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Verbal For XAT 2019 - CAT MCQ

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26 Questions MCQ Test - Verbal For XAT 2019

Verbal For XAT 2019 for CAT 2025 is part of CAT preparation. The Verbal For XAT 2019 questions and answers have been prepared according to the CAT exam syllabus.The Verbal For XAT 2019 MCQs are made for CAT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Verbal For XAT 2019 below.
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Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 1

Choose the option that would fill in the blanks meaningfully in the sentence(s) below: 

______ the importance of ‘horizontal stratification’ ______ higher education is widely acknowledged, ______ attention has been applied to horizontal stratification ______ compulsory schooling.

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 1
From an initial reading, we can understand that the two parts of the sentence are contrasting each other. So the perfect fir for the first blank is "while".

Since in the first case the importance is widely acknowledged, in the second case it has to be the opposite, so the best fit for the third blank would be "far less".

In the second and fourth blank, we need an apt preposition, and the correct one would be "within".

So the correct option is B.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 2

Please study the paragraph given below: 

In 1942, the French writer Albert Camus composed an essay, ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’. It draws on the Greek fable of a man condemned to roll a rock up a mountain only to have it roll back down under its own weight, a ______ that lasts for eternity. Camus argues that this image ______ the human condition in a world where we can no longer make sense of events; but instead of committing suicide, we should ______ ourselves to this ‘elusive feeling of absurdity’ and bear it as best we can. In this sense, Sisyphus is the ideal hero.

Consider the following words: 

1. surrender 

2. choice 

3. symbolises 

4. quandary 

5. attune 

6. option 

7. reconcile 

8. depicts 

Q. Which of the following options is the most appropriate sequence that best fits the blanks in the above paragraph?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 2
In the first blank we are looking for a word that signifies a dilemma, quandary(4) is a word that goes well here as it means "state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation".

The second blank requires a word that goes with the essence of depicting an image, symbolizes(3) is the perfect fit for this blank as there is no option which has the word depict(8) in it.

The third blank requires a word that means to accept or come to terms with something, while attune(5) is a good choice, reconcile(7) is the best choice and is also available in the options.

Hence the answer is 437.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 3

Study the first sentence and then identify from among the options given the closest antonym of the highlighted word in the second sentence: 

Q. It’s conventional wisdom that procreation between first cousins is unhealthy. But what are the actual genetic risks?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 3
The highlighted word is conventional which here means common knowledge, known by all. The perfect antonym would be unfounded which means having no foundation or not based on truth. 

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 4

Carefully read the following paragraph: 

Who could resist the idea of remembering everything they wanted to, without trying? Learning would be made easy, exams a ______ and you would never forget where you left your keys. And memory-related disorders like Alzheimer’s would have met their match. So, it is of little surprise that scientists have turned their attention to ways of ______ human memory using techniques that ______, supplement or even mimic parts of the brain. The immediate goal is to treat memory disorders, but the idea of a memory ______ for everyday life is gaining ground.

Fill in the blanks in the above paragraph, with the best option from among the following:

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 4
The first blank requires a word that conveys the idea of something which is easy to do. Joy is a word that conveys the expression, but we have a better choice which is a breeze (a thing that is easy to accomplish). Hence we have eliminated Options A B and D.

The second blank requires a word that goes with the idea of increasing or improving, enhancing is a perfect fit.

So we can conclude that the correct option is C as the other two words stimulate (encourage or increase activity) and prosthesis (artificially created or modified body part) match for the respective blanks.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 5

Read the following statements and answer the question that follows: 

1. They subjected the residues from sherds of the rhyta- vessels to radiocarbon dating to determine their ages and chromatography -mass spectrometry (GC-MS) - to identify their structure and isotopic composition and found that the vessels were used to store cheese. 

2. In many Neolithic sites near the Adriatic Sea, researchers unearthed cone-shaped clay vessels, known as rhyta, with four legs on the bottom and a round opening on the side. 

3. Fresh milk couldn’t be kept for long without going bad; cheese, on the other hand, could be stored for months at a time, providing much-needed calories to early farmers between harvests. 

4. Archaeologists who used to assume animals such as cows and goats were mainly used for meat early in their domestication history are thus forced to admit that humans might have been using animals for dairy quite early in their domestication history. 

5. “If you kill one cow, you eat meat for about a week until it goes off; but by milking the animals, the farmer would be spreading the food gain from that animal over several months rather than just one week” 

Rank the above five statements so as to make it a logical sequence:

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 5
2 introduces us to an archaeological discovery of clay vessels. 1 takes it forward by telling about the studies carried out on the finds which conclude that the vessels were used to store cheese. 3 explains why cheese was stored instead of milk. At the same time, 5 elaborates why cows were domesticated for milk rather than for meat. 4 states the changes in views of several archaeologists as a result of the discovery.

Hence the correct order of the sentences is 21354.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 6

Read the following statements and answer the question that follows: 

1. An in-depth exploration of the Indian case and case studies of early adopters of mobile technology will provide spectrum managers a pragmatic and modern approach whereby they could utilize their resources efficiently and optimally. 

2. Even as spectrum management regimes are moving from a command and control regime to a flexible use regime, new technological developments are suggesting that there are significant opportunities in managing large swathes of spectrum as a common property resource, in addition to flexible use. 

3. Political legacies and market realities in different regimes pose unique challenges for spectrum managers who must negotiate a tricky path to the land promised by technological possibility. 

4. On the other hand, supply of spectrum is restricted due to the competing nature of uses and vested interests of incumbent holders. 

5. The demand for spectrum has never been so acute as today's communication services extend beyond simple voice to complex data and video, augmented by evolving technologies such as peer-to-peer sharing, social networking, Fourth and Fifth Generation networks, Big Data, and cloud computing.

Rank the above five statements so as to make it a logical sequence:

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 6
2 is introducing a scenario where, despite a shift in the regime of spectrum management, new technological developments are suggesting that there are significant opportunities in managing large swathes of the spectrum as a common property resource. 5 elaborates the opportunities mentioned earlier. 4 presents a potential problem to 5 due to the supply of spectrum being restricted. 3 elaborates the problem mentioned in 4. 1 provides a solution to the presented problem.

Hence the correct order of the sentences is 25431.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 7

Read the poem given below and answer the question that follows it: 

Black lake, black boat, two black, cut-paper people.

Where do the black trees go that drink here?

Their shadows must cover Canada.

A little light is filtering from the water flowers. 

Their leaves do not wish us to hurry: 

They are round and flat and full of dark advice.

Cold words shake from the oar.

The spirit of blackness is in us, it is in the fishes.

A snag is lifting a valedictory, pale hand; Stars opening among the lilies.

Are you not blinded by such expressionless sirens?

This is the silence of abandoned souls.

Q. Which of the following options best explains the effect of the images in Line 1?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 7
The speaker tersely describes an ominous setting: "Black lake, black boat, two black, cut-paper people."

Though this line describes the setting of the poem, it does not convey the theme, nor does it imply an overpowering sense of rebellion or cyclical nature of life and death.

While it does suggest evil as a whole, each element of the first line conveys a distinct image.

Such an essence is conveyed only in option D.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 8

Read the poem given below and answer the question that follows it: 

Black lake, black boat, two black, cut-paper people.

Where do the black trees go that drink here?

Their shadows must cover Canada.

A little light is filtering from the water flowers. 

Their leaves do not wish us to hurry: 

They are round and flat and full of dark advice.

Cold words shake from the oar.

The spirit of blackness is in us, it is in the fishes.

A snag is lifting a valedictory, pale hand; Stars opening among the lilies.

Are you not blinded by such expressionless sirens?

This is the silence of abandoned souls.

Q. Which of the following options presents a convincing evaluation of the line, ‘Stars opening among the lilies’?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 8
So far, the poem was conveying the image of engulfing blackness; suddenly, the speaker notices, "Stars open among the lilies".

The light that now appears along with the newly formed visible "lilies" stuns the speaker as it is not held back by the darkness around, but rather it blossoms hope.

In option C, this evaluation is well expressed.

Therefore, the correct answer is C.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 9

Go through the following: 

1. Mood disorders do not lead to creativity 

2. The flexibility of creative occupations makes them more appealing to people with mood disorder 

3. Mood swings in creative professions is less prevalent than in non-creative professions 

Which of the following would undermine the passage’s main argument?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 9

The idea conveyed in the passage is that while people with mood swings generally do better in creative profiles as compared to nine to five jobs, hence there is the possibility of mood swings being more prevalent in creative jobs as compared to other ones.

There is no direct indication of mood swings leading to increased creativity (1) or the flexibility factor of creative jobs making it more appealing for the more creative people (2).

However, if mood swings in creative professions are less prevalent than in non-creative occupations (3), then it would undermine the idea of the passage.

Hence C is the only option that contradicts the passage's main argument.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 10

All of the following can be inferred from the passage except:

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 10

According to the passage, people with mood disorders do better in creative jobs as compared to nine to five jobs.

Options A, C, D&E all agree to this idea.

However, there is no evidence showing that within creative jobs people with mood disorders are more creative than those without.

Hence the correct option is B.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 11

Which of the following will make the authors contention in the passage fallacious?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 11

The author is trying to assert the idea that people who suffer from mood disorders may gravitate towards creative professions.

Option A goes with this idea.

Option C may seem like the right choice, but the author does not believe that all creative people are bound to end up with mental health issues.

Option D is the direct contrast of Option C and goes somewhat in line with the author's ideas.

In option E, if creativity is a form of bipolar disorder, then it does not go against the author's beliefs.

But if patients in mental asylums prefer time-bound repetitive jobs, then the author's contention would be rendered fallacious because time-bound repetitive tasks are considered mundane and uncreative.

Hence the correct option is B.



Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 12

Which of the following statements if true, is contrary to the ideas developed in the passage?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 12

Throughout the passage, the underlying idea is that women are forced to adapt to masculine traits to gain public acceptance.

Here we are looking for an option in which the idea that women do not have to follow masculine traits or even better, men have to adapt characteristics of women to gain acceptance.

If the male followers of powerful women political leaders in India imitate their leaders' (women politicians') traits, then the whole idea of the passage is invalid.

Hence the option we are looking for is E.



Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 13

An American female politician might not be expected to exhibit the features of public discourse discussed in the passage while ______.

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 13

An American female politician is expected to exhibit features of public discourse while talking publicly or in a professional capacity.

However, she doesn't have to maintain this charade in private. So we are looking for an option in which the public is not watching her or hearing her interaction.

Chatting with an intimate colleague is a private event, and hence, she can be herself.

Therefore, the correct choice is B.



Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 14

Which one of the following, if true, would make the core argument of the passage irrelevant?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 14

In the passage, it is discussed that women face a challenge in today's world as the expected standards are all set to masculine values.

So if sharing of emotions and elaboration, both considered as feminine traits, is more important than sharing information and being brief, which are considered masculine traits, then the core argument of the passage that women are having trouble getting the world to accept their qualities as a standard would be irrelevant.

Therefore the option we are looking for is E.



Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 15

A young man visits a critically acclaimed modern art exhibition in his city and finds that he doesn’t like any of the exhibits. If he were to share his experience with the author of the passage, which of the following is most likely to be the author’s response?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 15

The author is of the view that the reason viewers are unable to appreciate art is because of their arrogance which makes them unworthy or inadequate of the art. The author has a condescension towards the people who are unable to appreciate art.

Of the options, in D&E, the idea is being supportive of the views of the young man. Whereas, in A&C, the tone is that of insult.

Only in B, we can find a tone of condescension.

Hence, the choice that most reflects this view of the author Option B.



Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 16

What according to the passage is the prerequisite to appreciate art?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 16

In the passage, the author mentions "Our poor art-lover in his aesthetic laboratory has not succeeded in freeing himself from the protection of assumption".

From this, it is clear that in order to truly appreciate art, one must be free of assumptions and should be open-minded.

Hence the correct option is B.



Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 17

When the writer observes, ‘This is not arrogance; of course, they can absorb in a few moments, and without any effort, the sum of the artist and the art’, he is being _____.

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 17

The author is criticising the audience for their arrogance, so when he says "This is not arrogance; of course, they can absorb in a few moments, and without any effort, the sum of the artist and the art" he is clearly being sarcastic.

Hence the correct answer is B.



Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 18

Which of the options below is false according to the passage?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 18

From the passage, we understand that "Another response to something extraordinary in another person can be envied, with all its downsides". However, Option C suggests that an extraordinary stimuli will definitely rid us of all evil; this is false.

We have to keep in mind that we cannot make assumptions unless asked in the question.

Hence, we have to select an option such that the passage can justify the fallacy of the idea.

Therefore the correct answer is C.



Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 19

Which of the options will complete the statement given below meaningfully and appropriately, according to the passage?

Disgust is not a self-transcending emotion because it ________.

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 19

Transcend is the exhilarating experience of something beyond normal or rather an experience of something higher.

Disgust is not the antonym of elevation, and neither does it spring from love.

There is no indication in the passage that disgust invokes nature, nor does it mention anything about a moment when self-reign prevails. While these characteristics of disgust may be true, we have to select an answer based on the passage.

Disgust is a negative emotion that creates the feeling of separation and the same is given in the passage.

So the correct answer is D.



Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 20

Which of the options below correctly identifies the function of elevation?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 20

From the passage, we get the phrase "Elevation is part of a family of self-transcending emotions", transcending is the experience of something beyond natural or physical. The closest we have to this definition is Option E.



Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 21

Which of the statements below is least fallacious?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 21
Let's examine each option.

A. Cheating in an examination is wrong not because God will punish us, rather because cheating is morally wrong and is so with or without the fear of punishment.

B. Mitigating risks may or may not come with a cost and the use of the word "often" keeps this sentence from being fallacious.

C. The snake may like milk irrespective of what the devotees offer.

D. A government which is liable to listen to the people cannot discriminate on the basis of educational qualification of the people.

E. Marlon Brando was a great actor irrespective of his fan following.

Hence the answer that is least fallacious is B.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 22

Which option does not reflect the relationship implicit in ‘Emendation : Editor’?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 22
Emendation is the process of correcting a judgement, which is an action performed by a judge.

In Option D we have illumination (to illuminate or light up) and Usher (a person who directs people to their designated seats at a wedding or in a cinema), the two words don't establish a relationship like the one in the example while all the other options do.

Hence the correct answer is D.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 23

Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows: 

Empirical observation told us years ago that goats were slowly becoming the new dog, and according to a new study, they are truly qualified to be man’s best friend. The Royal Society released heart-warming research showing that just like humans, goats have no desire to interact with people who come off as angry or upset, and that they’re much more attracted to those with big smiles plastered across their faces. When 12 males and 8 females were released into a pen decorated with images of happy and angry humans, the scientists learned that goats can “distinguish between happy and angry images of the same person,” and in general, they prefer their humans to be happy.

Q. Which of the following statements is definitely true according to the passage?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 23
Let's consider two instances from the passage, "they’re much more attracted to those with big smiles plastered across their faces" & "they prefer their humans to be happy".

We can infer from these that goats become happy when they are looking at a smiling person because naturally, they will be happy to see something they are attracted to.

Hence A is definitely true. But similar reactions based on emotions or situations cannot be clearly determined from the given passage.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 24

Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows: 

An accurate measure of drug efficacy would require comparing the response of patients taking it with that of patients taking placebos; the drug effect could then be calculated by subtracting the placebo response from the overall response, much as a deli counter worker subtracts the weight of the container to determine how much lobster salad you’re getting. In the last half of the 1950s, this calculus gave rise to a new way to evaluate drugs: the double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, in which neither patient nor clinician knew who was getting the active drug and who the placebo.

Q. Which of the options is a wrong answer to this Question How does a double-blind ensure a better trial of a new drug?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 24
From the passage, it is clear the that double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial is unbiased, gives no chance for the clinician to choose patients nor does the patient know if he is getting the drug or the placebo and moreover it reflects the calculus exemplified by the deli-counter episode. In no way does this trial increase the overall efficiency of the drug. So the correct answer is A.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 25

Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows: 

Alligators are freshwater reptiles. However, people have come face to face with them in mud in a salt marsh in Georgia. Finding alligators in the salt marsh is not a mystery or a miracle. At least 23 species of predator have been spotted living in surprising habitats. Predators such as alligators, otters, mountain lions, wolves and raptors are thriving in places they shouldn't, revealing some serious misunderstandings about their behaviour and how to protect them. Scientific literature divulges that these creatures are actually returning to places they once occupied. It gives us astonishing insights into the lives of animals and helps conservationists improve the old stomping grounds of these creatures.

Q. Which of the following statements provides the most plausible explanation of the predators' behaviour?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 25
From the sentence "Scientific literature divulges that these creatures are actually returning to places they once occupied " it is understood that predators have a memory of their stomping grounds.

Hence the answer is D.

Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 26

Study the text given below and answer the question that follows it: 

Dense, dirty air laced with grease best describes the atmosphere of most Lagos streets. Drive from one corner of this great west African city to another and in no time you will find surfaces lightly dusted, like a soft sprinkling of icing on cakes. Under the half moons of fingernails, thick grime settles. It’s a scene taken as typically African: polluted, bedraggled, unhealthy. This has only ever been made possible by the exploitation of Africa’s people. This week five west African countries, Nigeria included, announced plans to end the practice of European oil companies and traders exporting “African quality” diesel. “Dirty fuel” has earned the name because it is an imported diesel with sulphur levels as high as 3,000 parts per million when the European maximum is 10 ppm. To be clear, “African quality” fuel is fuel not fit for European humans.

Q. Which of the options is not necessarily the underlying assumption of the author in the paragraph above?

Detailed Solution for Verbal For XAT 2019 - Question 26
While all the other ideas are expressed in the passage, there is no mention of Europeans using racism to justify their exploitation.

Hence the correct answer is C.

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