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Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes PDF Download


"God gave us the natural number, all else is the work of man". It was exclaimed by L. Kronecker (1823-1891), the reputed German Mathematician. This statement reveals in a nut shell the significant role of the universe of numbers played in the evolution of human thought.
N : The set of natural numbers,
W : The set of whole numbers,

Z : The set of Integers, R NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9
Q : The set of rationals,
R : The set of Real Numbers.
In our day to life we deal with different types of numbers which can be broady classified as follows.

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1. Natural Numbers (N) : The counting numbers 1, 2, 3, ..... are known as natural numbers. The collection of natural number is denoted by 'N' N = {1, 2, 3, 4...∞}

  1. The set N is infinite i.e. it has unlimited members.
  2. N has the smallest element namely '1'.
  3. N has no largest element. i.e., give me any natural number, we can find the bigger number from the given number.
  4. N does not contain '0' as a member. i.e. '0' is not a member of the set N.
  5. If we go on adding 1 to each natural number ; we get next natural number.


2. Whole numbers (W) : The number '0' together with the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, .... are known as whole numbers. The collection of whole number is denoted by 'W' W = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4...∞}

  1. The set of whole number is infinite (unlimited elements).
  2. This set has the smallest members as '0'. i.e. '0' the smallest whole number. i.e., set W contain '0' as a member.
  3. The set of whole numbers has no largest member.
  4. Every natural number is a whole number but every whol number is not natural number.
  5. Non-zero smallest whole number is '1'.


3. Integers (I or Z) : All natural numbers, 0 and negative of natural numbers are called integers. The collection of integers is denoted by Z or I. Integers (I or Z) : I or Z = {–∞, ..... –3, –2, –1, 0, +1, +2, +3 .... +∞}  Positive integers : {1, 2, 3...}, Negative integers : {.... –4, –3, –2, –1}

  1. This set Z is infinite.
  2. It has neither the greatest nor the least element.
  3. Every natural number is an integer.
  4. Every whole number is an integer.
  5. The set of non-negative integer = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4,....}
  6. The set of non-positive integer = {......–4, – 3, – 2, –1, 0}


4. Rational numbers :– These are real numbers which can be expressed in the form of pq , where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0.

Ex. (2/3), (37/15), (-17/19), –3, 0, 10, 4.33, 7.123123123.........

  1. All natural numbers, whole numbers & integer are rational numbers.
  2.  Every terminating decimal is a rational number.
  3. Every recurring decimal is a rational number.
  4. A non- terminating repeating decimal is called a recurring decimal.
  5.  Between any two rational numbers there are an infinite number of rational numbers.
  6. This property is known as the density of rational numbers. 
  7. Every rational number can be represented either as a terminating decimal or as a non-terminating repeating (recurring) decimals.
  8.  Types of rational numbers :– (a) Terminating decimal numbers and (b) Non-terminating repeating (recurring) decimal numbers


5.  Irrational numbers :– A number is called irrational number, if it can not be written in the form p q , where p & q are integers and q ≠ 0. All Non-terminating & Non-repeating decimal numbers are Irrational numbers.

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6.  Real numbers :– The totality of rational numbers and irrational numbers is called the set of real number i.e. rational numbers and irrational numbers taken together are called real numbers. Every real number is either a rational number or an irrational number.


(A) 1st method : Find a rational number between x and y then, NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 is a rational number lying between x and y.

(B) 2nd method : Find n rational number between x and y (when x and y is non fraction number) then we use formula.
NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

(C) 3rd method : Find n rational number between x and y (when x and y is fraction Number) then we use formula

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

then n rational number lying between x and y are (x + d), (x + 2d), (x + 3d) .....(x + nd)

Remark : x = First Rational Number, y = Second Rational Number, n = No. of Rational Number

Ex. Find 3 rational number between 2 and 5.

Sol. Let, a = first rational number. b = second rational number n = number of rational number Here a = 2, b = 5
A rational number between 2 and 5 = NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Second rational number between 2 and NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Third rational number between  NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Hence, three rational numbers between 2 and 5 are : NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 Ans.



Every rational number can be expressed as terminating decimal or non-terminating decimal.

1. Terminating Decimal : The word "terminate" means "end". A decimal that ends is a terminating decimal.


A terminating decial doesn't keep going. A terminating decimal will have a finite number of digits after the decimal point.

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Ex. Express 7/8 in the decimal form by long division method.

Sol. We have,

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

2. Non terminating & Repeating (Recurring decimal) :– A decimal in which a digit or a set of finite number of digits repeats periodically is called Non-terminating repeating (recurring) decimals.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Ex. Find the decimal representation of  (8/3)

Sol. By long division, we have

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

                                                    COMPETITION WINDOW

Theorem-1 : Let x be a rational number whose decimal expansion terminates. Then we can express x in the form p/q, where p and q are co-primes, and the prime factorisation of q is of the form 2m × 5n,
where m,n are non-negative integers.

Theorem-2 : Let x = p/q be a rational number, such that the prime factorisation of q is of the form 2m × 5n, where m,n are non-negative integers . Then, x has a decimal expansion which terminates.

Theorem-3 : Let x = p/q be a rational number, such that the prime factorisation of q is not of the form 2m× 5n, where m,n are non-negative integers . Then, x has a decimal expansion which is nonterminating repeating.

Ex. ​


NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

we observe that the prime factorisation of the denominators of these rational numbers are of the form 2m × 5n, where m,n are non-negative integers. Hence, (189/125) has terminating decimal expansion.


NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

we observe that the prime factorisation of the denominator of these rational numbers are not of the form 2m × 5n, where m,n are non-negative integers. Hence (17/6) has non-terminating and repeating decimal expansion.



We have learnt how to represent integers on the number line. Draw any line. Take a point O on it. Call it 0(zero). Set of equal distances on the right as well as on the left of O. Such a distance is known as a unit length. Clearly, the points A, B, C, D represent the integers 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively and the point A', B', C' D' represent the integers –1, –2, –3, –4 respectively

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9
Thus, we may represent any integer by a point on the number line. Clearly, every positive integer lies to the right of O and every negative integer lies to the left of O. Similarly we can represent rational numbers.

Ex. Represent 1/2 and -1/2 on the number line.

Sol. Draw a line. Take a point O on it. Let it represent 0. Set off unit length OA and OA' to the right as well as to the left of O.
The, A represents the integer 1 and A' represents the integer –1.
NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9
Now, divide OA into two equal parts. Let OP be the first part out of these two parts. Then, the point P represents the rational number 1/2.
Again, divide OA' into two equal parts. Let OP' be the first part out of these 2 parts. Then the point P' represents the rational number -1/2


Termentaing Decimal :- Suppose we want to represent 2.3 on the number line. We know that it lies between 2 and 3. We therefore, look at the portion of the number line between 2 and 3. We divide this portion into 10 equal parts.
NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9
This first mark will represent 2.1, second mark will represent 2.2 and the third mark P will represent 2.3.


The process of visualization of numbers on the number line through a magnifying glass is known as successive magnification. Sometimes, we are unable to check the numbers like 3.765 and NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 on the number line we seek the help of magnifying glass by dividing the part into subparts and subparts into again equal subparts to ensure the accuracy of the given number.

Represent 3.765 on the number line. This number lies between 3 and 4. The distance 3 and 4 is divided into 10 equal parts. Then the first mark to the right of 3 will represent 3.1 and second 3.2 and so on. Now, 3.765 lies between 3.7 and 3.8. We divide the distance between 3.7 and 3.8 into 10 equal parts. 3.76 will be on the right of 3.7 at the sixth mark, and 3.77 will be on the right of 3.7 at the 7th mark and 3.765 will lie between 3.76 and 3.77 and soon.

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

To mark 3.765 we have to use magnifying glass.

Non terminating & repeating decimals :-
Visualize NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 on the number line, up to 4 decimals places.
Suppose we want to represent NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 on the number line, up to 4 decimals places by magnifying glass. This can be
done as follows :
We have, NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 = 4.262626

This number lies between 4 and 5. The distance between 4 and 5 is divided into 10 equal parts. Then the first mark to the right of 4 will represent 4.1 and second 4.2 and soon.Now 4.2626 lies between 4.2 and 4.3. We divide the distance between 4.2 and 4.3 into 10 equal parts. Now, 4.2626 lies between 4.26 and 4.27. Again we divide the distance between 4.26 and 4.27 into 10 equal parts. The number 4.2626 lies between 4.262 and 4.263. The distance between 4.262 and 4.263 is again divided into 10 equal parts. Sixth mark from right to the 4.262 is 4.2626.

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9



Terminating decimal numbers :- When the decimal number is of terminating nature.
Algorithm :
Setp-1 : Obtain the rational number.
Setp-2 : Determine the number of digits in its decimal part.
Setp-3 : Remove decimal point from the numerator. Write 1 in the denominator and put as many zeros on the right side of 1 as the number of digits in the decimal part ofthe given rational number.
Setp-4 : Find a common divisor of the numerator and denominator and express the rational numbe to lowest terms by dividing its numerator and denominator by the common divisor.

Ex. Express each of the following numbers in the form p/q

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9


NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9


NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Non-terminating repeating decimal numbers :- In a non terminating repeating decimal, there are two types of decimal representation.
(a) Pure recurring decimal (b) Mixed recurring decimal

(a) Pure recurring decimals : A decimal in which all the digit after the decimal point are repeated. These type of decimals are known as pure recurring decimals.
For example : NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 are pure recurring decimals.

(b) Mixed recurring decimals : A decimals in which at least one of the digits after the decimal point is not repeated and then some digit or digits are repeated. This type of decimals are known as mixed recurring decimals.
For example, NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 are mixed recurring decimals.

Conversion a pure recurring decimal to the form p/q.

Algorithm :
Step-1 : Obtain the repeating decimal and put it equal to x (say).
Step-2 : Write the number in decimal form by removing bar from the top of repeating digit and listing repeating digits at least twice.
NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Step-3: Determine the number of digits having bar on their heads.
Step-4 : If the repeating decimal has 1 place repetition, multiply by 10; a two place repetition, multiply by 100; a three place repetition, multiply by 1000 and so on.
Step-5 : Subtract the number in step (ii) from the number obtained in step (iv).
Step-6 : Divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of x.
Step-7 : Write the rational number in its simplest form.

Ex. Express each of the following decimals in the form p/q

(i) NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 (ii) NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 (iii) NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

(i)  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Then, ⇒ x = 0.66 ......(i)

Here we have only one repeating digit, so we multiply both sides of (i) by 10 to get
⇒ 10x = 6.66 ... .....(ii)

On subtracting (i) from (ii), we get ; 10x - x = (6.66 ...) - (0.66 ) ⇒ 9x = 6 ⇒ x = 6/9 ⇒ x = 2/3

Hence  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

(ii)    Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes     ...(i)
Here we have two repeating digit, so we multiply both sides of (i) by 102 = 100 to get
⇒  100x = 35.3535 ...  ...(ii)

On subtracting (i) firm (ii), we get 100x - x = (35.3535 ...) - (0.3535 ...)⇒ 99x = 35 ⇒ x = 35/99

(iii) Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Here we have three repeating digit, so we multiply both slides of (i) by 103 = 1000 to get

⇒ 1000x = 585.585585 .......(ii)

On subtracting (i) from (ii), we get 1000x - x = (585.585585 ....) - (0.585585 ....) ⇒999x= 585

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Ex. Convert the following decimal numbers in form p/q :

(i) NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 (ii)NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Sol.(i) Let x = NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 ⇒ x = 5.2222    ...(i)
Multiplying bdth sides of (i) by 10, we get
10 x = 52.222 . ....(ii)
Subtracting (i) from (ii) we get 10 x - x = (52.222....) - (5.222 ...) ⇒ 9x = 47 ⇒ x = 47/9

(ii) Let x = NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 ⇒ x = 23.434343 ...(i)
Multiplying both sides of (i) by 100, we get
10 x = 2343.4343 .....    ... (ii)
Subtracting (i) frcm (ii) we get
100 x - x = (2343.4343 . ..) - (23.4343 ...)⇒ 99x = 2320 ⇒ x = 2320/99

Aliter method :

We have,  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes  [Using the above rule, we have  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Conversion of a mixed recurring decimal to the form p/q
Step-1 : Obtain the mixed recurring decimal and write it equal to x (say).
Step-2 : Determine the number of digits after the decimal point which do not have bar on them. Let there be n digits without bar just after the decimal point.
Step-3 : Multiply both sides of x by 10n so that only the repeating decimal is on the right side of the decimal point.
Step-4 : Use the method of converting pure recurring decimal to the form p/q and obtain the value of x.

Ex. Express the following decimals in the form p/q : (i) NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

(i) Let x = NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9
Clearly, there is just one digit on the right side of the decimal point which is without bar. So, we multiply both sides of x by 10 so that only the repeting decimal is left on the right side of the decimal point.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes



Addition and subtraction of recurring decimals can be done in two ways – either by converting them into vulgar
fractions and then operating them or alternatively as follows :-
Add NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9
Step-1 : Express the number without bar as 5.732323232 + 8.613613613613

Step-2 : Write the number as one above other i.e. 5.732323232


Step-3 : Divide the number into two parts. In the first part i.e., left side write as many digits as there will be integral value with non recurring decimal. In the right side write as many digits as the LCM of the number of recurring digits in the given decimal number e.g.,
5.7/323232 (Since 5.7 is the integral + non recurring part) .8.6/136136 (LCM of 2 and 3 is 6)

Step-4 : Now add or subtract as usual.
NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Step-5 : Put the bar over the digits which are on the right side in the resultant value

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9
NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9


If can be done as usual. Just convert the decimals into vulgar fractions and then operate as required.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

A number is called irrational numbe if it canot be written in the form p q , where P and q are integer and q ≠ 0.


A non-terminating and non repeating decimal is called an irractional numbers 0.10100100010000 ...... etc.
NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 etc are all irrational numbers.



We saw, in the previous section, that there may be numbers on the number line that are not rationals. In this section, we are going to investigate these numbers. So far, all the numbers you have come across, are of the form p/q where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0. So, you may ask : are there numbers which are not of this form?  There are indeed such numbers. 

The Pythagoreans in Greece, followers of the famous mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, where the first to discover the numbers which were not rationals, around 400 BC. These numbers are called irrational numbers (irrationals), because they cannot be written in the form of a ratio of integers. There are many myths surrounding the discovery of irrational numbers by the Pythagorean, Hippacus of Croton. In all the myths Hippacus has an unfortunate end, either for discovering that √2 is irrational or for disclosing the secret about √2 to people outside the secret Pythagorean sect! 

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Pythogoream proved that √2 is irrational. Later in approximately 425 BC. Theoderus of cyrene showed that
NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 are also irrationals. π was known to various century for thousand of years. If was proved to be irrational by lambest and Legendre only in the late 1700 s.

  1. π is approximately equal to 22/7. So π is irrational and 22/7 is rational number.
  2. There are infinitely many irrational number between two irrationals.


(i)  Negative of ail irrational number is an irraticnal number.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

(ii) Sum and difference of a rational and an irrational number is an irrational mauter.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes are irrational number
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes are irrational number
(iii) Sum and difference of two irrational number is not neaessarily an irrational number.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes is an irrational and
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes is an irrational number
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes  which is rational.
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes  a rational number.

(iv) Product of a rational number with an irrational number is not always irrational.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

(v) Product of a nan-zero rational number with an irrational muter is always irrational.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

(vi) Product of mi irrational with on irrational is not always irrational.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes  an irrational nurrioer.


Rational numbers together with irrational numbers are said to be real numbers. That is, a real number is either rational or irrational.

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9



Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes    This was proved in different ways in the 1870s by to German mathematicians. Cantor and Dedekind that corresponding to every real number there is a point on the real number line and corresponding; to every point on the number line. there exists a unique real number     Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes



A number Z of the form Z = a +ib, where a and fc are real numbers and i = √-1 is called a complex number. 

i2 = - 1, i3 = i2 x i = (-1) x i =-i, i4 = ix i2= (-1) x (-1) = 1

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes it is not an irrational number. Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes are called imaginary numbers.Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


Method-Ist :- Plot NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 on a number line Constructing the 'square root spiral' :- Take a large sheet of paper and construct the 'square root spiral' in the following fashion. Start with a point O and draw a line segment OP1 of unit length. Draw a line segment P1P2 perpendicular to OP1 of unit length [see figure]. Now draw a line segment P2P3 perpendicular to OP2. The draw a line segment P3P4 perpendicular to OP3.

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Continuing in this manner, we can get the line segment Pn – 1Pn by drawing a line segment of unit length perpendicular to OPn – 1. In this manner, we will have created the points : P1, P2, P3, ....., Pn, ...., and joined them to create a beautiful spiral depicting NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Method : II

To represent. √2 on the real number line :
let ℓ be a real nunber line and 0 be a point representing 0 (zero) . Take OA = 1 unit. Draw AB ⊥ QA such that AB = 1 unit. 

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

with O as a centre and OB radius, drawT an arc, meeting line l at P.
Then, OB = OP = √2 unit    
Thus, the point P represent √2 on the number line .

To represent √3 on the real number line :

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes  [By Pythagorus theorem]

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Then, OC = OQ = √3 unit
Thus, the point Q represent √3 on the number line.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

To represent √5 on the real ranter line :

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes  [By Pythagorus theorem]

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Then, OB = OP = √5
Thus, the point P represent √5 on the mirtoer line.

To represent. √6 on the real number line :

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes [By Pythagorus theorem]
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Then, OC = OQ = √6 unit
Thus, the point Q represent √6 on the number line.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Ito represent √7 on the real number line :

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Then, OD = OQ = √7 unit
Thus, the point Q represent √7 on the number line.

To represent √8 on the real ranter line :

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Then, OB = OP = √8 unit
Thus, the point P represent √8 on the number line

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


To represent √12 on the real number line :

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Thus, the point R represent √12on the number line.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Ex. Insert a rational and an irrational number between 2 and 3.

If a, b are rational numbers, then NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9
2 is a rational number between them.
∴ A rational number between 2 and 3 is NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 Ans.
If a and b are two positive rational numbers such that ab is not a perfect square of a rational number, then NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 is an irrational number lying between a and b.
Hence, irrational number between 2 and 3 is NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9Ans.

Ex. Find two irrational numbers between 2 and 2.5.
Sol. If a and b are two positive rational numbers such that ab is not a perfect square of a rational number, then NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 is an irrational number lying between a and b.

∴ Irration number between 2 and 2.5 is  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Similarly, irrational number between Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
So, required numbers are Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


THEOREM :- Prove that every positive real number x, x is also a positive real number (i.e., x exists) which
can be represented geometrically on the real line.
Step-1 : Let x be a positive real number. Take AB = x units and BC = 1 unit on the real line l.
Step-2 : Find the mid point O of AC and draw a semicircle with centre O and radius OA or OC.
Step-3 : At B, draw a line BD ⊥ AC, where D is a point on the semicircle.
Step-4 : Join OD.
Step-5 : Further, with centre B and radius BD, draw an arc intersecting the real line l at P.
Therefore, BP = BD = √x .
Justification : We have, In right triangle OBD,

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes units (radius of the semicircle)

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

In right ΔOBD, we have OD2 = OB2 + BD2
BD2 = OD2 - OB2

and Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes [By Pythagoras theorem]
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes[∴ A2 - B2 = (A + B) (A - B)]

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Tiros, √x exists for all positive real numbers.
Hence, the point P represents √x on the real line.

Ex. Represent  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes geometrically on the number line.

 Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Sol. Let l be the number line. 
Draw a line segment AB = 3.28 units and BC = 1 unit. Find the mid point O of AC.

Draw a semicircle with centre O and radius OA or OC.
Draw BD ⊥ AC intersecting the semicircle at D. Then BD = Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes units. Now, with centre B and radius BD, draw an arc intersecting the number line ℓ at P.
Hence, BE = BP = Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Represent the following lumbers geometrically on the nunber line.

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


exponents OR index or index number or power

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

If a number is multiplied by itself a number of times, then it can be written in the exponential form 3 × 3 = 32 O R x × x × x × .... n times = xn

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes   x = any rational number

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes   n = Positive Integer

We read as

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes and xn then number  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes are called bases and 2, 4, 3, n are called exponents or index.


Expone ntial form






2 x 2 x 2




2 raised to power 3, or third power of 2 or

Cube of 2

23 = 8

6 x 6 x 6.




6 raised to power M, or m power of 6

6m = 6m

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes



 Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes  raised to power 4

or 4 power of Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


Zero Exponent : For any non zero rational number x we define a° = 1


Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Positive integral Eiwer : - let a be a real number and nbe a pcsitix^e integer. Then we define an as an = a x a x a x ax ....x a (n times)
Where an is called the nth power of a. The real number a is called the base and n is called the exponent of the nth power of a.

Example :  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Negative integral Power : Let a be any non-zero real number and n be a positive integer. Then, we define a-n = Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Example. :  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


First law (Product Law) :- Let a be any real number and m, n are positive integers, then

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Second Law (Quotient- Law): Let a he a non zero real number and m, n are positive integers, then

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Example : 

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Third Law (Power Law) : - Let a be- a positive real number and m, n are positive integers, then

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Example :

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Fourth Law : - Let a, b be two real number and n is a positive integer, then

Example :

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


Principal nth root of a Positive real number :- Let a be a positive real number and n be a positive integer. Then, the principal nth root of a is the unique positive real number x such that xn = a.
The principal nth root of a positive real number a is denoted by NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Principal nth Root of a Negative Real Number :- Let a be a negative real number and n be an odd positive integer.

Then, the principal nth root of a is defined as  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

i. e. the principal nth root of a is minus of the principal nth root of | a |,

Examples :

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Remark : - nth root of a is not defined. If a is negative real number and n is an even positive integer because an even power of a real number is always positive.

Examples :  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes is meaningless quantity .

Justification : Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes which is not possible as x2 should always 'be positive.


Let a, b > 0 be a real number, and let m and n be rational numbers.

Then, we have

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

We can also generalise the laws of exponent for the nth root of a nurrber. These are given below : -

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Ex. Evaluate each of the following :-

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Sol. 4 We have 2s x 52 = (2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2) x (5 x 5) = 32 x 25 = 800
(ii) We have (23)2 = (2)3 x 2 = 26 = 64

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes



Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

x = any positive real number

m = an integer 

n = natural number

Index of a radical is always a positive integer.

Here, xm is called the Radicand

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 is called a radical

n is called the index of the radical

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 sign is called the radical sign

If a is rational number and n is positive integer such that nth root of a is an irrational number then NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 is called surd or radical where the symbol NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 is called the radical sign and index n is called order of the surd. NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9 is real as nth root of 'a' and can also be written as a1/n.


If the root of a number cannot exactly obtained, the root is called a surd or an irrational number.

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Every surd is an irrational number but every irrational number is not surd.


(a) Addition and subtraction of surds: Addition & subtraction of surds are possible only when order and radicand are same i.e. only for like surds.
Ex. Simplify :-

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Sol. Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes [Using distributive law]

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes [Using distributive law] Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

First we reduce each term to its simplest form

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

First we reduce each term to its simplest form

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

(b) Multiplication and division of surds:

Multiplication of Surds :- Surds of the same order can be multiplied according to the following law :-

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


The process of changing an irrational number into rational number is called 'rationalisation' and the factor by which we multiply and Divide the number is called 'rationalising factor'


(i) Rationalizing factor of Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notesis a rational
(ii) Rationalizing factor of Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes is a rational
(iii) Rationalizing factor of  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes  is a rational
(iv) Rationalizing factor of  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes  is a rational
(v) Rationalizing factor of  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes which is rational.

(vi) Rationalizing factor of  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
(vii) Rationalizing factor of  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes which is a rational number.


Two binomial surds which differ only in sign (+ or –) between the terms connecting them, are called conjugate

surds.  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes are conjugate surds. Also  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes are conjugate surds.

Ex. Fiiii the raticiializing factors of following :

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Sol.   Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes = 10 as 10 is rational number. ∴Rational fector of   Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes is Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Rationalizing factor of √2 is √2

Hence, Rationalizing factor of  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Hence, Rationalizing factor of Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Hence rationalizing fatctor of  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes . Hence, Rationalizing factor of  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes [changing into simplest term]

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


Ex. Rationalise the denominator in each of the following :

NCRT,Question and Answer,Important,Class 9 mathematics,CBSE Class 9

Sol. Ths rationalising factor of the dencminator is Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes The rationalising factor of the denaninator is 31/3..

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Sol. We have Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes [Miltiply and divide by] Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

(ii) We have,

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


Ex. Rationalise the dencninator  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes


(a) Since Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
(b) ∴square root of Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
(c) square root of  Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
(d) square root of Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes
(e) and square root of Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

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FAQs on Number System, Class 9 Mathematics Detailed Chapter Notes

1. What is the number system?
Ans. The number system is a set of mathematical rules and symbols used to represent numbers. It is an organized way of representing and manipulating numbers. The most common number systems are the decimal system (base 10), binary system (base 2), octal system (base 8), and hexadecimal system (base 16).
2. What is the Decimal System?
Ans. The decimal system is a number system that uses ten different symbols, 0 through 9, to represent numbers. It is called base-10 because each digit in a number represents a power of 10. The first digit on the right represents 10^0 or 1, the second digit represents 10^1 or 10, the third digit represents 10^2 or 100, and so on.
3. What is the Binary System?
Ans. The binary system is a number system that uses two symbols, 0 and 1, to represent numbers. It is called base-2 because each digit in a number represents a power of 2. The first digit on the right represents 2^0 or 1, the second digit represents 2^1 or 2, the third digit represents 2^2 or 4, and so on.
4. What is the Octal System?
Ans. The octal system is a number system that uses eight symbols, 0 through 7, to represent numbers. It is called base-8 because each digit in a number represents a power of 8. The first digit on the right represents 8^0 or 1, the second digit represents 8^1 or 8, the third digit represents 8^2 or 64, and so on.
5. What is the Hexadecimal System?
Ans. The hexadecimal system is a number system that uses sixteen symbols, 0 through 9 and A through F, to represent numbers. It is called base-16 because each digit in a number represents a power of 16. The first digit on the right represents 16^0 or 1, the second digit represents 16^1 or 16, the third digit represents 16^2 or 256, and so on. The hexadecimal system is commonly used in computer programming and digital electronics.
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