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English Olympiad Model Test Paper - 2 | English Olympiad for Class 9 PDF Download

Note: The questions provided in this document are similar to the questions that were asked in the actual Olympiad exam. So, we recommend you study these for your Olympiad preparation.

Word and Structure Knowledge

Choose the Correct Option to Fill in the Blank. (Question 1 to 20)

Q1: Everyone reached a ________ on the issue based on voting.
(a) constitution
(b) comprise
(c) configuration
(d) consensus

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Ans: (d)

  • The term consensus refers to a general agreement among a group. In this context, it means that everyone involved came to a common understanding or decision after voting.
  • Voting indicates that the group discussed the issue and made a choice, leading to this agreement.
  • The other options like constitution, comprise, and configuration do not fit the context of reaching an agreement.
  • Thus, the correct answer is consensus, as it perfectly describes the outcome of the voting process.

Q2: She ________ the office before time yesterday because her clock was fast.
(a) reaching
(b) reaches
(c) will reach
(d) had reached

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct answer is had reached because it indicates an action that was completed in the past before another past event.
  • In this case, she arrived at the office early due to her clock being fast, which is a past event.
  • Using had reached shows that her arrival happened before the time she was supposed to be there.
  • The other options do not fit the past context of the sentence.

Q3: My neighbor is a ________, which is why he seldom remains at home during holidays.
(a) writer
(b) lawyer
(c) tourist
(d) florist

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is tourist because a tourist typically travels during vacations, which explains why he is rarely at home.
  • A writer and a lawyer usually have more stable schedules and may be home more often.
  • A florist primarily works with flowers and may not have a direct connection to being away during vacations.
  • Thus, the term tourist best fits the context of someone who is often away from home during holiday periods.

Q4: Rohan had to overlook his ________ all these years.
(a) reverberations
(b) shortcomings
(c) formations
(d) modifications

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Ans: (b)

  • In this context, shortcomings refers to Rohan's flaws or deficiencies that he has had to deal with over the years.
  • Choosing this option indicates that he has been aware of his limitations but has managed to move forward despite them.
  • The other options do not fit well in this context, as they refer to different concepts that do not relate to personal flaws.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (b) shortcomings, as it best captures the idea of Rohan's personal challenges.

Q5: The lawyer had to come up with a/an ________ argument for arguing the case.
(a) adjacent
(b) fastly
(c) consistent
(d) curiosity

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is consistent. A consistent argument means that the points made are logical and do not contradict each other.
  • In legal cases, having a consistent argument is crucial as it helps to build a strong case and persuade the judge or jury.
  • Options like adjacent and curiosity do not relate to the quality of an argument, while fastly is not a proper adverb in this context.
  • Thus, the lawyer needed a consistent argument to effectively present the case.

Q6: The student had been postponing his work ________ ever since he had been able to.
(a) forever
(b) here
(c) none
(d) ever

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Ans: (a)

  • The phrase "postponing his work" indicates that the student is delaying tasks.
  • The word "forever" suggests an indefinite period, which fits well with the context of continuous procrastination.
  • Options like "here" and "none" do not make sense in this context.
  • Thus, "forever" is the most appropriate choice to convey the idea of ongoing delay.

Q7: The unruly student had been getting a ________ out of anyone he had a chance with.
(a) rinse
(b) rough
(c) rise
(d) guise

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Ans: (c)

  • The phrase "getting a rise" means to provoke a reaction or response from someone.
  • In this context, the unruly student is causing trouble or annoyance to others.
  • Options like "rinse," "rough," and "guise" do not fit the meaning of provoking a reaction.
  • Thus, the correct answer is "rise," as it accurately describes the student's behavior.

Q8: The managing authorities were not sure how to ________ the issue without losing more time.
(a) catch
(b) tackle
(c) give
(d) resolve

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is tackle, which means to deal with or address a problem.
  • The context suggests that the authorities need to address the issue quickly, hence tackle is the most appropriate choice.
  • Catch and give do not fit the context of managing an issue effectively.
  • Resolve could be a possible option, but it was not provided in the original choices.

Q9: Her friend encountered the bull one day while he was ________.
(a) dislocated
(b) distracted
(c) lazed
(d) detracted

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct answer is distracted. This means the bull was not paying attention to its surroundings.
  • If the bull was distracted, it could have been focused on something else, making it more likely for the friend to run into it.
  • Other options like dislocated and detracted do not fit the context of the situation.
  • Being lazed does not imply any action that would lead to an encounter.

Q10: The cats stayed ________ the bridge for safety during the winter.
(a) upon
(b) along
(c) under
(d) beside

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is under because it indicates that the cats found shelter beneath the bridge, which is a safe place during winter.
  • Choosing upon suggests being on top, which is not safe in winter.
  • Along implies being next to the bridge, which does not provide safety.
  • Beside also means next to, and does not convey the idea of protection from the cold.

Q11: One of her relatives stayed in the room ________ to the staircase on the ground floor.
(a) upon
(b) within
(c) off
(d) adjacent

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Ans: (d)

  • The word adjacent means next to or adjoining something else. In this case, it indicates that the room is located next to the staircase.
  • Upon, within, and off do not convey the same meaning of being next to something.
  • Thus, the correct choice is adjacent, as it accurately describes the position of the room in relation to the staircase.

Q12: Mohan developed a toothache ________ the doctor has advised him to avoid hot and cold foods.
(a) as
(b) so
(c) because
(d) yet

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is because. This word explains the reason for Mohan's toothache.
  • It connects the two parts of the sentence, indicating that the toothache is the reason for the doctor's advice.
  • Using as or so would not correctly convey the cause-and-effect relationship here.
  • Yet implies contrast, which does not fit the context of the sentence.

Q13: The leader stood ________ the podium, while he addressed the gathering of eager enthusiasts.
(a) under
(b) up
(c) behind
(d) away

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct answer is behind because it indicates the leader's position relative to the podium.
  • Standing behind the podium suggests he is in a position to speak to the audience while being supported by the podium.
  • Other options like under or away do not accurately describe a typical speaking position.
  • Thus, behind is the most logical choice for addressing a gathering.

Q14: The rain has stopped and ________ the guests haven’t arrived for the meeting.
(a) because
(b) away
(c) yet
(d) until

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is yet. It indicates that the guests have not arrived up to this point in time, even though the rain has stopped.
  • Using yet shows that there is an expectation for the guests to arrive, but they haven't done so so far.
  • Other options like because and until do not fit the context of the sentence properly.
  • Away does not make sense in this context, as it does not relate to the arrival of guests.

Q15: The director walked ________ the room before he made the announcement.
(a) behind
(b) away
(c) beside
(d) across

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct answer is across because it indicates that the director moved from one side of the room to the other.
  • This movement suggests he was traversing the space, which is appropriate before making an announcement.
  • Other options like behind, away, and beside do not convey the same meaning of moving through the room.
  • Thus, across is the best choice to describe the director's action.

Q16: The friends decided that they would ________ go to the park or to the restaurant.
(a) or
(b) either
(c) neither
(d) until

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is either, which indicates a choice between two options.
  • Using either suggests that they have two possibilities: going to the park or going to the restaurant.
  • The other options do not fit the context: or is too vague, neither implies no choice, and until does not relate to making a choice.
  • Thus, the sentence correctly reads: "The friends decided that they would either go to the park or to the restaurant."

Q17: He was hurt during the race ________ he kept running until the end.
(a) but
(b) so
(c) until
(d) because

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Ans: (a)

  • The word "but" is used here to show a contrast between being injured and continuing to run.
  • It indicates that despite the injury, he made the effort to finish the race.
  • Using "so" would imply a cause-and-effect relationship, which doesn't fit the context.
  • Similarly, "until" and "because" do not convey the contrast needed in this sentence.

Q18: The rain patted ________ on the roof and it produced a melodious sound.
(a) greedily
(b) gently
(c) brightly
(d) frightfully

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Ans: (b)

  • The word "gently" describes how the rain falls softly, creating a pleasant sound.
  • Other options like "greedily" and "frightfully" do not fit the context of a soothing rain sound.
  • "Brightly" also does not relate to the sound produced by rain.
  • Thus, "gently" is the most appropriate choice, emphasizing the softness of the rain.

Q19: Riya always found it amusing to ________ her mother’s actions whenever she had the chance.
(a) snake
(b) ape
(c) bear
(d) crow

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Ans: (b)

  • In this context, the word "ape" means to imitate or mimic someone, which fits perfectly with Riya's behavior of finding humor in copying her mother.
  • The other options do not convey the same meaning: "snake" refers to a reptile, "bear" means to endure, and "crow" is a type of bird.
  • Thus, "ape" is the correct choice as it directly relates to mimicking actions.

Q20: ________ Great Wall of China is said to be visible from the moon.
(a) A
(b) The
(c) An
(d) No article

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct answer is The because it specifies a particular landmark, the Great Wall of China.
  • When we refer to something unique or well-known, we use the definite article The.
  • In this case, the Great Wall is a specific structure that is recognized globally.
  • Using A or An would imply any wall, which is not accurate in this context.

Q21: The dog chased him along the lane until he ________ down and broke his limb.
(a) falls
(b) feels
(c) fell
(d) falling

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Ans: (c)

  • The correct word to complete the sentence is fell, which is the past tense of fall.
  • This indicates that the action of falling has already happened, matching the context of the sentence.
  • Using falls or feels would not fit because they do not indicate a completed action.
  • Falling is also incorrect as it suggests an ongoing action rather than something that has already occurred.

Q22: It had been raining since yesterday and ________ the dam is not even half-full.
(a) because
(b) as
(c) so
(d) still

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct answer is still because it indicates that despite the continuous rain, the dam has not filled up.
  • Still suggests a contrast between the expectation of the dam filling and the reality that it is not even half-full.
  • Options like because, as, and so do not convey this contrast effectively in this context.
  • Thus, still is the best choice to express that the situation remains unchanged despite the rain.

Q23: The court dealt with several ________ important issues during the day.
(a) many
(b) equally
(c) equidistant
(d) opposite

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Ans: (b)

  • The word equally suggests that the important issues were of similar significance.
  • Using many would imply a large number, but not necessarily equal importance.
  • Equidistant refers to distance, which does not apply to issues.
  • Opposite suggests a contrast, which is not relevant in this context.

Q24: The ________ look on her face left us in no doubt about her confusing situation.
(a) minor
(b) quizzical
(c) randomly
(d) ecstatic

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Ans: (b)

  • The word quizzical means showing confusion or puzzlement, which fits the context of the sentence.
  • A minor look would not convey confusion, and randomly does not describe a facial expression.
  • Ecstatic suggests extreme happiness, which is opposite to confusion.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (b) quizzical, as it accurately describes her confused state.

Q25: Which of the following terms describes something that is misleading or intended to deceive?
(a) Perceptive
(b) Forthright
(c) Deceptive
(d) Investigative

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Ans: (c)

  • The term deceptive refers to something that is meant to mislead or trick someone.
  • In contrast, perceptive means having a good understanding or insight.
  • Forthright indicates being honest and direct, while investigative relates to examining or inquiring into something.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (c) deceptive, as it aligns with the idea of fraud or trickery.

Q26: What is the meaning of the word "Diligent"?
(a) Negligent
(b) Useful
(c) Languid
(d) Assiduous 

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Ans: (d)

  • Diligent refers to someone who is hardworking and careful in their work.
  • The correct answer, Assiduous, means showing great care and perseverance.
  • In contrast, Negligent implies a lack of attention, while Languid suggests weakness or fatigue.
  • Thus, Diligent and Assiduous are synonymous, both indicating a strong work ethic.

Q27: Which of the following describes something that occurs at regular intervals?
(a) Chaotic
(b) Punctual
(c) Periodic
(d) Typical 

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Ans: (c)

  • The term periodic refers to events that happen at regular intervals.
  • In contrast, chaotic implies randomness, while punctual relates to being on time, and typical means usual or normal.

Q28: What does the term "Radiant" imply?
(a) Lustrous
(b) Colourful
(c) Beaming
(d) Sullen

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Ans: (d)

  • The word "Radiant" typically refers to something that is bright and shining.
  • Among the options, "Sullen" means gloomy or sad, which is the opposite of what "Radiant" conveys.
  • On the other hand, "Lustrous," "Colourful," and "Beaming" suggest brightness or positivity, but they do not match the meaning of "Radiant" in this context.
  • Thus, the correct answer is "Sullen," as it highlights the contrast to the brightness associated with "Radiant."

Q29: How is the word that signifies 'boring' spelled?
(a) Humdum
(b) Humdrum
(c) Hurmdum
(d) Hurdrum

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct spelling of the word meaning 'tedious' is humdrum.
  • This word describes something that is monotonous or lacks excitement.
  • Options (a), (c), and (d) are incorrect spellings and do not represent the word.
  • Remember, humdrum is often used to describe dull routines or activities.

Q30: How do you write the word that signifies ‘friendly’?
(a) Congneial
(b) Cungienal
(c) Congial
(d) Congenial 

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct spelling of the word meaning ‘friendly’ is Congenial.
  • Options (a), (b), and (c) are incorrect spellings.
  • This word is often used to describe a pleasant and agreeable personality.
  • Remember, the key part of the word is "genial," which relates to being warm and friendly.


Read the Passage and Answer the Questions That Follow. (Question 31 to 35)
People who are antagonistic, exploitative and generally disagreeable are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories, according to recent study from a UO researcher.
Cameron Kay, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Psychology, found that people who possess personality traits known as the “Dark Tetrad” are more likely to believe Princess Diana’s death was orchestrated by the British royal family, that the moon landing was faked, and that alien spacecraft are being stored at Area 51, among other conspiracy theories. Kay’s study was published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences.
The traits of the Dark Tetrad are Machiavellianism (manipulativeness and cynicism); narcissism (vanity and selfobsession); psychopathy (impulsivity and callousness); and sadism (cruelty and abusiveness). Most people have elements of some of these traits, Kay said.
In plain terms, it seems like disagreeable people, who score high in these traits, are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories,” Kay said. “They are prone to odd beliefs. They don’t feel like they are in control of their lives. They are robbed of their agency and have an innate distrust of other people and organizations like the government.”
To conduct his study, Kay recruited 500 undergraduate students at the UO to complete a one-hour survey designed to measure the traits in question as well as belief in conspiracy theories (26 students were ultimately excluded). The survey also measured tendencies to have unusual beliefs, to feel a lack of control over one’s future, to desire control, to trust others, and to feel a need to be unique.
In analysing the results, Kay found evidence that aspects of all four of the Dark Tetrad traits are associated with conspiracist ideation. Nearly all of the associations were attributable to the tendency of those with disagreeable personalities to hold odd beliefs, be fatalistic and distrust others.
Kay got interested in conspiracy theories and the people who believe them while working on his master’s degree in journalism at the UO in 2017, during which he talked with and learned about a group of people in Portland who believe that Earth is flat.
Being able to determine why certain people believe conspiracy theories may lead to ways to combat misinformation and decrease belief in conspiracy theories, he said.
“The long-term goal is to come up with ways to decrease conspiracist ideation among people with these personality traits,” he said.

Q31: Choose the most appropriate title for the passage.
(a) Dark Tetrad
(b) Personality Differences
(c) Famous Odd Beliefs
(d) Conspiracy Theories

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Ans: (a)

  • The Dark Tetrad refers to a specific set of personality traits that include narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism. This title is the most fitting as it directly relates to the content of the passage.
  • Other options like Personality Differences and Famous Odd Beliefs do not capture the specific focus on the Dark Tetrad traits.
  • Conspiracy Theories is also unrelated to the main theme of the passage.
  • Thus, the best title that encapsulates the essence of the passage is Dark Tetrad.

Q32: What is the name of the researcher who carried out a survey involving 500 undergraduate students?
(a) Dr. Tetrad
(b) Diana
(c) Cameron Kay
(d) Aristotle

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Ans: (c)

  • The researcher who conducted the survey is Cameron Kay.
  • This survey involved 500 undergraduate students, which indicates a significant sample size for research.
  • Understanding the findings from such a survey can provide insights into the student population and their behaviors or opinions.
  • It's important to recognize the role of researchers like Cameron Kay in contributing to academic knowledge.

Q33: According to the passage, in which region do individuals think that the Earth is flat?
(a) US citizens
(b) People of Portland
(c) People of Britain
(d) People of Oregon

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Ans: (b)

  • The passage indicates that the belief in a flat Earth is held by a specific group.
  • It highlights that this belief is particularly associated with the People of Portland.
  • Other options refer to different groups or locations that do not share this belief.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (b) because it directly aligns with the information provided in the passage.

Q34: What characteristics define the Dark Tetrad?
(a) Machiavellianism, Fatalism
(b) Sadism, Psychopathy, Insightful
(c) Narcissism, Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Sadism
(d) Plagiarism, Psychopathy, Flexible

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Ans: (c)

  • The Dark Tetrad consists of four personality traits: Narcissism, Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and Sadism.
  • These traits are often associated with manipulative and self-serving behaviors.
  • Understanding these traits helps in recognizing toxic personalities in social and professional settings.
  • Option (c) correctly lists all four traits, making it the right answer.

Q35: According to the passage, how many undergraduate students ultimately finished a one-hour survey conducted by Kay?
(a) 26
(b) 500
(c) 474
(d) No one 

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Ans: (c)

  • The passage states that 474 undergraduate students completed the survey.
  • This indicates a significant participation rate among the students.
  • Options (a), (b), and (d) do not reflect the actual number of students who finished the survey.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (c) 474, as it accurately represents the completion count.

Read the Passage and Answer the Questions That Follow. (Question 36 to 40)

Marathons or runs done in the name of a charity are a method of creating awareness about a cause. Running for a cause continues to be an important motivator for the running industry. From participant acquisition, to driving community engagement, improving runners’ experience and building positive brand perception, charity programs are a vital part of the endurance space.
Two members of Norfolk’s farming community are going the extra mile to help their counterparts in Africa - by running the London Marathon for charity.
Phoebe Russell, a dairy adviser for the National Farmers’ Union (NFU), who lives near King’s Lynn, and Luke Paterson of Dilham Flail Farms, near North Walsham, are both training for the physical challenge on October 3.
They will run 26 miles to raise money for international development charity Farm Africa, which aims to reduce poverty in eastern Africa by supporting farmers to grow more, and sell for more.
Miss Russell is already more than half-way to her target of £2,250. But rather than simply asking for donations, she has used her industry contacts to provide prizes for an online raffle.
Donations can be translated into tickets costing £6 each or two for £10, with donated prizes including tickets for the Annual Worshipful Company of Butchers’ Christmas Lunch, a 2 kg block of 24-month aged cheddar, a £25 book voucher, a food and drink hamper, a personalised cushion and milk candles. She said the raffle was a fun way to raise money for the valuable work of Farm Africa.
“It is really important to get agriculture right in this country, but at the same time food, farming and the environment are global concerns so 1 wanted to support a worthwhile charity that taps into those areas,” Phoebe said.
“I really wanted to do the marathon, so this is an opportunity to do it for a good cause. It takes a lot of time and energy, but that really keeps you going when it becomes a big slog to train.”
Mr. Paterson also said the exhausting long training runs for his first marathon were worth the effort for the Farm Africa cause.
“I worked in South Africa when I was 18, and had my eyes opened to what poverty means over there compared to over here,” he said.
“If you can teach someone to grow and market their crops so they can stand on their own two feet, it seemed a good way to go about supporting people.”

Q36: According to the passage, who are the two individuals from Norfolk’s agricultural community making extra efforts to assist their peers in Africa through running?
(a) Rosa Parks, Luke Paterson
(b) Jay Russell, Phoebe Russell
(c) Phoebe Russell, Luke Paterson
(d) Rosa Parks, Jay Russell

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Ans: (c)

  • Phoebe Russell and Luke Paterson are highlighted as the two members from Norfolk’s farming community.
  • They are recognized for their commitment to supporting their counterparts in Africa.
  • Their method of assistance involves running, which signifies their dedication and effort.
  • This initiative showcases the spirit of community and solidarity across different regions.

Q37: According to the passage, how many miles will they run?
(a) 36 miles
(b) 20 miles
(c) 24 miles
(d) 26 miles 

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Ans: (d)

  • They will run a total of 26 miles as part of the London Marathon.
  • This distance is standard for marathons, which is a significant challenge.
  • Their goal is to raise money for Farm Africa, which supports farmers in eastern Africa.
  • Both Phoebe Russell and Luke Paterson are committed to this cause through their running efforts.

Q38: What is the purpose of fundraising?
(a) To construct dams in underdeveloped nations
(b) To alleviate poverty in eastern Africa
(c) To enhance agricultural skills in Norfolk
(d) To travel around the globe

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Ans: (b)

  • The main goal of raising money is often to support initiatives that help those in need.
  • In this case, the focus is on reducing poverty specifically in eastern Africa.
  • While other options mention important causes, they do not directly address the primary aim of fundraising in this context.
  • Thus, option (b) is the correct answer as it aligns with the objective of improving living conditions.

Q39: When did Mr. Paterson have his employment in South Africa?
(a) At the age of 20
(b) At the age of 30
(c) At the age of 42
(d) At the age of 18 

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Ans: (d)

  • Mr. Paterson began his work in South Africa when he was 18 years old.
  • This age indicates that he started his career quite early.
  • The other options suggest ages that are not correct based on the information provided.
  • Thus, the correct answer is 18, as it aligns with the details given.

Q40: Choose the most appropriate title for the passage.
(a) Running For a Cause
(b) Poverty in Eastern Africa
(c) Phoebe Russell and Luke Paterson
(d) Solutions to Poverty

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Ans: (a)

  • The passage likely discusses a specific event or initiative related to running that aims to address social issues.
  • Running For a Cause suggests a focus on how running events can raise awareness or funds for important issues.
  • Other options, while relevant, do not capture the essence of the passage as effectively as option (a).
  • Thus, option (a) is the best title that reflects the main theme of the passage.

Spoken and Written Expression

Choose the Correct Option to Complete the Conversation. (Question 41 to 45)

Q41: John: Where is the library? 
Pooja: Go straight and then turn right. To your right, you ________ the library building.
(a) will getting
(b) will find
(c) will had
(d) will observe

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct phrase is "will find," which indicates that you will discover the library when you look to your right.
  • Using "will getting" is incorrect because "getting" does not fit the future tense structure.
  • "Will had" is also incorrect as "had" is past tense and does not match the future context.
  • "Will observe" is not the best choice here, as it implies watching rather than finding.

Q42: Sanjay: Do you have stationery? Shopkeeper: ________ .
(a) You can try again
(b) Walk fast
(c) Of course
(d) Turn east

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Ans: (c)

  • The shopkeeper's response indicates a positive affirmation to Sanjay's question about stationery.
  • Option (c) "Of course" clearly shows that the shopkeeper has stationery available.
  • The other options do not relate to the question about stationery, making them irrelevant.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (c) as it directly answers Sanjay's inquiry.

Q43: John: Where did you buy the shirt? Paul: At the mall. They have a good ________.
(a) bench
(b) sort
(c) kind
(d) collection

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Ans: (d)

  • The correct answer is collection because it refers to a variety of items available for purchase.
  • In this context, Paul is indicating that the mall has a good selection of shirts.
  • Collection implies a group of items that are gathered together, which fits perfectly with shopping.
  • The other options like bench, sort, and kind do not convey the same meaning in this context.

Q44: Tapu: Wow! What a surprise! I wasn’t expecting ________ visitor today.
(a) none
(b) any
(c) few
(d) all

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Ans: (b)

  • The correct word to fill in the blank is any. This is because the sentence expresses surprise at an unexpected visitor.
  • Using any indicates that Tapu did not anticipate a visitor at all, which fits the context of surprise.
  • None would imply there were no visitors expected, which doesn't convey the same surprise.
  • Few and all do not make sense in this context as they suggest a specific quantity or totality, which contradicts the idea of surprise.

Q45: Tim: Do you have empty cartons? Shopkeeper: No, today I don’t. Please check ________ tomorrow.
(a) on
(b) -
(c) at
(d) off

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Ans: (b)

  • The shopkeeper suggests checking for empty cartons tomorrow.
  • The correct preposition to use in this context is a dash (-), indicating no specific time or place.
  • Options like "on," "at," and "off" do not fit the sentence correctly.
  • Thus, the answer is a dash (-), which signifies a pause or absence of a specific detail.

Achievers Section

Choose the Correct Option to Fill in the Blank. (Question 46 to 47)

Q46: There is no place for ________ in our project team. We all need to contribute equally.
(a) dumpsters
(b) shirkers
(c) smirkers
(d) walkers

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Ans: (b)

  • The term shirkers refers to individuals who avoid work or responsibility. In a team setting, this is detrimental as it affects overall productivity.
  • In this context, the statement emphasizes the importance of everyone contributing equally to the project.
  • Having shirkers in the team would lead to an imbalance, where some members do not fulfill their duties.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (b) shirkers, as we need everyone to be responsible and engaged in the project.

Q47: The ________ had no difficulty walking up the podium despite her age.
(a) anthrogenarian
(b) octogenarian
(c) enthrogenarian
(d) ostrogenarian

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Ans: (b)

  • The term octogenarian refers to someone who is in their 80s. This age group is often still quite active and capable.
  • In contrast, anthrogenarian and enthrogenarian are not standard terms, while ostrogenarian is also incorrect.
  • Thus, the correct answer is octogenarian, as it accurately describes someone who can still walk up a podium with ease.

Q48: Choose the correct Synonym of the word.
(a) Proper
(b) Proposition
(c) Inclination
(d) Declination

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Ans: (c)

  • The word propensity means a natural tendency or inclination towards something.
  • Among the options, inclination is the closest synonym, as it also refers to a leaning or tendency to act in a certain way.
  • Other options like proper, proposition, and declination do not convey the same meaning as propensity.
  • Thus, the correct answer is (c) Inclination.

Q49: Choose the correct antonym of the word.
(a) Abuse
(b) Pragmatic
(c) Ridiculous
(d) Goofy

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Ans: (b)

  • The word ludicrous means something that is absurd or laughable.
  • The correct antonym is pragmatic, which refers to being practical and sensible.
  • Options like ridiculous and goofy are similar in meaning to ludicrous, not opposite.
  • Thus, pragmatic is the best choice as it conveys a serious and realistic approach.

Q50: Choose the Correct Option to Complete the Conversation. 
Judge: Since we have reached a deadlock on the matter, let us postpone the case and ________. Lawyer: I agree. 
(a) call at 
(b) call it a day 
(c) walk worth 
(d) turn down 

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Ans: (b)

  • The phrase "call it a day" means to stop working for the day or to conclude a discussion.
  • In this context, the Judge suggests postponing the case, indicating that they should stop for now.
  • Options like "call at" and "walk worth" do not fit the context of ending a discussion.
  • Thus, the correct choice is "call it a day," which aligns with the idea of concluding the matter for the time being.
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FAQs on English Olympiad Model Test Paper - 2 - English Olympiad for Class 9

1. What is the English Olympiad and what does it assess?
Ans. The English Olympiad is a competitive examination designed to assess students' proficiency in the English language. It evaluates various skills, including vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and written expression. The exam aims to enhance students' understanding and command of English through engaging and challenging questions.
2. How can students prepare effectively for the English Olympiad?
Ans. Students can prepare effectively for the English Olympiad by practicing previous years' question papers, enhancing their vocabulary through reading, and engaging in regular writing exercises. Additionally, joining coaching classes or online study groups can provide structured guidance and support.
3. What types of questions are typically included in the English Olympiad?
Ans. The English Olympiad typically includes a variety of question types such as multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, sentence correction, reading comprehension passages, and essay writing prompts. These questions aim to test both theoretical knowledge and practical application of the English language.
4. What are the benefits of participating in the English Olympiad for students?
Ans. Participating in the English Olympiad offers several benefits, including improved language skills, enhanced confidence in communication, and better preparation for future academic challenges. It also provides recognition for students' achievements, which can be valuable for college admissions and scholarships.
5. What is the format and duration of the English Olympiad exam?
Ans. The format of the English Olympiad exam typically consists of multiple-choice questions and descriptive questions, covering various aspects of the English language. The duration of the exam is usually around 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the organizing body and specific level of the exam.
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