The average number of key comparisons required for a successful search for sequential search on items is
The recurrence relation that arises in relation with the complexity of binary search is:
The average case occurs in the Linear Search Algorithm when:
Suppose there are 11 items in sorted order in an array. How many searches are required on the average, if binary search is employed and all searches are successful in finding the item?
Which of the following statements is true for Branch - and - Bound search?
Number of comparisons required for an unsuccessful search of an element in a sequential search, organized, fixed length, symbol table of length L is
The time taken by binary search algorithm to search a key in a sorted array of n elements is
Suppose we are sorting an array of eight integers using quicksort, and we have just finished the first partitioning with the array looking like this:
2 5 1 7 9 12 11 10
Which statement is correct?
What is the best time complexity of bubble sort?
Suppose we are sorting an array of eight integers using heapsort, and we have just finished some heapify (either maxheapify or minheapify) operations. The array now looks like this: 16 14 15 10 12 27 28 How many heapify operations have been performed on root of heap?
In a modified merge sort, the input array is splitted at a position one-third of the length(N) of the array. Which of the following is the tightest upper bound on time complexity of this modified Merge Sort.
You have to sort 1 GB of data with only 100 MB of available main memory. Which sorting technique will be most appropriate?
Which sorting algorithm will take least time when all elements of input array are identical? Consider typical implementations of sorting algorithms.
An advantage of chained hash table (external hashing) over the open addressing scheme is
A hash function h defined h(key)=key mod 7, with linear probing, is used to insert the keys 44, 45, 79, 55, 91, 18, 63 into a table indexed from 0 to 6. What will be the location of key 18?
The characters of the string K R P C S N Y T J M are inserted into a hash table of size 10 using hash function
h(x) = ((ord(x) - ord(A) + 1)) mod 10
If linear probing is used to resolve collisions, then the following insertion causes collision
Insert the characters of the string K R P C S N Y T J M into a hash table of size 10. Use the hash function
h(x) = ( ord(x) – ord("a") + 1 ) mod10
If linear probing is used to resolve collisions, then the following insertion causes collision
Consider a 13 element hash table for which f(key)=key mod 13 is used with integer keys. Assuming linear probing is used for collision resolution, at which location would the key 103 be inserted, if the keys 661, 182, 24 and 103 are inserted in that order?
What will be the cipher text produced by the following cipher function for the plain text ISRO with key k =7. [Consider 'A' = 0, 'B' = 1, .......'Z' = 25]. Ck(M) = (kM + 13) mod 26
A hash function h defined h(key)=key mod 7, with linear probing, is used to insert the keys 44, 45, 79, 55, 91, 18, 63 into a table indexed from 0 to 6. What will be the location of key 18 ?