Animal Husbandry of Telangana | Telangana State PSC (TSPSC): Preparation Course - TSPSC (Telangana) PDF Download


  • Telangana accounts for 3.5% of India's total geographical area and 2.9% of population and ranks 12th both in geographical area and population among Indian States.
  • The State is the newly formed 29th State in India and endowed with abundant livestock resources, especially cattle and sheep population, amounting to 5.52% of the country's population. The rural population in the State is largely engaged in agriculture, with over two-thirds of its workforce directly involved in the agricultural sector.
  • Approximately 29 lakh families in Telangana State rely on the livestock sector for their livelihood.
  • The value of livestock produce is estimated to be Rs. 12403 crores at current prices, and the livestock sector contributes 4.86% to the GSDP (2010-11 Third Revised Estimates).

About Animal Husbandry

Animal Husbandry of Telangana | Telangana State PSC (TSPSC): Preparation Course - TSPSC (Telangana)

  • Animal Husbandry is a rapidly growing sector that significantly contributes to the rural economy by offering employment opportunities to small/marginal farmers and agricultural laborers, thereby improving their economic status.
  • Economic support initiatives such as the distribution of Milch animals, sheep, and poultry units have been instrumental in aiding beneficiaries, especially those belonging to scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and economically backward segments of society.

Question for Animal Husbandry of Telangana
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What percentage of Telangana's population relies on the livestock sector for their livelihood?
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Goat Farming

Animal Husbandry of Telangana | Telangana State PSC (TSPSC): Preparation Course - TSPSC (Telangana)

  • Goats are often referred to as the 'Poor man's cow' in India and play a crucial role in dry land farming. They thrive in marginal or undulating lands where other livestock like cows or buffaloes may not be suitable.
  • Due to its low investment requirements, goat rearing can be a profitable venture for small and marginal farmers, offering them a sustainable source of income.

Sheep Farming

Animal Husbandry of Telangana | Telangana State PSC (TSPSC): Preparation Course - TSPSC (Telangana)

  • Few countries in the world have no sheep.
  • Sheep can be found in various climates such as tropical regions, arctic areas, hot climates, cold regions, deserts, and humid areas.
  • There exist over 800 different breeds of sheep worldwide, varying in sizes, shapes, types, and colors.
  • Sheep have a long history of domestication, dating back to ancient times.
  • Archaeological findings in primitive Swiss villages suggest the presence of wool fibers dating back approximately 20,000 years.
  • Artifacts like Egyptian sculptures from 4000-5000 B.C. highlight the significance of sheep to ancient civilizations.
  • References to sheep, shepherds, sacrificial lambs, and woolen garments are abundant in the Bible.
  • The Roman Empire highly valued sheep, utilizing their fleece to create fine quality fibers for elite garments like togas.
  • Sheep, among the first ruminants domesticated by humans, hold immense importance as valuable assets.
  • Domesticated sheep belong to the phylum Chordata, class Mammalia, order Artiodactyla, family Bovidae, genus Ovis, and species Ovis aries.

Emu Rearing

Animal Husbandry of Telangana | Telangana State PSC (TSPSC): Preparation Course - TSPSC (Telangana)

  • Emus belong to the ratite group and are valuable for their meat, eggs, oil, skin, and feathers.
  • They can adapt to various climatic conditions.
  • Emu farming has become significant, especially in India.
  • Ratite birds, including emu, ostrich, rhea, cassowary, and kiwi, have underdeveloped wings.
  • Commercially, emus and ostriches are raised worldwide for their high-value meat, oil, skin, and feathers.
  • The anatomical and physiological characteristics of these birds are suitable for temperate and tropical climates.
  • They thrive on extensive and semi-intensive rearing systems with high fibrous diets.
  • Leading countries in emu farming include the United States, Australia, and China, with emus adapting well to Indian climates.

Features of Emu

  • Emus are characterized by a long neck, relatively small naked head, three toes, and a body covered with feathers. When young, they display longitudinal stripes on their bodies (0-3 months age), which gradually transition to brown feathers by 4-12 months of age.
  • Mature emus exhibit a bare blue neck and mottled body feathers. An adult emu stands at approximately 6 feet tall and weighs between 45-60 kg. Their long legs are covered with scaly skin, suited for hardy and dry soil environments.
  • The natural diet of emus consists of insects, tender plant leaves, and forages. They also consume various vegetables and fruits such as carrots, cucumbers, and papayas. During the breeding season, the female, which is larger than the male, may fast.
  • Within an emu pair, the female assumes the dominant role. Emus have a lifespan of around 30 years and can lay eggs for more than 16 years. They can be kept either in flocks or pairs.

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What is the main reason why goat rearing is profitable for small and marginal farmers?
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Rabbit Farming

Animal Husbandry of Telangana | Telangana State PSC (TSPSC): Preparation Course - TSPSC (Telangana)

Why Rabbit Farming?

  • With available small investment and in a small place, rabbit farming can generate more income.
  • Rabbits consume ordinary feed and convert it into protein-rich, high-quality meat.
  • Aside from meat production, rabbits can also be reared for hide and fur.

Rabbit Farming is for Whom?

  • For landless farmers, uneducated youth, and women, rabbit farming provides additional income as a part-time job.

Advantages of Rabbit Farming

  • Rabbit farming requires a small initial investment and space but can yield significant profits.
  • Rabbits efficiently convert basic feed into high-quality meat rich in protein.
  • Raising rabbits for their hide and fur offers additional economic opportunities.

Rabbit Rearing

  • One can engage in rabbit rearing to produce high-quality, protein-rich meat for their family.
  • Rabbits can be easily nourished with readily available leaves, leftover vegetables, and grains found at home.
  • Broiler rabbits exhibit rapid growth, reaching 2 kgs by the age of three months.
  • Rabbits typically have a high litter size, usually ranging from 8 to 12 young ones per kindling.
  • Comparatively, rabbit meat contains a high protein content of 21% and low fat content of 8%, making it a suitable meat option for individuals of all ages.

Quail Farming

Animal Husbandry of Telangana | Telangana State PSC (TSPSC): Preparation Course - TSPSC (Telangana)

  • Engaging in quail farming requires minimal floor space and low initial investment.
  • Quails are robust birds that can be marketed at a young age, typically around five weeks.
  • They exhibit early sexual maturity, with egg-laying usually starting at six to seven weeks of age.
  • Quails are prolific layers, producing about 280 eggs annually.
  • Quail meat is known for its delicious taste and lower fat content compared to chicken, aiding in the development of body and brain in children.
  • Nutritionally, quail eggs are equivalent to chicken eggs but contain less cholesterol.
  • Both quail meat and eggs are highly nutritious, making them ideal for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Turkey Farming

Animal Husbandry of Telangana | Telangana State PSC (TSPSC): Preparation Course - TSPSC (Telangana)

  • Turkey farming involves raising turkeys for various purposes such as meat and egg production. 
  • Different breeds of turkeys are raised in India, each with unique characteristics.

Breeds of Turkeys in India

  • Board Breasted Bronze: This breed has a black plumage color. Females can be identified by their black breast feathers with white tips, aiding in early sex determination around 12 weeks of age.
  • Board Breasted White: A cross between Board Breasted Bronze and White Holland, known for its white feathers. These turkeys are well-suited for Indian agro-climatic conditions due to their heat tolerance and clean appearance after dressing.
  • Beltsville Small White: Resembling Board Breasted White but smaller in size. This breed typically exhibits higher egg production, fertility, and hatchability with lower broodiness compared to larger varieties.
  • Nandanam Turkey 1: A hybrid of the black desi variety and the exotic Beltsville Small White. Specifically adapted for the climatic conditions of Tamil Nadu.

Marketing of Turkeys

  • For optimal marketing, adult male turkeys should weigh around 7.26 kg, while adult females should weigh approximately 5.53 kg by the 16th week.

Turkey Egg

  • Turkey hens typically start laying eggs at 30 weeks of age, with a production period lasting 24 weeks from the point of lay.
  • With proper feeding and artificial lighting management, turkey hens can lay between 60 to 100 eggs per year.
  • About 70% of the eggs are usually laid in the afternoon.
  • Turkey eggs are tinted and weigh approximately 85 grams each.
  • The egg has a noticeable pointed end with a strong shell.
  • Turkey egg composition includes 13.1% protein, 11.8% lipids, 1.7% carbohydrates, and 0.8% minerals. The yolk contains cholesterol ranging from 15.67 to 23.97 mg/gm.

Turkey Meat 

  • Turkey meat is favored for its leanness and nutritional value.
  • Turkey meat contains 24% protein, 6.6% fat, and provides 162 Calories per 100 grams.
  • It is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, and sodium.
  • Additionally, turkey meat is a good source of essential amino acids, niacin, vitamin B6, and B12.
  • It is high in unsaturated fatty acids, essential fatty acids, and low in cholesterol.
  • Market research indicates that selling a male turkey weighing 10 to 20 kg at 24 weeks for an expenditure of Rs.300 to 450 can yield a profit of Rs. 500 to 600. 
  • Females can also be profitable, with a profit range of Rs.300 to 400 in 24 weeks. Turkeys can be raised in scavenging or semi-scavenging conditions.

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What are the advantages of rabbit farming?
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Pig Farming

Advantages of Pig Rearing

  • Pigs have the ability to transform inedible feeds, forages, certain grain byproducts, meat byproducts, damaged feeds, and garbage into valuable and nutritious meat, which would otherwise be unsuitable for human consumption.
  • Pigs exhibit rapid growth and high reproductive rates, with a sow capable of farrowing 10 to 12 piglets in a single litter. Under optimal conditions, they can produce two litters per year.
  • The carcass yield from pigs is substantial, ranging from 60-80% of their live body weight, making it a highly efficient conversion rate.
  • With a modest initial investment in infrastructure and equipment, coupled with appropriate feeding practices and a robust disease control regimen, farmers can effectively utilize their time and labor in this profitable venture.
  • Pig manure serves as a valuable resource for maintaining soil fertility, offering a sustainable solution for agricultural practices.

Pig Farming - Target Audience

Pig farming appeals to:

  • Small-scale farmers seeking a profitable sideline occupation.
  • Agricultural enthusiasts interested in efficient livestock management practices.
  • Farmers looking to enhance soil fertility through sustainable manure management.


  • The indigenous pig has historically been the primary breed used in pig farming. 
  • It is characterized by its small size. 
  • In recent times, improved breeds are being employed to enhance pig production in rural areas.

Animal Husbandry Department of Government of Telangana

  • The Animal Husbandry department's mission is to enhance the nation's health by increasing the availability of animal-derived foods such as milk, meat, and eggs through scientific breeding, feeding, and disease management of livestock.
  • Additionally, it aims to boost the nation's prosperity by improving animal productivity and production. Moreover, it implements various livestock-based poverty alleviation programs.
  • Livestock development has evolved into a significant agro-based industry in Telangana, contributing to economic growth, providing employment, and supporting livelihoods, especially among weaker sections.
  • Small and marginal farmers, along with landless individuals, who account for 62% of total milk production, possess 70% of the livestock in Andhra Pradesh.
  • Women contribute approximately 60% of the labor in livestock farming, highlighting their significant role in the sector. Similarly, rural shepherds own 90% of the sheep population, while the piggery development sector is predominantly controlled by weaker sections.
  • The livestock sector has emerged as a potent instrument for driving socio-economic transformation and constitutes a key focal point in rural development and poverty reduction initiatives in the State.
  • The Animal Husbandry Department's core objectives include:
    a. Enhancing production potential by upgrading cattle and buffalo breeds through artificial insemination.
    b. Ensuring the health and well-being of livestock by actively monitoring disease outbreaks, administering preventive vaccinations, deworming, and providing treatment to sick animals.
    c. Boosting fodder production to fulfill the nutritional needs of livestock.
    d. Offering assistance to livestock during natural disasters.
    e. Educating farmers on the profitability of livestock production.
    f. Collaborating with the health department to control diseases of zoonotic significance.
    g. Extending technical support to poverty alleviation programs based on livestock.
    h. Continuously enhancing the skills of technical and para-veterinary personnel through regular training in scientific breeding, feeding, and livestock management practices.

Livestock production levels serve as indicators of Progress

  • The production levels of major livestock products like Milk, Meat, and Eggs are crucial benchmarks for measuring progress in the livestock industry.
  • The production of milk has shown a significant increase from 18.08 lakh tonnes in 1979-80 to 76.24 lakh tonnes in 2005-06.
  • Meat production has also witnessed substantial growth, rising from 96,320 tonnes in 1979-80 to 457,137 tonnes in 2005-06.
  • Egg production has experienced notable growth, escalating from 17,119 lakh numbers in 1979-80 to 164,534 lakh numbers in 2005-06.
  • The per capita availability of milk has risen from 168 grams/day in 1997-98 to 286 grams/day in 2005-06.
  • Similarly, the per capita availability of eggs has increased from 141 numbers/annum in 1997-98 to 202 numbers/annum in 2005-06.
  • The per capita availability of meat has also seen a rise from 9.21 grams/day in 1997-98 to 15.35 grams/day in 2005-06, showcasing a remarkable achievement despite the rapid growth in the human population.
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FAQs on Animal Husbandry of Telangana - Telangana State PSC (TSPSC): Preparation Course - TSPSC (Telangana)

1. What is the significance of Animal Husbandry in agriculture?
Ans. Animal Husbandry plays a crucial role in agriculture by providing various products such as meat, milk, eggs, and wool. It also helps in improving soil fertility through the use of animal manure and contributes to the overall economy of a country.
2. What are some key aspects of Goat Farming?
Ans. Goat farming is a popular livestock farming practice that involves raising goats for meat, milk, and fiber. Goats are known for their hardiness, adaptability, and high reproductive rate, making them a profitable livestock option for farmers.
3. How does Emu Rearing differ from other forms of animal husbandry?
Ans. Emu rearing is unique compared to traditional animal husbandry practices as emus are raised primarily for their meat, oil, and leather. Emus are native to Australia and require specific care and management practices to thrive in captivity.
4. What are the benefits of Rabbit Farming?
Ans. Rabbit farming is a sustainable livestock option that provides high-quality meat, fur, and manure. Rabbits are efficient feed converters and reproduce quickly, making them a profitable venture for small-scale farmers.
5. How can the Animal Husbandry Department of Telangana support farmers in livestock rearing?
Ans. The Animal Husbandry Department of Telangana provides various support services to farmers, including veterinary care, breeding programs, training, and subsidies for livestock rearing. These initiatives help farmers improve the productivity and profitability of their livestock operations.
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