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Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET PDF Download

1. Work Done in Reversible Isothermal Expansion: Consider an ideal gas enclosed in a cylinder fitted with a weightless and frictionless piston. The cylinder is not insulated.
The external pressure, Pext, is equal to pressure of the gas, Pgas Let it be P.
Pext = Pgas = P
If the external pressure is decreased by an infinitesimal amount dP, the gas will expand by an infinitesimal volume, dV.

As a result of expansion, the pressure of the gas within the cylinder falls to Pgas - dP, i.e., it becomes again equal to the external pressure and, thus, the piston comes to rest.

Such a process is repeated for a number of times, i.e., in each step the gas expands by a volume dV.

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Isothernal reversible expansion work

Since, the system is in thermal equilibrium with the surroundings, the infinitesimally small cooling produced due to expansion is balanced by the absorption of heat from the surroundings and the temperature remains constant throughout the expansion.The work done by the gas in each step of expansion can be given as,
dw = -(Pext - dP)dV
= -Pext.dV
= -PdV
dP. dV, the product of two infinitesimal quantities, is neglected. 

  • The negative sign of this expression is required to obtain conventional sign for w, which will be positive. It indicates that in case of compression work is done on the system.
  • Here (V– Vi ) will be negative and negative multiplied by negative will be positive. Hence the sign obtained for the work will be positive.

If the pressure is not constant at every stage of compression, but changes in number of finite steps, work done on the gas will be summed over all the steps and will be equal to -Σp∆V
Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEETpV-plot when pressure is not constant and changes in finite steps during compression from initial volume, Vi to final volume, Vf . Work done on the gas is represented by the shaded area.

  • The total amount of work done by the isothermal reversible expansion of the ideal· gas from volume V1 to volume V2 is, therefore
    Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
    For an ideal gas, p = nRT/V
    Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
    Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
    At constant temperature, according to Boyle's law,
    P1V1 = P2V2
    or V2/V1 = P1/P2
    Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
    Isothermal compression work of an ideal gas may be derived similarly and it has exactly the same value with positive sign.
    Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
    Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Two types of irreversible isothermal expansions are observed, i.e.,
(i) Free expansion and
(ii) Intermediate expansion.

  • In free expansion, the external pressure is zero, i.e. , work done is zero when gas expands in vacuum.
  • In intermediate expansion, the external pressure is less than gas pressure. So, the work done when volume changes from V1 to V2 is given by

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEETSince, Pext is less than the pressure of the gas, the work done during intermediate expansion is numerically less than the work done during reversible isothermal expansion in which Pext is almost equal to Pgas .


For isothermal (T = constant) expansion of an ideal gas into vacuum ; w = 0 since pext = 0.

Also, Joule determined experimentally that q = 0; therefore, ∆U = 0
∆U = q + w can be expressed for isothermal irreversible and reversible changes as follows:
1. For isothermal irreversible change
q = – w = Pext (Vf – Vi )

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
3. For adiabatic change, q = 0,
∆U = wad


This can be achieved by placing particles of sand one by one at a very slow take in the assembly which keeps the temperature of gas constant in this case the expression of work done will be exactly similar to as obtained in case of reversible expansion of gas
W= -nRT ln (Vf /Vi)
This will automatically come out to be +ve as Vf < Vi

Example 1. 10 gm of Helium at 127°C is expanded isothermally from 100 atm to 1 atm Calculate the work done when the expansion is carried out
(i) In single step
(ii) In three steps the intermediate pressure being 60 and 30 atm respectively and
(iii) Reversibly.

(i) Work done = V.ΔP
Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
(ii) In three steps
VI = 83.14 × 10-5 m3
WI = (83.14 × 10-5) × (100 - 60) × 105
= 3325.6 Jules
Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
WII = 138.56 × 10-5 (60 - 30) × 105
= 4156.99 ≈ 4157 J.
Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
WIII = 277.13 × 10-5 (30 - 1) × 105
WIII = 8036.86 J.
W total  =  WI + WII + WIII 
= 3325.6 + 4156.909 + 8036.86 = 15519.45 J.
(iii) For reversible process
Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Example 2. Calculate the amount of work done by 2 mole of an ideal gas at 298 K in reversible isothermal expansion from 10 litre to 20 litre.

Solution. Amount of work, done in reversible isothermal expansion,
Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
Given, n = 2, R = 8.314 JK-1 mol-1, T = 298 K, V2 = 20 L and V1 = 10 L.
Substituting the values in above equation,
Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
= -2.303 × 8.314 × 298 × 0.3010 = -3434.9 J
i.e., work is done by the system.

Example 3. 5 moles of an ideal gas expand isothermally and reversibly film a pressure of 10 atm to 2atm at 300K. What is the largest mass which can be lifted through a height of l metre in this expansion?

Solution. Work done by the system
Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
Let M be the mas which can be lifted through a height of 1 m.

Work done in lifting the mass = Mgh = M × 9.8 × 11
So, M × 9.8 = 20.075 × 103 M
= 2048.469 kg


(1) Isochoric process: 

V = constant  
Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

dV = 0

 W = 0

dU = dqV
ΔU = q = nCVΔT

 ΔH = nCpΔT

(2) Isobaric process:
W = - Pext (V2-V1)
Reversible & isobaric process

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

W = - P (V2-V1)
= - nR (T2-T1)
Irreversible & isobaric process
P1 = P2 = Pext
For reversible & irreversible isobaric or isochoric process, workdone is same.

(3) Isothermal process. 

(a) Reversible Expansion or compression

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

W = -P∫ dv
= -∫Pgas dV

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Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

In Expansion W = - ve
ΔE = 0

 q = -W

(b) Single stage irreversible expansion

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

W = - Pext(V2 - V1)

|Wrev| > |Wirr| (in case of expansion)

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

(c) Two Stage irreversible Expansion: 

Stage I. Pext  = 3 atm, Pi = 5 atm
Stage II. P"ext  = 2 atm , Pf = 2 atm

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Workdone in 2nd stage > Workdone in Ist stage

(d)  n- stage expansion 

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET Compression - (One stage Compression ) 

| Wirr | = Pext DV
P1 = 1 atm , P2 = 5 atm , Pext = 5 atm

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET | Wirr | > | Wrev | For compression

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET 

Example 1. 2 moles of an ideal gas initially present in a piston fitted cylinder at 300 K, and 10 atm are allowed to expand against 1 atm but the piston was stopped before it stablished the mechanical equilibrium. If temperature were maintained constant through out the change and system delivers 748.26 J of work, determine the final gas pressure and describe the process on PV diagram. 
Wirrv = - 748.26
Wirr = - Pext [1/P2- 1/P1]nRT
P2 = 4atm

Example 2. 1150 Kcal heat is released when following reaction is carried out at constant volume. 
C7H16(l) 11O2(g) → 7CO2(g) 8H2O(l) 
Find the heat change at constant pressure. 
The pressure of liquid is a linear function of volume (P = a + bV) and the internal energy of the liquid is U = 34 + 3PV find a, b, w, ΔE & ΔH for change in state from 100 Pa, 3m3 to 400 Pa, 6m3 

Solution. 100 = a + bV
⇒ 100 = a + 3b
Also, 400 = a + 6b
⇒ a = -200, b = 100
ΔU = 34 + 3(P2V2 - P1V1)
= 6300 J
ΔH = ΔU + P2V2 - P1V1
= 6300 + 2100 = 8400 J
P is a linear function
Pext = (400 + 100)/2 = 250
W = - Pext(dV)
= - 250(6 - 3) = - 750 J

Example 3. 4 moles of an ideal gas (Cv = 15 J) is subjected to the following process represented on P - T graph. From the given data find out whether the process is isochoric or not ? also calculate q, w, ΔU, ΔH,

 Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Solution. PV = nRT
4V = 4R × 400
V = 400 R ........(1)
3V = 4R × 300
⇒ V = 400 R ........(2)
i.e., V is constant
w = 0
ΔU = nCV  + ΔT ⇒ 4 ×15 ×100 = 6000 J
ΔH = nCP + ΔT ⇒ n (C+ R ) ΔT
⇒ 4 ×(15 8.3)×100
⇒ 9320 J

 q = ΔU = 6kj

Example 4. 2 mole of a gas at 1 bar and 300 K are compressed at constant temperature by use of a constant pressure of 5 bar. How much work is done on the gas ?  
Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET
= 19953.6 J

Example 5. 2 moles of an ideal diatomic gas (C = 5/2 R) at 300 K, 5 atm expanded irreversibly and adiabatically to a final pressure of 2 atm against a constant pressure of 1 atm. 
(1) Calculate final temperature q, w, ΔH & ΔU 
(2) Calculate corresponding values if the above process is carried out reversibly. 
w = C(T2 - T1

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Given T2 = 270K
Pext = 1,P2 = 2,P= 5
q = 0
w = ΔU = nCVΔT
= -1247.1 J
= 1745.94 J
If process is reversible Pvγ = Constant
P1- γTγ  = Constant

T = 231 K


dq = 0
dU = dW 

Δ U = W

 W = nCΔT = nCV T2 - T1)

For an ideal gas CP - CV = R

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET


nCVdT = - Pext dV
Pint = dP = Pext

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Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

⇒ T2(V2)γ - 1 = V1γ - 1T1

TVγ - 1 = Constant

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET


dU = dW

⇒ nCV(T2 - T1) = - Pext dV

= - Pext [V2 - V1]

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

(i) If final volumes are same
Isothermal process.
P1v1 = Piso V
⇒  Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Adiabatic process.
Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

P1v1γ  = Padia V2γ 

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

⇒ Piso > Padia

(ii) If final pressures are same
Isothermal process.

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

P1V1 = P2 Viso 

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET .......(1)

P1V1γ  = P2Vγ adia

 Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

In ideal gas expansion,
| Wiso | > | Wadia |


⇒ Viso > Vadia


(i) If final volumes are same

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

For isothermal process

P1V1 = PisoV2

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET ..........(1)

Adiabatic process.

P1V1γ  = PadiaV2γ 

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET ..........(2)

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Padia > Piso 


(ii) If final pressures are same

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

P1V1 = PViso ..........(1)

P1V1γ  = PVγ adia ..........(2)

 ⇒  Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET

⇒ Vadia > Viso

The document Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations | Physical Chemistry for NEET is a part of the NEET Course Physical Chemistry for NEET.
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FAQs on Pressure-Volume Work & Work Done Calculations - Physical Chemistry for NEET

1. What is pressure-volume work?
Ans. Pressure-volume work refers to the work done by a system when its volume changes against an external pressure. It is calculated by multiplying the change in volume (ΔV) by the external pressure (P) exerted on the system.
2. How is the work done calculated in pressure-volume work?
Ans. The work done in pressure-volume work can be calculated using the formula: Work = -PΔV, where P is the external pressure and ΔV is the change in volume. The negative sign indicates the work done on the system (compression) or by the system (expansion).
3. What are some examples of pressure-volume work in everyday life?
Ans. Some examples of pressure-volume work in everyday life include inflating a bicycle tire using a pump, compressing a gas in a cylinder, or expanding a balloon by blowing air into it. In all these cases, work is done by or on the system due to changes in volume against an external pressure.
4. How does pressure affect the amount of work done in pressure-volume work?
Ans. The amount of work done in pressure-volume work is directly proportional to the external pressure. Higher pressure results in greater work done, while lower pressure results in less work done. This relationship is governed by the equation: Work = -PΔV, where P represents the external pressure.
5. Can pressure-volume work be negative?
Ans. Yes, pressure-volume work can be negative. A negative work value indicates that work is done on the system (compression), while a positive work value indicates work done by the system (expansion). The negative sign in the work formula (-PΔV) is used to differentiate between these two cases.
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