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The Kinetic Theory of Gases

In order to derive the theoretical aspect of the various gas laws based on simple experiment facts, Maxwell proposed the following postulates under the heading of kinetic theory of gases:

The postulates of kinetic theory of gas are

  • Each gas is made up of a large number of small (tiny( particles known as molecules.

  • The volume of a molecule is so small that it may be neglected in comparison to total volume of gas.

  • The molecules are never in stationary state but they are believed to be in chaotic (random) motion. They travel in straight line in all possible directions with altogether different but constant velocities. The direction of motion is changed by the collision with container or with the other molecules.

  • The collision between molecules is perfectly elastic i.e., there is no change in the energies of the molecules after collision.

  • The effect of gravity on molecular motion is negligible.

  • The kinetic energy of the gases depends on the temperature.

  • The pressure of the gas arises due to collision due to collision of molecules with the walls of the container.

The Kinetic Equation: Maxwell also derived an equation on the basis of above assumptions as

                  The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry where

                  P = Pressure of gas  

                  V = Volume of gas

                  m = mass of one molecules of gas

                  n = number of molecules of gas

                  u = root mean square velocity of molecules

      For 1 mole n = N (Avogadro number)

      m ×  N = Molecular mass M.

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Distribution of Molecular Velocities

Maxwell and Boltzmann proposed that gas molecules are always in rapid random motion colliding with each other and with the walls of container. Due to such collisions, their velocities always changes. A fraction of molecules have a particular molecular velocity at a time. James Clark Maxwell calculated the distribution of velocity among fractions of total number of molecules, on the basis of probability.

The distribution of velocities of different gas molecules may be shown by the following curve.

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

From the curve it may be concluded that

(i)         Only a small fraction of molecules have either very low or very high velocity.

(ii)        Curve becomes flat when temperature is raised i.e. distribution around average velocity becomes wider. Average molecular velocity increases with rise in temperature.

(iii)       Most of the molecules have velocity close to most probable velocity represented by the top of curve.

(iv)       At higher temperature greater number of molecules have high velocity, while few molecules have lower velocity.

Average Velocity: As per kinetic theory of gases, each molecule is moving with altogether different velocity. Let ‘n’ molecules be present in a given mass of gas, each one moving with velocity u1, u2, u3…….., un.

            The average velocity or Uav = average of all such velocity terms.

Average Velocity = The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry
The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

Root Mean Square Velocity: Maxwell proposed the term Urms as the square root of means of square of all such velocities.

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry
The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry   

Most probable velocity:  It is the velocity possessed by maximum number of molecules.

 The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

Furthermore The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical ChemistryThe Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry 

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

Also Uav = Urms × 0.9213

Kinetic Energy of Gas:  As per kinetic equation The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry .

For 1 mole  m × n = Molecular Mass (M)

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical ChemistryThe Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry  Where k is the Boltzmann constant The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

Kinetic Energy of gas sample:

(i)         Average kinetic energy of a single molecule = The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

            K = boltzmann constant = 1.38 × 10–23 J/deg

(ii)         Total kinetic Energy for one mole of gas = The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

(iii)       Kinetic Energy for n mol of gas = The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

Deviations from Ideal Behaviour

                    An ideal gas is one which obeys the gas laws of the gas equation PV = RT at all pressure and temperatures. However no gas in nature is ideal. Almost all gases show significant deviations from the ideal behaviour. Thus the gases H2, N2 and CO2 which fail to obey the ideal-gas equation are termed as non-ideal or real gases.

Compressibility Factor: The extent to which a real gas departs from the ideal behaviour may be depicted in terms of a new function called the compressibility factor, denoted by Z. It is defined as

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

The deviations from ideality may be shown by a plot of the compressibility factor Z, against P.

For an ideal gas, Z = 1 and it is independent of temperature and pressure.

The deviations from ideal behaviour of a real gas will be determined by the value of Z being greater or less than 1.

The difference between unity and the value of the compressibility factor of a gas is a measure of the degree of non ideality of the gas.

For a real gas, the deviations from ideal behaviour depends on:

(i) pressure; and        (ii) temperature.

This will be illustrated by examining the compressibility curves of some gases discussed below with the variation of pressure and temperature.

Effect of Pressure Variation on Deviations:

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

From the above curves we can conclude that:

  • At low pressure and fairly high temperatures, real gases show nearly ideal behaviour and the ideal-gas equation is obeyed.

  • At low temperatures and sufficiently high pressure, a real gas deviates significantly from ideality and the ideal-gas equation is no longer valid.

  • The closer the gas is to the liquefication point, the larger will be the deviation from the ideal behaviour.

Greater is the departure Z from unity, more is the deviation from ideal behaviour.

(i)               When Z < 1, this implies that gas is more compressible.

(ii)              When Z > 1, this means that gas is less compressible.

(iii)             When Z = 1, the gas is idea.

Vander Waals Equation of State for Real Gas: the equation of state generated by Vander Waals in 1873 reproduces the observed behaviour with moderate accuracy. For a node of gas, the Vander Waals equation is

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

Where a and b are constants characteristic of a gas.

Volume Correction:  We know that for an ideal gas P × V = nRT. Now in a real gas the molecular volume cannot be ignored and therefore let us assume that ‘b’ is the volume excluded (out of the volume of container) for the moving gas molecules per mole of a gas. Therefore due to n moles of a gas the volume excluded would be nb.

∴ a real gas in a container of volume V has only available volume of (V – nb) and this can be through of, as an ideal gas in a container of volume (V – nb)

Pressure Correction: Let us assume that the real gas exerts a pressure P. The molecules that exert the force on the container will get attracted by molecules of the immediate layer which are not assumed to be exerting pressure.

It can be seen that pressure the real gas exerts would be less than the pressure an ideal gas would have exerted. Therefore if a real gas exerts a pressure P, then an ideal gas would exert a pressure equal to P + p(p is the pressure lost by the gas molecules due to attractions). This small pressure p would be directly proportional to the extent of attraction between the molecules which are hitting the container wall and the molecules which are attracting these.

Therefore The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry (concentration of molecules which are hitting the container’s wall)

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry (concentration of molecules which are attracting these molecules)

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

Where a is the constant of proportionality which depends on the nature of gas. Higher value of ‘a’ reflects the increased attraction between gas molecules.

The Vander Waals constant b (the excluded volume) is actually 4 times the volume of a single molecule. i.e., b = 4 NAV where NA → Avogadro number.

b = 4 × 6.023 × 1023  The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry where r is the radius of a molecule.

The constant a and b: Vander Waals constant for attraction (A) and volume (B) are characteristic for a given gas. Some salient features of ‘a’ and ‘b’ are:

  1. For a given gas Vander Waals constant of attraction ‘a’ is always greater than Vander Waals constant of volume (B).
  2. The gas having higher value of ‘a’ can be liquefied easily and therefore H2 and He are not liquefied easily.
  3. The units of a = litre2 atm mole–2 and that b = litre mole–1
  4. The numerical values of a and b are in the order of 10–1 to 10–2 to 10–4 respectively.
  5. Higher is the value of ‘a’ for a given gas, easier is the liquification.

Explanation of deviation by Van der Waals equation

(i)      At lower pressure:  ‘V’ is large and ‘b’ is negligible in comparison with V.

            Then Vander Waals equation reduces to:

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry
The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry         

Or PV < RT at low pressure (below Boyle temperature)

This accounts for the dip in PV vs P isotherm at low pressure.

(ii)    At fairly high pressure: The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry  may be neglected in comparison with P.

  The Vander Waals equation becomes

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical ChemistryThe Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry
The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical ChemistryThe Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

            Or PV > RT at higher pressure (above Boyle temperature)

(iii)  At very low pressure: V becomes so large that both b and  The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry  become negligible and the Vander Waal equation reduces to PV = RT

     The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry       At extremely low pressure (at Boyle temperature)

      This shows why gases approach ideal behaviour at very low pressure.

(iv)   Hydrogen and Helium: These are two lightest gases known. Their molecules have very small masses the attractive forces between such molecules will be extensively small. So The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry is negligible even at ordinary temperature. Thus PV > RT.

Dieterici Equation:

            P(V – nb) nRT ea/VRT

Berthelot Equation:

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

Viral Equation of State For 1 Mole of Gas:

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

            B = second virial co-efficient, temperature dependent = The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

            C = third viral co-efficient, temperature, dependent = 1

Critical phenomenon & Liquefaction of gases

          The phenomena of converting a gas into liquid is known as liquefaction. The liquefaction of gas is achieved by controlling P and T as follows:

1.  Increasing pressure: As increase in results in an increase in attraction among molecules.

2.  Decreasing temperature: A decrease in temperature results in decrease in kinetic energy of molecules.

Critical temperature (Tc): It is defined as the characteristic temperature for a given gas below which a continuous increase in pressure will bring liquefaction of gas and above which no liquefaction is noticed although pressure may be increased e.g. Tc for CO2 is 31.2°C.

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

Critical pressure (Pc): It is defined as the minimum pressure applied on 1 mole of gas placed at critical temperature, to just liquefy the gas

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

Critical Volume (Vc): The volume occupied by 1 mole of gas placed at critical conditions.

                                 VC = 3b  (i.e. P = Pc and T = Tc)

Collision parameters

  • Mean free path

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry                         The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry
The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

            K = Boltzman constant; s = collision diameter.

  • Collision frequency (z): number of collision taking place per second per unit volume.

  • Collision diameter: Closest distance between the centre of two molecule which are participating in collision.

  • Relative Humidity (RH):

At a given temperature

The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry

  • Loschmidth Number

The number of molecules present in 1 cc of gas (or) vapour at STP.

Value: 2.617 × 1019 1 cc

The document The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes | Physical Chemistry is a part of the Chemistry Course Physical Chemistry.
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FAQs on The Kinetic Theory of Gases: Revision Notes - Physical Chemistry

1. What is the kinetic theory of gases?
Ans. The kinetic theory of gases is a model that explains the behavior of gases at a molecular level. According to this theory, gases are composed of particles (atoms or molecules) that are in constant random motion. The theory states that gas particles have negligible volume, exert no forces on each other, and their collisions are perfectly elastic.
2. How does temperature affect the kinetic energy of gas particles?
Ans. Temperature directly affects the kinetic energy of gas particles. As temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of gas particles also increases. This means that the particles move faster and collide more frequently. Conversely, when temperature decreases, the average kinetic energy decreases, resulting in slower particle movement and fewer collisions.
3. Can the kinetic theory of gases be applied to all gases?
Ans. Yes, the kinetic theory of gases can be applied to all gases. It is a universal model that explains the behavior of gases regardless of their chemical composition or physical properties. The assumptions of the kinetic theory, such as negligible volume and no intermolecular forces, hold true for most gases under normal conditions.
4. How does pressure relate to the kinetic theory of gases?
Ans. According to the kinetic theory of gases, pressure is caused by the collisions of gas particles with the walls of the container. When gas particles collide with the container walls, they exert a force, which leads to the creation of pressure. The more frequent the collisions and the higher the average kinetic energy of the particles, the greater the pressure exerted by the gas.
5. Can the kinetic theory of gases explain deviations from ideal behavior?
Ans. Yes, the kinetic theory of gases can explain deviations from ideal behavior. In real gases, there are certain conditions where the assumptions of the kinetic theory may not hold true. For example, at high pressures or low temperatures, gases may not behave ideally due to intermolecular forces or significant molecular volume. However, the kinetic theory still provides a good approximation for the behavior of gases under normal conditions.
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