From semi-emprical mass formula, binding energy is given by
If and
The value of Z for most stable nuclei for A = 43 is ____________________( an integer)
The meson theory of nuclear forces assumes the virtual exchange ofpions. If a nucleon emits a virtual pion of
rest mass 270 me, where me is rest mass of electron), the range of nuclear forces is________fm. (Upto two
decimal places)
The spins and parities of ground state of 19k39 and 42Mo95 nucleus are respectively
Hie magnetic dipole moment and electric qiiadrupole moment for around state of 29Cu63 in μN ( Nuclear masneton units) and bam respectively are
What are the expected types of gamma ray transition between tlie following states of odd A nuclei
(1) g9/2 → p1/2
(2) h11/2 → d3/2
Read the following statements:
(I) If a particle X has Isospin I = 3/2, Baryon no. B = 1 and Strangeness no. S = 0 . then the possible values of electric charges for X are +2, -1, 0 and -1.
(II) If the reaction is governed by strong interaction then the third component of Isos- pin. Baryon number and Strangeness number ofXare respectively
(III) The quark content of uus and uss respectively.
Choose the correct option from the following ?
A thermal neutron having speed v impinges on a 235⋃ nucleus. The reaction cross-section is proportional to
The reaction 38Sr89 → 39Y89 + β- + undergoes a first forbidden β - decay by
Match tlie following reactions on the left with the associated interactions on file right.
If the reactions and
are governed by weak interactions, then the particle Z in the reaction Y→ Z + X is
If the first excited rotational state of a nucleus has energy equal to 93.3 KeV then the energy ofthe third excited rotational state is approximately equal to______________KeV. (an integer)
For the reaction P + 1H3 → 1H2 + 1H2 , if T1 is threshold kinetic energy of1 H3 when P is target and T2 is threshold kinetic energy of P when 1H3 is target, then the value of T1- T2 is equal to MeV. (upto two decimal places)
A reactor is developing energy at a rate of 3000 kWatt. If on an average, energy of 200 MeV is released per
fission, then tlie weight of U235 used in 1000 hours of operation is___________gm
In a reaction 13AI25 → 12Mg25 + e+ + ve , the atomic masses are given as
mA1 = 19.003576u , mMg = 24 .985839u.
The maximum kinetic energy of the neutrino emitted is___________MeV. (upto two decimal places)
If 86Rn222 nucleus decays at rest by the reaction 86Rn222 → 84Po218 + 2He4 then the kinetic energy of the 84Po218 nucleus is ________________ MeV. (Upto two decimal places)
If the reaction is governed by strong interaction, then the particle X is
Consider the following statements:
P. In reaction , Baryon number, Isospin and third component of Isospin are notcon served.
Q. The reaction proceed via strong interaction.
R. In reaction , Strangeness number and third component of Isospin are not conserved.
S. The reaction proceed via electromagnetic interaction.
Choose the correct option from the following ?
The half life of radon is 3.82 days. If the sample contains initially 2.71 x 1015 atoms, the number of atoms that will disintegrate during die first day are___________x 1014 (upto first decimal places)
Deutxon in a cyclotron describe a circle of radius 0.32 m just before emerging out of the cyclotron. The frequency of cyclotron is 10 MHz. Mass ofdeutron is 3.32 x 10-27 kg and charge is 1.6 x 10-19 coulomb. The velocity of die deuterons emerging out of the cyclotron is____________107 m/s. (an integer)
According to shell model, the ground state and first excited state spin-parity JP and 7N15 are respectively.