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Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering PDF Download

Q1: In a process, the number of cycles to failure decreases exponentially with an increase in load. At a load of 80 units, it takes 100 cycles for failure. When the load is halved, it takes 10000 cycles for failure.The load for which the failure will happen in 5000 cycles is _________  (2016 SET 1) 
(a) 40
(b) 46.02
(c) 60.01
(d) 92.02
The number of cycles to failure decrease exponentially with an increase in load.
So, we have general equation
y = a e − b x where y is number of cycles to failure, and x is load.
At load of 80 units , it takes 100 cycles for failure. 
100 = a e − 80 b → ( 1 ) 
when load is halved it takes 10000 cycles for failure.
10000 = ae−40b  →(2)
Divide (2) by (1) 
⟹ e40b = 100
⟹ b = log e ⁡ 100 / 40 → ( 3 )
At 5000 cycles to failure
5000 = ae−xb →(4)
divide (2) by (4)
⟹ eb(x−40)= 2
⟹b(x−40) = loge⁡2
⟹loge⁡100 / 40× (x−40)=loge⁡2(using(3))
⟹ x = 40 × ( log ⁡ 2 + log e ⁡ 100 ) / log e ⁡ 100
= 40 × log e ⁡ 200 / log e ⁡100 
= 46.02 
Correct Answer: B

Q2: If f ( x ) = 2 x 7 + 3 x − 5 , which of the following is a factor of f ( x )? (2016 SET 1) 
(a) x3+8
(b) x−1
(c) 2x−5
(d) x+1
for x = 1 , 
f ( 1 ) = 2 ( 1 ) 7 + 3 ( 1 ) − 5 = 0 ,
so x = 1 is a root for f ( x )
so ( x − 1 ) is factor 
Correct Answer: B

Q3: Consider the following statements relating to the level of poker play of four players P, Q, R and S.  (2016 SET 1) 
I. P always beats Q
II. R always beats S
III. S loses to P only sometimes.
IV. R always loses to Q
Which of the following can be logically inferred from the above statements?
(i). P is likely to beat all the three other players
(ii). S is the absolute worst player in the set
(a) (i) only
(b) (ii) only
(c) (i) and (ii) only
(d) neither (i) nor (ii)

  1. P is not likely to beat S because S only sometimes loses to P
  2.  S is not worst player because he is likely to beat

Q4: Indian currency notes show the denomination indicated in at least seventeen languages. If this is not an indication of the nation's diversity, nothing else is.  (2016 SET 1) 
Which of the following can be logically inferred from the above sentences?
(a) India is a country of exactly seventeen languages.
(b) Linguistic pluralism is the only indicator of a nation's diversity.
(c) Indian currency notes have sufficient space for all the Indian languages.
(d) Linguistic pluralism is strong evidence of India's diversity
This option is the most logical inference because the presence of multiple languages on the currency notes reflects the linguistic diversity of the nation. The other options are either too specific, not supported by the statement, or not a logical inference based on the information provided. Remember, the statement highlights the diversity of languages as an indication of the nation’s diversity, not as the only indicator or that it is related to the physical space on the currency notes.
D. Linguistic pluralism is strong evidence of India’s diversity.

Q5: A shaving set company sells 4 different types of razors- Elegance, Smooth, Soft and Executive.  (2016 SET 1) 
Elegance sells at Rs. 48, Smooth at Rs. 63, Soft at Rs. 78 and Executive at Rs. 173 per piece. The table below shows the numbers of each razor sold in each quarter of a year.
Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical EngineeringWhich product contributes the greatest fraction to the revenue of the company in that year?
(a) Elegance
(b) Executive
(c) Smooth
(d) Soft
To calculate the revenue generated by each product in a year we need to first calculate total units of each category sold, and then multiply it with the cost per unit.
Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical EngineeringFrom the table above we can see that the max revenue is generated by Executive.
Hence answer is B.

Q6: A cube is built using 64 cubic blocks of side one unit. After it is built, one cubic block is removed from every corner of the cube. The resulting surface area of the body (in square units) after the removal is ________.   (2016 SET 1) 
(a) 56
(b) 64
(c) 72
(d) 96
Cube is built using 64 cubic blocks of side one unit. It means it is a 4 × 4 × 4 Cube.
Surface area of each face = 4 × 4 sq. units
And number of faces in a cube = 6 , Thus total surface area = 6 × 4 × 4 = 96 sq. units.
A cube contains 8 corner pieces (containing 3 visible sides), and if these are removed then inner ones are visible, So, When a corner piece is removed 3 new faces of 1 sq. unit are visible and thus removal doesn't change surface area.
 Hence, Option ( D ) is correct.

Q7: If 'relftaga' means carefree, 'otaga' means careful and 'fertaga' means careless, which of the following could mean 'aftercare'?  (2016 SET 1) 
(a) zentaga
(b) tagafer
(c) tagazen
(d) relffer
relf taga = care free
o taga = care full
fer taga = care less
Hence taga means care, and if present in the second part, care comes in the first part in English translation.
For after care, "taga-fer" and "taga-zen" are the options. But "fer" means less.
Hence answer is C

Q8: Archimedes said, "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I will move the world."
The sentence above is an example of a ____________ statement.  (2016 SET 1) 
(a) figurative
(b) collateral
(c) literal
(d) figurine
Here, we are using metamorphic meaning of words to explain thoughts instead of the literal use of them. So, it is a figurative sentence.

  • figurative: metaphorical
  • collateral: bond
  • literal: taking words in their usual
  • figurine: a statuette, typically of a human

Option A is correct.

Q9: rewording of something written or spoken is a __________.  (2016 SET 1) 
(a) araphrase
(b) paradox
(c) paradigm
(d) paraffin
paradox: a statement that apparently contradicts itself and yet might be true
paradigm: a typical example or pattern of something
paraffin: a white or colorless, tasteless, odorless, water-insoluble, solid substance not easily acted upon by reagents
Answer is (A)paraphrase-express something (written or spoken) in a different way.

Q10: Out of the following four sentences, select the most suitable sentence with respect to grammar and usage.
(a) I will not leave the place until the minister does not meet me.
(b) I will not leave the place until the minister doesn't meet me.
(c) I will not leave the place until the minister meet me.
(d) I will not leave the place until the minister meet me.
Not is already embedded in until. So, A and B are incorrect.   Also, the minister is a single person, and with a singular subject, singular verb follows(ending in 's'). Thus, C is incorrect and D is the right answer.

Q11: The exports and imports (in crores of Rs.) of a country from the year 2000 to 2007 are given in the following bar chart. In which year is the combined percentage increase in imports and exports the highest?  (2015 SET 3) 

Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering

(a) 2007
(b) 2006
(c) 2005
(d) 2003
No need to do any calculations ,just observe the bar chart.
Here % increase is asked, so just check for previous year & next year pair, where you can find maximum positive change.
 Consider year 2006 .
Red Bar is above 3 steps than 2005 AND Blue Bar is 3 steps more than 2005 , total = 3 + 3 = 6 , it's maximum.

Q12: Most experts feel that in spite of possessing all the technical skills required to be a batsman of the highest order, he is unlikely to be so due to lack of requisite temperament. He was guilty of throwing away his wicket several time after working hard to lay a strong foundation. His critics pointed out that until he addressed his problem, success at the highest level will continue to elude him.  (2015 SET 3) 
Which of the statement(s) below is/are logically valid and can be inferred from the above passage?
i. He was already a successful batsman at the highest level.
ii. He was to improve his temperament in order to become a great batsman.
iii. He failed to make many of his good starts count.
iv. Improving his technical skills will guarantee success.
(a) iii and iv
(b) ii and iii
(c) i, ii and iii
(d) ii only
(i) is incorrect \"He was guilty of throwing away his wicket several times after working hard to lay a strong foundation. \" (ii) is correct, \"His critics pointed out that until he addressed this problem, success at the highest level will continue to elude him.\" (iii) is correct, \"His critics pointed out that until he addressed this problem, success at the highest level will continue to elude him.\" (iv) is incorrect \"Temperament is also required\"

Q13: Choose the most appropriate equation for the function drawn as thick line, in the plot below.  (2015 SET 3) 
Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering

(a)  x=y - |y|
(b) x= -(y -|y|)
(c) x=y + |y|
(d) x= -(y + |y|)
When y is − 1 , x is 2.
 When y is positive x is 0 .
 So, x = − ( y − | y | )
Correct Answer: B

Q14: The head of newly formed government desires to appoint five of the six selected members P, Q, R, S, T and U to portfolios of Home, Power, Defense, Telecom, and Finance. U does not want any portfolio if S gets one of the five. R wants either Home or Finance or no portfolio. Q says that if S gets Power or Telecom, then she must get the other one. T insists on a portfolio if P gets one.  (2015 SET 3) 
Which is the valid distribution of portfolios?
(a) P-Home, Q-Power, R-Defense, S-Telecom, T-Finance
(b) R-Home, S-Power, P-Defense, Q-Telecom, T-Finance
(c) P-Home, Q-Power, T-Defense, S-Telecom, U-Finance
(d) Q-Home, U-Power, T-Defense, R-Telecom, P-Finance|
" U does not want any portfolio if S gets one of the five"
 So, S and U cannot come together. Option C eliminated.
" R wants either Home or Finance or no portfolio"
 So, options A and D eliminated.
So, answer is B.
Just to confirm:
Q says that if S gets Power or Telecom, then she must get the other one
In B , S gets Power and Q gets Telecom
 "T insists on a portfolio if P gets one"
 In B , T is getting a portfolio.

Q15: Alexander turned his attention towards India, since he had conquered Persia.  (2015 SET 3) 
Which one of the statements below is logically valid and can be inferred from the above sentence?
(a) Alexander would not have turned his attention towards India had he not conquered Persia.
(b) Alexander was not ready to rest on his laurels, and wanted to march to India.
(c) Alexander was not completely in control of his army and could command it to move towards India.
(d) Since Alexander's kingdom extended to Indian borders after the conquest of Persia, he was keen to move further.
Answer should be A as other options required more information
 Let P be "Alexander turned his attention towards India " and Q be "he had conquered Persia" P
since Q ≡ ( ¬ Q ⟹ ¬ P )
¬ P is "Alexander would not have turned his attention towards India"
¬ Q is "he had not conquered Persia"

Q16: A function f(x) is linear and has a value of 29 at x= -2 and 39 at x=3. Find its value at x=5.  (2015 SET 3) 
(a) 59
(b) 45
(d) 35
f ( x ) is linear means it is of the form a x + b
given f ( − 2 ) and f ( 3 )
solve the equation and find out value for a and b then find f ( 5 ) . it will be 43
 Correct Answer: C

Q17: Select the pair of best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair:  (2015 SET 3) 
Children : Pediatrician
(a) Adult : Orthopedist
(b) Females : Gynecologist
(c) Kidney : Nephrologist
(d) Skin : Dermatologist
Orthopedist: An orthopedic surgeon, a doctor who corrects congenital or functional abnormalities of the bones with surgery, casting, and bracing
Gynecologist a physician or surgeon qualified to practice in functions and diseases specific to women and girls, especially those affecting the reproductive system.
Nephrologist is a medical doctor who specializes in kidney care and treating diseases of the kidneys
Dermatologist is a medical practitioner qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorders.
Kidney and skin are parts of a body. Females is the only option which represents group of people like children which is the correct option.
Option B

Q18: Extreme focus on syllabus and studying for tests has become such a dominant concern of Indian student that they close their minds to anything ___________ to the requirements of the exam.  (2015 SET 3) 
(a) related
(b) extraneous
(c) outside
(d) useful
To use outside it must be in the form "outside of".

Q19: The Tamil version of __________ John Abraham-starrer Madras Cafe __________ cleared by the Censor Board with no cuts last week, but the film's distributor _______ no takers among the exhibitors for a release in Tamilnadu _______ this Friday.  (2015 SET 3) 
(a) Mr., was, found, on
(b) a, was, found, at
(c) the, was, found, on
(d) a, being, find at
Answer is (C). Here, we are talking about the movie and not about John Abraham.
Article "the" is used to define a particular object here(The Movie).
This question is taken as it is from "The Hindu" newspaper.
Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering
Q20: If ROAD is written as URDG, then SWAN should be written as:  (2015 SET 3) 
(a) VXDQ
(b) VZDQ
(c) VZDP
(d) UXDQ
(every letter is replaced by the third letter in alphabetical order)

Q21: Out of the following 4 sentences, select the most suitable sentence with respect to grammar and usage:  (2015 set 2) 
(a) Since the report lacked needed information, it was of no use to them.
(b) The report was useless to them because there were no needed information in it.
(c)Since the report did not contain the needed information, it was not real useful to them.
(d) Since the report lacked needed information, it would not had been useful to them
Correct versions of other 3:
B. The report was useless to them because there was no needed information in it.
C. Since the report did not contain the needed information, it was not really useful to them.
D. Since the report lacked needed information, it would not have been useful to them.

Q22: If p, q, r, s are distinct integers such that: f ( p , q , r , s ) = m a x ( p , q , r , s )  
(2015 SET 2) 
g (p, q, r, s)=min(p, q, r, s)
h (p, q, r, s)=remainder of ( p x q) / (r x s) if (p × q) >(r × s)
or remainder of  r× s)/ (p x q)   if (r × s)>(p × q)
Also a function f g h ( p , q , r , s ) = f ( p , q , r , s ) × g ( p , q , r , s ) × h ( p , q , r , s ) 
Also the same operations are valid with two variable functions of the form f ( p , q )
 What is the value of f g ( h ( 2 , 5 , 7 , 3 ) , 4 , 6 , 8 )?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 8
It is given that h ( p , q , r , s ) = remainder of ( p × q ) /  ( r × s ) if ( p × q ) > ( r × s ) or remainder of ( r × s ) / ( p × q ) if
 ( r × s ) > ( p × q ) .
h ( 2 , 5 , 7 , 3 ) = remainder of ( 7 × 3 ) /  ( 2 × 5 ) , ∵ ( 7 × 3 ) > ( 2 × 5 )
Thus, (h 2, 5, 7, 3, ) =1
Again, it is given that f g ( p , q , r , s ) = f ( p , q , r , s ) × g ( p , q , r , s )
Also, f ( p , q , r , s ) = max ( p , q , r , s ) , and g ( p , q , r , s ) = min ( p , q , r , s )
 So we have:
 f g ( 1 , 4 , 6 , 8 ) = 8 × 1 , ∵ max ( 1 , 4 , 6 , 8 ) = 8 & min ( 1 , 4 , 6 , 8 ) = 1
Thus, f g (1, 4, 6, 8) = 8
Answer: 8

Q23: In a triangle P Q R , P S is the angle bisector of ∠ Q P R and ∠ Q P S = 6 0 ∘  . What is the length of  PS ?  (2015 SET 2) 
Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering

(a) Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering
(b) Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering(c) Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering

(d) Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering

Sol: Area of a △ = 1 / 2 × a c sin ⁡ B = 1 / 2 × b c sin ⁡ A = 1 / 2 a b sin ⁡ C
so, Here area ( △ P Q R ) = area ( △ P Q S ) + area ( △ P R S ) 
1 / 2 r q sin ⁡ 120 = 1 / 2 P S × r sin ⁡ 60 + 1 / 2 P S × q sin ⁡ 60 
⇒ P S = r q /  ( r + q )
 so, choice (B) is correct

Q24: Four branches of a company are located at M, N, O and P. M is north of N at a distance of 4km; P is south of O at a distance of 2 km; N is southeast of O by 1km. What is the distance between M and P in km?  (2015 SET 2) 
(a) 5.34
(b) 6.74
(c) 25.5
(d) 45.49
Sol: To find the distance between M and P, we can analyze the given information:

  1. M is north of N at a distance of 4 km.
  2. P is south of O at a distance of 2 km.
  3. N is southeast of O by 1 km.

To determine the distance between M and P, we need to calculate the total displacement in the North-South direction.
Given: M is north of N by 4 km, and P is south of O by 2 km.
To calculate the total displacement, we add the distance between M and N (4 km) and the distance between P and O (2 km): Total displacement = 4 km + 2 km = 6 km.
Therefore, the distance between M and P is 6 km.
Among the given options, (A) 5.34 is the closest value to the actual distance of 6 km.
Hence, the correct answer is (A) 5.34.

Q25: If the list of letters P , R , S , T , U P,R,S,T,U is an arithmetic sequence, which of the following are also in arithmetic sequence?  (2015 SET 2) 
I. 2P, 2R, 2S, 2T, 2U
II.P−3, R−3, S−3, T−3, U−3
III.P2, R2, S2, T2, U2
(a) I only
(b) I and II
(c) II and III
(d) I and III
Sol: Answer is B because If we multiply the terms of an A P with a constant, the common difference will get multiplied by the constant  and if we subtract the terms of an A P with a constant, the common difference will be same but if we make square of A P element  then difference will not be same.

Q26: Based on the given statements, select the most appropriate option to solve the given question.
What will be the total weight of 10 poles each of same weight?  (2015 SET  2) 
I. One fourth of the weight of the pole is 5 Kg.
II. The total weight of these poles is 160 Kg more than the total weight of two poles.
(a) Statement I alone is not sufficient.
(b) Statement II alone is not sufficient.
(c) Either I or II alone is sufficient.
(d) Both statements I and II together are not sufficient.
(I) is sufficient. We can determine total weight of 10
 poles as 10 * 4 * 5 = 200 Kg
(II) is also sufficient, we can determine the weight.
Let x be the weight of 1 pole.
10*x - 2*x = 160 Kg
x = 20 Kg
10x = 200 Kg

Q27: A generic term that includes various items of clothing such as a skirt, a pair of trousers and a shirt is  (2015 SET 2) 
(a) fabric
(b) textile
(c) fiber
(d) apparel

A. Fabric - cloth or material used for making the clothes.
B. Textile - it is a synonym to fabric.
C. Fiber - a leather-like material made by compressing layers of paper or cloth.
D. Apparel - refers to clothing in general.

Q28: Consider a function f ( x ) = 1 − ∣ x ∣ on − 1 ≤  x  ≤ 1 . The value of x  at which the function attains a maximum, and the maximum value of the function are:  (2015 SET 2) 
(a) 0, -1
(b) -1, 0
(c) 0, 1
(d) -1, 2
Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical EngineeringHere in diagram we can clearly see that, 
At x = 0 , f ( x ) would be maximum which is 1. 
Option C is correct.

Q29: Choose the statement where underlined word is used correctly  (2015 SET 2) 
(a) The industrialist had a personnel  jet.
(b) I write my experience in my personnel   diary.
(c) All personnel  are being given the day off.
(d) Being religious is a personnel  aspect.
Personnel: People employed in an organization or engaged in an organized undertaking such as military service.
Option A,B,D should use the word personal.

Q30: We __________ our friend's birthday and we _________ how to make it up to him.  (2015 SET 2) 
(a) completely forgot --- don't just know
(b) forgot completely ---don't just know
(c) completely forgot --- just don't know
(d) forgot completely --- just don't know
We completely forgot our friends' birthday and we just don't know how to make it up to him.
Option C is correct.

Q31: The probabilities that a student passes in mathematics, physics and chemistry are m,p and c respectively. Of these subjects, the student has 75% chance of passing in at least one, a 50% chance of passing in at least two and a 40% chance of passing in exactly two. Following relations are drawn in m,p,c:  (2015 SET 1) 
I. p+m+c =27/20
II. p+m+c =13/20
III. (p)x(m)x(c)=1/10
(a) Only relation I is true.
(b) Only relation II is true.
(c) Relations II and III are true.
(d) Relations I and III are true.
Probability of non pass = 1 − Probability of at least one pass = 1 − 0.75 = 0.25
( 1 − m ) ( 1 − p ) ( 1 − c ) = 0.25
( 1 + m p − m − p ) ( 1 − c ) = 0.25 
1 + m p − m − p − c − m p c + m c + p c = 0.25
m + p + c − m p − p c − m c + m p c = 0.75  → ( 1 )
Probability of exactly 2 pass = 0.4
m p ( 1 − c ) + p c ( 1 − m ) + m c ( 1 − p ) = 0.4 
m p + p c + m c − 3 m p c = 0.4 
m p + p c + m c − 2 m p c = 0.5  → ( 2 )
(Adding the probability of all pass to probability of exactly 2 pass gives probability of at least 2 pass) 
So, m p c = 0.1 → ( 3 ) 
From ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) , 
m p + p c + m c − m p c = 0.6  → ( 4 ) 
From ( 1 ) and ( 4 ) m + p + c = 0.75 + 0.6 
m + p + c = 1.35 = 135 / 100 = 27 / 20
So, D option

Q32: The pie chart below has the breakup of the number of students from different departments in an engineering college for the year 2012. The proportion of male to female students in each department is 5:4. There are 40 males in Electrical Engineering. What is the difference between the numbers of female students in the civil department and the female students in the Mechanical department?  (2015 SET 1) 

Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering

(a) 32
(b) 48
(c) 16
(d) 64
Number of female students in Electrical = 40 x 4 / 5 = 32
 Number of female students in Civil = 32 × 30 / 20 = 48 (Since proportion of male students 
to female students is same, the breakup chart is the same for number of female students)
Number of female students in Mechanical = 32 X 10 / 20  = 16
So, answer = 48 - 16 = 32

Q33: The given statement is followed by some courses of action. Assuming the statement to be true, decide the correct option.
There has been a significant drop in the water level in the lakes supplying water to the city.
Course of action:
I. The water supply authority should impose a partial cut in supply to tackle the situation.
II. The government should appeal to all the residents through mass media for minimal use of water.
III. The government should ban the water supply in lower areas.
(a) Statements I and II follow.
(b) Statements I and III follow.
(c) Statements II and III follow.
(d) All the statements follow
Statements I and II are correct measures. Option A,

Q34: Select the alternative meaning of the underlined part of the sentence.
The chain snatchers took to their heel stook to their heels  (2015 SET 1) 
(a) Took shelter in a thick jungle
(b) Open indiscriminate fire
(c) Took to flight
(d) Unconditionally surrendered
"take to heels" means "to run away" or "to flee" or  "भाग जाना" which also have the same meaning as "take flight".

Q35: The number of students in a class who have answered correctly, wrongly, or not attempted each question in an exam, are listed in the table below. The marks for each question are also listed. There is no negative or partial marking.  (2015 SET 1) 
Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering

What is the average of the marks obtained by the class in the examination?
(a) 2.29
(b) 2.97
(c) 6.795
(d) 8.795
Avg. mark = Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering
= Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 | General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering
= 299 / 44
= 6. 795
Correct Answer:  C

Q36: Which one of the following combinations is incorrect?  (2015 SET 1) 
(a) Acquiescence - Submission
(b) Wheedle - Roundabout
(c) Flippancy - Lightness
(d) Profligate - Extravagant
Wheedle - Roundabout

Q37: Based on the given statements, select the most appropriate option to solve the given question.  (2015 SET 1) 
If two floors in a certain building are 9 feet apart, how many steps are there in a set of stairs that extends from the first floor to the second floor of the building?
I. Each step is 3/4 foot high.
II. Each step is 1 foot wide.
(a) Statements I alone is sufficient, but statement II alone is not sufficient.
(b)Statements II alone is sufficient, but statement I alone is not sufficient.
(c)Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
(d)Statements I and II together are not sufficient.?
When we climb from one floor to other, it is the height that matters and not the width of the staircase. Therefore, From statement 1 only, we can figure out that 9 / (3/4) or 12 steps are required.

Q38: Given Set A=2,3,4,5 and Set B=11,12,13,14,15, two numbers are randomly selected, one from each set. What is the probability that the sum of the two numbers equals 16? (2015 SET 1) 
(a) 0.2
(b) 0.25
(c) 0.3
(d) 0.33
option A because total combinations are 5 × 4 = 20 and out of 20 we have only 4 combinations which have sum16

  1. 2, 14
  2.  3, 13
  3. 4, 21
  4. 5, 11

Q39: Which of the following options is the closest in meaning of the sentence below?  (2015 SET 1) 
She enjoyed herself immensely at the party.
(a) She had a terrible time at the party
(b) She had a horrible time at the party
(c) She had a terrific time at the party
(d) She had a terrifying time at the party
She enjoyed herself immensely at the party
means, she had a good time at the party.
A. She had a terrible time at the party - means her time was bad at the party.
B. She had a horrible time at the party - same as above; her time was bad at the party.
C. She had a terrific time at the party - means she had a good time at the party.
D. She had a terrifying time at the party - means she had a frightening (not good) time at the party.
So, correct option: C.

Q40: Didn't you buy ____ when you went shopping?  (2015 SET 1) 
(a) any paper
(b) much paper
(c) no paper
(d) a few paper
We can use "any" in negative sentences with plural countable nouns
e.g., Aren't there any books?
We can use "any" in negative sentences with uncountable nouns
e.g., Isn't there any paper?  - here paper is uncountable
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FAQs on Previous Year Questions: General Aptitude -3 - General Aptitude for GATE - Mechanical Engineering

$1. What are the key topics covered in General Aptitude exams?
Ans. General Aptitude exams typically cover a range of topics including quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning, verbal ability, and data interpretation. Candidates may encounter questions related to arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and statistics, as well as puzzles and analytical reasoning problems.
$2. How can I improve my performance in General Aptitude tests?
Ans. To improve performance, candidates should practice regularly using sample papers and previous year questions. Time management is crucial, so practicing under timed conditions can help. Additionally, focusing on weak areas and seeking guidance through coaching or online resources can be beneficial.
$3. Are there any specific study materials recommended for General Aptitude preparation?
Ans. Yes, there are several study materials available including books specifically designed for competitive exams, online courses, and practice apps. Popular books include those by authors like R.S. Aggarwal and Arun Sharma, and online platforms like Khan Academy and Unacademy offer valuable resources.
$4. What types of questions can I expect in the logical reasoning section of the General Aptitude exam?
Ans. The logical reasoning section may include questions on syllogisms, analogies, series completion, blood relations, and seating arrangements. Candidates may also face questions that require interpretation of data through charts and graphs.
$5. How important is the General Aptitude section in competitive exams?
Ans. The General Aptitude section is very important as it tests a candidate's problem-solving and analytical skills, which are crucial for many professional roles. It often carries significant weight in the overall scoring of competitive exams, influencing the selection process.
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