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Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8 PDF Download

Q1.Is it possible to have a triangle with the following sides? 

(i) 2 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm 

(ii) 3 cm, 6 cm, 7 cm 

(iii) 6 cm, 3 cm, 2 cm 


(i) 2 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm
2 + 3 > 5 No
2 + 5 > 3 Yes
3 + 5 > 2 Yes
This triangle is not possible.

(ii) 3 cm, 6 cm, 7 cm
3 + 6 > 7 Yes
6 + 7 > 3 Yes
3 + 7 > 6 Yes
This triangle is possible.

(iii) 6 cm, 3 cm, 2 cm
6 + 3 > 2 Yes
6 + 2 > 3 Yes
2 + 3 > 6 No
This triangle is not possible.

Q 2.Take any point O in the interior of a triangle PQR. Is: 

Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

 (i) OP + OQ > PQ ?
 (ii) OQ + OR > QR?
 (iii) OR + OP > RP ?


Join OR, OQ and OP.

(i) Is OP + OQ > PQ ?
Yes, POQ form a triangle.

(ii) Is OQ + OR > QR ?
Yes, RQO form a triangle.

(iii) Is OR + OP > RP ?
Yes, ROP form a triangle.

Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Q 3. AM is a median of a triangle ABC. Is AB + BC + CA > 2 AM? (Consider the sides of triangles ΔABM and ΔAMC.)


Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Since, the sum of lengths of any two sides in a triangle should be greater than the length of third side.

Ans: Therefore, In ΔABM, AB + BM > AM .. (i)
In ΔAMC, AC + MC > AM  (ii)

Adding eq. (i) and (ii)
AB + BM + AC + MC > AM + AM
⇒ AB + AC + (BM + MC) > 2AM
⇒ AB + AC + BC > 2AM

Hence, it is true.

Q.4 ABCD is a quadrilateral. Is AB + BC + CD + DA > AC + BD?

Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Ans :Since, the sum of lengths of any two sides in a triangle should be greater than the length of third side.

Therefore, In Δ ABC, AB + BC > AC ..(i)
In Δ ADC, AD + DC > AC  (ii)
In ΔDCB, DC + CB > DB  (iii)
In ΔADB, AD + AB > DB   (iv)
Adding equations (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), we get

AB + BC + AD + DC + DC + CB + AD + AB > AC + AC + DB + DB
⇒ (AB + AB) + (BC + BC) + (AD + AD) + (DC + DC) > 2AC + 2DB
⇒ 2AB + 2BC +2AD + 2DC > 2(AC+DB)
⇒ 2(AB +BC + AD +DC) > 2(AC +DB)
⇒ AB + BC + AD + DC > AC + DB
⇒ AB + BC + CD + DA > AC + DB

Hence, it is true.

Q 3.ABCD is quadrilateral. Is AB + BC + CD + DA < 2 (AC + BD)? 

Ans :Since, the sum of lengths of any two sides in a triangle should be greater than the length of third side.

Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Therefore, In A AOB, AB < OA + OB .. (i)
In A BOC, BC < OB + OC  (ii)
In A COD, CD<OC + OD  (iii)
In AAOD, DA < OD + OA  ..(iv)
Adding equations (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), we get
AB + BC + CD + DA < OA + OB + OB + OC + OC + OD + OD + OA
⇒ AB + BC + CD + DA < 2OA + 20B + 2OC + 2OD
⇒ AB + BC + CD + DA < 2[(AO + OC) + (DO + OB)]
⇒ AB + BC + CD + DA < 2(AC + BD)
Hence, it is proved.


Q 4.The lengths of two sides of a triangle are 12 cm and 15 cm. Between what two measures should the length of the third side fall? 

 Ans :Since, the sum of lengths of any two sides in a triangle should be greater than the length of third side.

It is given that two sides of triangle are 12 cm and 15 cm.

Therefore, the third side should be less than 12 + 15 = 27 cm.

And also the third side cannot be less than the difference of the two sides.

Therefore, the third side has to be more than 15 – 12 = 3 cm. Hence, the third side could be the length more than 3 cm and less than 27 c

Q 5.PQR is a triangle, right angled at P. If PQ = 10 cm and PR = 24 cm, find QR. 


Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Given: PQ = 10 cm, PR = 24 cm
Let QR be x cm.
In right angled triangle QPR,
[Hypotenuse)2 = (Base)2 + (Perpendicular)2   [By Pythagoras theorem]

⇒ (QR)2 = (PQ)2 + (PR]2
⇒ x2 = (10)2 +(24)2 
⇒ x2 = 100 + 576 = 676
Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Thus, the length of QR is 26 cm.


Q 6.ABC is a triangle, right angled at C. If AB = 25 cm and AC = 7 cm, find BC.


Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Given: AB = 25 cm, AC = 7 cm
Let BC be x cm.
 In right angled triangle ACB,
 (Hypotenuse)2 = (Base)2 + (Perpendicular)2      [By Pythagoras theorem]
 ⇒ (AB)2 = (AC)2 + (BC)2
 ⇒ (25)2 = (7)2+x2
 ⇒ 625 = 49 + x2
 ⇒ x2 = 625 - 49 = 576
 Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Thus, the length of BC is 24 cm.

Q 7. A 15 m long ladder reached a window 12 m high from the ground on placing it against a wall at a distance a. Find the distance of the foot of the ladder from the wall. 

Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8


Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Let AC be the ladder and A be the window.
Given: AC = 15 m, AB = 12 m, CB = a m
In right angled triangle ACB,
(Hypotenuse)2 = (Base)2 + (Perpendicular)2    [By Pythagoras theorem]

⇒ (AC)2 = (CB)2 + (AB)2
⇒ (15)2 + (a)2 = (12)2
⇒ 225 = a2 + 144
⇒ a2 = 225 - 144 = 81
Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Thus, the distance of the foot of the ladder from the wall is 9 m.

Q 8.Which of the following can be the sides of a right triangle? 

 (i) 2.5 cm, 6.5 cm, 6 cm 

 (ii) 2 cm, 2 cm, 5 cm 

 (iii) 1.5 cm, 2 cm, 2.5 cm 

  In the case of right angled triangles, identify the right angles. 


Let us consider, the larger side be the hypotenuse and also using Pythagoras theorem,

(Hypotenuse)2 = (Base)2 + (Perpendicular)2

(i) 2.5 cm, 6.5 cm, 6 cm

Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

In  tri ABC, (AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2
L.H.S. = (6.5)2 = 42.25 cm
R.H.S. = (6)2 + (2.5)2 = 36 + 6.25 = 42.25 cm
Since, L.H.S. = R.H.S.
Therefore, the given sides are of the right angled triangle.
Right angle lies on the opposite to the greater side 6.5 cm, i.e., at B.

(ii) 2 cm, 2 cm, 5 cm
In the given triangle, (5)2 = (2)2 + (2)2 
L.H.S. = (5)2 = 25
R.H.S. = (2)2 + (2)2 = 4 + 4 = 8
Since, L.H.S. ≠ R.H.S.
Therefore, the given sides are not of the right angled triangle.

(iii) 1.5 cm, 2 cm, 2.5 cm
In ΔPQR, (PR)2 = (PQ)3 + (RQ)2

Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

L.H.S. = (2 5)2 = 6.25 cm
R.H.S. = (1.5)2 + (2)2 = 2.25 + 4 = 6.25 cm
Since, L.H.S. = R.H.S.
Therefore, the given sides are of the right angled triangle.
Right angle lies on the opposite to the greater side 2.5 cm, i.e., at Q.

Q 9.A tree is broken at a height of 5 m from the ground and its top touches the ground at a distance of 12 m from the base of the tree. Find the original height of the tree. 

Ans: Let A'CB represents the tree before it broken at the point C and let the top A’ touches the ground at A after it broke. Then ΔABC is a right angled triangle, right angled at B.

Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

AB = 12 m and BC = 5 m
Using Pythagoras theorem, In ΔABC
(AC)2 =(AB)2 + (BC)2 
⇒ (AC)2 = (12)2 + (5)2
⇒ (AC)2 = 144 + 25
⇒ (AC)2 = 169
⇒ AC = 13 m

Hence, the total height o f the tree = AC + CB 13 + 5

Q 10.Angles Q and R of a ΔPQR are 25° and 65°
 Write which of the following is true:
 (i) PQ2 + QR2 = RP2
 (ii) PQ2 + RP2 = QR
 (iii) RP2 + QR2 = PQ2

Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8 

 Ans: In ΔPQR, ∠PQR + ∠QRP + ∠RPQ = 180°      [By Angle sum property of a Δ]
⇒ 25° + 65° + ∠RPQ = 180°
⇒ 90° + ∠RPQ = 180°
⇒ ∠RPQ = 180°- 90° = 90°
Thus, ΔPQR is a right angled triangle, right angled at P.
∴ (Hypotenuse)2 = (Base)2 + (Perpendicular)2    [By Pythagoras theorem]
⇒ (QR)2 = (PR)2 + (QP)2
Hence, Option (ii) is correct

Q 11.Find the perimeter of the rectangle whose length is 40 cm and a diagonal is 41 cm. 

Ans: Given diagonal (PR) = 41 cm, length (PQ) = 40 cm

Let breadth (QR) be x cm. 

Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Now, in right angled triangle PQR,

(PR)2 = (RQ)2 +(PQ)2      [By Pythagoras theorem]
⇒ (41)2 = x2 + (40)2
⇒ 1681 = x2 + 1600
⇒ x2 = 1681 - 1600
⇒ x2 = 81
⇒  Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Therefore the breadth of the rectangle is 9 cm,
Perimeter of rectangle - 2(length + breadth)
= 2 [9 + 49)
= 2 x 49 = 98 cm
Hence, the perimeter of the rectangle is 98 cm

Q 12.The diagonals of a rhombus measure 16 cm and 30 cm. Find its perimeter. 

Ans: Given: Diagonals AC = 30 cm and DB = 16 cm.

Since the diagonals of the rhombus bisect at right angle to each other.

Therefore,  Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

And  Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Now , In right angle triangle DOC,
(DC)2 =(OD)2 + (OC)2    [By Pythagoras dieorem]
⇒  (DC)2 = (8)2+(15)2
⇒ (DC)2 = 64 + 225 = 289
⇒  Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8

Perimeter of rhombus = 4 x side = 4 x 17 = 68 cm
Thus, die perimeter of rhombus is 68 cm.

The document Triangle and Its Properties- 2 | Mathematics for Grade 8 is a part of the Grade 8 Course Mathematics for Grade 8.
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FAQs on Triangle and Its Properties- 2 - Mathematics for Grade 8

1. What is a triangle and what are its properties?
Ans. A triangle is a closed two-dimensional plane figure with three straight sides and three angles. The properties of a triangle include the sum of the interior angles being 180 degrees, the sum of any two sides being greater than the third side, and the length of one side being less than the sum of the other two sides.
2. What is the Pythagorean theorem and how is it used in triangles?
Ans. The Pythagorean theorem states that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. This theorem is used to find the length of one side of a right-angled triangle if the lengths of the other two sides are known.
3. What is the difference between an acute triangle and an obtuse triangle?
Ans. An acute triangle is a triangle where all three angles are less than 90 degrees. An obtuse triangle is a triangle where one angle is greater than 90 degrees.
4. What is the relationship between the sides and angles of an equilateral triangle?
Ans. An equilateral triangle is a triangle where all three sides are equal in length and all three angles are equal to 60 degrees.
5. How can the area of a triangle be calculated?
Ans. The area of a triangle can be calculated using the formula: 1/2 x base x height. The base and height are perpendicular to each other, and the base is any one side of the triangle.
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