Minimum composite sleeper index prescribed on Indian Railways for a track sleeper is
Which of the following statements regarding ballast materials are correct?
1. Brick ballast has poor drainage characteristics.
2. Coal ash is not used as ballast with steel or cast iron sleepers.
3. Gravel ballast gives better performance on soft formation.
4. Sand ballast causes excessive wear on top of rail.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Which of the following statements regarding ballast materials are correct?
1. Brick ballast has poor drainage characteristics
2. Coal ash not used as ballast with steel or cast iron sleepers
3. Gravel ballast gives better performance in soft formation
4. Sand ballast causes excessive wear on top of rail
Select the correct answer using the codes given -below:
Consider the following statements about concrete sleepers:
1. They improve the track modulus.
2. They have good scrap value.
3. They render transportation easy.
4. They maintain the gauge quite satisfactorily.
Which of these statements are correct?