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Chapter 9 - Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles, Solved Examples, Class 9, Maths | Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9 PDF Download


In earlier class, we have learnt some formulae for finding the areas of different plane figures such as triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, square etc. In this chapter, we will consolidate the knowledge about these formulae by studying some relationship between the area of these figures under the condition when they lie on the same base and between the same parallels. 


Theorem-1 : Parallelograms on the same base and between the same parallels are equal in area.

Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Given : Two parallelograms ABCD and ABEF on the same base AB and between the same parallels AB and FC.

To prove : ar(||gm ABCD) = ar (||gm ABEF).

Proof :




In ABCE and AADF, we have:



(i) BC = AD

Opposite sides of a || gm are equal.


(ii) ∠BCE = ∠ADF

Corres. ∠s are equal, as AD || BC and FC is the transversal.


(iii) ∠BEC = ∠AFD

Corres. ∠s are equal, as BE || AF and FC is the transversal.



AAS-axiom of congruence.


ar(ΔBCE) = ar (ΔADF)

Congruent figures are equal in area.


ar (quad. ABED) + ar (ΔBCE)

Adding same area on both sides of 3.


= ar (quad. ABED) + ar (ΔADF)



ar (|| gm ABCD) = ar (|| gm ABEF)

ar (R) + ar (R||) = ar (R u R||) .


Hence, proved.

Corollary 1: In parallelogram ABCD, AB || CD and BC || AD. If AL ⊥ BC and L is the foot of the perpendicular, then ar (ABCD) = BC × AL.

Proof. In fig, ABCD is a parallelogram. AL ⊥ BC. Now, we draw line ℓ through A and D, BE ⊥ ℓ and CF ⊥ ℓ. Then BEFC becomes a rectangle, Here, the parallelogram ABCD and the rectangle BEFC (also BEFC is a parallelogram) have same base and both are between the same parallels, Thus, we have

Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Area of parallelogram ABCD = Area of rectangle BEFC = BC × BE = BC × AL (∵ AL = BE)

Corollary 2: If a triangle and a parallelogram are on the same base and between the same parallels, then the area of the triangle is equal to half the area of the parallelogram.

Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Given :  ΔABC and a || gm BCDE on the same base BC and between the same parallels BC and AD.

To Prove : ar (ΔABC) = 1/2 ar (|| gm BCDE) .

Construction :  Draw AL ⊥  BC and DM ⊥ BC (produced) .

Proof :






same parallels are egual.

Perpendiculars to the same line and between the


Chapter 9 - Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles, Solved Examples, Class 9, Maths | Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9

Chapter 9 - Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles, Solved Examples, Class 9, Maths | Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9


Chapter 9 - Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles, Solved Examples, Class 9, Maths | Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9

Hence Proved


Ex.1 In fig, ABCD is a parallelogram, AL ⊥ BC, AM ⊥ CD, AL = 4 cm and AM = 5 cm. If BC = 6.5 cm, then find CD.
Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Sol. We have, BC × AL = CD × AM      (Each equal to area of the parallelogram ABCD)

⇒ 6.5 x 4 = CD x 5

Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Ex.2 In the given fig, ABCD is a parallelogram whose diagonal intersect at O. A line segment through O meets AB at P and DC at Q. Prove that : ar (quad. APQD)Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Sol. Proof :





Chapter 9 - Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles, Solved Examples, Class 9, Maths | Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9

Diagonal AC divides || gm ABCD into two As of


In AOAP and AOCQ, we have :



(i) OA = OC

Diagonal of a |gm bisect each other.


(ii) ∠OAP = ∠OCQ

Alt. int. ∠s, DC|AB and CA is the transversal.


(iii) ∠AOP = ∠COQ

Vert, opp ∠s.



AA3-axiom of congruence.


ar (ΔOAP) = ar (ΔOCQ)

Congruent Δs are equal in area


ar (ΔOAP) + ar (quad. AOQD)

Adding ar (quad. AOQD) on both sides of 4.


= ar (ΔOCQ) + ar (quad. AOQD)



ar (quad. APQD) = ar (ΔACD)



Chapter 9 - Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles, Solved Examples, Class 9, Maths | Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9

From 1 to 6.


Hence, proved.

Ex.3 Prove that of all parallelograms of which the sides are given, the parallelogram which is rectangle has the greatest area.

Sol. Let ABCD be a parallelogram in which AB = a and AD = b. Let h be the altitude corresponding to the base AB. Then,

Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

ar (║ gm ABCD)  = AB × h = ah

Since the sides a and b are given. Therefore, with the same sides a and b we can construct infinitely many parallelograms with different heights.

Now, ar (║ gm ABCD) = ah

⇒ ar (║ gm ABCD) is maximum or greatest when h is maximum. [∵ a is given i.e., a is constant]
But, the maximum value which h can attain is AD = b and this is possible when AD is perpendicular to AB i.e. the ||gm ABCD becomes a rectangle.
Thus, (ar ||gm ABCD) is greatest when AD ⊥ AB i.e. when (║ gm ABCD) is a rectangle.

Ex.4 In the adjoining figure, O is any point inside a parallelogram ABCD. Prove that : ar (ΔOAB) + ar (ΔOCD) = ar (ΔOBC) + ar (ΔOAD).
Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Sol. Given : A || gm ABCD in which O is a point.

To prove : ar (ΔOAB) + ar (ΔOCD) = ar (ΔOBC) + ar (ΔOAD).

Construction : Draw EOF || AB and GOH || AD.

Proof :




ABFE is a ║ gm

AE |BF (given), EFOffl (By construction) (ΔOAB) = 1/2 ar (II gm ABFE)AAOB and ║ gm. ABFE being on same base and between tbs same parallels.


EFCD is a ║ gm

EF I AB║DC (by const.) & FCII ED (given),


ar (ΔOCD) = 1/2 ar (II gn EFCD)

ΔOCD and ║ gm EFCD being on same base and between tbs same parallels.


ar (ΔOAD) = 1/2 ar (II gm AGHD)



ar (ΔBOC) = 1/2 ar (|| gn GBCH)



ar (ΔOAB) + ar (ΔOCD)

Adding 2 and 4.


= 1/2 ar  (║ gm  ABFE) + 1/2  ar {║ gm EFCD)



= 1/2 x  [ar(║ gm  ABFE) + ar (║ gm EFCD)]



= 1/2 ar (║  gm  ABCD)



ar (ΔOAD) + ar (ΔBOC)

Adding 5 and €.


= 1/2 ar (║ gn AGHD) + 1/2 ar (║ gm GBCH)



1/2 [ar (║ gm AGHD) + ar (║ gm GBCH) ]



= 1/2 x ar (║ gn ABCD)



ar (ΔCAB) + ar (ΔOCD)

Each = ar (║ gm ABCD), from 7 and 9


= ar (ΔOAD) + ar (ΔBOC)



Hence Proved.

Ex.5 In fig, ABCD is a parallelogram and EFCD is a rectangle. Also AL Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important DC. Prove that
 (i) ar (ABCD) = (EFCD) 

(ii) ar (ABCD) = DC × AL

Sol. (i) We know that a rectangle is also a parallelogram.

Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Thus, parallelogram ABCD and rectangle EFCD are on the same base CD and between the same parallels CD and BE.
∴ ar (||gm ABCD) = ar (EFCD)

(ii) From (i), we have ar (ABCD) = ar (EFCD)
⇒ ar (ABCD) = CD × FC                        [∵ Area of a rectangle = Base × Height]
⇒ ar (ABCD) = CD × AL                        [∵ AL = FC as ALCF is a rectangle]
⇒ ar (ABCD) = DC × AL 


Theorem-2 : Triangles on the same base and between the same parallels are equal in area.

Given :Two Δs ABC and DBC on the same base BC and between the same parallels BC and AD.

To prove : ar(ΔABC) = ar (ΔDBC).
Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Construction : Draw BE || CA, meeting DA produced at E and draw CF || BD, meeting AD produced at F.

Proof :





BCAE is a ║ gm.

BC║ EA and BE║LCA (By construction)


ar (AABC) = 1/2 ar (║ gm BCAE)

Diagonal BA divides ║ gm BCAE into two Δs of equal areas.


BCFD is a ║ gm

BC║DF and BD║CF (By construction)


ar (ADBC) = 1/2 ar (║ gm BCFD)

Diagonal CD divides ║ gm BCFD into two Δs of equal areas.


ar (║ gm BCAE) = ar (║ gm BCFD)

║gms on same base BC and between the same parallels BC and EF are equal in area


ar (ΔABC) = ar (ΔDBC)

From 2, 4 and 5 .


Hence, proved.

Corollary : Area of a triangle Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Given : A ΔABC with base BC and height AL.

To prove : ar (ΔABC) = 1/2 x BC x AL

Construction : Draw CD || BA and AD || BC, intersecting each other at D.

Proof :





ABCD is a ║ gra

BC║AD  and BA║CD (By construction)


ar (ΔABC) = 1/2 ar (║ gm ABCD)

Diagonal CA divides ║ gm ABCD into two Δs of equal areas.


= 1/2 x BC x AL

ar (║ gm ABCD) = BC x AL


Hence, Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Ex.6 Show that a median of a triangle divides it into two triangles of equal area.


Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Given : ΔABC in which AD is a median.

To prove : ar(ΔABD) = ar (ΔADC).

Construction : Draw AL ⊥ ABC.

Proof : Since AD is the median ΔABC.

Therefore, D is the mid-point of BC.

⇒ BD = DC

⇒ BD x AL = DC x AL [Multiplying both sides by AL]

⇒   1/2(BD x AL) = 1/2(DC x AL) [Multiplying both sides by 1/2 ]
⇒ ar (ΔABD) = ar (ΔADC)

Hence, proved.

Ex.7 In the given figure, ABCD is a quadrilateral in which M is the mid-point of diagonal AC.

Prove that : ar(quad. ABMD) = ar(quad. DMBC).
Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Sol. Given : ABCD is a quadrilateral in which M is the mid-point of diagonal AC.

To prove : ar(quad. ABMD) = ar (quad. DMBC)

Proof :





ar (ΔABM) = ar (ΔCBM)

Median BM divides ΔABC into two triangles of equal area.


ar (ΔAMD) = ar (ΔDCM)

Median DM divides ΔBAC into two triangles of equal area.


ar {ΔABM) + ar (ΔAMD)

Adding 1 and 2.


= ar (ΔCBM) + ar (ΔDCM)



ar (quad. ABMD) = ar (quad. DMBC)



Hence, proved.

Ex.8 In the given figure, PQRS and PXYZ are two parallelograms of equal area. Prove that YR || QZ.
Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important
Sol. We have : ar (||gm PQRS) = ar (||gm PXYZ)

⇒ ar (||gm PQRS) – ar (||gm PQOZ)

= ar (||gm PXYZ) – ar (||gm PQOZ)

⇒ ar (||gm ZORS) = ar (||gm QXYO)

⇒1/2 ar (||gm ZORS) = 1/2 ar (||gm QXYO)

⇒ ar (ΔZOR) = ar (ΔOQY)

⇒ ar (ΔZOR) + ar (ΔOYR) = ar (ΔOQY) + ar (ΔOYR)

⇒ ar (ΔZYR) = ar (ΔQYR)

⇒ YR ||  QZ. [ΔZYR & ΔQYR are equal in area & have the same base. So, they must be between the same parallels]

Ex.9 Prove that the area of the quadrilateral formed by joining the mid-points of the adjacent sides of a quadrilateral is half the area of the given quadrilateral.

Sol. Given :A quadrilateral ABCD, and PQRS is the quadrilateral formed by joining mid-points of the sides AB,
BC, CD and DA respectively.

To prove : ar (quad. PQRS) Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Construction : Join AC and AR.

Proof :





ar (ΔARD) = 1/2 x ar (ΔACD)

Median of a triangle divides it into two triangles of equal area.


ar (ΔSRD) = 1/2 x ar (ΔARD)

Same as in 1.


ar (ΔSRD) = 1/4 x ar (ΔACD)

From 1 and 2.


ar (ΔPBQ) = 1/4 x ar (ΔACD) 

As in 3.


ar (ΔSRD) + ar (ΔPBQ) = 1/4 x [ar (ΔACD) + ar (ΔABC)]

Adding 3 and 4 .
= 1/4 x ar (quad. ABCD)


ar (ΔAPB) + ar (ΔQCR) = 1/4 x ar (quad. ABCD)

As in 5.


ar (ΔAPS) + ar (ΔPBQ) + ar (ΔQCR) + ar (ΔSRD)

= 1/2 x ar (quad. ABCD)

Adding 5 and 6.


ar (ΔAPS) + ar (ΔPBG) + ar (ΔQCR) + ar (ΔSRD) + ar (quad. PQRS) = ar (quad. ABCD)



ar (quad. PQRS) = 1/2 x (quad. ABCD)

Subtracting 7 frcm 8.


Ex.10 If the diagonals of a quadrilateral separate it into four triangles of equal area, show that it is a parallelogram.

Sol. Given : A quad. ABCD whose diagonals intersect at O such that :

ar (ΔAOD) = ar (ΔAOB) = ar (ΔBOC) = ar (ΔCOD)

To prove : ABCD is a parallelogram.

Class IX, Mathematics, NCERT, CBSE, Questions and Answer, Q and A, Important

Proof :

ar (ΔAOD) = ar (ΔBOC)
 ⇒ ar (ΔAOD) + ar (ΔAOB) = ar (ΔBOC) + ar (ΔAOB)
 ⇒ ar (ΔABD) = ar (ΔABC)

⇒ DC || AB [Equal Δs on same base must be between the same parallels]

Similarly, AD || BC.

Hence ABCD is ||gm.

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FAQs on Chapter 9 - Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles, Solved Examples, Class 9, Maths - Extra Documents & Tests for Class 9

1. What is the formula to find the area of a parallelogram?
Ans. The formula to find the area of a parallelogram is base multiplied by height, which can be written as A = base * height.
2. How do you find the area of a triangle when the base and height are given?
Ans. To find the area of a triangle when the base and height are given, you can use the formula A = 0.5 * base * height, where A represents the area, base is the length of the base of the triangle, and height is the perpendicular distance from the base to the opposite vertex.
3. Can we find the area of a parallelogram if only the lengths of its sides are given?
Ans. No, we cannot find the exact area of a parallelogram if only the lengths of its sides are given. The area depends on both the base and the height, which are not determined solely by the side lengths. Additional information, such as angles or diagonals, is required to find the area.
4. How is the area of a triangle related to the area of a parallelogram?
Ans. The area of a triangle is half the area of a parallelogram with the same base and height. This means that if you know the area of a parallelogram and its base, you can find the area of a triangle by dividing the parallelogram's area by 2.
5. Can the area of a triangle be negative?
Ans. No, the area of a triangle cannot be negative. The area represents a physical quantity, and it cannot have a negative value. If you obtain a negative value when calculating the area of a triangle, it is likely that a mistake was made in the calculation.
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