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Note: The questions provided in this document are similar to the questions that were asked in the actual Olympiad exam. So, we recommend you study these for your Olympiad preparation.

Word and Structure Knowledge

Choose the Correct Option to Complete Each Sentence. (Question 1 to 24)

Q1: Even after putting in long hours, she faced accusations and was arrested for __________ of the company's funds.
(a) extravaganza
(b) embezzlement
(c) embodiment
(d) embellishment

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct answer is embezzlement, which means the act of wrongfully taking or misappropriating funds that one has been entrusted to manage.
  • In this context, it refers to her being accused of stealing money from the company.
  • The other options do not relate to financial misconduct: extravaganza refers to a lavish event, embodiment means a tangible representation, and embellishment means adding decorative details.
  • Thus, embezzlement is the only term that fits the situation described.

Q2: After the riots in the city, a __________ of armed vehicles of the police force patrolled the city for many days.
(a) convoy
(b) cluster
(c) caravan
(d) cavalier

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Ans: (a)

  • The term convoy refers to a group of vehicles traveling together for safety, which is exactly what the police did after the riots.
  • In this context, the police used a convoy of armed vehicles to ensure security in the city.
  • Other options like cluster and caravan do not accurately describe a military or police formation.
  • Thus, the correct answer is convoy, as it best fits the situation described.

Q3: __________ who possess a high level of composure are considered men of high moral standards.
(a) These
(b) This
(c) Those
(d) That

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Ans: (c)

  • In this sentence, the word "Those" is used to refer to a specific group of people who have a high level of composure.
  • "Those" indicates a plural form, which is appropriate here as it refers to multiple individuals.
  • The other options, "These," "This," and "That," do not fit the context as they either refer to singular or different groups.
  • Thus, "Those" is the correct choice, highlighting the moral standards of a particular group.

Q4: Take a break for __________; you guys have been working earnestly for this competition. I’m sure you’ll kill it.
(a) yours
(b) yourselves
(c) yourself
(d) ourself

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct answer is yourselves because it refers to the group of people being addressed, indicating that they should take a break for their own benefit.
  • Using yourselves emphasizes that the break is for the individuals in the group, making it more personal and inclusive.
  • Other options like yours and yourself do not fit grammatically in this context, as they do not address the group collectively.
  • Ourself is incorrect because it is not standard English; the correct reflexive pronoun for a group is yourselves.

Q5: Just because her beliefs differ from yours, it doesn't give you the right __________ her publicly.
(a) to construe
(b) to optimise
(c) to quench
(d) to denigrate

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct answer is to denigrate, which means to criticize someone unfairly.
  • It's important to respect others' beliefs, even if they are different from your own.
  • Publicly criticizing or belittling someone for their beliefs is not acceptable behavior.
  • Everyone has the right to their own opinions, and we should promote understanding rather than hostility.

Q6: The soldiers sacrifice a lot in order to protect the country. Their sacrifices must be __________ by our countrymen.
(a) sentenced
(b) recommended
(c) acknowledged
(d) transgressed

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is acknowledged. This means that the sacrifices made by soldiers should be recognized and appreciated by the people of the country.
  • It is important for countrymen to show gratitude and respect for the sacrifices made by the soldiers.
  • Choosing acknowledged emphasizes the need for recognition rather than punishment or disregard.
  • Other options like sentenced and transgressed do not fit the context of honoring sacrifices.

Q7: Every problem for a middle-class man __________ one thing—lack of money.
(a) boiled up
(b) boils down to
(c) boil upon
(d) boils of to

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "boils down to" means to reduce something to its most essential point.
  • In this context, it indicates that all problems faced by a middle-class man can be traced back to a lack of money.
  • Options (a), (c), and (d) do not convey the same meaning and are incorrect.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (b) because it accurately reflects the idea that financial issues are at the core of the problems.

Q8: If everything __________ place as I hope, I will be promoted to CEO of the group and shift to Florida.
(a) fall up
(b) fell through
(c) falls into
(d) fell down

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct phrase is falls into place, which means that things are happening as planned or expected.
  • In this context, if everything falls into place, it indicates that the speaker's hopes for promotion and relocation will come true.
  • Options (a), (b), and (d) do not convey the same meaning and are incorrect in this context.
  • Thus, the answer is (c) because it fits the sentence perfectly.

Q9: We __________ every possible reason to sue her if we want our case to be strong enough to win.
(a) might considered
(b) must considering
(c) could be considered
(d) should consider 

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Ans: (d)

  • In this sentence, the correct phrase is "should consider," which indicates a recommendation or necessity.
  • The phrase "should consider" suggests that it is important to think about all possible reasons to strengthen the case.
  • Other options like "might considered" and "must considering" are grammatically incorrect and do not fit the context.
  • Using "could be considered" changes the meaning to a possibility rather than a recommendation.

Q10: We don’t know what __________, so we should be prepared for anything that comes our way.
(a) can happening next
(b) must happen next
(c) might happen next
(d) should be happened next

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Ans: (c)

  • The phrase "might happen next" indicates uncertainty about future events.
  • It suggests that we should be ready for various possibilities.
  • Options (a), (b), and (d) do not convey the same level of uncertainty.
  • Thus, the correct choice is (c) as it aligns with the idea of being prepared for anything.

Q11: I suppose that you __________ the news that our party lost the college election.
(a) have already heard
(b) has already heard
(c) was already hearing
(d) are already heard

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct phrase is "have already heard," which indicates that the action of hearing the news happened at some point before now.
  • Option (b) "has already heard" is incorrect because it does not agree with the subject "you."
  • Option (c) "was already hearing" suggests an ongoing action in the past, which does not fit the context.
  • Option (d) "are already heard" is grammatically incorrect as it misuses the verb form.

Q12: Nothing would have made the little girl happier than those balloons she __________ when I saw her.
(a) was played with
(b) was playing with
(c) has been played with
(d) is playing with

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct answer is was playing with because it indicates an action that was ongoing in the past when the speaker saw the girl.
  • Using was playing with shows that the girl was actively engaged with the balloons at that moment.
  • Other options like was played with suggest a passive action, which doesn't fit the context.
  • Has been played with and is playing with do not correctly convey the past situation described.

Q13: It was my first time performing stand-up comedy, but I felt more at ease when the audience laughed __________ at my jokes.
(a) previously
(b) conversely
(c) gleefully
(d) rarely

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is gleefully, which means the audience laughed with joy and happiness.
  • This reaction helped the performer feel more comfortable and confident on stage.
  • In contrast, laughing rarely would indicate that the audience was not enjoying the performance.
  • Overall, a positive response from the audience is crucial for a first-time comedian.

Q14: India has been exporting cotton, wool, jute, etc. __________ since independence.
(a) around
(b) however
(c) overseas
(d) nearby

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is overseas, which means that India has been sending these products to other countries.
  • This indicates that the exports are not just local but are reaching international markets.
  • Since independence, India has developed its trade relationships and has been actively exporting various goods.
  • Other options like around and nearby do not convey the idea of international trade, while however does not fit the context of the sentence.

Q15: All my friends had a great time at my bachelorette, as it was a __________ cocktail party.
(a) consortium
(b) morose
(c) convivial
(d) gloomy

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Ans: (c)

  • The word convivial means friendly, lively, and enjoyable, which perfectly describes a fun cocktail party.
  • In contrast, options like morose and gloomy suggest sadness, which does not fit the context of a joyful celebration.
  • Consortium refers to a group or association, which is unrelated to the atmosphere of a party.
  • Thus, convivial is the best choice, indicating a cheerful and festive gathering.

Q16: We should ensure that students understand that referring to one another as ‘fat’ or ‘ugly’ is a __________ action.
(a) pejorative
(b) prominent
(c) personified
(d) practical

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Ans: (a)

  • In this context, the word pejorative means that calling someone ‘fat’ or ‘ugly’ is a term that expresses contempt or disapproval.
  • It is important for students to recognize that such language can be hurtful and damaging to others.
  • Understanding the impact of words helps promote a more respectful and supportive environment.
  • Other options like prominent, personified, and practical do not convey the same negative connotation as pejorative does.

Q17: __________ all the efforts made by me, the project was given to him biasedly.
(a) Despite of
(b) In spite of
(c) In order to
(d) In view to

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "In spite of" indicates that something happened regardless of the efforts made.
  • In this context, it shows that even though the speaker put in a lot of effort, the project was unfairly assigned to someone else.
  • "Despite of" is incorrect because the correct form is simply "despite."
  • The other options, "In order to" and "In view to," do not fit the context of the sentence.

Q18: The companies were instructed not to sell any other goods online __________ medical supplies and food products.
(a) except
(b) only
(c) include
(d) accept

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is except, which means to exclude something.
  • This indicates that the companies are allowed to sell medical supplies and food products, but nothing else.
  • Using only would imply they can sell just those items, but it doesn't convey the exclusion of all other goods.
  • Include and accept do not fit the context of the sentence, as they do not convey the idea of exclusion.

Q19: __________ great change will come to the world when there is peace and unity among all nations.
(a) The, the, no article
(b) No article, the, a
(c) A, no article, the
(d) A, the, the 

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Ans: (d)

  • In this sentence, we are talking about a specific type of change, which is why we use the article A before "great change".
  • The phrase "peace and unity among all nations" is a general concept, so we use the to refer to it specifically.
  • Thus, the correct sequence of articles is A for "great change", the for "peace", and the for "unity".
  • Therefore, the correct answer is option (d) A, the, the.

Q20: It __________ that there is a right time for everything to happen, so don’t lose hope and have patience.
(a) will be saying
(b) has saying
(c) has been said
(d) would said

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Ans: (c)

  • The phrase "has been said" indicates that it is a common belief or saying.
  • This suggests that many people agree there is a right time for everything.
  • Options (a), (b), and (d) are incorrect because they do not use the correct grammatical structure.
  • Therefore, the correct answer is (c) "has been said".

Q21: __________ we had left early, we wouldn’t have been able to reach our destination on time because of the traffic.
(a) Even if
(b) As if
(c) As well as
(d) Now so

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Ans: (a)

  • The phrase "Even if" is used to indicate a condition that does not change the outcome. In this case, it suggests that regardless of leaving early, the traffic would still cause delays.
  • Using "As if" would imply a comparison that doesn't fit the context of the sentence.
  • "As well as" is used for addition, which is not relevant here.
  • "Now so" does not convey a conditional meaning, making it incorrect for this sentence.

Q22: Will you inform me about the number of guests attending this event __________ I can prepare refreshments and other necessities?
(a) unless
(b) so that
(c) as though
(d) now that

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct option is so that, which indicates a purpose or reason for needing the information about the guests.
  • Using so that shows that the speaker wants to know the number of guests in order to make necessary arrangements.
  • Other options like unless and as though do not fit the context of preparing for the event.
  • Now that implies a condition that has already been met, which does not align with the need for prior information.

Q23: The idiom ‘go down in flames’ means
(a) to burn oneself in fire
(b) to light a fire
(c) to be utterly ruined
(d) to be admired by everyone

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Ans: (c)

  • The phrase go down in flames refers to a situation where something fails spectacularly or is completely destroyed.
  • It often describes a dramatic failure or collapse, especially in a public or noticeable way.
  • For example, a project that fails after much effort can be said to have gone down in flames.
  • Thus, the correct meaning is to be utterly ruined.

Q24: The doctor said, “You shall avoid lifting heavy weights for about a month.” 
The doctor __________ lifting heavy weights for about a month.
(a) asked me whether are you avoiding
(b) ordered me if I could avoid
(c) told me that you should avoid
(d) advised me that I should avoid

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Ans: (d)

  • The doctor is giving a recommendation about lifting heavy weights.
  • In this context, "advised" means the doctor is suggesting that I should not lift heavy weights.
  • Options (a) and (b) do not accurately reflect the doctor's intent.
  • Option (c) is close but does not convey the same level of guidance as "advised."

Choose the Option With the Correct Spelling. (Question 25 to 26)

Q25: How do you spell the term that refers to “something of lesser importance compared to another”? 
(a) Subesidiary
(b) Subsidiary
(c) Sabsediary
(d) Subsidairy

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct spelling is subsidiary, which indicates something that is less important than something else.
  • It is often used in business to describe a company that is controlled by another larger company.
  • Understanding the correct spelling is important for clear communication, especially in formal writing.
  • Options like "Subesidiary" and "Sabsediary" are incorrect and do not represent the correct term.

Q26: How do you spell the term that refers to “having sharp mental insight and comprehension”? 
(a) Persipicacious
(b) Prespicious
(c) Perspicacious
(d) Prespicacious

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct spelling is perspicacious, which describes someone who has a strong ability to understand things quickly and accurately.
  • This word is often used to highlight someone's sharp insight or keen perception.
  • Options (a), (b), and (d) are incorrect spellings and do not convey the same meaning.
  • Understanding this word can help in recognizing intelligent and perceptive individuals in various contexts.

Q27: Choose the correct Synonym of the word.
(a) Reflection
(b) Difference
(c) Deterioration
(d) Retroversion

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Ans: (a)

  • The term onomatopoeia refers to words that imitate sounds, like "buzz" or "sizzle."
  • Among the options, reflection can relate to the idea of mirroring sounds, making it the closest synonym.
  • The other options, such as difference, deterioration, and retroversion, do not relate to sound imitation.
  • Thus, the correct answer is reflection as it captures the essence of sound representation.

Q28: Choose the correct Synonym of the word.
(a) Conducive
(b) Seasonable
(c) Inconvenient
(d) Commodious

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Ans: (c)

  • The word rebarbative means something that is unpleasant or off-putting.
  • Among the options, inconvenient best captures this meaning, as it refers to something that causes difficulty or discomfort.
  • Other options like conducive, seasonable, and commodious do not relate to the idea of being unpleasant or difficult.
  • Thus, the correct synonym for rebarbative is inconvenient.

Q29: Choose the correct Antonym of the word.
(a) Recklessness
(b) Absurdity
(c) Fanaticism
(d) Contentment

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Ans: (d)

  • The word impetuosity refers to acting quickly and without thought, often in a reckless manner.
  • The correct antonym is contentment, which means a state of satisfaction and calmness.
  • In contrast, recklessness, absurdity, and fanaticism all imply a lack of control or rationality, which is opposite to the calmness of contentment.
  • Thus, contentment is the best choice as it represents a peaceful and thoughtful state, unlike impetuosity.

Q30: Choose the correct Antonym of the word.
(a) Characteristic
(b) Manipulation
(c) Prevalent
(d) Chicanery

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Ans: (c)

  • The word idiosyncratic refers to something that is unique or peculiar to an individual.
  • The correct antonym is prevalent, which means something that is widespread or common.
  • In contrast, characteristic refers to a trait, manipulation involves influencing something, and chicanery means trickery, none of which are opposites of idiosyncratic.
  • Thus, prevalent is the best choice as it signifies the opposite meaning of being unique.


Read the Passage and Answer the Questions That Follow. (Question 31 to 35)
Now is the time to think about ending the academic year with a bang! This is an opportune time to set up one-on-one conversations with each of your teachers to find out what you can be doing to improve on your weaknesses in their classes.
Usually, this is a great time to gain extra points. Here are some tips to think about: in English and history courses, you might want to bring in any old essays on which you didn’t get a straight A and go over each one of them with your teacher to see what you could have done better. You may want to offer to rewrite several of these essays-not for another grade, but just to show the teacher how committed you are to becoming a better writer and a better student of English and history. Then you can ask the teacher for his or her guidance on the edits you’ve made to see how you’re coming along.
For math and science, now is a great time to turn in some extra problem sets and find out if you can gain extra credit in any way by doing extra work. You might also want to bring in your old quizzes and tests to go over any problems you didn’t understand.
Set up a time to meet with the teacher either before or after school to go over the problems one by one and to make sure you understand everything.
Rem ember, the final exams for math and science are normally cumulative, so you want to make sure you understand everything from the entire year.
Speaking of exams, now is also a great time to start studying for finals! I know it seems like ages away, but if you just start to review your notes, quizzes, tests, lab projects, and papers and make sure you understand any error you made in the past and how to prevent those errors from happening again, you’ll be in much better shape for your finals. So, get organized and collect all of the work from the entire year to review!
If you’re studying a foreign language, an effective and entertaining way to improve your mastery of the language is by watching some films in the language you’re studying.
While it is generally better to watch a movie from the culture of the language you’re studying, another fun way to strengthen your command of the language: Take a DVD of one of your favourite movies, one that you’ve seen many times, and change the audio settings to play the movie in the language you’re studying. Because you are already familiar with the plot and dialogue of this movie, you won’t get lost as you listen to it in another language. This exercise might also help you pick up slang phrases and figures of speech in the language you’re studying that you might not learn in the classroom.
Other ways to gain extra points with your teachers: make sure that you’re showing up to class on time, that you’re participating in the classroom, that you’re being helpful to your peers, and that you’re going above and beyond the required assignments. If you have time to do even a little bit of extra work, your teachers will be thoroughly impressed. Also, for juniors, this is the time to make a strong final impression on your teachers, especially the ones who might be writing you recommendations.
The best way to prepare for any exam is to practice, practice, practice. Buy the practice test books and do as many practice tests as humanly possible before you go in. Not only will you be much more familiar with the questions and the test, but studies have also shown that simply being exposed to a practice test ahead of time will yield high scores.

Q31: Read the statements I and II and choose the correct option. 
Statement I: Watching films in a foreign language can help students improve the language they are studying. 
Statement II: Students can pick up slang phrases and figures of speech by watching films in the foreign language they are studying.
(a) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct.
(b) Statement II is incorrect but Statement I is correct.
(c) Both the Statements I and II are incorrect.
(d) Both the Statements I and II are correct.

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Ans: (d)

  • Statement I is true because watching films in a foreign language exposes students to the language in a natural context, enhancing their understanding and skills.
  • Statement II is also true as films often include slang phrases and figures of speech that are commonly used in everyday conversation, which helps students learn more about the culture and language nuances.
  • Therefore, both statements are correct, making option (d) the right choice.

Q32: Which of these statements is incorrect based on the passage?
(a) Get organized and collect all of the work from the entire year to review.
(b) Ensure that you’re arriving to class punctually and completing your assignments, but not additional work.
(c) You can seek the teacher's advice on the edits you’ve made to understand your progress.
(d) Purchase the practice test books and complete as many practice tests as you can. 

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Ans: (b)

  • The statement in option B suggests that students should not do extra work, which is misleading. It is important to complete assignments and also engage in additional study if needed.
  • Options A, C, and D promote effective study habits, such as organizing work, seeking guidance, and practicing with test books.
  • Being punctual and completing assignments is essential, but students should also be open to doing more to enhance their understanding.

Q33: One method to make a positive impression on your teacher is ________.
(a) to be on time, do your assignments, and help others
(b) to make sure you pass the exams
(c) to always attend class even when unwell or facing issues
(d) to frequently bring presents for the teacher

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Ans: (a)

  • To impress your teacher, the best approach is being punctual, completing your assignments, and assisting classmates. This shows responsibility and teamwork.
  • While passing exams is important, it doesn't directly reflect your effort in class.
  • Consistently attending class is commendable, but it doesn't replace the value of active participation.
  • Bringing gifts may be nice, but it is not a genuine way to earn respect or admiration.

Q34: What are some effective ways to enhance your performance in math and science subjects?
(a) By practicing only the specific papers that will appear in finals
(b) By inquiring with the teacher about potential exam questions
(c) By requesting the teacher's assistance either before or after school to review the problems
(d) By enrolling in tutoring sessions with a subject expert 

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Ans: (c)

  • One effective method to improve your math and science grades is asking the teacher for help either before or after school. This allows you to get personalized attention and clarify any doubts.
  • While practicing past papers and asking about exam questions can be helpful, direct interaction with the teacher can provide deeper understanding and support.
  • Utilizing tutoring can also be beneficial, but one-on-one time with your teacher can specifically target your individual challenges.
  • Overall, seeking help from your teacher is a proactive step towards better grades.

Q35: The word ‘cumulative’ means the same as __________.
(a) decrease
(b) diminish
(c) aggregate
(d) distancing

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Ans: (c)

  • The term cumulative refers to something that increases or builds up over time.
  • Among the options, aggregate means to combine or collect into a whole, which aligns with the idea of accumulation.
  • In contrast, decrease and diminish imply a reduction, while distancing suggests separation, which do not relate to the meaning of cumulative.
  • Thus, the correct answer is aggregate, as it captures the essence of accumulation.

Read the Passage and Answer the Questions That Follow. (Question 36 to 40)
Reaching back in time to the roaring 20s in southern California, author James Stewart’s debut work, Mystery at the Blue Sea Cottage, offers a compelling view of the intricacies of an unsolved homicide: the murder of a young and beautiful interpretive dancer, Fritzie Mann.
Based on years of research, this true- crime narrative poses an adept tracing of the history of this once sensationalized murder mystery brought forth through a multi-faceted lens that explores not only the murder but journalistic behaviours, the investigative processes during that era, and a Hollywood scandal connection, as well as exploring the culture of the time. 
Piquing the curiosity from the outset, this work of true crime immediately draws the attention into the fascinating backstory of Fritzie, who, for the most part, was a seemingly sensible but “modem” woman in her early twenties who worked to help with her sick sister’s medical bills by dancing. However, to her family, there was an air of mystery in her life when it came to her romantic associations, relationships, or dating.
Fritzie’s tragic story starts with the initial discovery of her body with a severe bruise on her forehead on a nearly empty stretch of beach. Initially unidentified as a corpse, it was not until several clues leading to her identification, including a note on a card stating “I am Fritzie Mann” along with other identifying but not immediately associated belongings strewn around the beach, began to build up to her true identity, especially once the connection was made that she was a well-known exotic dancer. Her death quickly became front-page fodder and grew into one of the most sensationalized news stories at the time in Southern California.
Additionally, the ensuing investigation seemed to lead to a path of evidentiary twists and turns, as clues led to inconsistent theories about her death. Was she murdered? Did she commit suicide, or did she drown? Moreover, she was discovered to be in “delicate condition”, adding more confusion and scandal as to the real reason for her demise. Albeit, once it was discovered that she was actually murdered, who did it and why became the prevalent questions, which then changed the tone of the investigation and introduced several interesting suspects, including a Hollywood actor whom Fritzie’s mother insisted was the actual murderer. Moreover, what follows within the narrative is a well-organized, thoroughly detailed work that takes the readers through the intimate details of the life and death of Fritzie as well as bringing to the edifying forefront the culture and lifestyle at the time, which did seem to embody a seamier side.
Overall, I enjoyed ‘Mystery at the Blue Sea Cottage’. 1 found it to be a completely engrossing true crime read set in an era when life, love, womanhood and murder were perceived very differently from current modern life. The detailing of the crime scene, the in-depth knowledge provided by the author and the way the readers are kept in suspense are all what one expects from a crime story. I was captivated by the detailing of the police work, autopsy scenes, investigation methods, culture of the time, and insight into the secrets and scandals played out in the roaring 20s in Hollywood. Moreover, the depiction of the scenes and characters all add to the intrigue, holding the readers’ attention and never letting go. Such a captivating nature of story-telling is not something that is easy to achieve, but which James Stewart managed to do in his debut work. I highly recommend this book. It is well worth the read, and I personally would love to see it made into a movie.

Q36: Where was Fritzie's body found?
(a) In her room
(b) In the woods
(c) Alongside the road
(d) On a nearly empty beach 

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Ans: (d)

  • The body of Fritzie was discovered on a nearly empty beach. This location suggests a secluded area, which could be significant in understanding the circumstances surrounding her death.
  • Finding her body in such a place raises questions about how she ended up there and what events led to this tragic situation.
  • Each of the other options presents a different scenario, but the beach is the correct and relevant location in this case.

Q37: The phrase ‘front-page fodder’ means
(a) a daily topic for newspapers
(b) an area of interest for gossipers
(c) becoming the cover photo for books
(d) significant topic for crime novel writers

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Ans: (a)

  • The term ‘front-page fodder’ refers to something that is frequently featured in the news, making it a daily topic for newspapers.
  • This phrase suggests that the subject is worthy of attention and is often discussed in the media.
  • It does not relate to gossip, book covers, or crime novels, but rather to newsworthy events.
  • Thus, the correct interpretation is that it is a common subject for newspaper headlines.

Q38: Select the statement that is incorrect based on the passage.
(a) Fritzie’s belongings were found around the beach.
(b) Fritzie’s mother insisted to the police that the actual murderer of her daughter was a Hollywood actor.
(c) Fritzie was working hard to provide enough for her sick sister’s medical bills.
(d) The true crime narrative highlights the negligence of the police investigation in attempting to solve crimes through experienced writers like Stewart. 

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct answer is (d) because it states that the true crime narrative highlights the negligence of the police investigation. This is not correct according to the passage.
  • Options (a), (b), and (c) are all accurate statements regarding Fritzie's situation and her family's concerns.
  • Fritzie's belongings being found, her mother's claims about a Hollywood actor, and her efforts for her sister's medical bills are all supported by the text.
  • Thus, option (d) is the only statement that does not align with the information provided in the passage.

Q39: The writer/speaker believes that the Mystery at the Blue Sea Cottage __________.
(a) should be stopped from being published further
(b) should be developed into a movie
(c) should not be sold to other countries
(d) should be turned into a series or trilogy

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Ans: (b)

  • The writer/speaker expresses a strong opinion that the Mystery at the Blue Sea Cottage has the potential to be developed into a movie.
  • This suggests that the story has engaging elements that could translate well to the big screen.
  • While other options mention different forms of media, the focus is clearly on the movie adaptation as the preferred choice.
  • Thus, the correct answer is that it should be developed into a movie.

Q40: The opposite meaning of the word ‘ensuing’ is __________.
(a) preceding
(b) later
(c) following
(d) subsequent

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Ans: (a)

  • The word ensuing refers to something that comes after or follows another event.
  • The correct opposite is preceding, which means something that comes before.
  • Options like later and following do not convey the opposite meaning, as they imply a similar sequence.
  • Thus, the best choice is preceding, as it directly contrasts with the meaning of ensuing.

Spoken and Written Expression

Choose the Correct Option to Complete the Conversation. (Question 41 to 45)

Q41: Siddharth: Manish, will you come at the entrance and ________ for me as the security guard ________ me in? 
Manish: Wait there, I am coming.
(a) vouch
(b) vote
(c) pray
(d) confide

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Ans: (a)

  • The correct word to use here is vouch, which means to support or confirm someone’s identity or request.
  • The phrase is not letting indicates that the security guard is currently preventing Siddharth from entering.
  • Using vouch makes sense as Manish is being asked to confirm Siddharth's identity to the guard.
  • The other options do not fit the context of the conversation appropriately.

Q42: Professor: If you continue to write like this, you will surely be selected for the writing program at Darcy College, so ________ the good work.
(a) keep on
(b) keep up
(c) keep off
(d) keep with

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "keep up the good work" means to maintain or continue doing something well.
  • In this context, the professor is encouraging the student to maintain their current level of writing.
  • Options "keep on" and "keep with" do not convey the same meaning as "keep up".
  • "Keep off" is unrelated to the context of encouragement.

Q43: Monica: At the party last night, you totally overlooked me and abandoned me ________.
(a) to scrape the barrel
(b) out in the cold
(c) to boil the ocean
(d) a snowball effect

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "out in the cold" means to be left alone or neglected, which fits Monica's feeling of being forgotten.
  • In contrast, "to scrape the barrel" refers to using the last of something, "to boil the ocean" means to attempt something impossible, and "a snowball effect" describes a situation that grows rapidly.
  • Monica's statement clearly indicates she felt abandoned, making "out in the cold" the most appropriate choice.

Q44: Kate: I have had enough of your ________ comments, and now I can’t even look at you.
(a) conundrum
(b) contrive
(c) cajole
(d) callous

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Ans: (d)

  • The word callous means showing no concern for the feelings of others, which fits the context of the statement.
  • Kate expresses her frustration with someone's insensitive comments, indicating that they have hurt her feelings.
  • The other options do not convey the same meaning: conundrum refers to a puzzle, contrive means to plan or devise, and cajole means to persuade someone through flattery.
  • Thus, the correct choice is callous, as it directly relates to the nature of the comments that upset Kate.

Q45: Joe: Your business proposal swept me off my feet. I think you should give it __________.
(a) a palm off
(b) a whirl
(c) an occasion
(d) a thin ice

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "give it a whirl" means to try something out or experiment with it.
  • In this context, Joe is encouraging someone to try their business proposal.
  • The other options do not convey the same meaning of trying or testing something.
  • Thus, the correct answer is "a whirl," which suggests taking a chance on the proposal.

Achievers Section

Choose the Correct Option to Complete Each Sentence. (Question 46 to 47)

Q46: The ___________ of the old hostel days is gone. These days, no one likes to intervene in others’ lives and initiate conversations.
(a) demagogue
(b) circumlocution
(c) camaraderie
(d) boisterous

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Ans: (c)

  • The term camaraderie refers to the friendship and mutual trust among people, which was common in the old hostel days.
  • In the past, people were more willing to engage and connect with each other, creating a sense of community.
  • Today, there is a noticeable shift where individuals prefer to keep to themselves and avoid intervening in others' lives.
  • This change highlights a loss of that close-knit atmosphere that once characterized hostel life.

Q47: The house we used to live in had an outbreak of mold, so it had become ____________ us to move from there until it was taken care of.
(a) incumbent on
(b) inveterate for
(c) insolent of
(d) ingress with

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Ans: (a)

  • The term incumbent on means it was necessary or required for us to move due to the mold issue.
  • Inveterate for does not fit the context, as it refers to something habitual or ingrained.
  • Insolent of implies rudeness, which is unrelated to the situation.
  • Ingress with suggests entering, which is not relevant here.

Q48: Choose the correct Antonym of the word.
(a) Abscond
(b) Vamoose
(c) Scram
(d) Continue

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Ans: (d)

  • The word absquatulate means to leave abruptly or to flee. Therefore, we need to find a word that means the opposite.
  • Among the options, abscond, vamoose, and scram all imply leaving quickly or escaping.
  • On the other hand, continue means to persist or carry on, which is the opposite of leaving.
  • Thus, the correct antonym for absquatulate is continue.

Q49: Choose the correct Synonym of the word.
(a) Passive
(b) Obstinate
(c) Acquiescent
(d) Compliant

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Ans: (b)

  • The word recalcitrant refers to someone who is stubborn or resistant to authority or control.
  • Among the options, obstinate means being stubborn or refusing to change one's mind, which aligns perfectly with the meaning of recalcitrant.
  • In contrast, passive, acquiescent, and compliant suggest a willingness to accept or follow, which is the opposite of being recalcitrant.
  • Thus, the correct synonym is obstinate.

Q50: Choose the correct option to complete the conversation: 
Father: It is never too late __________ and take the blame for your wrongdoings.
(a) to hit the books
(b) to go back to your drawing board
(c) to twist someone’s arm
(d) to rush into things

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Ans: (b)

  • to go back to your drawing board means to reconsider or start over after a mistake, which fits the context of taking responsibility.
  • The other options do not relate to accepting blame or reflecting on one's actions.
  • to hit the books refers to studying, to twist someone’s arm means to pressure someone, and to rush into things implies acting hastily.
  • Thus, option (b) is the most appropriate choice for the conversation.
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FAQs on English Olympiad Previous Year Paper - 2 - English Olympiad for Class 9

1. What topics are covered in the English Olympiad for Class 9?
Ans. The English Olympiad for Class 9 typically covers a range of topics including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills. It may also include word and structure knowledge, spoken and written expression, and other language-related tasks to assess students' overall proficiency in English.
2. How can I prepare effectively for the English Olympiad?
Ans. To prepare effectively for the English Olympiad, students should practice regularly by solving previous years' question papers, engaging in reading exercises, and expanding their vocabulary. Additionally, focusing on grammar rules and writing essays or short paragraphs can help enhance both written and spoken expression.
3. Are there any recommended books or resources for the English Olympiad?
Ans. Yes, there are several recommended books and online resources for the English Olympiad. Students can refer to guides specifically designed for Olympiad preparation, grammar workbooks, and vocabulary enhancement books. Additionally, practicing with online quizzes and mock tests can be very beneficial.
4. What is the format of the English Olympiad exam?
Ans. The format of the English Olympiad exam generally includes multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and descriptive questions. The exam aims to assess various skills such as reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary usage, and writing ability, often consisting of both objective and subjective sections.
5. How is the English Olympiad beneficial for students?
Ans. The English Olympiad is beneficial for students as it enhances their language skills, boosts confidence in using English, and improves their critical thinking abilities. It also provides an opportunity for students to compete at a national or international level, which can be a valuable addition to their academic profile.
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