres

    • Supports better utilization of sports infrastructure at state and UT levels.
  4. Annual Sports Competitions

    • Provides a platform for talent spotting and excellence in various sports excluding cricket.
    • Includes competitions in athletics, boxing, basketball, handball, volleyball, etc.
  5. Talent Search and Development

    • Identifies talent through scientific methods for further development.
  6. Infrastructure Development

    • Focuses on developing sports infrastructure at schools and universities with high sports potential.
  7. Support to Sports Academies

    • Provides resources for long-term athlete development programs.
  8. Physical Fitness of School-going Children

    • Aims to enhance the physical fitness of school children.
    • Schools are provided toolkits to monitor the physical fitness of students.
  9. Sports for Women

    • Promotes women's participation in sports, especially in events with low female representation.
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FAQs on Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education Chapter Notes - Physical Education Class 11 (XI) - CBSE and NCERT Curriculum

1. What are the main objectives of Physical Education?
Ans. The main objectives of Physical Education include promoting physical fitness, developing motor skills, instilling sportsmanship and teamwork, cultivating healthy habits, and promoting overall well-being.
2. What are some career options in Physical Education?
Ans. Career options in Physical Education include becoming a physical education teacher, coach, fitness trainer, sports therapist, sports nutritionist, sports psychologist, or sports administrator.
3. What are some job opportunities in Physical Education?
Ans. Job opportunities in Physical Education include working in schools, colleges, sports clubs, fitness centers, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, corporate wellness programs, and government organizations related to sports and physical activity.
4. What are some coaching career opportunities in Physical Education?
Ans. Coaching career opportunities in Physical Education include coaching sports teams at various levels, such as high school, college, professional, or national teams. Coaches can specialize in specific sports or work as general sports coaches.
5. What are some health-related careers in Physical Education?
Ans. Health-related careers in Physical Education include becoming a physical therapist, occupational therapist, exercise physiologist, wellness coordinator, health educator, or personal trainer specializing in health and fitness.
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