The story is a humorous one. Harold is a genius and an exception in his family. His parents, uncle, grandparents, a priest at the church and, in fact everyone who meets the family is concerned that the parents must hide the truth of Harold’s father’s profession from him. Everyone thinks that the fact that his father, Bill Bramble is a professional boxer will have a bad effect on Harold and so they insist on telling him that he is a sales representative. Finally, the truth is disclosed to Harold by Bill’s friend and trainer, Jerry Fisher. Everyone is amazed to know that Harold likes the sport and follows it keenly. He asks his father to go ahead with the fight fixed for next week.

Mr. Bramble is a famous boxer, popular by the name of 'Porky', with a large fan following. But, despite his successful boxing career, he is keen to give it all up because of his son Harold. Harold, a ten-year- old schoolboy, is unaware of his father's profession and has been told that he is a commercial traveller. Haroldis a constant source of amazement to his parents because of his excellence in studies and his impeccable manners.
Question for Summary - Keeping It From Harold
Try yourself:What was the profession of Mr. Bramble according to the passage?
Mr. Bramble's profession was that of a professional boxer. However, he kept this a secret from his son Harold, who was told that his father was a commercial traveller. Mr. Bramble had achieved fame in the boxing ring but decided to retire after his last match.
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His mother, Mrs Bramble, is convinced that he is a child prodigy. They fear that such a superior human being might not approve of his father's profession. Encouraged by his brother-in-law (Mrs Bramble's brother), Major Percy Stokes, Mr Bramble decides to give up his boxing career and look for a job as a boxing instructor in a school or college. Unfortunately, the decision is taken days before a major boxing event where he stands to win a lot of money and fame. His wife does not appear too happy with this decision as she feels the money he would have won would have helped in their son's education. Before the discussion can go any further, Mr Fisher, the trainer and promoter of Mr Bramble's fight, arrives. He is horrified at Mr. Bramble's decision to give up boxing at such a time and does all he can to make him change his mind.
Question for Summary - Keeping It From Harold
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Why is Mrs. Bramble shocked to learn about Bill Bramble's decision not to fight?Explanation
Mrs. Bramble is shocked because Bill's decision not to fight means that they will not receive the much-needed money for Harold's education. The passage mentions that Bill Bramble was supposed to win five hundred pounds, and one hundred and twenty even if he lost, indicating the financial importance of the fight. This decision puts their plans for Harold's education in jeopardy, which is why Mrs. Bramble finds it unacceptable.
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In the middle of all this chaos enters Harold wanting to know why there was so much fighting in the house. Much to the surprise of his parents, he is extremely excited to know that his father is the famous boxing champion 'Porky' and surprises everyone with his in-depth knowledge of the boxing world and the fact that he has bet some money on 'Porky's' win. Hence, matters end peacefully, with Mr Fisher taking Mr Bramble to train for the 'big fight' and Harold asking his mother to help him with his studies.