Black cotton soil of the Deccan region is associated with ______ rocks.
One-tenth of the total salt produced in India comes from ______.
Resources which are surveyed for their quality and quantity have been determined for utilization are called ______.
In areas getting more than 200cms of annual rainfall, which type of soil is found?
Arches, stacks and caves are formed by erosional features of______.
Resources that are found everywhere are called ______.
Which one of the following soils found in India is the most useful for agriculture?
The major source of mineral in the soil is the
Utilizing land for a variety of purposes is known as ______.
Which of the following countries is known as the 'Land of the Midnight Sun'?
Planting of trees on a large scale to check soil erosion is known as ______.
The name laterite is derived from the word.
The lower horizon of desert soil has deposits of ______.
Which is the most fertile soil among the following?
Natural resources are resources?
Laterite soil is formed in the regions where ______.
Which of the following can be used to correct acidic soil?
The most fertile soil of India is
Calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, potash and lime are rich in
Biotic resources are those obtained from the