Q1: What do you mean by a test?
Ans: A Test is a tool which is used to evaluate the quality,performance and reliability of the task completed by a person.
Q2: What do you mean by Measurement?
Ans: Measurement is about collection of data and information about certain skills or levels of fitness of an individual by using tests and relevant techniques.
Q3: Define Test.
Ans: A test is a tool which is used to evaluate the skill,knowledge,capacities or aptitudes of an individual or a group.
Q4: Define Measurement.
Ans: Measurement is the process of administrating a test to obtain a quantitative data.
Q5: Write the formula to calculate the B.M.I.
Q6: What do you mean by somato types?
Ans: Somato types basically means body types which is further classified into three types i.e. Endomorph, Mesomorph and Ectomorph.
Q7: What do you mean by waist hip ratio?
Ans: Measurement of waist circumference divided by hip circumference is called waist hip ratio.
Q8: Write the formula to calculate the waist hip ratio.
Q9: State the uses of Anthropometric measurements.
Ans: Anthropometric Measurements of height, weight,arm and leg length, waist circumference and skin fold etc. are significant indicators of health which enable us to know the physical growth and development and health problems of an individual.
Q10: Explain the procedure of measuring somatotypes in brief.
Ans: Somatotypes means human body shape, and physique types.somatotypes helps the physical education and sports teachers to classify the studentsfor particular sports and games on the basis of physical,mental ,and practical aspects.
The procedure of measuring somatotypes is based on the classification by W.H.SHELDON-
Q11: Discuss the procedure of measurement of arm length and upper arm length.
Ans: Procedure of measurement of arm length -The subject must stand with his arms hanging by the side of his body with his fingers outstretched.a measurement is made from the acromial i.e. the bony tip of the shoulder to the tip of the little finger.
Procedure of measurement of upper arm length: The subject must stand upright with body weight distributed equally on both the feet. The right arm should bebe bent at 90 degree from the elbow with palm facing upwards. A measurement is made from acromial to the bony part of the mid elbow.Measurement must be taken to the nearest 0.1 cm. and recorded.
Q12: Elaborate the procedure of measurement of leg length and upper leg length.
Q13: Calculate the BMI of a male person whose weight is 80 kg and height is 1.6 m. Also state the category in which he falls.
The above person falls in class - I category.
Q14: What do you mean by BMI? Write down the scale of BMI.
Ans: BMI is a statistical measurement that let us know whether the person is under weight, normal weight or over weight.
BMI is categorized as below -
Q15: Explain in brief the procedure of Anthropometric measurement of weight?
Ans: The scale should be placed on hard floor surface so that the beam gets into balanced position.
Procedure for weight measurement -
Q16: Explain in brief the procedure of Anthropometric measurement of height?
Ans: The child or adult should remove socks , shoes , jackets or any other heavy clothing.The floor surface should be plane and hard.The height should be measured using a stadiometer.
Procedure for height measurement -
Q17: Explain in detail the importance of Test and Measurement in the field of sports.
Ans: In a physical education and sports programme it is important to select a target.lf a person desires to improve himself in different aspects of fitness he will have to undergo fitness programmes. Test and Measurement in physical education are the devices that are needed to collect the details regarding the needs, abilities and attitudes of a sports person.
A test is basically a situational presentation where specific responses are collected from the subject. These responses are measured both qualitatively and quantitatively. Measurement is about collection of data of performance or task completed by a sports person by using test and scientific techniques.
Test and Measurement is an important feature in the field of physical education and sports.
The following points indicate the importance of Test and Measurement in the field of sports
Q18: Explain the procedure for fixing marks for skinfold measurements.
Ans: The marking of skinfold measurements should be proper for taking accurate anthropometric measurements. So for proper marking of skinfold measurements the following procedures should be taken into consideration.
Q19: Explain the procedure of skinfold measurements in detail.
Ans: Skinfold measurements are also called as “fatfold thickness”. These measurements provide the information or data of the thickness of double folds of the skin and sub cutaneous adipose tissue at specific sites of the body. ln simple words skinfold provides the information about general fatness of the body.
The procedure of skinfold measurements is as under
22 videos|47 docs|23 tests
1. What is the importance of test, measurement, and evaluation in the education system? |
2. How do tests differ from measurements in educational assessment? |
3. What are some common types of tests used in educational evaluation? |
4. How can educators ensure that tests are fair and reliable for all students? |
5. What is the role of evaluation in improving the quality of education? |
22 videos|47 docs|23 tests