Table of contents |
Think what would happen if |
Do this and Find out |
Is It Magic? |
What Dissolved and what did not? |
Do this Experiment |
Tell |
Racing Drops |
Where Did the water go? |
What we have Learned |
Soap Bar sinks in Water
Q.2. You put a steel plate on water. Would it sink or float? What would happen to a spoon?
Some Sinking & Floating Objects
Q.3. Would the cap of plastic bottle cap sink or float on water?
Q.4. Have you seen something float on the water while others sinks? Think how this happens!
Q1. Mark [✓] for the things that float. Mark [✕] for those that sink.
Q.2. Find out from the other groups which things float and which sank in the water?
Ans. A football, a piece of plastic ball etc. floats on water while a cricket ball, a spoon etc. sink.
Q.3. After Doing the Experiment, fill in the blanks
1. The iron nail sank in the water but the Katori floated. I think this happened because the iron nail is denser than water, while the katori is lighter and has a shape that allows it to float.
2. The empty plastic bottle floated on the water. The bottle filled with water sank because it was heavier than the water.
3. The aluminium foil floated when it was spread out. When pressed tightly into a ball it sank. This may have happened because flat foil is light and spreads out, but when it’s in a ball, it becomes heavier and takes up less space, so it sinks in the water.
Egg in Fresh & Salt Water
Q.2. What do you think, the lemon floated in salty water because….
Ans. The lemon floated in salty water because:
Q.1. Suggest some ways to Hamid for Quickly Dissolving sugar.
Ans. To help Hamid dissolve sugar quickly, he can try the following methods:
Sugar Solution
Q.1. Make groups of four friends. For the experiment, you will need 4-5 glasses or bowls or bowls and the things listed on the table. Take some water into each glass. Now try to dissolve one thing in one glass. Observe what happens and note it in the table.
Q.2. Does that mean that the water does not have salt? If it has, then where is the salt?
Ans. The water still contains salt even after it has dissolved. The salt is present in the water as individual salt molecules, which makes it not visible.
Q.3. What difference did you see in water with salt and water with chalk powder after keeping it for some time?
Ans. When salt dissolves in water, it makes the water look transparent. In contrast, chalk powder does not dissolve in water; instead, it settles at the bottom over time, making the water appear cloudy.
Q.4. Which of the two would you be able to separate from the water by straining with a cloth salt or chalk powder?
Ans. We can separate chalk powder by straining it with a cloth since it does not dissolve in water. However, salt dissolves in water, so we cannot separate it by straining.
Q.5. Do you think the oil dissolved in the water? Why do you think so?
Ans. No, the oil does not dissolve in water. It simply floats on the surface of the water because oil is less dense than water.
Q.1. You also try to do the same and then which drop went ahead? Why did it slide faster?
Ans. The water drop went ahead. This happened because water does not stick to the tiffin box, while the sugar solution and oil drops stick to it.
EvaporationQ.1. Think where did the water go?
Ans. The water evaporated, which is why there was less water left in the pan.
Q.2. Why did Chittibabu and Chinnubabu keep their mango jelly in sun?
Ans. They kept their mango jelly in the sun to evaporate water from it, which helps in drying it.
Q.3. At your house, what things are made by drying in the sun?
Ans. At my house, we make eatables like mango jelly (aam papad), papad, bhaji (badi), and potato chips by drying them in the sun.
Q.1. You have washed your handkerchief and you want to dry it quickly. What can you do?
Ans. To dry the washed handkerchief quickly:
Q.2. What things do you put in water to make tea? Which of these things dissolve in water?
Ans. To prepare tea, you need:
Summary of Dissolving:
Q.3. You have been given some mishri pieces (lumps of sugar). Suggest some ways to dissolve them quickly.
Ans. To dissolve mishri quickly:
38 videos|242 docs|41 tests
1. What are some common experiments that can be done with water? | ![]() |
2. Why do some substances dissolve in water while others do not? | ![]() |
3. How can we demonstrate that water can change states? | ![]() |
4. What role does temperature play in the behavior of water? | ![]() |
5. What are some key concepts learned from water experiments? | ![]() |