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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English - How I Taught My Grandmother to Read


Ques 1. Now that you have enjoyed reading the story, answer the following questions by choosing the correct option.

(a) The grandmother could relate to the central character of the story ‘Kashi Yatre’ as ________.
(i) both were old and uneducated.
(ii) both had granddaughters who read to them.
(iii) both had a strong desire to visit Kashi.
(iv) both were determined to learn to read.

Ans: (iii) both had a strong desire to visit Kashi.

(b) Why did the women at the temple discuss the latest episode of ‘Kashi Yatre’?
(i) To pass their time.
(ii) The writer, Triveni, was very popular
(iii) They could relate with the protagonist of the serial.
(iv) Women have a habit of discussing serials.

Ans: (iii) They could relate with the protagonist of the serial.

(c) The granddaughter found her grandmother in tears on her return as _________.
(i) the grandmother had been unable to read the story ‘Kashi Yatre’ on her own.
(ii) the grandmother had felt lonely.
(iii) the grandmother wanted to accompany her granddaughter.
(iv) she was sad she could not visit Kashi.

Ans: (i) the grandmother had been unable to read the story ‘Kashi Yatre’ on her own.

(d) Why did the grandmother touch her granddaughter’s feet?
(i) As a mark of respect to her teacher.
(ii) It was a custom in their family.
(iii) Girls should be respected.
(iv) She had read the story of ‘Kashi Yatre’ to her.

Ans: (i) As a mark of respect to her teacher.

(e). “Childishly I made fun of the old lady. But she just smiled.” The smile of the grandmother explains that she understood that her granddaughter 

(i) was determined to teach her.
(ii) might be too immature to understand her pain.
(iii) would ridicule her later.
(iv) could be contemplating. 

Ans. (ii) might be too immature to understand her pain.

(f). “Those days, the transport system was not very good, so we used to get the morning papers only in the afternoon.” What can you infer from this?
(i) The transport system, especially the bus service, was running at loss.
(ii) The transport system, especially the bus service, was not fully functional in rural areas.
(iii) The transport system, had stopped services in villages.
(iv) The transport system failed to introduce the bus service in rural areas.

Ans. (ii) The transport system, especially the bus service, was not fully functional in rural areas.

Answer the questions based on the extracts by selecting the correct options.


Many times, I rubbed my hands over the pages wishing to understand what was written. But I knew it was not possible. If only I was educated enough …. I waited eagerly for you to return. I felt you would come early and read for me. I could have asked somebody in this village but I was too embarrassed to do so. I felt so very dependent and helpless. We are well-off, but what use is money when I cannot be independent?

i. What made the grandmother feel inadequate?

a. She was unable to read the story.

b. She was unable to stay attentive.

c. She was unable to buy the magazine.

d. She was unable to understand the story.

Ans. a. She was unable to read the story.

ii. Select the relevant option that best supports the context of the given extract:

1. Grandmother was elated to get the magazine

2. Grandmother was embarrassed to ask for help

3. Grandmother eagerly waited for her granddaughter’s arrival

4. Grandmother loved gazing at the pictures from the story

a. only 1 and 2 

b. only 2 and 3

c. only 3 and 4 

d. only 1 and 4

Ans. b. only 2 and 3 

iii. Select the option that tracks the progression of emotions experienced by the grandmother in the given extract.

a. reassured – inquisitive – thankful - uncertain

b. surprised – grateful – perplexed - excited

c. yearning - uncertain - dejected - helpless

d. perplexed – uncertain - panic-stricken – appreciative

Ans. c. yearning - uncertain - dejected - helpless


She said, “I am touching the feet of a teacher, not my granddaughter; a teacher who taught me so well, with so much of affection that I can read any novel confidently in such a short period. Now I am independent. It is my duty to respect a teacher. Is it not written in our scriptures that a teacher should be respected, irrespective of the gender and age”? I did return namaskara to her by touching her feet and gave my gift to my first student. She opened it and read the title Kashi Yatre by Triveni and the publisher’s name immediately. I knew, then, that my student had passed with flying colours.

1. Choose the option that lists the most likely response to “…. I am touching the feet of a teacher”.

a. feel shy

b. get anxious

c. feel overwhelmed

d. get upset

Ans. a. feel shy

2. “A teacher should be respected irrespective of gender and age.” Select the quote that suggests a reason for this sentiment.

a. Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education.

b. A teacher aims to give equal attention to all the students.

c. A teacher elevates the mind and gives energy to the character.

d. Teaching is a profession that teaches all other professions.

Ans. d. Teaching is a profession that teaches all other professions.

3. Select the sentence that best brings out the meaning of ‘confidently’ as used in the extract.

a. Some of the information was confidently misleading.

b. The report asserts confidently that the world economy will boost from the market collapse.

c. The present memoir is confidently a tribute to his ability and character.

d. The pandemic has confidently brought down the market.

Ans. b. The report asserts confidently that the world economy will boost from the market collapse.

4. Which of the given option stands closest in meaning to “flying colours”?

a. risky

b. courageous

c. profitable

d. successful

Ans. d. successful

Ques 2. Answer the following Questions briefly.

(a) Why did the grandmother depend on her granddaughter to know the story?

Ans: The grandmother was not literate and had no knowledge of Kannada alphabet. Every Wednesday, the granddaughter would read the next episode of grandmother’s favourite story ‘Kashi Yatre’ and the grandmother would try to memorize it.

(b) Pick out two sentences which state that the grandmother was desperate to know what happened in the story.

Ans: (i) I saw the picture that accompanies the story of ‘Kashi Yatre’. I couldn’t understand anything that was written.
(ii) I rubbed my hands over the pages ........

(c) Could the grandmother succeed in accomplishing her desire to read? How?

Ans: Yes, the grandmother’s dedication, diligence and determination made her learn the Kannada alphabet before the deadline i.e. the Dussehra festival. She proved to be an ideal student who was also very persevering and could recite, write and read the alphabet fluently.

(d) Which of the following traits would be relevant to the character of the narrator’s grandmother?
 (i) determined (ii) selfish (iii) emotional (iv) mean

Ans: Determined and Emotional–
(i) determined, because the grandmother proved that despite her age she was no less than a young student, who could learn all aspects of learning with equal ease.
(ii) Emotional: Her involvement with the trials of the main character and feelings that upset her at not being able to read.

Give reasons for your choice

(e) Good fiction’s job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” How does this apply to the grandmother after she had finished reading Kashi Yatre? Explain with a reason. 

Ans. The quote "Good fiction’s job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable" can be applied to the grandmother, Krishtakka, after she finished reading "Kashi Yatre" in the following ways:

  1. Comfort the Disturbed: Before reading the novel, Krishtakka was disturbed by her inability to read and the sense of dependence and helplessness it brought. The novel provided her with a form of solace and inspiration. It immersed her in a world of storytelling that distracted her from her daily chores and made her forget her own challenges momentarily. It comforted her by giving her something to look forward to each week, with her granddaughter reading the story to her.

  2. Disturb the Comfortable: On the other hand, "Kashi Yatre" disturbed Krishtakka's comfortable acceptance of her illiteracy. It stirred within her a desire for change and personal growth. The protagonist's journey in the novel, particularly the sacrifices made for the happiness of others, challenged Krishtakka's perception of her own limitations. It made her uncomfortable with her status quo and motivated her to take action to learn to read, despite her age and previous beliefs about education.

In essence, "Kashi Yatre" both comforted Krishtakka by providing her with a source of joy and distraction, and disturbed her comfortable acceptance of her illiteracy by inspiring her to strive for education and independence. It exemplifies how fiction can simultaneously provide solace and provoke change, catering to both the disturbed and the comfortable aspects of one's life.

(f) ‘Kashi Yatre,’ was the catalyst in the transformation of the grandmother. Support with an example.

The novel "Kashi Yatre" played a significant role in transforming the grandmother, Krishtakka. Before reading the novel, she was illiterate and felt a sense of dependence and helplessness due to her inability to read. However, her fascination with the story and her determination to understand it led her to make a profound decision: to learn to read despite her age and circumstances. This transformation is evident when she declares her intention to learn the Kannada alphabet and sets a goal for herself to achieve independence through literacy. Her determination and subsequent learning under her granddaughter's guidance show how deeply the novel inspired her to change her life.

(g) What message does the story, “How I Taught My Grandmother” hold for the present generation and the elders?

The story carries several important messages for both the present generation and elders:

  1. Value of Education: It emphasizes that education is empowering at any age. Krishtakka's decision to learn to read late in life underscores the lifelong benefits of education.

  2. Respect for Elders: It highlights the importance of respecting elders not just for their age but also for their wisdom and willingness to learn.

  3. Inter-generational Relationships: It showcases the bond between the granddaughter and grandmother, demonstrating how mutual respect and support can lead to personal growth and transformation.

  4. Overcoming Challenges: It encourages perseverance in the face of challenges. Despite initial doubts and obstacles, Krishtakka's determination to learn shows that one can overcome any barrier with dedication.

  5. Inspiration and Role Models: It suggests that elders can be a source of inspiration and role models for younger generations, challenging stereotypes about age and capability.

(h) Grandmother comes across a post online: ‘Don’t let age be a concern. Live your dream!’ As grandmother, write a short paragraph expressing your heartfelt emotion on your achievement.

Dear friends,

Today, as I reflect on my journey of learning to read at the age of sixty-two, I am overwhelmed with emotion. For so long, I believed that age was a barrier to my dreams, especially when it came to education. However, the support and encouragement from my dear granddaughter and the inspiration I drew from the novel "Kashi Yatre" changed everything. Learning to read has not only brought me independence but has also filled my heart with joy and accomplishment. I have realized that it's never too late to pursue your dreams and that determination can overcome any obstacle. To anyone who feels hesitant because of their age, I say this: embrace your dreams, pursue them with passion, and never underestimate your own potential. Thank you all for believing in me and for celebrating this milestone in my life.

With gratitude, Krishtakka

Ques 3. Here are some direct Quotations from the story.
 Identify the speaker and write what each Quotation suggests about the speaker. You can use the adjectives given in the box and may also add your own.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English - How I Taught My Grandmother to Read




Quality Highlighted



‘Awa, is everything all right? Are you O.K.?’




‘At times, I used to regret not going to school, so I made sure that my children and grandchildren studied well.’




‘Awa, don’t cry. What is the matter? Can I help you in anyway?’




'We are well-off, but what is use of money when I cannot be independent.’




‘I will keep Saraswati Pooja day dining Dussehra as the deadline.’




'For a good cause if you are determined you can overcome any obstacle.’




‘I am touching the feet of a teacher, not my granddaughter.’


Ans: (a) Speaker : The Narrator
Quality Highlighted : Sympathetic; tender; concerned

(b) Speaker : The Grandmother
Quality Highlighted : Wise; helplessness; sense of sacrifice

(c) Speaker : The Narrator
Quality Highlighted : Helpful; concerned; sympathetic; amiable

(d) Speaker : The Grandmother
Quality Highlighted : Wise; prudent; understanding

(e) Speaker : The Grandmother
Quality Highlighted : Determined; systematic, focused

(f) Speaker : The Grandmother
Quality Highlighted : Determined, enthusiastic; diligent

(g) Speaker : The Grandmother
Quality Highlighted : Humble; traditional; religious

Writing Task

Q4. Imagine you are the grandmother. How would you feel if your granddaughter gave you the novel ‘Kashi Yatre’? Write your feelings in your diary. 

Dear Diary,

Today was a wonderful day because my granddaughter gave me a special gift: the book "Kashi Yatre." It's a story that I used to listen to eagerly when she read it to me week by week. Now, having the whole book in my hands feels like a dream come true.

I feel so grateful and touched by her kindness. This book means a lot to me because it's not just a story; it's about courage and determination. The main character's journey reminds me of my own dreams and hopes.

My granddaughter's gift shows me that she believes in me and my ability to learn new things, even at my age. It's a reminder that it's never too late to start something new and follow your dreams.

I'm filled with happiness and excitement as I think about reading this book on my own. It's a new chapter in my life, and I can't wait to see where it takes me.

With love, 


Q5: While the country has made significant progress in improving adult literacy over the years, it continues to be home to 313 million illiterate people; 59 percent of them are women. The story ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’ showcases a young girl helping her unlettered grandmother grow self-sufficient. The story is also a subtle eye-opener for the youth that if they realise their moral obligation, they can take the country to greater heights. 

The story 'How I Taught My Grandmother to Read' beautifully illustrates the transformative power of education and the impact of intergenerational learning. In a country where 313 million people still struggle with illiteracy, with a majority being women, this narrative becomes particularly poignant.

The protagonist, a young girl, takes on the role of a teacher for her grandmother, who had never had the opportunity to learn to read. Through patience, dedication, and love, she helps her grandmother overcome barriers and achieve literacy. This act not only enriches her grandmother's life but also empowers her with newfound independence and confidence.

Moreover, the story serves as a gentle reminder to the youth of their moral responsibility towards societal progress. By recognizing the importance of education and taking proactive steps to uplift those around them, they can contribute significantly to the country's development. Each person has the potential to make a difference, as shown by the granddaughter in the story who, through her simple act of teaching, helps her grandmother grow self-sufficient.

In essence, 'How I Taught My Grandmother to Read' underscores the transformative impact of education on individuals and society at large. It encourages readers, especially the youth, to embrace their role in creating a more literate and empowered nation where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

The document NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English - How I Taught My Grandmother to Read is a part of the Class 9 Course English Class 9.
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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English - How I Taught My Grandmother to Read

1. How did the narrator teach their grandmother to read?
Ans. The narrator used newspapers and magazines to teach her grandmother to read. They would read out stories to her, and then slowly teach her to recognize words and letters.
2. Why did the narrator decide to teach their grandmother to read?
Ans. The narrator decided to teach their grandmother to read because she expressed a desire to be able to read herself. She felt left out when others in the family read newspapers and magazines, and wanted to be able to do the same.
3. What challenges did the grandmother face while learning to read?
Ans. The grandmother faced challenges such as difficulty in recognizing letters and words, and also struggled with her eyesight. However, with the narrator's patient guidance, she was able to overcome these obstacles.
4. How did the grandmother's life change after learning to read?
Ans. After learning to read, the grandmother's life changed significantly. She became more independent, started reading newspapers on her own, and even began reading letters from her relatives. This newfound skill brought her a sense of accomplishment and confidence.
5. What is the moral lesson conveyed through the story "How I Taught My Grandmother to Read"?
Ans. The story teaches us the importance of patience, compassion, and the willingness to help others. It shows that with determination and support, anyone can learn new skills and overcome challenges, regardless of their age.
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