Directions: In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A) : The positive aspect of a large population is huge human resources.
Reason (R) : The negative aspect of a large population is limited food and resources.
Directions: In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): People who are an asset for the economy turn into a liability.
Reason (R): Unemployment has a detrimental impact on the overall growth of an economy.
Directions: In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A) : Educated society has direct and indirect advantages.
Reason (R) : Educated and healthier people gain higher incomes.
Directions: In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): Education helps individuals to make better use of the economic opportunities available before them.
Reason (R): Education and skill are the major determinants of the earning of any individual in the market.
Directions: In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A) : Investment in human resources leads to a low rate of return.
Reason (R) : Human resource is a never-ending resource.
Directions: In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A) : Small plots of lands are cultivated by medium and large farmers . On the other hand, more than half the area of the village is covered by plots that are quite large in size, cultivated by the small farmers
Reason (R) : Small farmers along with their families cultivate their own fields. Thus, they provide the labour required for farming themselves
Directions: In the questions given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option.
Assertion (A): Education adds to the quality of labour
Reason (R): Education enhances the total productivity and total productivity adds to the growth of the economy.
Read the text given below and answer the following questions:
There were two friends Ram and Raj living in the village. Raj’s mother looked after domestic chores. His father worked in an agricultural field. He helped his mother with domestic chores. He also looked after his younger brother and sister. His uncle had passed the matriculation examination, but was sitting idle in the house as he had no job. Raj’s mother and father were eager to teach Raj. They forced him to join the village school which he soon joined. He started studying and completed his higher secondary examination. His father persuaded him to continue his studies. He raised a loan for him to study a vocational course in computers. Raj was interested in studies from the beginning. With great enthusiasm he completed his course. After some time, he got a job in a private firm. He even designed a new kind of software. This software helped him increase the sale of the firm. His boss acknowledged his services and rewarded him with a promotion.
Ram was residing in the same village as Raj. Ram’s father was a fisherman. His father was no more and his mother sold fish to earn money to feed the family. She bought fish from the landowner’s pond and sold it in the nearby mandi. She could earn only ` 150 a day by selling fish. Ram became a patient of cancer. His mother could not afford to take him to the doctor. He could not go to school either. He was not interested in studies. He helped his mother in cooking and also looked after his younger brother. After some time, his mother fell sick and there was no one to look after her. There was no one in the family to support them.
Q. Ram’s mother was engaged in which of the following activity:
Read the text given below and answer the following questions:
There were two friends Ram and Raj living in the village. Raj’s mother looked after domestic chores. His father worked in an agricultural field. He helped his mother with domestic chores. He also looked after his younger brother and sister. His uncle had passed the matriculation examination, but was sitting idle in the house as he had no job. Raj’s mother and father were eager to teach Raj. They forced him to join the village school which he soon joined. He started studying and completed his higher secondary examination. His father persuaded him to continue his studies. He raised a loan for him to study a vocational course in computers. Raj was interested in studies from the beginning. With great enthusiasm he completed his course. After some time, he got a job in a private firm. He even designed a new kind of software. This software helped him increase the sale of the firm. His boss acknowledged his services and rewarded him with a promotion.
Ram was residing in the same village as Raj. Ram’s father was a fisherman. His father was no more and his mother sold fish to earn money to feed the family. She bought fish from the landowner’s pond and sold it in the nearby mandi. She could earn only ` 150 a day by selling fish. Ram became a patient of cancer. His mother could not afford to take him to the doctor. He could not go to school either. He was not interested in studies. He helped his mother in cooking and also looked after his younger brother. After some time, his mother fell sick and there was no one to look after her. There was no one in the family to support them.
Q. Raj’s mother looked after domestic chores. She was involved in which of the following activities ?
Read the text given below and answer the following questions:
There were two friends Ram and Raj living in the village. Raj’s mother looked after domestic chores. His father worked in an agricultural field. He helped his mother with domestic chores. He also looked after his younger brother and sister. His uncle had passed the matriculation examination, but was sitting idle in the house as he had no job. Raj’s mother and father were eager to teach Raj. They forced him to join the village school which he soon joined. He started studying and completed his higher secondary examination. His father persuaded him to continue his studies. He raised a loan for him to study a vocational course in computers. Raj was interested in studies from the beginning. With great enthusiasm he completed his course. After some time, he got a job in a private firm. He even designed a new kind of software. This software helped him increase the sale of the firm. His boss acknowledged his services and rewarded him with a promotion.
Ram was residing in the same village as Raj. Ram’s father was a fisherman. His father was no more and his mother sold fish to earn money to feed the family. She bought fish from the landowner’s pond and sold it in the nearby mandi. She could earn only ` 150 a day by selling fish. Ram became a patient of cancer. His mother could not afford to take him to the doctor. He could not go to school either. He was not interested in studies. He helped his mother in cooking and also looked after his younger brother. After some time, his mother fell sick and there was no one to look after her. There was no one in the family to support them.
Q. Investment in human resource can give:
Read the text given below and answer the following questions:
There were two friends Ram and Raj living in the village. Raj’s mother looked after domestic chores. His father worked in an agricultural field. He helped his mother with domestic chores. He also looked after his younger brother and sister. His uncle had passed the matriculation examination, but was sitting idle in the house as he had no job. Raj’s mother and father were eager to teach Raj. They forced him to join the village school which he soon joined. He started studying and completed his higher secondary examination. His father persuaded him to continue his studies. He raised a loan for him to study a vocational course in computers. Raj was interested in studies from the beginning. With great enthusiasm he completed his course. After some time, he got a job in a private firm. He even designed a new kind of software. This software helped him increase the sale of the firm. His boss acknowledged his services and rewarded him with a promotion.
Ram was residing in the same village as Raj. Ram’s father was a fisherman. His father was no more and his mother sold fish to earn money to feed the family. She bought fish from the landowner’s pond and sold it in the nearby mandi. She could earn only ` 150 a day by selling fish. Ram became a patient of cancer. His mother could not afford to take him to the doctor. He could not go to school either. He was not interested in studies. He helped his mother in cooking and also looked after his younger brother. After some time, his mother fell sick and there was no one to look after her. There was no one in the family to support them.
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option:
Q. Raj’s education in the initial years of his life bore him the fruits in the later years in terms of a good job and salary. ______________ was an important input for the growth of Raj.
Read the text given below and answer the following questions:
In the case of India, we have unemployment in rural and urban areas. However, the nature of unemployment differs in rural and urban areas. In the case of rural areas, there is seasonal and disguised unemployment. Urban areas have mostly educated unemployment. Many youths with matriculation, graduation and post-graduation degrees are not able to find jobs. A study showed that unemployment of graduates and post-graduate has increased faster than among matriculates. Unemployment has a detrimental impact on the overall growth of an economy. Increase in unemployment is an indicator of a depressed economy. In the case of India, statistically, the unemployment rate is low.
Q. Increase in unemployment is an indicator of a ___________economy.
Read the text given below and answer the following questions:
In the case of India, we have unemployment in rural and urban areas. However, the nature of unemployment differs in rural and urban areas. In the case of rural areas, there is seasonal and disguised unemployment. Urban areas have mostly educated unemployment. Many youths with matriculation, graduation and post-graduation degrees are not able to find jobs. A study showed that unemployment of graduates and post-graduate has increased faster than among matriculates. Unemployment has a detrimental impact on the overall growth of an economy. Increase in unemployment is an indicator of a depressed economy. In the case of India, statistically, the unemployment rate is low.
Q. Which is the most labour absorbing sector of the economy?
Read the text given below and answer the following questions:
In the case of India, we have unemployment in rural and urban areas. However, the nature of unemployment differs in rural and urban areas. In the case of rural areas, there is seasonal and disguised unemployment. Urban areas have mostly educated unemployment. Many youths with matriculation, graduation and post-graduation degrees are not able to find jobs. A study showed that unemployment of graduates and post-graduate has increased faster than among matriculates. Unemployment has a detrimental impact on the overall growth of an economy. Increase in unemployment is an indicator of a depressed economy. In the case of India, statistically, the unemployment rate is low.
Q. Urban areas have mostly which type of unemployment?
Read the text given below and answer the following questions:
In the case of India, we have unemployment in rural and urban areas. However, the nature of unemployment differs in rural and urban areas. In the case of rural areas, there is seasonal and disguised unemployment. Urban areas have mostly educated unemployment. Many youths with matriculation, graduation and post-graduation degrees are not able to find jobs. A study showed that unemployment of graduates and post-graduate has increased faster than among matriculates. Unemployment has a detrimental impact on the overall growth of an economy. Increase in unemployment is an indicator of a depressed economy. In the case of India, statistically, the unemployment rate is low.
Q. In the case of India, statistically, the unemployment rate is ___________.