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Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

A child says '1' if there is only one taller child standing next to them. A child says '2' if both the children standing next to them are taller. A child says '0', if neither of the children standing next to them are taller. That is each person says the number of taller neighbours they have.

Try answering the questions below and share your reasoning:

Q1: Can the children rearrange themselves so that the children standing at the ends say ‘2’?
Ans: No, the children at the ends of the line cannot say '2' because they have only one neighbor.

Q2: Can we arrange the children in a line so that all would say only 0s?
Ans: Yes, if all the children are of the same height, then every child will say '0' because no one will have a taller neighbor.

Q3: Can two children standing next to each other say the same number?
Ans: Yes, two children standing next to each other can say the same number if they have the same number of taller neighbors. For example, if both have one taller neighbor, they will both say '1'.

Q4: There are 5 children in a group, all of different heights. Can they stand such that four of them say ‘1’ and the last one says ‘0’? Why or why not?
Ans: Yes, it is possible only if the 5 children are standing in ascending order of their heights.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
Q5: For this group of 5 children, is the sequence 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 possible?
Ans: No, this is not possible because the last child doesn't have a taller neighbour and thus can never say '1'.

Q6: Is the sequence 0, 1, 2, 1, 0 possible? Why or why not?
Ans: Yes, it is possible if the shortest child is in the middle, with the height increasing symmetrically as you move outwards from the middle.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
Q7: How would you rearrange the five children so that the maximum number of children say ‘2’?
Ans: Yes, it is possible if the tall and the short children arrange themselves alternately.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

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Q1: Colour or mark the supercells in the table below.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Ans: 
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
Q2: Fill the table below with only 4-digit numbers such that the supercells are exactly the coloured cells.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Ans: 
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
Q3: Fill the table below such that we get as many supercells as possible. Use numbers between 100 and 1000 without repetitions.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Ans: 
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
Q4: Out of the 9 numbers, how many supercells are there in the table above?
Ans: 5

Q5: Find out how many supercells are possible for different numbers of cells.
Ans: For 'n' cells, maximum number of supercells is given by Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6 (when n is even) and Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6(when n is odd).

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Q6: Can you fill a supercell table without repeating numbers such that there are no supercells? Why or why not?
Ans: No, it is not possible because at least one number will always be greater than its neighboring cells unless all the numbers are identical, but that would involve repetition.

Q7: Will the cell having the largest number in a table always be a supercell? Can the cell having the smallest number in a table be a supercell? Why or why not?
Ans: The cell with the largest number will always be a supercell because it is greater than all neighboring cells. The cell with the smallest number cannot be a supercell because it is smaller than its neighbors.

Q8: Fill a table such that the cell having the second largest number is not a supercell.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Largest number = 850
Second largest number = 730

Q9: Fill a table such that the cell having the second largest number is not a supercell but the second smallest number is a supercell. Is it possible?
Ans: Yes, it is possible. Here is one possible arrangement:
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Largest number = 750
Second largest number = 640
Smallest number = 100
Second smallest number = 210

Q10: Make other variations of this puzzle and challenge your classmates.
Ans: Students should try to solve this question on their own, but here’s a hint to help them along the way: Create tables with different numbers and try to arrange them in various patterns to create interesting supercell challenges.

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Q1: Identify the numbers marked on the number lines below, and label the remaining positions.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Put a circle around the smallest number and a box around the largest number in each of the sequences above.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

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Q1: Digit sum 14
a. Write other numbers whose digits add up to 14. 
b. What is the smallest number whose digit sum is 14? 
c. What is the largest 5-digit whose digit sum is 14? 
d. How big a number can you form having the digit sum 14? Can you make an even bigger number?
Ans: a. 59 : 5+9 = 14
77 : 7 + 7 = 14
86 : 8 + 6 = 14
95 : 9 + 5 = 14
149 : 1 + 4 + 9 = 14
257 : 2 + 5 + 7 = 14
653 : 6 + 5 + 3 = 14
2435 : 2 + 4 + 3 + 5=14
11245 : 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 = 14
b. 59 is the smallest number whose sum is 14.
c. 95000 is the largest 5-digit number whose digit sum is 14.
d. We can form an infinitely big number with digit sum 14 just by adding zeros to the number.

Q2: Find out the digit sums of all the numbers from 40 to 70. Share your observations with the class.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6The digit sum of numbers increase by 1.

Q3: Calculate the digit sums of 3-digit numbers whose digits are consecutive (e.g., 345). Do you see a pattern? Will this pattern continue?
123 : 1 + 2 + 3 =6
234 : 2 + 3 + 4 = 9
345 : 3 + 4 + 5 = 12
456 : 4 + 5 + 6 = 15
6 + 7 + 8 = 21
678 : 7 + 8 + 9 = 24
The digit sums are 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24.
Yes, there is a pattern. Each successive number is formed by adding 3 to the predecessor.
Yes, this pattern will continue from the number 123 up to the number 789.

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1. Pratibha uses the digits '4', '7', '3' and '2', and makes the smallest and largest 4-digit numbers with them: 2347 and 7432. The difference between these two numbers is 7432 - 2347 = 5085. The sum of these two numbers is 9779. Choose 4-digits to make: 
a. the difference between the largest and smallest numbers greater than 5085.

b. the difference between the largest and smallest numbers less than 5085. 
c. the sum of the largest and smallest numbers greater than 9779. 
d. the sum of the largest and smallest numbers less than 9779.
Ans: a. Digits: 9, 6, 5, 3
Largest number = 9653
Smallest number = 3569
Difference = 9653-3569 = 6084.
b. Digits: 8, 7, 5, 4
Largest number = 8754
Smallest number = 4578
Difference = 8754 - 4578 = 4176.
c. Digits: 9, 8, 7, 1
Largest number = 9871
Smallest number = 1789
Sum = 9871 +1789 = 11660
d. Digits: 8, 5, 2, 1
Largest number = 8321
Smallest number = 1238
Sum = 8321 + 1238 = 9559

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Q2: What is the sum of the smallest and largest 5-digit palindrome? What is their difference?
The smallest 5-digit palindrome = 10001
The largest 5-digit palindrome = 99999
Sum = 10001 + 99999 = 110000
Difference = 99999 - 10001 = 89998

Q3: The time now is 10:01. How many minutes until the clock shows the next palindromic time? What about the one after that?
The next palindromic time is 11:11 which is 70 minutes after 10:01.The one after that is 12:21 which is again 70 minutes after 11:11.

Q4: How many rounds does the number 5683 take to reach the Kaprekar constant?
The given number is 5683
1st round 
Largest number = 8653
Smallest Number = 3568
Subtract = 8653 - 3568
= 5085
2nd round 
Largest number = 8550
Smallest number = 0558
Subtract = 8550 - 0558
= 7992
3rd round 
Largest number = 9972
Smallest number = 2799
Subtract= 9972 - 2799 = 7173
4th round 
Largest number = 7731
Smallest number = 1377
Subtract = 7731 - 1377 = 6354
5th round 
Largest number = 6543
Smallest number = 3456
Subtract = 6543 - 3456 = 3087
6th round 
Largest number = 8730
Smallest number = 0378
Difference = 8730 - 0378
= 8352
7th round
Largest number = 8532
Smallest number = 2358
Difference = 8532-2358
= 6174
Therefore, the number 5683 takes 7 rounds to reach 6174 which is the Kaprekar constant.

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Q1: Write an example for each of the below scenarios whenever possible.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Could you find examples for all the cases? If not, think and discuss what could be the reason. Make other such questions and challenge your classmates.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

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Q2: Always, Sometimes, Never?
Below are some statements. Think, explore and find out if each of the statement is 'Always true', 'Only sometimes true' or 'Never true'. Why do you think so? Write your reasoning; discuss this with the class. a. 5-digit number + 5-digit number gives a 5-digit number 
b. 4-digit number + 2-digit number gives a 4-digit number 
c. 4-digit number + 2-digit number gives a 6-digit number 
d. 5-digit number — 5-digit number gives a 5-digit number 
e. 5-digit number — 2-digit number gives a 3-digit number
Ans: a. The statement is only sometimes true because 30,000 + 50,000 = 80,000 But, 70,000 + 90,000 = 1,60,000 (which is not a 5-digit number)
b. The statement is only sometimes true because 2,000 + 70 2,070 But, 9,990 + 80 = 10,070 (which is not a 4-digit number)
c. The statement is never true because 9,999 + 99 10,098 (which is not a 6-digit number)
d. The statement is only sometimes true because 90,000 - 50,000 = 40,000 But, 11,000 - 10,000 = 1,000 (which is not a 5-digit number)
e. The statement is never true because 10,000 - 509,950 (which is not a 3-digit number)

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We shall do some simple estimates. It is a fun exercise, and you may find it amusing to know the various numbers around us. Remember, we are not interested in the exact numbers for the following questions. Share your methods of estimation with the class.
Q1: Steps you would take to walk: 
a. From the place you are sitting to the classroom door 
b. Across the school ground from start to end 
c. From your classroom door to the school gate 
d. From your school to your home 
Ans: a.
35 steps.
b. 600 steps.
c. 400 steps.
d. 10,000 steps.

Q2. Number of times you blink your eyes or number of breaths you take: 
a. In a minute 
b. In an hour 
c. In a day 
Ans: a. 
20 times
b. No. of times eyes blink in a minute = 20
No. of minutes in a hour = 60 minutes
No. of times eyes blink in an hour = 20 x 60 = 1200.
c. No. of times eyes blink in an hour = 1200
No. of hours in a day = 24 hours
No. of hours we sleep in a day = 7 hours
No of times eyes blink in a day = (24 - 7) x 1200
= 17 x 1200
= 20,400

Q3: Name some objects around you that are: 
a. a few thousand in number 
b. more than ten thousand in number 
a. Leaves of tree, grains of rice, seeds, dry fruits.
b. Grains of sand, words in a book, strands of hair, threads in a fabric, pixels on a T.V screen.

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Try to guess within 30 seconds. Check your guess with your friends. 
Q1: Number of words in your maths textbook: 
a. More than 5000 
b. Less than 5000

Q2: Number of students in your school who travel to school by bus: 
a. More than 200 
b. Less than 200

Q3: Roshan wants to buy milk and 3 types of fruit to make fruit custard for 5 people. He estimates the cost to be 100. Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
Estimated cost of milk = 60
Estimated cost of 3 fruits = 150 (₹50 for each fruit)
Estimated cost of custard powder = 50
Total estimated cost of making custard = 60 + 50 + 150 = 260.
No, I don't agree withRoshan's estimate because I think cost of making custard for 5 people is likely to be around 260.

Q4: Estimate the distance between Gandhinagar (in Gujarat) to Kohima (in Nagaland). [Hint: Look at the map of India to locate these cities.]
3000 km.

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Q5: Sheetal is in Grade 6 and says she has spent around 13,000 hours in school till date. Do you agree with her? Why or why not?
Total school days per year = 210
Total hours spent in school per day = 6 hours
Total hours spent in school per year = 210 × 6
= 1260 hours
Total number of years in school by Grade 6 = 8 years
Therefore, total hours spent in school in 8 years = 1260 x 8
= 10,080 hours.
No, I don't agree with Sheetal's estimate that she has spent around 13,000 hours in school till date because I think the more reasonable estimate would be around 10,000 hours.

Q6: Earlier, people used to walk long distances as they had no other means of transport. Suppose you walk at your normal pace. Approximately how long would it take you to go from: 
a. Your current location to one of your favourite places nearby.
b. Your current location to any neighbouring state's capital city.
c. The southernmost point in India to the northernmost point in India. 
Ans: a. 
Approximately 1 hour.
b. Around 7-8 days.
c. Around 100 days.

Q7: Make some estimation questions and challenge your classmates!
To be done by the students.

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Q1: There is only one supercell (number greater than all its neighbours) in this grid. If you exchange two digits of one of the numbers, there will be 4 supercells. Figure out which digits to swap.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6Ans:
If you swap '6' of the supercell 62,871 with '1', then there will be 4 supercells.
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6
Q2: How many rounds does your year of birth take to reach the Kaprekar constant?
Year of birth: 2012
1st round 
Largest number = 2210
Smallest Number = 0122
Subtract = 2210 - 0122
= 2088
2nd round 
Largest number = 8820
Smallest number = 0288
Subtract = 8820 - 0288
3rd round
Largest number = 8532
Smallest number =2358
Subtract = 8532-2358 = 6174
Therefore, the number 2012 takes 3 rounds to reach 6174 which is the Kaprekar constant.

Q3: We are the group of 5-digit numbers between 35,000 and 75,000 such that all of our digits are odd. Who is the largest number in our group? Who is the smallest number in our group? Who among us is the closest to 50,000?
Largest number in the group = 73999
Smallest number in the group = 35,111
Number closest to 50,000 = 51,111.

Q4: Estimate the number of holidays you get in a year including weekends, festivals and vacation. Then try to get an exact number and see how close your estimate is.
Estimated number of holidays in a year including weekends, festivals and vacations = 120 days
Number of weeks in a year = 52 weeks
Holidays on Sundays = 52 days
Holidays on Saturdays (2 holidays per month) = 24
Public holidays = 15 days
Summer vacations = 45 days
Winter vacations = 15 days
Actual number of holidays in a year = 52 + 24 + 15 + 45 + 15 = 151 days.

Q5: Estimate the number of liters a mug, a bucket and an overhead tank can hold.
Capacity of a mug = 0.3 liters
Capacity of a bucket = 25 liters
Capacity of an overhead tank = 1000 liters.

Q6:  Write one 5-digit number and two 3-digit numbers such that their sum is 18,670.
5-digit number = 16,945
3-digit number = 825
3-digit number = 900
Sum 16,945 + 825 +900 = 18,670.

Q7: Choose a number between 210 and 390. Create a number pattern similar to those shown in Section 3.9 that will sum up to this number.
Chosen number = 320
In case of 10: 4 × 8 × 10 = 320
In case of 20: 4 x 4 x 20 = 320
Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

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Q8: Recall the sequence of Powers of 2 from Chapter 1, Table 1. Why is the Collatz conjecture correct for all the starting numbers in this sequence?
Power of 2 sequence: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, ...
Power of 2 sequence contains all even numbers.
When dividing an even number by 2, we will get an even number but by repeatedly dividing an even number by 2, we will eventually reach 1.
This is why Collatz conjecture is correct for all the starting numbers in this sequence.
Example: 16 (power of 2)
16/2 = 8
8/2 = 4
4/2 = 2
2/2 = 1

Q9: Check if the Collatz Conjecture holds for the starting number 100.
Collatz conjecture: If the number is even, take half of it;if the number is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. If you continue doing this you will always reach number 1, regardless of the number you start with.
100 (even) : 100/2 = 50
50 (even): 50/2 = 25
25 (odd): 25 x 3 + 1 = 76
76 (even): 76/2 = 38
38 (even): 38/2= 19
19 (even): 19 x 3 + 1 = 58
58 (even): 58/2 = 29
29 (odd): 29 x 3 + 1 = 88
88 (even): 88/2 = 44
44 (even): 44/2 = 22
22 (even): 22/2 = 11
11 (odd): 11 x 3 + 1 = 34
34 (even): 34/2 = 17
17 (even): 17 x 3 + 1 = 52
52 (even): 52/2 = 26
26 (even): 26/2 = 13
13 (even): 13 x 3 + 1 = 40
40 (even): 40/2 = 20
20 (even): 20/2= 10
10 (even): 10/2 = 5
5 (even): 5 x 3 + 1 = 16
16 (even): 16/2 = 8
8 (even): 8/2 = 4
4 (even): 4/2 = 2
2 (even): 2/2 = 1

Q10: Starting with O, players alternate adding numbers between 1 and 3. The first person to 10. reach 22 wins. What is the winning strategy now?
Ans: (i)
Start by adding 3 on your first turn to reach 3.
(ii) Then, always move in such a way that you leave the opponent on a multiple of 4.
(iii) Following this strategy will ensure that you reach 22 first, securing the win.

The document Number Play NCERT Solutions | Mathematics (Maths) Class 6 is a part of the Class 6 Course Mathematics (Maths) Class 6.
All you need of Class 6 at this link: Class 6
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FAQs on Number Play NCERT Solutions - Mathematics (Maths) Class 6

1. What are the basic concepts covered in NCERT Solutions for Number Play?
Ans. The NCERT Solutions for Number Play cover fundamental mathematical concepts such as number recognition, counting, basic operations (addition, subtraction), and patterns. These concepts help students understand the building blocks of mathematics in a playful manner.
2. How can I use NCERT Solutions for Number Play to improve my child's math skills?
Ans. You can use NCERT Solutions for Number Play by engaging your child in the exercises and activities provided. These solutions include step-by-step explanations and examples that can help your child grasp mathematical concepts more effectively while making learning enjoyable.
3. Are NCERT Solutions for Number Play suitable for all grades?
Ans. NCERT Solutions for Number Play are primarily designed for early learners, typically in the primary grades. They focus on foundational math skills, making them suitable for children in classes 1 to 3, helping to build a strong base for more advanced mathematical concepts later on.
4. How do the activities in NCERT Solutions for Number Play facilitate learning?
Ans. The activities in NCERT Solutions for Number Play are designed to be interactive and engaging, allowing children to learn through play. These activities encourage hands-on learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for developing a love for mathematics.
5. Where can I find the NCERT Solutions for Number Play?
Ans. You can find the NCERT Solutions for Number Play on the official NCERT website, as well as in various educational resources and textbooks available in schools. Additionally, many online platforms provide free access to these solutions for easier reference and study.
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