In transgenics, expression of transgene in target tissue is determined by
During replication of a bacterial chromosome DNA synthesis starts from a replication origin site and
The telomeres of eukaryotic chromosomes consist of short sequences of
Crossing over that results in genetic recombination in higher organisms occurs between
In a mutational event, when a denine is replaced by guanine, it is a case of
DNA fingerprinting refers to
Genetic map is one that
Degeneration of a genetic code is attributed to the
In the genetic code dictionary, how many codons are used to code for all the 20 essential amino acids ?
What would happen if in a gene encoding a polypeptide of 50 amino acids, 25th codon (UAU) is mutated to UAA?
Which one of the following triplet codes, is correctly matched with its specificity for an amino acid in protein synthesis or as ‘start’ or ‘stop’codon ?
During translation initiation in prokaryotes, a GTP molecule is needed in
During transcription, the DNA site at which RNA polymerase binds is called
What does "lac" refer to in what we call the lac operon?
When a cluster of genes show linkage behaviour they
Exon part of m- RNAs have code for
In a DNA percentage of thymine is 20% then what will be the percentage of guanine?
Transformation experiment was first performed on which bacteria?
Jacob and Monod studied lactose metabolism in E.coli and proposed operon concept. Operon concept is applicable for
Out of 64 codons, 61 codons code for 20 types of amino acid. It is called
In E.coli during lactose metabolism repressor binds to
Frequency of an allele in a isolated population may change due to
In which direction m-RNA is synthesised on DNA template ?
At time of organogenesis genes regulate the process at different levels and at different time due to
Gene and cistron words are sometimes used synonymously because